k9-mail - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi ,
Iam feduped with k9 mail for yahoo push mail setup ,its always says "couldn't finish setup" , i did manually & auto .
Any help pls

yahoo uses apple's XAPPLEPUSHSERVICE instead of the standard IDLE to give push notifications to your phone. this uses SMS messages to notify and is not supported by k9.
as far as the error, continue past it, then go to "Account settings > Sending mail > Outgoing server" and hit "Next" and you should be able to send mail. i've seen this issue in both yahoo and hotmail SMTP servers, but not the several others i have for testing.


Multiple Email accounts with Exchange Server, Why Blackberry?

I've used BBC on My HTC TP2 for over a month and then WM Exchane sync with a gmail account also.
Although BBC provides a good option for push email, but it fails to provide
1. HTML mails
2. Links don't work within emails
3. In India with Vodafone in Delhi, HTC devices cannot have more than 3 email accounts.
4. You need to have multiple APN's at least 2, One for BBC, other for routine net surf.
5. With device like HTC TP2, HD2 etc without a D pad, next/ previous mail function annoying, close current email & then click next one to open
However I find WM Pushmail exchange better.
1. HTML mails
2. External links do work
3. PC type email interface
4. With devices w/o Dpad also, swipe across the screen changes to next email.
5. With a bit of work around you can have multiple emails on Exchange sync, with gmail, working as push mail
Create a new gmail account. In WM Activesync (disconnect from pc), in server settings create new exchange a/c with
Server address : m.google.com
u/name: [email protected]
password: your p/w
in Server setting choose only emails to sync.
You are done with creating exchange account to sync.
Now go to Schedule in Active sync
Set peak times as : As items arrive
Set Off-peak times as : As items arrive/ as per your choice
on bottom of this page Adjust peak times option is there, in which you may customize your peak hours.
Now on your PC login in your gmail account
Enter settings of gmail account
For the email accounts with pop/ smtp options available
go to Accounts and Import, here you can add accounts to
Check mail using POP3 option, select the desirable setting
For the email accounts without pop/ smtp options
go settings of that email, set forwarding to your this gmail id
Next step is to differentiate emails form different accounts say 5 accounts.
In gmail creat 5 labels indicating import/ forwarded email accounts name such as dinesh gm, dinesh yahoo etc.
Next in Gmail filter options create filter/ rule for each imported account
Matches: to[email protected])
Do this: Skip Inbox, Apply label "XXXX GM", Never send it to SpamCheck
Creat rule for all 5 accounts
In Gmail activate Multiple Inbox
Set pane 0 to Search Query as the label created " XXXX GM"
and same for rest of email accounts with respective labels.
Now Gmail stores all incoming msgs from different account with different labels, treated as folders by WM Exchange servers.
On your WM PPC go to Inbox of email exchange account created.
Click Menu> Tools > Manage Folders
(Sync at least once before this step)
You'll see all created labels for various email accounts on your PC in gmail account as separate folders in Manage Folder option. Check all the folders you want to sync
And VOILA you have multiple emails synced as PUSH mails to your WM device with any special Blackberry Connect service, no PINS etc.
Additionally it works on Normal GPRS/ EDGE connection delivering HTML emails
Any people say Windows Mobile or Phone now-a-days are waste of money. No they are the most customizable piece of design available.
Will you be notified of new messages?
I am forced to use Blackberry with my work because they don't let me have email on the exchange server. Blackberry is crap for many other reasons too....
ajhvdb said:
Will you be notified of new messages?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
yes all notifications are same which can be configured in the Start. sounds & notifications option in WM6.5
Interesting. Could u please explain step by step how to make it work on Rhodium? TIA
I have this but....
Mails will be duplicated between your Inbox and the 'labeled box'.
Beware, when you are replying a mail, you are always use your gmail adress and not the one from the 'labeled box'

