Incorrectly using 3G when on wifi - Nokia Lumia 800

Has anyone else noticed their Lumia using 3G when it shouldn't be e.g. at home with a working wifi access point?
Mine has done this a few times and because WP7 is so clean and simple it's pretty hard to see what's actually going on - there's no data counter. And to make it worse the data icon shows in the status bar even when wifi is on. Ideally it would show one or the other.

Yes, I notice that too. It could be a bug.

BlitterTwisted said:
Has anyone else noticed their Lumia using 3G when it shouldn't be e.g. at home with a working wifi access point?
Mine has done this a few times and because WP7 is so clean and simple it's pretty hard to see what's actually going on - there's no data counter. And to make it worse the data icon shows in the status bar even when wifi is on. Ideally it would show one or the other.
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Yup, I think it uses 3G when the phone is locked, as the phone seems to disconnect from Wi-Fi when you lock the phone. Another bug that probably needs addressing.

Yes! This affects me too.
It switches to 3G randomly when I'm on wifi and kills my data without me realising (or shows failed page loads when I have full wifi reception).
It also turns off wifi whenever I lock phone which seems to disrupt/cancel all push messages! Push messaging just isn't working.
So is this problem unique to Lumia 800?

i've noticed this too. it'll also present me with wifi hotspots to connect to, including ones it should be connected to.
as of now, i don't know whether it's an issue with locked or unlocked handsets. my handset was bought unlocked with no branding, but i've noticed some of the bugs i'm having don't seem to happen on network locked/branded handsets.

It's not a Lumia thing, it's just how WP works. Turning off wifi to save on battery use I guess. Android has the same default setting, although it allows you to change it.

I can understand it using 3G for background processes, like you say Android does the same thing.
What I can't understand is it using 3G when I am using the web browser on the phone, and the Wifi icon is lit at the top of the screen.

Rusty! said:
It's not a Lumia thing, it's just how WP works. Turning off wifi to save on battery use I guess. Android has the same default setting, although it allows you to change it.
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That's not the case actually, before the firmware update I used to get my notifications, after the update, I don't, I think Nokia did it on the firmware update.

Which firmware was this working in btw?
Oh and turning off WLAN when you have an active connection does NOT save power. It only saves power when there isn't an active connection because the 3G uses more for retrieving background data (eg. regular email, social networking updates) and *much* more for retrieving heavy data. I have tested this on numerous Nokia phones.

^ i got the opposite result - normally i have WLAN turned on at all times, because it always connects to wifi at home and at work. my battery lasted much longer (it lasted the night with 39% left, as opposed to going flat sometime in the night) with just the 3g turned on.

I noticed that wi-fi only stays on after you lock the screen if the phone is charging. Otherwise it cuts the conncetion. Very annoying indeed if you are downloading big games over wi-fi. However I get my notifications and emails just fine in any case. Remeber though, windows phone doesnt support proper push, hence why they cant get skype to recieve calls in the background. Facebook and whatsapp push always comes about 3-4 minutes later than needed.
Another thing that i have been testing for a while on various phones (nokia n9 included, not the lumia because it's too unreliable) and also got mentioned in this tread is wi-fi vs 3g consumption.
So my results are:
with 3 emails 15-30 mins sync or push for one, at least one push service eg, facebook, vkontakte whatsapp etc (where possible)
i concluded that if you just leave the phone there for a day in standby and dont use it, it drains quicker with wi-fi on. Everytime. Every phone.
However when using the internet eg. browsing for half an hour etc. wi-fi uses a lot less battery than 3g.
So only use the wi fi when you need it and switch it off for background tasks. (WP7 does that anyway, for a reason)


wifi and data bundle ..

My mozart is working fine with wifi, however just curious what I noticed:
as soon as i enter my work place or come back home my mozart gets connected with the wifi at each location. I noticed taht while Mozart is conneted to wifi, if it gos to lock state (screen black out after 1 minute) then it gets disconnected form wifi and while in locked state (power safe) it use hte data bundle allownce. is this the case with all or am i missing some setting here.
ZeeShh said:
My mozart is working fine with wifi, however just curious what I noticed:
as soon as i enter my work place or come back home my mozart gets connected with the wifi at each location. I noticed taht while Mozart is conneted to wifi, if it gos to lock state (screen black out after 1 minute) then it gets disconnected form wifi and while in locked state (power safe) it use hte data bundle allownce. is this the case with all or am i missing some setting here.
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Unfortunaltey I don't have my sources here, so I cant forward them to you. MS confirmed this was a feature, not a fault. It is built in to the operating system to prevent the battery from draining too fast due to the continuas WIFI usage.
So in order to be able to recieve TOAST and TILE notifications it enables the cell data. Shouldnt be much though, couple of kbytes.
I can't remember if they were gonna make a setting to avoid this in the future, but the original article on MSDN I read about it didnt mention such a "solution". I think microsoft will go for the "its not a bug, its a feature" approach. Feels kinda legit though. Worst concern for any smartphone user these days is battlife.
Thanks Sirstoner, it makes some sense and wish we get long life batteries. thanks.

