[Q] Are these light spots to be expected? - Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime

As you can see on the screenshot attached, I get a pair of light spots [1] in the upper right corner of my screen of my newly acquired TFP.
I get these at boot or whenever this part of the screen is dark, eg when looking at a movie.
Has any of you the same “problem”? Is this to be expected? Or should I contact the tech support? [2]
Thanks in advance for your help!
[1] One blueish on top of one redish.
[2] But I don't trust Asus tech support as they already gave me blatanly innacurate infos, as explained here (see “Part 3”).

That's light bleed, and it's caused by the display being improperly mounted (some screws inside are not fastened properly). It's a common problem with the Transformer. It can be ok (I can live with mine, it's barely perceivable), or worse. Yours seems to be in the second category. I'd exchange if it's still possible. I had pretty severe light bleed on my first one as well (plus a stuck green pixel in the middle of the screen), and exchanged it.

I've got similar lightbleed on my lower left corner of the screen during boot up. It's similar to the size of your top 'bluish' bleed. No other bleed. Otherwise not affecting daily use. H

OK, that is not normal. You need to open it up or exchange it.

So… Asus told me to go to the shop with my TFP and exchange it. But the new one was even worse. I went back to the shop once again and ordered a third TFP. I got it yesterday.
It's the best TFP I got in my hand, I still have one clear spot of light bleed (landscape upper left corner) and a small fringe almost all around the screen. {weeping}
For the price this toy cost, I expected no light bleed but I don't know if I should try a fourth time, could get a worse screen.

don't stop until you're satisfied! let asus know the level of quality we demand!

robotneg said:
So… Asus told me to go to the shop with my TFP and exchange it. But the new one was even worse. I went back to the shop once again and ordered a third TFP. I got it yesterday.
It's the best TFP I got in my hand, I still have one clear spot of light bleed (landscape upper left corner) and a small fringe almost all around the screen. {weeping}
For the price this toy cost, I expected no light bleed but I don't know if I should try a fourth time, could get a worse screen.
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I just played with a new 2012 iPad at Bestbuy. I set it to display a black image and it also had noticeable lightbleed. Nowhere near as bad as the photo in that first post, but still noticeable on a black screen if you look for it.
I think that most devices that make use of LCDs have some level of light bleed. Looking at my Dell laptop, my HP laptop, my Samsung and LG LCD tvs and my OG EVO 4G each device had visible lightbleed on black screens.
The only device I own that doesn't have light bleed is my Galaxy S2 (hooray for OLED )
As long as you don't see the light bleed when it use, I think it is something you have to learn to ignore. If the lightbleed is severe enough that you cannot ignore it, exchange it for another device.
FWIW I have very slight lightbleed in my top right corner. But I only ever notice it on the boot screen

almightywhacko said:
I think that most devices that make use of LCDs have some level of light bleed.
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We could think so, yes. But, as far as technology is concerned, it should be easier to avoid light bleed (good sealing) than to obtain a good contrast (molecular properties) with LCD. Contrast ratio grows higher and higher and, on the other heand and afaik, it's my first light bleed ever! I never ever witnessed it on the laptops, netbooks and high-end lcd screens I worked with. Tablets are “toys” but TFP (and iPad) are definitely high-end toys. Hence my dissatisfaction.

robotneg said:
We could think so, yes. But, as far as technology is concerned, it should be easier to avoid light bleed (good sealing) than to obtain a good contrast (molecular properties) with LCD. Contrast ratio grows higher and higher and, on the other heand and afaik, it's my first light bleed ever! I never ever witnessed it on the laptops, netbooks and high-end lcd screens I worked with. Tablets are “toys” but TFP (and iPad) are definitely high-end toys. Hence my dissatisfaction.
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The lightbleed in your photo is very severe, and I wouldn't be satisfied with it. However lightbleed does exists on most LCD screens. I never noticed it on other devices until it was pointed out to me on my OG EVO 4G and now I see it everywhere.
Like I said, if the level of lightbleed that your device displays is too difficult to ignore, exchange it for a new one or for a different device. However the chances of you finding a device or any make or brand, that is 100% light-bleed free is very slim. This will be especially true since now you will be looking for it