yahoo mail

so i have a rooted rogers x10a with firmware 026 on it. i cant manage to set up my yahoo.ca mail account in the mail settings. any help is appreciated...
No need root to setup yahoo mail. Use manual setup, incoming pop.mail.yahoo.com and outgoing smtp.mail.yahoo.com
or if you use k9 mail droid you can use IMAP with yahoo.
username = full email address
server = android.imap.mail.yahoo.com
security type = ssl
You need to be premium Yahoo mail user to have access to POP and SMTP. Regular (free) accounts do not get this anymore
leobg said:
You need to be premium Yahoo mail user to have access to POP and SMTP. Regular (free) accounts do not get this anymore
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'm not a premium user but I can pull my email from yahoo.
I use the setting for incoming and outgoing that gpmg762 tell, and it worked fine.
waiting for Android 2.1 update, and then we'll get the Yahoo application that will enable push mail for Yahoo applications.. (hopefully for free. )
i was never able to yahoo mail to work.it only works on my iphone (not a premium user)
I use K9 for yahoo mail
i'm a Yahoo mail Plus subscriber (pretty cheap) and I'm modified the region in my yahoo account to be in Asia
=> IMAP works and even with a wifi connection
(I'm not rooted yet, probably soon)
imap works for me fine as I mentioned above and i've not changed my yahoo settings or subscribed to yahoo plus. Not sure about over wifi though.
You don't need to be premium Yahoo mail user to have access to POP and SMTP.
Hikaru Kaze above also use it like I do.
Regular accounts have POP and SMTP, you just need to enable it from your Yahoo account.
Goto option, pop & forwarding and select allow your Yahoo! Mail to be POPed. Remember to save changes.
Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - pop.mail.yahoo.com (port 110)
Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) - smtp.mail.yahoo.com (port 25)
Phantasm4489 said:
or if you use k9 mail droid you can use IMAP with yahoo.
username = full email address
server = android.imap.mail.yahoo.com
security type = ssl
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
yahoo didn't let me activate POP (premium accunt required it says...)
but this imap settings worked,
so thank you very much
PS: curiously enough, after manually setting IMAP for incoming mail, the phone asked for "outgoing SMTP", so I just added the smtp server as described, and it's all OK
hahahah get the damn yahoo app and call it a day?
djsikhbeatsz said:
hahahah get the damn yahoo app and call it a day?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I hope you are at work, and the brain turned off......
wtf was this ?
intention ?

[Q] IMAP E-Mail Issue

I setup my email account using IMAP. After getting my initial mail, the amount of messages I have in the Inbox stays the same, even after I delete them. Just for clarification, It says "4" (in the green circle) next to Inbox even though it's empty. It also says "4 new emails" on the screen-lock page. I tried deleting and recreating the account, but it stays the same.
I originally ran this account as POP3 (with "never delete from server" selected), but when my phone received a message, it would stop it from showing up on my computer's email client. It didn't just happen when I deleted the message on the phone.. the phone seemed to be taking it from the server.
I'd rather run the account as POP3, but I'd be happy with either if they worked properly. The only reason I have it setup in IMAP is because it allows me to receive the same message on my phone and computer.
Any suggestions on how to fix this?

Email app problem: msg not shown in sent box

I am having problem with my Mail app. Whenever I send emails out the messages were supposed to be copied to the sent box, but they do not show up, even though they were indeed there. I need to use another mail program or another computer or my phone to see them
This is happening to both of the imap email accounts that I have, so it is a problem of the app, and not the smtp servers.
Same here ... Didn't found solution yet ...

[Q] Can K-9 be set to delete messages on the server after X days?

I have one email account that I check via POP with MS Outlook. I set it so that mail is left on the server and deleted after it is older than X days.
I use K-9 to read mail via POP for another account on my phone. I set K-9 to only keep last 100 messages and was under impression that everything older will be erased from the server automatically.
Today I found out it doesn't work like that - my mailbox on the server got full - messages were never deleted.
Can K-9 be set up similar to Outlook in that respect? I found multiple options like "Delete on a server if you delete message locally" but I don't want to delete anything locally by hand - this email is used only to receive status reports from automated jobs and I receive too many messages every day to delete them manually. I don't mind switching from POP to IMAP if this would help.