[Q][View] Battery/Screen Question

Hello, everybody. Newb here (only have had the HTC Evo View 4G for a couple of days now). I have a question about the battery and screen. Is it regular for the screen to use up about ~60 percent of the battery? (According the usage stats). I find that the screen is bright, even on the lowest setting.
Also, I have a question about the battery. It seems to be draining a little quick (I am using lowest brightness and WiFi only). Could some people share how long their battery usually lasts for regular usage? I don't think it's a hardware issue. Like I've said, I've only had it for 2 days, so I don't know if I still need to wait a little.
The screen is one of the biggest battery drainers (if not the biggest) on tablets. So if you are using the tablet a lot, and the screen is on for long periods of time, then 60% seems normal. I don't have my Flyer with me right now to check what my % for screen is.
Battery drain is going to depend a bunch on how much you are using your View, and for what. With moderate usage, I can get around 2 days on a charge. I'd say that is about average for me. But if you are downloading big files and gaming, and/or have the screen on a lot, it can be significantly less.
redpoint73 said:
The screen is one of the biggest battery drainers (if not the biggest) on tablets. So if you are using the tablet a lot, and the screen is on for long periods of time, then 60% seems normal. I don't have my Flyer with me right now to check what my % for screen is.
Battery drain is going to depend a bunch on how much you are using your View, and for what. With moderate usage, I can get around 2 days on a charge. I'd say that is about average for me. But if you are downloading big files and gaming, and/or have the screen on a lot, it can be significantly less.
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Okay, that makes sense. The battery life seems to be getting better. One more question. I want WiFi to turn off after a certain amount of time once the screen timeouts. Is there any way to do this in the settings or with an app? The settings (official 3.2) has a WiFi timeout policy that gives three options:
Switch from WiFi to mobile data when screen is off
Never switch WiFi off
Never switch WiFi off when plugged in
I live in Canada and don't have a plan. Would using the first option drain more battery because it is looking for a connection? Or should I use the third option?
Thanks again.
Hmm, not sure. I have the WiFi only version of the Flyer, and on mine the first choice is just "When screen turns off". The first choice on your View is weird. Mobile data always uses more power than WiFi, if both are available. I don't see why you would ever want that.
BTW, I'm at home and have access to my Flyer now. Battery usage for screen is 52% for me. So I'd say 60% you mentioned is pretty normal.
You should also take into account, unless you've taken steps to turn it off/remove it, Cell standby might also be causing your battery life to take a hit. Since the View is set up to also be able to receive text messages, out of the box it's constantly trying to connect to Sprint's cellular network, even if you have mobile data turned off. This thread discusses ways to deal with it. Cell standby used to be one of the biggest users of my battery. Now, it's no longer a problem and I've seen a major increase in battery life.
As for the WiFi issue, the first choice in the settings actually says "When screen turns off (uses more mobile data)." That doesn't mean that it automatically switches mobile data on if you've turned it off in the settings by selecting that option. It's worded that way because the View is designed to be used on Sprint's network, so under normal circumstances it is assumed that if you turn WiFi off, you'll have a data plan and automatically connect to the mobile data network. If you don't have an account with mobile data from Sprint, and you've turned off mobile data in the settings, it won't be an issue because you have nothing to connect to.
bsweetness said:
As for the WiFi issue, the first choice in the settings actually says "When screen turns off (uses more mobile data)."
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That makes much more sense.
Okay, thanks everybody. I really appreciate it. With heavy usage (basically using it all the time) I'd get about 6 hours and 10 minutes. Is that normal for everybody else?
Also, I have a couple of more questions, if you guys don't mind.
First of all, could rooting my device boost my battery life? Would it give me more access to settings like screen brightness?
And, do apps running in the background use battery life or are they 'frozen' until active? This sort of leads me into my next question. Is having 400-500MB of RAM always being used normal? Is the OS using all of it?
And I notice that when I put my tablet in airplane mode (to kill the 4G radio) I lose access to Bluetooth. Is this normal and will turning off airplane mode for a minute be a battery drain?
Thanks again, guys.
nubyw00tz said:
Okay, thanks everybody. I really appreciate it. With heavy usage (basically using it all the time) I'd get about 6 hours and 10 minutes. Is that normal for everybody else?
Also, I have a couple of more questions, if you guys don't mind.
First of all, could rooting my device boost my battery life? Would it give me more access to settings like screen brightness?
And, do apps running in the background use battery life or are they 'frozen' until active? This sort of leads me into my next question. Is having 400-500MB of RAM always being used normal? Is the OS using all of it?