Got my transformer, two small bright spots on the screen

Two small pinpoints of white light on the screen. Are these dead pixels? Stuck Pixels?
I'm guessing that either way I should exchange it. So, apparently Asus is going to be having quality issues?
JazzMac251 said:
Two small pinpoints of white light on the screen. Are these dead pixels? Stuck Pixels?
I'm guessing that either way I should exchange it. So, apparently Asus is going to be having quality issues?
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let it load
select "fix my screen"
if it doesnt go away after it runs... if it doesnt auto close after a minute, just close it
its a dead pixel
return son!
No dice. Thanks anyway.
Guess this bad boy is going back...
I got a replacement Prime yesterday and thought everything was perfect until I opened my web browser to google, which is pretty much all white and noticed a bright spot like you are describing in the title. Mine are definitely NOT stuck/dead pixels. I know because I returned my first one in part because of stuck pixels. It's almost like these pixel(s) allow slightly more light through than the adjacent pixels. Sort of like light bleed but not at the edge of the screen. I can only see it on white or very, very light backgrounds. It disappears entirely on darker colors.
It is unfortunate but I will not replace this again for a third time. It goes away unless my Prime is charging or docked (which I assume is because it is similar to the tablet being plugged in) and can only be seen on an all white background. I will never use my tablet plugged in, I charge it at night when I sleep, and the limited amount I have it docked is not an issue since it only shows up on an all white background and seems less noticeable than a dead/stuck pixel. Honestly, a smudged screen is more noticeable/annoying. Since I don't use my dock much it will probably end up having a dead battery anyway which means I really wouldn't see it much, unless the battery in the dock is required for it to function while attached, I'm not sure but will find out. Thinking about it I guess it probably does need to be charged for the ports and everything to work unless it leaches off the tablet. Who knows...I'll test it at some point.
It is kind of strange though and I really dislike trying to justify a flaw to keep a $500 device but whatever. IPS screens have some nice benefits but they seem to have a lot of flaws too like bright spots, pretty bad light bleed and more stuck pixels than I am used too. I went back and forth in my OCD head so many times about how many times I would exchange or return this device before I get one that is pristine but if I return it there is nothing else that interests me.
Asus had quality issues with their past Transformer and to think the 1080p tablet will be any different is ignorant.
Anyway, end blog. Since that's what XDA is now
Where did you guys get yours from?
DroidHam said:
Where did you guys get yours from?
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Best Buy, ordered 1/6.
JazzMac251 said:
Two small pinpoints of white light on the screen. Are these dead pixels? Stuck Pixels?
I'm guessing that either way I should exchange it. So, apparently Asus is going to be having quality issues?
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If it's only 2 pixels and they are not directly adjacent, it's unlikely that they will take it back as that is deemed an acceptable tolerance for dead/stuck pixels. I think you need to have 5 or more total or 2 directly adjacent.
Pretty much all manufacturers use this guideline I believe. I hope I am wrong and you do get to exchange it.
Doktaphex said:
If it's only 2 pixels and they are not directly adjacent, it's unlikely that they will take it back as that is deemed an acceptable tolerance for dead/stuck pixels. I think you need to have 5 or more total or 2 directly adjacent.
Pretty much all manufacturers use this guideline I believe. I hope I am wrong and you do get to exchange it.
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I had one dead pixel on my Xoom and Best Buy replaced it without even turning it on to verify
I had two stuck pixels when I first got my Prime. Running pixel fixer apps didn't fix the problem. However, both of them have "unstuck" themselves after a few days of use. If you have some time before you have to return it, you may want to wait a little.
EDIT: Check that. I just ran a dead pixel test and only one of the two unstuck itself. The other one is so unnoticeable to me that I haven't seen it.
JazzMac251 said:
Two small pinpoints of white light on the screen. Are these dead pixels? Stuck Pixels?
I'm guessing that either way I should exchange it. So, apparently Asus is going to be having quality issues?
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Same issue here, bottom right of the screen, small patch of white light in the browser window about an inch from the corner..
Not sure whether to return, the rest of the tablet is awesome!!
I just got another one and about 7 dead pixels the kind you can see on
Black screens and also slightly a bit of light bleed where the headphone jack is
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

