[REQ] 3G Data Bandwidth Limiter - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I'm looking for something to set a Kb/s or Mb/s bandwidth limit on my HTC Desire... Similar to how NetLimiter works for Windows. There are tons of apps out there that track and/or limit the total amount of data transferred, but I haven't found any that can restrict the actual data transfer speed.
It doesn't have to be too fancy or complicated; all it needs is an option to set a system-wide bandwidth limit (like 20Kb/s for example) and it would be nice to have a way to toggle it on/off (preferably by widget or ongoing notification).
If nothing like this exists currently and somebody manages to make an app to fill to void, I'd say a donation is definitely in order.
So, does anybody know of an app that would do this? Or would someone be willing/able to write one...? I don't know nearly enough about Java to do it myself.

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Thanks lufc, and my apologies.. I wasn't sure where to post this, but I saw a couple other posts of a similar type in that forum, so I thought it was the right place.


[Q] Searching for a proper bike companion app

Hey all,
I am planning to do a lot of mountainbiking after this winter. Therefore, I want to have some sort of companion app which can run on my Galaxy S II while it's in a mount on my handlebar.
The last few days I've been searching for such app which meets these requirements:
Overview with map and speed/distance related information
Current speed, avg. speed, trip distance, total distance...
So, essentially, I want a single-screen, hands free, reference app, which displays my current position on a Google Map / Satellite overview (preferably the latter) and an overlay or a dedicated part of the screen with information mentioned in the second point here above...
For your reference I created a quick mash-up to make it more clear what I am looking for:
http:/ / dl.dropbox.com/ u/ 7263747/ MTBmashup.jpg
Sorry for the spaces but as a new user I am not able to post images or links yet...
If anyone is aware of something similar, please let me know!
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Help with video editing

Anyone knows an Andorid app that can put small 2nd video on top of the main video, like in time 0:57 in this video ?
anyone can help ?
I could be wrong but I don't think there's an Android app that has the functionality you're looking for. You're probably better off importing the clips you want onto your computer and using a more advanced editor that supports multiple tracks.
Can you reccomend a software that can do that ?
Are you on Windows or Mac?
For Windows, the most basic is Windows Movie Maker, but I haven't worked with that in years and I doubt it has multiple track support. (You might want to give it a shot anyways since it's a free download.) You'll probably want to check out Adobe Premiere. It might seem a bit complicated at first but it's very powerful and you can do pretty much anything you want in it.
If you're on Mac, I think iMovie would do the job just fine. If not, Premiere can also run on a Mac and of course there's Final Cut.
Hope this helps!
I use camtasia for simple projects and Sony Vegas for more advanced editing.
Very true, camtasia is a really application for desktop and simple video editing. I use it for creating tutorials.
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[Q] New mass texting app w/ keyword function

I've posted this question on a few other forums over the weekend and came up with nothing. Thought I'd branch out even more and found this forum. I've searched this forum and the wiki and google for far too long to just find out if it is possible and if so how hard it would be.
I'm on a youtube channel trying to follow a 200 lesson series on Android development when all I want to know first is if my app idea is possible. I want to make an app for mass texting to a small group probably under 100 people at any given time. I don't need any of that short code stuff, actually I'd like to use my GV# since that's a free long code. Right now what I do is I use GV & the Gmail workaround (if you don't know what that is you can ask me or google it) but it is a long and tedious process due to the fluctuation of subscribers. I need the keywords capability too, which GV does not provide which led me to think about making an app. I would also like to have people added to the list automatically via keyword. I will be sending out 10-20 or so bursts a month from my AT&T Samsung Galaxy S II. I'm obviously getting pretty desperate... any help, questions, or advice?

[Q] How to ensure that a networking thread gets treated as high priority.

We have a Service with some threads dedicated to network communication. It's heartbeat-type traffic - a quick request-response a couple of times a second with small amounts of data. The problem is that a thread sometimes just stops being run for 20 or more seconds when a network request is made (that's based on calling System.currentTimeMillis() at the start and finish of the network request, and I know from measurements on the server side that the request was completed in a fraction of a second).
The advice out there suggests setting thread priorities using the Android-specific API and/or the pure Java API. It also suggests poking the service into the foreground with notifications, because Android favours foreground processes. I've tried the thread priorities, doesn't work. I'm currently trying the foreground notification trick, I don't know yet if it solves the problem.
Even if any of those techniques happen to work, it stil seems brittle - the kind of thing that could stop working with a hardware change or operating system upgrade. Is there any way of telling Android that a given thread is important enough to get attention a few times a second, and to have it treated as a requirement and not as a suggestion?
This isn't a general release application that needs to be a good citizen and let other apps have their turn: we're running it on a tablet that's dedicated just to running this application, and that we can modify in any way that's required to support the application.
Have you come across this problem before? What do you suggest?

Newbie app development help.

Hello guys, this is my first post here in the forum and i'm looking for a very specific answer, hope you can help me.
So I had this idea for an app that could really optimize the way people work here @ my workplace, but the thing is: i know nothing about programming and development
The question is: how hard would it be/how long would it take for a complete newbie to develop this app? (description below).
It consists basically in a scheduler & task assignment app. It must be able to:
Register two kinds off app users: workers/schedulers (WS) and schedulers only (SO).
Create WS subgroups (something like tags or flags so tasks can be assigned to a specific subgroup of WS').
Allow WS to create their own daily schedule and share it with all schedulers.
Allow SO to have access to all WS' schedules and fill them remotely.
Allow SO to auto-assign tasks to the nearest availabe WS of an specific subgroup.
Allow both WS and SO to see wich tasks were assigned by each one.
This is the main idea, of course there are some minor changes and details that I need to add, but this is enough to get the main idea.
Waiting for an answer, thank you in advance.