And I notice that when I put my tablet in airplane mode (to kill the 4G radio) I lose access to Bluetooth. Is this normal and will turning off airplane mode for a minute be a battery drain?
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Rooting won't necessarily boost battery life, but does give you ways to access more system items if you want using apps that take advantage of root.
Android attempts to keep non-rumming apps in memory so that it can load them faster in the future (Ram is much faster than SD memory). 80% Ram full is typical.
Airplane mode turns off all radios, BT, Wifi, GPS, 3g.
There are apps in the market that can turn various things on / off based on your environment / time / conditions
nubyw00tz said:
First of all, could rooting my device boost my battery life? Would it give me more access to settings like screen brightness?
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You don't need root access to adjust screen brightness. Settings -> Screen -> Brightness.
nubyw00tz said:
And I notice that when I put my tablet in airplane mode (to kill the 4G radio) I lose access to Bluetooth. Is this normal and will turning off airplane mode for a minute be a battery drain?
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DigitalMD said:
Airplane mode turns off all radios, BT, Wifi, GPS, 3g.
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Airplane mode turns off all radios initially, but then you can turn almost all of them right back on (except for the cellular radios). I run mine in airplane mode all the time to keep the cellular radio completely inactive, but I still use WiFi, GPS, and Bluetooth when I need/want them, and they all work great. Are you running Gingerbread or Honeycomb? I do seem to remember some mentions of not being able to use Bluetooth in airplane mode on Gingerbread. It works perfectly fine on Honeycomb.
And you can turn off the 4G radio and all data service without turning on airplane mode (Settings -> Wireless & networks -> Mobile network). Doing this turns off all radios that receive data from the cellular network, but it doesn't turn all cellular functions off since the View is also set up to receive text messages. That's what airplane mode or any of these options address.
What I meant by adjusting the screen brightness was being able to control its range more than I can right now (I feel that even the lowest setting can be too much). But it seems that rooting/installing a custom ROM wouldn't do too much for the battery.
But my issue with airplane mode is that I can't turn on Bluetooth with it (Bluetooth is 'grayed out'). I am running official Honeycomb.
nubyw00tz said:
But my issue with airplane mode is that I can't turn on Bluetooth with it (Bluetooth is 'grayed out'). I am running official Honeycomb.
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Did you try tapping on the box for Bluetooth in the settings even though it looks like you can't, and did you try using a widget to turn it on? I'm using stock OTA Honeycomb, and Bluetooth works perfectly fine for me while in airplane mode. I can turn it on in the settings (the box does look a little "grayed out," but you can still select it) or via a homescreen widget. If you can't turn it on with either of those, then it would seem that you've got some other type of problem. It works fine for me. I just tested it out again.
bsweetness said:
Did you try tapping on the box for Bluetooth in the settings even though it looks like you can't, and did you try using a widget to turn it on? I'm using stock OTA Honeycomb, and Bluetooth works perfectly fine for me while in airplane mode. I can turn it on in the settings (the box does look a little "grayed out," but you can still select it) or via a homescreen widget. If you can't turn it on with either of those, then it would seem that you've got some other type of problem. It works fine for me. I just tested it out again.
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I just tried it. It seems to not be working for me, but it doesn't seem like a glitch but something built into the OS (I tried with a widget and it did a little 'no' animation). It's alright, I rarely use Bluetooth anyway.
Thanks for all of your help (plus everybody else, too)!
nubyw00tz said:
I just tried it. It seems to not be working for me, but it doesn't seem like a glitch but something built into the OS (I tried with a widget and it did a little 'no' animation). It's alright, I rarely use Bluetooth anyway.
Thanks for all of your help (plus everybody else, too)!
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I'd venture to say it's not something built into the OS. If it is built into the OS, then there's a glitch that allows me to use it under the same circumstances, and glitches rarely enable functionality. They almost always cause a device to lose functionality like you're experiencing. I'd be curious to know if anyone else is having the same issue you're having.
Last time I have ran battery test on my Flyer I ran it for almost 11 days on one charge. Yeap, 11 days. I mostly used Flyer as a notepad, checked orders on website couple of times a day, read emails. One day I played a game for about 20 minutes. At the end I set up and tested Plex and Google Music. I stopped the test at 11% charge. Overall screen was on for a bit over 4 hours (40%). Wi-fi on for 16 hours (only 4% ??) according to stats. That's pretty much it. Tablet idle 43%. Fairly light usage, but I mostly was testing how much of useable time I can get out of it. 11 days is a pleasing result.