Impression of new C1 Serial Prime

Finally after long weeks and days of patiently waiting, I got a chance to snatch up my first prime from best buy today (In store pickup 32gb gray)... boy was a I excited!!!
I've been eye'ing this forum and transformer forums since mid decemeber so I pretty much know every nasty/sad/positive thing there is too it.
Despite knowing all the potential risk of having a malfunctioning tablet I took the risk hoping this new batch had some tweaks/fixes from Asus.
To my suprise the tablet i got today was the new C1 serial # tablets.
I had very high expectations and hoped that the negative things i heard about the prime was... just a silly rumor. Unfortunately life is not that convenient and disappointment came almost... too fast. Starting from the intial boot ive spotted 3 white dead pixels and 1 red dead pixel... Boy that was a pretty big blow to the face. I've tried all sorts of pixel unstuck/fixer apps but none seemed to help.
Next thing i noticed was severe light bleeding on top right corner of the screen and along the entire edges on the bottom. For the most part, I really don't mind minor light bleeding. I understand that is the technology we're dealing with right now and ive owned several monitors that had this problem. But the light bleeding on the tablet was too noticable for me to overlook and almost disgusting... for a $500 tablet.
Wifi/GPS *sigh* feel free to skip this as yall seen billion cries about this, i can confirm that its 100% true. Ive upgraded to the latest firmwire ICS bla bla bla, WIFI is AMAZING standing RIGHT NEXT to the router. Other than that i get CONSTANT wifi drops, slow connection, and extreme weak signal... GPS i won't even go there.
Last thing is the dull unresponsive touchscreen. I had the EEE Pad TF101 and had no issues with this but on the prime the touch sensitivity is absolutely horrible. When scrolling on websites it feels either choppy or unresponsive. When i scroll the page with the left thumb the page barely even moves... I had extremely high hopes for ICS since everyone seemed to be crazy about it but in all honesty I didn't experience/feel any smoothness even with forced hardware acceleration.
I gotta say after seeing sow many negative reviews/impression i never thought i'd be writing one myself... I guess i feel a bit cheated as I secretly hoped that I could be one of those lucky guys who had a perfect Prime and wondered what other people were complainging about... Now i can truely understand your pain and disappointment. I'm returning the prime tomorrow to BB and ordering a new one via Newegg - if the newegg one i rcv is no better i am officially giving up on the Prime. It's really sad, I mean after all the hype and waiting you finally get your hands on it and realize the product you paid $500 does not live up to what you've hoped for.
Why release new products with new serials if it doesn't address any of the previous problems?
**Update** 01/27
So ive returned my C1 serial tablet back to best buy and received my Champange 32gb from newegg today. The serial # this time was BC - immediately ive noticed better / less light bleeding around the top corner but acceptable.
There are 2 dead pixels (white) but not as bad my previous one... at least this time there isnt a red one. Overall the screen responsiveness seems a lot better for me too and seems like overall ICS experience is smoother.
Best of all so far i have not had one WIFI drop nor poor wifi connection. Im getting same d/l speed as my galaxy s2 phone.
I think this one is going to be a keeper for now.
Wow, sir may I say thank you for that I was worried that the C1 would have big display fixes. But, according to you that's not the case anyone else with a C1 have a story to tell? I have a BC serial btw.
I picked up my 64gb version with C1 serial number today. I have some small light bleed in the bottom left corner, but not really noticeable. It's actually in the same spot as my TF101. I will say that my wifi signal is weaker than the 101, but haven't had any drops or noticeable lag. I get 2 bars where the other gets 3. I have fully updated to 11.1 as well. My only issue so far has been market freeze while updating several apps. Hasn't happened again though. I got mine from MicroCenter. So far I'm very happy with it. Very sorry to hear yours is having issues. Hope the one from newegg is better!
Got a Champagne C1 today, haven't had a lot of time to play with it but the light bleed is indeed pretty bad... One spot in the bottom left, all along the right side as well.
The sensitivity is great though, wifi I have not had any problems though I do live in a condo. Seems very responsive, typing on the screen is fine so far (no keyboard yet). No dead pixels. Only quibble I have is the backlight bleed which is honestly only really noticable on a jet black screen with high backlight.
wikedawsum said:
I picked up my 64gb version with C1 serial number today. I have some small light bleed in the bottom left corner, but not really noticeable. It's actually in the same spot as my TF101. I will say that my wifi signal is weaker than the 101, but haven't had any drops or noticeable lag. I get 2 bars where the other gets 3. I have fully updated to 11.1 as well. My only issue so far has been market freeze while updating several apps. Hasn't happened again though. I got mine from MicroCenter. So far I'm very happy with it. Very sorry to hear yours is having issues. Hope the one from newegg is better!
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Thanks man. So far I never had a bad prodcut from Newegg and im crossing my fingers. Glad your happy with yours.
I just got my BC serial# Prime 64Gb from a dec 25th pre-order from Amazon and I can say I am happy with the screen. There is no light bleed I can see (I might not be as picky) and the screen's touch is very responsive. I do have the reduced WiFi signal everyone else has, but no dropped or laggy wifi signal. It updated to ICS 4.0.3 within 10 minutes and has not had any problems.
As for the GPS, I havent had a chance to mess with it yet.