Push Notifications Don't Work With Screen Off (Gmail, Talk, Voice, etc.)

Recently I disabled the best wi-fi performance option (I enabled it on accident while messing around with settings on launch day) which obviously increased my battery life dramatically by actually allowing my phone to go into deep sleep. But now I hit a new issue.
Before I go on, I want to state that I DID apply the SmartSync fix and that my data IS working while my phone is in deep sleep.
New emails I receive with Gmail app do not get pushed to my phone as they should. They are anywhere from 5-15 minutes late if they even show up at all. If I happen to turn my screen on, automatically I get the notification of new emails.
Is anyone else having this issue with Gmail or any other app? I find it strange that while I have data (wi-fi/3g) enabled and working with the screen off, emails still come in delayed.
Any help would be appreciated. I have searched around and most of the answers I came up with (regarding HTC devices like the One X) had to do with SmartSync messing up the connection or someone not having the notifications enabled. I'm at a loss 0.0
EDIT: I tested this with Google Talk had my main account up in Gmail and in another browser windows my other Gmail account. Added both of them, talked to my self, if my device screen was off, I would either get it 1-2 minutes late or not at all. Once I turned my screen back on, the notifications poured in. I also tried the same scenario with my main Gmail account logged off (in case it was canceling out the messages to my phone, which it wasn't) and I had the same outcome. I edited the title to reflect that this isn't a Gmail only issue.
EDIT 2: Did more tests, I tried turning Wi-Fi off completely and running the same tests as above to my surprise everything worked as expected. I initially thought it might be because of my 5Ghz Wi-Fi band, so I tried it all again on my 2.4Ghz channel -- had the same problems as before. Somehow the issue pertains to your screen being off and Wi-Fi being on.
EDIT 3: I just tried streaming Pandora and shutting the screen off (maybe WiFi WAS somehow shutting off) Pandora kept playing no problem. I messaged myself on Talk, got the notification right away. This is very bizarre 0.0 But it might confirm this only happens when the phone is in deep sleep mode... Still doesn't answer why it doesn't happen on 3G or why notifications sometimes still come through.
EDIT 4: Still no fix but I have discovered that for some reason if the screen is off ANY data doesn't go through. Let me explain better:
If I have some thing like Pandora running then it will continue to run once I shut my screen off. But if WiFi isn't being used and I turn my screen off and then lets say I try to connect to it with Cerberus or ping it from my PC or something it will not even though the router reports it as connected.
Very strange behavior.
This is interesting...maybe the wifi performance toggle is associated to the smartsync, and all?.....I will say that with it unchecked I am getting some really really good battery life here compared to previous phones....but I also notice at times when emails are not pushed till I wake the screen during the day....Also the fact my wifi doesn't automatically reconnect to my house when I get back from work till I wake the screen...little things like that...
Havent messed with the best performance setting but will try it today now...
Racer Of All said:
Recently I disabled the best wi-fi performance option (I enabled it on accident while messing around with settings on launch day) which obviously increased my battery life dramatically by actually allowing my phone to go into deep sleep. But now I hit a new issue.
Before I go on, I want to state that I DID apply the SmartSync fix and that my data IS working while my phone is in deep sleep.
New emails I receive with Gmail app do not get pushed to my phone as they should. They are anywhere from 5-15 minutes late if they even show up at all. If I happen to turn my screen on, automatically I get the notification of new emails.
Is anyone else having this issue with Gmail or any other app? I find it strange that while I have data (wi-fi/3g) enabled and working with the screen off, emails still come in delayed.
Any help would be appreciated. I have searched around and most of the answers I came up with (regarding HTC devices like the One X) had to do with SmartSync messing up the connection or someone not having the notifications enabled. I'm at a loss 0.0
EDIT: I tested this with Google Talk had my main account up in Gmail and in another browser windows my other Gmail account. Added both of them, talked to my self, if my device screen was off, I would either get it 1-2 minutes late or not at all. Once I turned my screen back on, the notifications poured in. I also tried the same scenario with my main Gmail account logged off (in case it was canceling out the messages to my phone, which it wasn't) and I had the same outcome. I edited the title to reflect that this isn't a Gmail only issue.
EDIT 2: Did more tests, I tried turning Wi-Fi off completely and running the same tests as above to my surprise everything worked as expected. I initially thought it might be because of my 5Ghz Wi-Fi band, so I tried it all again on my 2.4Ghz channel -- had the same problems as before. Somehow the issue pertains to your screen being off and Wi-Fi being on.
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Try installing this and unchecking "put data connection to sleep." It may not solve the issue but its worth a shot.
Okay, I just tried streaming Pandora and shutting the screen off (maybe WiFi WAS somehow shutting off) Pandora kept playing no problem. I messaged myself on Talk, got the notification right away. This is very bizarre 0.0 But it might confirm this only happens when the phone is in deep sleep mode... Still doesn't answer why it doesn't happen on 3G or why notifications sometimes still come through.
njfoses said:
Try installing this and unchecking "put data connection to sleep." It may not solve the issue but its worth a shot.
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Have it, and it is unchecked. That's the weird thing, wi fi doesn't actually turn all the way off because SOMETIMES I do get the push notifications (late, however).
sgt. slaughter said:
This is interesting...maybe the wifi performance toggle is associated to the smartsync, and all?.....I will say that with it unchecked I am getting some really really good battery life here compared to previous phones....but I also notice at times when emails are not pushed till I wake the screen during the day....Also the fact my wifi doesn't automatically reconnect to my house when I get back from work till I wake the screen...little things like that...
Havent messed with the best performance setting but will try it today now...
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Let me know if that works, if so at least I know I'm not the only one xD
Racer Of All said:
I DID apply the SmartSync fix
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what is the smart sync fix?
When I installed this app, my cpu reduction and frame rate reduction was enabled. Does that mean this is standard with this phone. Does using this app to disable those setting improve the performance?
Issue continued overnight, tried various other things and nothing seems to fix it. I want to get my notifications but I don't want to destroy my battery life xD is anyone else having this issue?
djscissorhands said:
what is the smart sync fix?
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This one:
I have the same problem on my 2nd evo as well after returning the 1st. Going to try a rom with the fix tomorrow. I'll report back with what I find. Hopefully I won't have to return again....
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
AardvarkAttack said:
I have the same problem on my 2nd evo as well after returning the 1st. Going to try a rom with the fix tomorrow. I'll report back with what I find. Hopefully I won't have to return again....
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
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It's definitely not a hardware problem because if that was the case the phone wouldn't work with wi fi almost at all. My wi-fi connection is rock solid even when the screen is off, just for some reason it won't notify I have the messages until the screen gets turned on.
I did some tests on my gf's stock phone and she's having the same issues, I told her to do some tests on her parents wi-fi when she goes there. I wonder if sgt slaughter has any news.
Btw if you definitely need them on time and need to be on wi fi but don't care about battery life that much just enable best wi fi performance.
djscissorhands said:
what is the smart sync fix?
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Actually more like a Smart Sync break ... The built in settings/app put your data connections to sleep when your phone goes to deep sleep; this is done to save battery when phone not in use for extended period.
Some folks hate losing the data connections so a flashable "fix" is available for the "problem" ... Look around; you'll find it
Sent from my EVO using XDA
its a sense problem, there's a thread in the one x forums on how to fix it. I'll post when I get home if I can find it. it shuts down to a 'power save' mode after a while plus after midnight or 11 or something.
Just wanted to update that I installed a custom rom that contains the WiFi fix mentioned and although my WiFi doesn't seem to drop how it did before (at least after one day) my notifications are anywhere between 4-10 minutes late on average through WiFi. This seems to be across the board for Exchange email, Gmail & Google Voice.
AardvarkAttack said:
Just wanted to update that I installed a custom rom that contains the WiFi fix mentioned and although my WiFi doesn't seem to drop how it did before (at least after one day) my notifications are anywhere between 4-10 minutes late on average through WiFi. This seems to be across the board for Exchange email, Gmail & Google Voice.
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Yes my setup also had the wi-fi fix, I can even see my phone connected to the router when the screen is off, the connection is strong.
I had a suspicion it was probably the basic transfer rate of the browser and for some reason I could not adjust this on my fancy 100 dollar router with dd-wrt flashed onto it so I set up a repeater with my older router on stock settings. It seems like the notifications are coming through better now (albeit not instantly) but at least I don't have to turn my screen on every time. It might be a placebo effect or just luck (because at times it does work even with my other router).
EDIT: Ignore the italicized sentence. It was just a stroke of luck, the problem came back.
I'm out of ideas at this point xD
I am having a similar issue as well.
I am rooted and running Fresh Evo LTE 5.1.1 which has the "Disabled SmartSync deep sleep mode" already installed. I also leave my WiFi off (for the same reason as the OP outlines - messages are just plain not arriving or if they do it's after I turn the screen on).
I use gtalk as my primary form of communication on my phone and what seems to be happening is messages from my two closest friends are never arriving. It's hit or miss but seems to be ~45mins after my screen turns off that they send a message and I never get it. One is on Sprint on my family plan and the other is on Verizon. The weird thing is that if I look in my gmail > conversations the messages aren't there either.
I haven't been able to verify any SMS messages that I haven't received but I have noticed that my email notifications seemed a bit wonky but this issue may be fixed with changing my "push" hours (which is retarded to have factory set to only push email between 8am - 8pm).
Question for the smart kids in the class: When does the phone reach "deep sleep"? Is it around ~45mins after the screen turns off?
batgrrlx said:
I am having a similar issue as well.
I am rooted and running Fresh Evo LTE 5.1.1 which has the "Disabled SmartSync deep sleep mode" already installed. I also leave my WiFi off (for the same reason as the OP outlines - messages are just plain not arriving or if they do it's after I turn the screen on).
I use gtalk as my primary form of communication on my phone and what seems to be happening is messages from my two closest friends are never arriving. It's hit or miss but seems to be ~45mins after my screen turns off that they send a message and I never get it. One is on Sprint on my family plan and the other is on Verizon. The weird thing is that if I look in my gmail > conversations the messages aren't there either.
I haven't been able to verify any SMS messages that I haven't received but I have noticed that my email notifications seemed a bit wonky but this issue may be fixed with changing my "push" hours (which is retarded to have factory set to only push email between 8am - 8pm).
Question for the smart kids in the class: When does the phone reach "deep sleep"? Is it around ~45mins after the screen turns off?
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I also have the dual core mod which I BELIEVE sets my deep sleep right away which is probably why I have the problem more often than you do. One question just so we can start gathering facts large scale, if you're on 3G do you have the problem still? What if you turn 'best wi-fi performance'?
Racer Of All said:
I also have the dual core mod which I BELIEVE sets my deep sleep right away which is probably why I have the problem more often than you do. One question just so we can start gathering facts large scale, if you're on 3G do you have the problem still? What if you turn 'best wi-fi performance'?
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Correct - I have this problem on 3G. I run on only 3G because the problem is more prevalent on WiFi, but still very common on only 3G.
Currently I have "best wifi performance" turned off. Do you want me to test with it on or off?
batgrrlx said:
Correct - I have this problem on 3G. I run on only 3G because the problem is more prevalent on WiFi, but still very common on only 3G.
Currently I have "best wifi performance" turned off. Do you want me to test with it on or off?
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On. When I turn it on it pretty much eliminates the issue, it acts just like 3G. But for me 3G is almost perfect (a couple seconds of delay but I can deal with that). Remember though that if you leave it ticked on it will destroy your battery life.
WiFi is on, best WiFi performance is on as well.. I'll run it this way a couple of days and see if I can replicate the problem.
I just wanted to say that I've been having similar issues. I have tried turning on best wifi performance, but I don't think that is helping. For one thing, when I have that turned on, when I wake the phone, the wifi is often times not connected, and it shows 3G. Then it will connect to wifi shortly after I wake the phone. On top of that, I'm still not getting notifications on time. I was notified of an email when I woke the phone that actually came in 10 minutes earlier. Hopefully HTC/Sprint is aware and working on a fix.
Still no fix but I have discovered that for some reason if the screen is off ANY data doesn't go through. Let me explain better:
If I have some thing like Pandora running then it will continue to run once I shut my screen off. But if WiFi isn't being used and I turn my screen off and then lets say I try to connect to it with Cerberus or ping it from my PC or something it will not even though the router reports it as connected.
Very strange behavior.