This is my third attempt for a good transformer prime. Got my 64 gig from amazon yesteday and very happy with this one. Yes its a BC model, but the only issue I have is some very minor light bleed. everything else is fine.
Got a C1 64GB grey delivered from Amazon yesterday. The only problem that I have is a very slight light bleed on the bottom left corner. I have no dead pixels and my wifi is perfect. Screen is also nice, bright and responsive.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
I got a BC serial prime today from staples (canada), right out of the box there 2 noticeable 2 inch long scratch (two of them parallel) on the backplate and a small dot of bluish ink that cannot be wiped off. Also beside the camera rear lens appears to have a small scratch like stain that can be removed. Are stores selling refurbished as new items now?
Tech Faded said:
Wow, sir may I say thank you for that I was worried that the C1 would have big display fixes. But, according to you that's not the case anyone else with a C1 have a story to tell? I have a BC serial btw.
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There are (nor will there be in the future) display fixes. Light bleeds and dead pixels are part of IPS screens. Even ASUS warranty states that such things, unless they are excessive, do not fall under warranty. If a store takes the item back for light bleeds and dead pixels, it is basically on their head.
This will not change unless ASUS will up their quality control standards and start throwing out light bleed and dead pixel screens, which will drive up the costs of the devices due to screens they cannot use.
Even TF101's have light bleeds and dead pixels today, this won't change. And it is simply more prominent with TF201 screens due to IPS+.
kristovaher said:
There are (nor will there be in the future) display fixes. Light bleeds and dead pixels are part of IPS screens. Even ASUS warranty states that such things, unless they are excessive, do not fall under warranty. If a store takes the item back for light bleeds and dead pixels, it is basically on their head.
This will not change unless ASUS will up their quality control standards and start throwing out light bleed and dead pixel screens, which will drive up the costs of the devices due to screens they cannot use.
Even TF101's have light bleeds and dead pixels today, this won't change. And it is simply more prominent with TF201 screens due to IPS+.
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This is true. For the most part i think vast majority of consumers expect such results but sometimes its more noticable than others - thats what kills us. I showed my tablet to the return guy at in best buy and he was pretty shocked too and appologized - return was immediate and no restocking fee. I mean 4 dead pixels and 1 stuck red pixel is def on the excessive side ONTOP of severe light bleeding all across the board.
Thanks to OP, that confirmed me to again post-pone my purchase of Android tablet.
I put a lot of hope to ASUS TF201, but they blew it.
Well, MWC 2012 is just next month, it will be interesting to see the next wave of Android tablets. I don't know, my heart now probably go to the rumored 11.6" Samsung tablet, even though I must swallow the TouchWiz ... *difficult*
NOTE: Probably the one who has no WIFI issue is the one who has "better" WiFI AC/router. Because I think there are quite a lot of range for this kind of device. From cheap mediocre to expensive overkill one.
I purchased two Australian Channel TF201 32GB Golds both with C10KAS***** serial numbers.
I have found the majority of problems people have posted about do not apply to my two units. (each had very tiny light bleed in the bottom left corner, and that is about all)
It's scary how many problems people are posting, seems mostly in the US.
Sorry to hear about your troubles OP, my C1 serial primes have great screens and everything
Samsung, Apple almost don't have these problems. Even my €170 Hannspad/G-Tab didn't have backlight bleeding. I mean come on Asus..
OP, please search or read before posting, i already put up a C1 discussion thread yesterday.
I got my C1 64 gigger from Amazon yesterday and i dont see any issues so far. I am actualy blown away at how fast and smooth this is. I performed the ICS update prior to loading any apps and all is working great.
I see a resolution about dead pixels on my warranty card (local one in Slovakia). There is written that dead pixels does not fall under warranty unless there is a combination of 8 dead pixels at same place. It also specifies whether they are dead "white" or "black" ones.
As mentioned before, I guess it has something to do with a display technology...but honestly, does it really matter for you - 3 dead pixels or some light bleeding visible only in a boot stage?
donxuan1983 said:
I see a resolution about dead pixels on my warranty card (local one in Slovakia). There is written that dead pixels does not fall under warranty unless there is a combination of 8 dead pixels at same place. It also specifies whether they are dead "white" or "black" ones.
As mentioned before, I guess it has something to do with a display technology...but honestly, does it really matter for you - 3 dead pixels or some light bleeding visible only in a boot stage?
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I really hate dumb questions like these. Why ask questions when the answer is almost always relative?
YES IT DOES MATTER...I don't want dead pixels, not even one. I don't want light bleeding...
Its pretty dissapointing that the C1's are having the same issues. Thanks for the update.
Pubnum said:
I really hate dumb questions like these. Why ask questions when the answer is almost always relative?
YES IT DOES MATTER...I don't want dead pixels, not even one. I don't want light bleeding...
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I really hate shouting on people, especially when the answer is almost always relative...simple advice - change you Prime or ask for money

Backlight bleeding on the screen

I'm deciding between a tf201 or a samung tab 7.7 but I've been reading a lot of reports that users are getting backlight bleeding and others are not.. what is the actual stand on this, is the backlight bleeding normal or just common?
People defend it by saying that even the ipad2 has bleeding, I've checked 3 ipad2's from relatives and none if it had any backlight bleeding including a single ipad1 and 2 iphone4's.
For TN based displays I understand its normal for it to have bleeding.
As an ex-Asus fanboy, there definitely is a light bleed issue. Most prominently around the right and bottom sides of the tablet. IF you look around at the forums about light bleed issues, you'll notice that people who have had the issue say "I'm not on my 4th prime" or something similar. It's an issue with shotty quality control.
I bought a prime and had a light bleed issue. Majority of that light bleed could only be seen when the screen was black. However, it is very significant light bleed. Other tablets or IPS devices that have light bleed are similar, but just not as pronounced. Asus really redefined light bleed
I traded in my first Asus Prime and received a second one (BC) from the same store. It had light bleed in almost the exact same location, and in some cases worse. None the less, I took that back and just kept my money. Hopefully a galaxy tab 2 or Iconia A700 or TF700 or IPAD 3 will serve me better for the $500 I spent.
Bottom line -- if you're going for a prime, you're most likely going to get light bleed (chances are slim you won't). And after spending a week with it, it gradually got worse.
I might try to buy one again at the end of February to see if they improved the quality.
Pubnum said:
As an ex-Asus fanboy, there definitely is a light bleed issue. Most prominently around the right and bottom sides of the tablet. IF you look around at the forums about light bleed issues, you'll notice that people who have had the issue say "I'm not on my 4th prime" or something similar. It's an issue with shotty quality control.
I bought a prime and had a light bleed issue. Majority of that light bleed could only be seen when the screen was black. However, it is very significant light bleed. Other tablets or IPS devices that have light bleed are similar, but just not as pronounced. Asus really redefined light bleed
I traded in my first Asus Prime and received a second one (BC) from the same store. It had light bleed in almost the exact same location, and in some cases worse. None the less, I took that back and just kept my money. Hopefully a galaxy tab 2 or Iconia A700 or TF700 or IPAD 3 will serve me better for the $500 I spent.
Bottom line -- if you're going for a prime, you're most likely going to get light bleed (chances are slim you won't). And after spending a week with it, it gradually got worse.
I might try to buy one again at the end of February to see if they improved the quality.
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i am actually on my 4th prime! lol. And yes still have bleeding and it is getting worse after just 2 days.
wait for the for the TF700 if you dont need it now.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
I dont need it now but I want it now... so with the S-IPS panel specification there should be no backlight bleeding correct?
EarlZ said:
I dont need it now but I want it now... so with the S-IPS panel specification there should be no backlight bleeding correct?
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Of course there "SHOULD" not be any backlight bleeding. No manufacturer wants to produce a display with light bleeding from the sides.
The reality is that most Primes suffer from this and it is up to the user to live with it or not. The one I had did have some bright spots along the lower edge of the screen and I would have put up with it had it not been for the constant reboots.
For me its not gonna be acceptable considering the price and the touted S-IPS since I've never personally seen one with backlight bleeding. I guess I have to wait it out.
EarlZ said:
For me its not gonna be acceptable considering the price and the touted S-IPS since I've never personally seen one with backlight bleeding. I guess I have to wait it out.
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Utility of a device is always a matter of perspective. Some people look past it mostly because they want it so bad. I teased myself with it for about 7 days and finally made a decision that it could wait (mostly because the backlight bleed became worse!)
remics said:
Of course the "SHOULD" not be any backlight bleeding. No manufacturer wants to produce a display with light bleeding from the sides.
The reality is that most Primes suffer from this and it is up to the user to live with it or not. The one I had did have some bright spots along the lower edge of the screen and I would have put up with it had it not been for the constant reboots.