[Q] Push notifications and chat delay

I have a few very annoying problems I want to get rid of.
The first is that all sorts of push notifications are often (if not always) very delayed. For example, when someone's played Wordfeud and it's my turn it can take up to 20 minutes before the phone alerts me. Same thing with Whatsapp and other apps. I did a factory reset recently and the problem seemed solved but after just a few hours the delays began to appear again. Both with 3G and Wi Fi.
It is the same thing with the built in FB-chat. Sometimes messages are also delayed for up to an hour. Occationally when I enter the Message hub and swipes to Online tab the messages arrives but it's rare. It could at first appear as work when two or maximum three messages arrives but then the conversation just dies and I must go to the Facebook app to view and continue the chat. Also after the factory reset it worked somewhat fine but just like with Push notifications it didn't work long enough... Same here, both over 3G and Wi Fi.
Does anyone have a single clue of what the issue is here?
Is the phone checking for new notifications in a certain pattern, like every 30 minutes?
I'm not completely sure if this is the right forum for this but I'm beginning to be kind of desperate. Notifications on iOS and Android works like a charm and I don't think the Lumia with WP should be behind in this matter.
Extremly thankful for answers.
Mikael Ivarsson
Nokia Lumia 800
OS version: 7.10.8773.98
Zune: Latest available
its not a problem of software, its a wanted feature of microsoft, wp7 doesnt have any multitastking, so if you turn of wifi and whatsapp is running, wifi is turned off for some minutes and if you turn on screen, wifi connects and whatsapp gets your messages, thats what i realized..
next phone wont be wp. :/ nice OS but the little things like this are annoying
facekill1337 said:
its not a problem of software, its a wanted feature of microsoft, wp7 doesnt have any multitastking, so if you turn of wifi and whatsapp is running, wifi is turned off for some minutes and if you turn on screen, wifi connects and whatsapp gets your messages, thats what i realized..
next phone wont be wp. :/ nice OS but the little things like this are annoying
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Thanks for the reply!
But that's the strange thing, even if i don't turn off the screen and keep the phone "awake" there are no toast. The push notifications were instant for a few hours after the factory reset so there must be something that is "blocking" push messages. Same thing with the fb-chat. The chat should also work without problems even when the screen is turned off.
Me too are also considering walking out of Microsoft on this one. The OS is very beautiful and everything is so thought through but they still have som work to do.
Yes, background agents run every 30 minutes
thats why i wont buy a wp phone anymore. its really annoying and not SMARTphone like!
But shouldn't push messages be pushed through nearly instant?
it should be popup in the second it arrives
Exactly. Even if the screen is unlocked and wifi 3G is connected and all that it still is a delay.
The problem seem to have solved itself! I don't know what I've done but one morning I woke up and everything worked smoothly. Let's hope the issue doesn't return!
Data connection should be enabled for Push notifications to work. Maybe you went above your data cap or sometimes the 3G reception got lost.
Also, are you sure that app uses Push notifications and not regular Toasts sent by a background agent ?