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Exactly. The question is, would have anyone noticed if they were not looking for it? It's a psychological question I often ponder. I almost forgot about my backlight bleed because I really didn't experience it during normal lighting conditions and apps/background not highlighting the bleeding. The tablet also is fricking amazing from head to toe with regards to functionality, ease of use, and performance.
However, its a shame as the backlight is turned up all the way when you first start the tablet. Since the startup screen uses a complete black backdrop the first experience a brand new Prime user will have (and yes you WILL have it) will be light bleed.
I will watch a lot of movies on in and for sure a dark scene cant be avoided and I even use an all black background or a black and white picture so its gonna be noticeable on my regular use including the fact that 85% of my usage will be in the bedroom with lights off.
I've had my prime for about 10 days. It's got what I would consider minor light bleed. When I first turn it on and it's going through the boot screens, there's noticeable bleed in the top right corner and along the bottom in several spots. However, when the homescreen comes up (even with a dark background - i.e. the ASUS live wallpaper at night), I can barely notice any bleeding at all.
So, I guess my point is, if you're using it with the lights off, your screen brightness will be at its lowest setting and hence light bleed should be barely noticeable if at all.
Meh still! 100 times better than my old windows 7 laptop. I look forward to using the tablet vs my desktop or laptop because the screen is so beautiful. I still think many of you like me are tech junkies and will buy the next greatest thing when it comes out...
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using XDA App
EarlZ said:
I'm deciding between a tf201 or a samung tab 7.7 but I've been reading a lot of reports that users are getting backlight bleeding and others are not.. what is the actual stand on this, is the backlight bleeding normal or just common?
People defend it by saying that even the ipad2 has bleeding, I've checked 3 ipad2's from relatives and none if it had any backlight bleeding including a single ipad1 and 2 iphone4's.
For TN based displays I understand its normal for it to have bleeding.
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Keep in mind that the ICS setup screens are NOT totally black. They are black at the top and then lighter towards the bottom. I've had many people mistake this for light bleed
pdanders said:
Keep in mind that the ICS setup screens are NOT totally black. They are black at the top and then lighter towards the bottom. I've had many people mistake this for light bleed
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I'm awre of that, I'm gonna use a totally black png image to check for lightbleeding if ever I decide to get one.
First two primes I owned, returned due to stuck pixels are HORRIBLE light bleed. 3rd one barely any bleed (slight amount in upper right hand corner, BCOK serial number. 4th and 5th prime, C10K serial numbers, zero light bleed. Very happy with them.
(reason for 3, one for me, my wife and bought one for my brother in law for his birthday).
So you have a C1 and no light bleed?
Light Bleed getting worse
Has anyone seen their light bleed becoming worse as time goes by? My Prime came and there was only a slight light bleed in the lower left corner and was only noticeable during boot. I have now had the Prime for 3 weeks and the Light bleed has gotten worse. I now have light bleed up the left side, across the bottom and up the right side. Is anyone else seeing this with their Primes?
Others also reported that its getting worse.
Mine has bleed, but the only time I ever notice is when it's booting. They all have some form. iPads have them also. Mine did.... it's the nature of IPS, apparently.
Enjoy your TF201, stop staring at a plain black screen.
Mine has just a bit of bleed along the bottom, not really noticeable and nowhere as bad as our TV. The top-right corner however, on the bootup screen and any solid black (does not show up in any other color ) has pretty bad bleed. I'm pretty sure this is down to only having pressure in the four places this screen does.
If I push the panel's corner in toward the glass in that spot the bleed disappears, and no amount of tightening on the nearest screw will help.
I have not noticed mine get worse in the two weeks I've had it, but I reseated all the screws and made sure they were snug...
I don't know... I've had mine for a week and I don't have any light bleed. None that I can notice at least..
SN: C10
The backlight bleed 'issue' is either hit or miss. I had a B1 grey for a couple of weeks before my C1 Champagne pre-order finally came in and the B1 had no backlight bleeding what-so-ever. My C1 has a small amount light bleed along the right side, which from the sounds of it is fairly common on the C1s.
In my opinion the backlight 'issue' is not that big of a deal. In my normal daily use it is something I don't notice at all. As others have mentioned if you do get one with light bleeding the only time you really notice it is on the boot screen.