Figuring out the Lumia 920 + Heat + Battery Drain issue(s)...

I just wanted to post on the XDA forums that there is a thread to help determine what is causing the "heat + battery drain" issue(s) on the Lumia 920.
Specifically, we've seen fairly normal battery drain when using applications, but when LTE data is introduced the battery continues to drain at a rate of 7-8% per hour even after the applications are closed. For example, streaming something like Xbox Music or Netflix over the LTE connection (wifi OFF), the phone warms up considerably and the battery continues to drain at a high rate even after those applications are closed. The same applications behave normally over 3G or Wifi, and the battery drain is not present afterward.
The "fix" so far appears to be disabling LTE altogether.
• Open Dialer
• Punch in ##3282 and hit Call
• At the Field Test menu, choose more options via the three dots (lower right)
• Select Settings
• Under network type, select "3G only". UMTS should be set to "Automatic".
• Change the "Toggle ENS" setting to OFF
• Back out, power off the phone, and power on again
Definitely interested in hearing other's reports on this issue. Specifically, does this happen with ALL Lumia 920 phones? Is this specific to this particular model phone? Is this a Nokia issue, LTE chip issue, or WP8 issue? Was this introduced with the Portico update?
Upon further testing.........
Disabling LTE is *not* the ultimate fix. Yes, it does help keep the battery drain down to more reasonable levels, but it does not solve the problem. I've subsequently tested with the little brother phone -- the Lumia 820 -- to see if the issue is on all WP8 handsets, on all Lumia phones, or even limited to post-Portico update phones (in other words, did Portico make this issue).
After some thorough testing, I can say with confidence that this issue is specific to the Lumia 920 and not necessarily all WP8 handsets or Lumia phones.
Detailed thread here:
I am currently working with Nokia to find a long-term resolution to this issue.
Please keep us updated, I'm very interested in knowing how to fix this problem! ??
I found that disabling bluetooth helps out.
Battery drain
To help reduce battery drain I do the following on my WP
I get a connectivity shortcut app. There are a few options available in the store. Anyway I pin airplane mode, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and Location on my home screen and turn them off when I'm not using them. Turning off location turns of GPS, so you must enable it before launching Drive/Here. A lot of battery issues I think have to do with the phone being to aggressive (power wise) trying to search for signal. Whether its Wi-Fi a Bluetooth device, etc. I also disable Tap+Send (NFC) because I never use it.
And I go into background tasks and I block every single app from running in the background except the ones I am sure I want to run. Remeber the list where you can block them is for apps that want to run on a timed schedule, they can still run in the BG if you home screen out of them. For me the only one I allow is MS Weather (for the live tile). Disabling Nokia Drive/Here seems to help battery life for some people.
The biggest battery saver I did was forwarding my other email accounts (Gmail & Yahoo!) to, and then set that to only look every 1 hour (instead of the stock 30 minutes). My phone went from lasting 1 - 1.5 days to over 2.5 - 3 days with my typical usage (light usage).
I try not to use Live Tiles, or lock screen pictures unless I really want them (like weather for instance), as they help drain the battery quicker.
Anyway Nokia is really on top of their game so I think they will help contribute to WP to eliminate these issues. The only non-software related issue with the 920 is the dust in the FFC, which personally does not bother me but I could see how it might bother others.
##3282 isn't working for me after yesterday's update. Lets see how I do with the battery today!!!
The earpiece on mine does not work I can't hear anyone and top of phone gets warm I have sent it to nokia repair.
yipcanjo said:
I just wanted to post on the XDA forums that there is a thread to help determine what is causing the "heat + battery drain" issue(s) on the Lumia 920.
Specifically, we've seen fairly normal battery drain when using applications, but when LTE data is introduced the battery continues to drain at a rate of 7-8% per hour even after the applications are closed. For example, streaming something like Xbox Music or Netflix over the LTE connection (wifi OFF), the phone warms up considerably and the battery continues to drain at a high rate even after those applications are closed. The same applications behave normally over 3G or Wifi, and the battery drain is not present afterward.