Anyone have both a TF101 and a TFP?

Does anyone have both the TF 101 and the prime? I had gotten a replacement from Asus, and I noticed the screen would wash out a lot more on an angle compared to my TF 101, So asus replaced it (the first replacement was a C30 and they replaced it with a C20 which actually has better wifi range than the C30 did) And I noticed again that the screen would wash out more when held on an angle than the TF 101 did. Now I dont think I got two primes with the same exact issue so now I'm thinking that maybe its just the way the TFP LCD panel is. So I was wondering if someone that has both a TF101 and a Prime if they can do a side by side and let me know. Put the same wallpaper on both devices, and also set the brightness to the same on both devices(I set them both to max, with IPS+ off on the prime). Does the prime get more washed out when held on an angle compared to the TF101?
Thanks in advance
Put the Prime in Performance Mode and then re-do your testing.
Its an auto contrast feature of the tegra 3. Seems to happen more in lower power modes. Search for contrast on this forum there posts about it but its a feature not a bug. Higher brightness and super ips mode are also ways to reduce it from happening.
Oh yea and the 101 didnt have this feature.
DX` said:
Put the Prime in Performance Mode and then re-do your testing.
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I have it in performance mode and it still washes out more on an angle than my TF101.
indie13 said:
Its an auto contrast feature of the tegra 3. Seems to happen more in lower power modes. Search for contrast on this forum there posts about it but its a feature not a bug. Higher brightness and super ips mode are also ways to reduce it from happening.
Oh yea and the 101 didnt have this feature.
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Thanks, I was looking at that but wasnt sure if it was the same issue. I do notice the TFP washes out a lot more on an angle even when in performance mode. Since I got two replacements that were like this I'm thinking more its just the way it was made. When asus sent me the first replacement and I noticed it(I dont think I noticed it on my original TFP) I took a video of it washing out more compared to the tf101 when viewed on an angle. I'm pretty disappointed.. I have never seen an IPS screen wash out like that. It washes out on an angle more than my HTC Evo View(flyer) and that's not even an ips or slcd screen
Here are the links of the videos of the first replacement they sent me. This new replacement washes out the same way on an angle
I have both, and don't notice any difference except the 201's screen is much sharper and way brighter. I hack the 101 with revolver, and have left the 201 stock. Just got the GPS kit, and now get more sats with the 201 indoors! Too bad the GPS kit doesn't have a power jack. My 201 is a BCOKAS.
If those videos are accurately showing what you're seeing with the device in-person, then I would exchange the unit again. Mine looks nothing like that. Like others have said, the viewing angles on my TF201 are just as good as on my TF101. I'd say the Prime's screen is an improvement in every way, and I thought the original Transformer had a very nice screen.
What you are seeing is Light Bleed, you can search in XDA how to fix it yourself (you have to open your Prime) or return it to Asus. That is not how the screen should look.
bedoig said:
If those videos are accurately showing what you're seeing with the device in-person, then I would exchange the unit again. Mine looks nothing like that. Like others have said, the viewing angles on my TF201 are just as good as on my TF101. I'd say the Prime's screen is an improvement in every way, and I thought the original Transformer had a very nice screen.
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Yeah, thats the way it looks in person. I really doubt asus will replace it a 3rd time... I'm waiting to hear back from Hai Trat. I expected the viewing angles to be the same as well. when I wish I could remember if my first unit washed out.. I think I was too anal about the dead pixels it had to notice if that one washed out. But after getting the 1st replacement and the 2nd and both washed out like that and both were different batches (first replacement was a C3, 2nd was a C2) I figured maybe it was normal. Guess not..
Zephyrot said:
What you are seeing is Light Bleed, you can search in XDA how to fix it yourself (you have to open your Prime) or return it to Asus. That is not how the screen should look.
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Nope, it's not light bleed. That unit does have some but the video shows it correctly, when viewed on an angle the whole screen clouds and washes out. And this is the 2nd one that has done this. My tf101 has some light bleed and doesnt do that at all. This 2nd replacement I have (the video is of the 1st one) the backlight bleeding isnt as bad and it still washes out like that on an angle.
Hmmm....Now that I do a direct side-by-side...in a dark room, with dark backgrounds on both tablets...I do see more of that "glow" that you're showing in your videos. The image is still crisp, but there is a distinct white-out, glow kinda thing going on. Maybe not quite as pronounced as your video, but that could just be lighting, camera, etc.
I probably wouldn't have noticed without doing the side by side video to see if I could show you how mine was OK, lol. LIke I said, the image and colors are still crisp, but there is a bit of that glow over the image.
I almost wonder if it isn't the oleophobic coating refracting the light. It's definitely not just general backlight bleed. My Galaxy Nexus (which also has an oleophobic coating of some kind) doesn't seem to exhibit the same off-axis behavior, but the screen is OLED, is much smaller, etc, so it's hard to make a direct comparison.
Your videos did seem pretty pronounced though. At this point I can't comfortably say one way or the other. I still think my screen looks great. I guess you just have to figure out if you're satisfied or not. In comparison to my TF101, I'd pick my Prime's screen every time.