The "fix" so far appears to be disabling LTE altogether.
• Open Dialer
• Punch in ##3282 and hit Call
• At the Field Test menu, choose more options via the three dots (lower right)
• Select Settings
• Under network type, select "3G only". UMTS should be set to "Automatic".
• Change the "Toggle ENS" setting to OFF
• Back out, power off the phone, and power on again
Definitely interested in hearing other's reports on this issue. Specifically, does this happen with ALL Lumia 920 phones? Is this specific to this particular model phone? Is this a Nokia issue, LTE chip issue, or WP8 issue? Was this introduced with the Portico update?
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Thanks for the tip!
I also have 5-8% per hour drain. (actual offi. release .1308...)
all off, sync, loaction, WLAN every thing, fresh reboot, phone on my desk, not working with it, about 2 lines H signal.
when i switch to airplane mode....1-2% battery drain over a complete night!
its also no problem to activate airplane mode ON and afterwards WLAN additionally ON, then about 1-4% over a night!
i tried everything i found on the inet.
and i have my white L920 since Dec.12! (i did a "hard" update over PC in Feb. and also the the last release over the air...nothing changed)
so now i'm checking if this works for me and post results
I'm located in AUT with an unlocked, unbranded GER L920.
and we dont have LTE til now...maybee thats the problem..?!
dj_memory said:
Thanks for the tip!
I also have 5-8% per hour drain. (actual offi. release .1308...)
all off, sync, loaction, WLAN every thing, fresh reboot, phone on my desk, not working with it, about 2 lines H signal.
when i switch to airplane mode....1-2% battery drain over a complete night!
its also no problem to activate airplane mode ON and afterwards WLAN additionally ON, then about 1-4% over a night!
i tried everything i found on the inet.
and i have my white L920 since Dec.12! (i did a "hard" update over PC in Feb. and also the the last release over the air...nothing changed)
so now i'm checking if this works for me and post results
I'm located in AUT with an unlocked, unbranded GER L920.
and we dont have LTE til now...maybee thats the problem..?!
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i solved my battery drain issue by setting my "max network speed" to 2G!
by that i now have a drain of 1-2% p.h.!
dj_memory said:
i solved my battery drain issue by setting my "max network speed" to 2G!
by that i now have a drain of 1-2% p.h.!
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That is great. To bad that we whom have received the latest OTA no longer have access to that menu.
I'm on FW 1232.5957.1308.0001
and WPH 8.0.10211.204
I don't need to change the network type within ##3282 menu, also worked for me in normal network settings.
dj_memory said:
I'm on FW 1232.5957.1308.0001
and WPH 8.0.10211.204
I don't need to change the network type within ##3282 menu, also worked for me in normal network settings.
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So then how do you set your network speed?
u don't need access to ##3282...its also possible to "limit" within settings/network. (##3282 NOT working within f.e. Rapdialer!!)
I limit it to "2G" only when its more importand to have less battery consumption than inet speed
limited to "2G" in my region it shows me afterwards a "E" on top.
On this PIC i found in the inet is "roaming" deactivated.
I have to activate "roaming" also when I'm within my own network to have inet access (and the "E").
In my town, network operators share their mobile radio transmitters.
I limited direktly at my provider the access to a "real roaming network" for example a swiss network.
Because i'm most of the time near the border
maybee not possible in your version or provider?
I'm on a free GER version.
Definitely trying this tonight.
For the battery drain try light (white) theme. intresting but that help my battery drain problem
Same issue here...Any updates?
Battery drain and over heat
moshepupkin said:
Same issue here...Any updates?
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My experience is that, I reset the cellphone and after doing this twice and connecting to the internet and waiting for one hour, Microsoft gave me an update for my battery saver and since that time everything is ok, including the battery. I always believed that the updates have problems to be installed completely most of the time, so it's better to reset or download it via the computer and instal it with a cable( using Nokia Software Update). But if it doesn't work, please don't panic. The updates are coming and just be sure that you have reset your device without choosing the setting backup, for you must start afresh. Good Luck.