Anyone notice light bleed?

Just got my N9 today from Best Buy. Have any of you noticed light bleed from the top of the screen?
Yep. From the top. Most noticeable with white.
Sent from my XT1060 using Tapatalk
I think every device has some light bleed from the top, so it's unfortunately by design. Mine also has a small brighter spot a the lower left bottom, but it doesn't bother me at all.
jantheman said:
I think every device has some light bleed from the top, so it's unfortunately by design. Mine also has a small brighter spot a the lower left bottom, but it doesn't bother me at all.
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I'm upgrading from a Galaxy Tab 8.9. Never noticed any sort of bleed on it.
Soundchasr said:
I'm upgrading from a Galaxy Tab 8.9. Never noticed any sort of bleed on it.
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I should have made it clearer that I was talking about all Nexus 9 devices, not all devices.
Yup i have light bleed on mine also. Was thinking about exchanging but it appears that I'll most Lieut get another with bleed
I noticed some light bleed on the top edge in portrait mode. I didn't think anything of it at first but it really stands out in landscape mode.
I have some slight light bleed on the top of the screen in portrait mode. I'm not sure what to do...
My N7 2013 had light bleed also. Its not that bad unless you're looking for it.
The light bleed seems to be a manufacturing defect. Also, the flexibility when pressing on the middle of the back of the device seems like a design flaw. I wonder if Google will address these as known issues.
I took a couple of pics while running PixelTest.
kyyummy said:
I took a couple of pics while running PixelTest.
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And that's pretty much how mine looks like. There is noticeable light bleed especially around the status bar area (dark statusbar )
Yep. I got it too, but it isn't all that noticeable. There seems to be a large gap between glass and screen in general.
Yes, mine has the same light bleed at the top as well.
I got my black 32GB from the play store in UK. My screen is perfect. No light bleed at all. I've never had a tablet with no light bleed so this is the first. :good:
When I first turned the unit on, my first reaction was on my God!
Large light bleed, top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right!
I must admit it seems to have died down some what.
Contacted Google as soon as I turned the device on ?
They offered a full refund or to exchange my device, think I will wait for a few days and decide what to do!
Thing is there are no other tablets I like! See what Google is going to do, wonder if they will address these issues?
Light bleed, my nexus 7 2013 has it a bit, which then can only view when your starting up the device, but does it really impact the screen quality? no it doesn't.
White 32gb. I have horrible screen bleed on all corners and edges. I have never seen anything this bad. Another joke in build quality is the creaking back, every time I slightly move my hold on the tablet, the back creaks.
I might have been able to overlook these flaws if the Nexus 9 was priced cheap, but at £410, this build quality is just totally unacceptable. Its a joke.
I will be asking for RMA and if the replacement also has screen bleed, I will be requesting a refund and reconsider my desire to purchase the Nexus 9.
Light bleed on mine too... Top side only.
cmit37 said:
I got my black 32GB from the play store in UK. My screen is perfect. No light bleed at all. I've never had a tablet with no light bleed so this is the first. :good:
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Lucky guy!
MRobbo80 said:
When I first turned the unit on, my first reaction was on my God!
Large light bleed, top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right!
I must admit it seems to have died down some what.
Contacted Google as soon as I turned the device on ?
They offered a full refund or to exchange my device, think I will wait for a few days and decide what to do!
Thing is there are no other tablets I like! See what Google is going to do, wonder if they will address these issues?
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Did you buy from Play Store?

