Video (Avi) playback low frame rate/lag ? - HTC EVO 3D

Hi chaps,
I have tried searching, but nothing that is spot on other than talking about AVI being a container etc.
I have two phones... and LG O2X and the just turned up Evo 3D (Almost 2 days on one charge at present lol (42 hours so far)). I thought I'd do a video test, so i started playing Bolt from my NAS drive to both my phones to just check general video quality.
O2X: Very very smooth fluid playback, occasional blip.
Evo 3D: Video just seems like it is playing at a low frame rate, it isn't fluid.
What might the O2X have that the Evo 3D doesn't? I know the O2X can record at 1080p and playback at 1080P.. but the evo 3d isn't exactly a slouch?
I looked through all my video's (and they are all in avi files).

What codec, bitrate, and resolution is the video?

According to windows:
Frame Width: 640
Frame Height: 336
Size: 701 MB
Frame rate: 23 fps
Data Rate: 891Kbps
Total bitrate: 1017kbps
Running it in Winamp pro.. it says it's an MPEG 4 Part2 (codec) XVID
I managed to find an MP4 anime I had... and that seems to play ok.

Do you have the GSM model? if so it could be down to the thottled GPU.

meangreenie said:
Do you have the GSM model? if so it could be down to the thottled GPU.
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Yes, as a matter of fact I do have a GSM model... It wasn't in low power mode at the time if that's what you mean?
If not... tell me more about this throttling (or direct me where to look if that's not too much trouble )

Scougar said:
Yes, as a matter of fact I do have a GSM model... It wasn't in low power mode at the time if that's what you mean?
If not... tell me more about this throttling (or direct me where to look if that's not too much trouble )
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All the GSM roms and stock afaik suffer from very poor results in gpu tests.. nenamark @25fps (worse than a well set up Adreno205 GPU).. it should be @ 45fps mark @ stock 1.2mhz cpu speed as proved by the CDMA versions based on stock 2.17.x.x roms.. with 1.8mhz speeds it probably break into the 50's.
by throttling i mean the behaviour the gpu seems to be showing by watching, for example, the performance needle/meter in nenmark 2,
it sways all over the place! even with a static display at the end of the test. i know this test quite well and it doesn't behave like this on other phones.
all this wouldn't suprise me if it affected hardware decoded avi playback too

Thank you for the explanation (Doesn't stop me wondering how I sort it out though lol).

What app are you using? I find that using Diceplayer and MXplayer - I get nearly flawless playback. Diceplayer is better for up to 1080P content, but MXplayer is almost as good and free.
That said - I'm playing from my memory card.

you can flash a custom kernel @1.5 GHz

P0ll0L0c0 said:
What app are you using? I find that using Diceplayer and MXplayer - I get nearly flawless playback. Diceplayer is better for up to 1080P content, but MXplayer is almost as good and free.
That said - I'm playing from my memory card.
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Youtube video's and the sample 'green hornet' (etc) video's play just fine. It's the AVI's that seem to make it have a low frame rate (At least that's how it appears). The 02X is fine with it (A downside is that the O2X couldn't play a native MPEG4, where as the EVO 3D could :-D )
davelis828 said:
you can flash a custom kernel @1.5 GHz
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I don't want to root and flash yet, as I have my rooted O2X and need to sell that first before I start playing with this phone too much. The O2X did 1.4 very easily (I need also need to keep my warranty intact until a case FINALLY decides it's gonna turn up in the mail.. grr! lol).

You can try 'Emit'
you have to install the pc app too, but it plays xvids etc smoothly even on my San Francisco Blade phone

I know about the lag the OP is talking about. I've tried nearly all video player software on my EVO3D and the only one that plays XVID AVI files perfectly is Diceplayer. Every other player had issues with either poor framerate or audio/video sync issues. Diceplayer handles XVID files very well on this phone. I wonder why none of the other players play them right?


new archos 101 owner, some questions for you guys

Hi guys,
I've just purchased a archos 101 and am "reasonably" happy with it... I wanted something to browse the web in a comfortable way without having to boot my PC.
Now I know I shouldn't expect wonders for the price I payed but I would like to get your input on following points:
- browsing is kinda choppy when scrolling. Not really a big deal but off course a smoother experience would be nice so if there are solutions here I would like to hear them I don't know if another browser might make a difference?
- video playback: this is a complaint from the misses , she was going to make a chocolate cake and wanted to view the "howto" movie online. It started up but was really choppy (this is the link to the movie: I don't know if you guys can play this video smoothly with whatever setup you have?
I don't know the resolution of the video (I know the 101 can handle 720p) but if the resolution is higher is there a way to play it in lower resolution somehow without a lot of pre-video-watching-actions?
PS The video played back nicely on my HTC Desire with Redux 1.2 ROM (gingerbread)
What's the advice for this tablet in general to get the full potential out of it? Is installing urukdroid a must or are there other options?
PS I've set power management already to "overdrive"
Archos still doesn't have a GPU-accelerated version of Flash, so Flash playback in the Browser is a bit rough. I usually find that it's acceptable once you put it into fullscreen mode. Also, that video was fairly high res for Flash, usually I'm watching stuff through youtube at 360p, so you may want to test with some lower quality videos, and don't forget to go into fullscreen mode.
IIRC, there is no way to make the system capable of playing videos over 1280x720. I use Handbrake on my PC to downsample any of my 1080p stuff, but obviously it takes time to reencode. You could use something like TVersity to recode on-the-fly, but I always found it to be a PITA.
Installing Uruk isn't a must by any means, but I like to theme my device and do alot of other stuff that requires R/W access to the system. Performance is better in some ways as well, such as having ext4 partitions instead of the stock squashfs, but it's not a huge difference. Uruk also has advantages such as Ad-Hoc wifi connnections, better phone tethering compatibility, support for DVB, etc.
Overall though, if you just use it to browse the web, I don't think you'll see much difference with Urukdroid. Doesn't mean I don't recommend it though.
msticninja said:
IIRC, there is no way to make the system capable of playing videos over 1280x720.
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I know what you mean, but you can play 1080p on your Archos, but extreeeeemly slowly, around 0.3-0.5 frames pro second
@msticninja : did the video play ok on your device or was it jerky?
I've been experimenting a bit with browsers and so far opera mobile (not mini) seems to be the smoothest... if you activate "opera turbo" it's even faster but pictures are lower quality
I've tried stock browser, opera mini, opera mobile, dolphin HD and Skyfire
It was pretty jerky. When she was just standing talking it wasn't bad, but once 50% or more of the pixels were changing on each frame, it skipped badly until the movement settled down. It's just too high res for the flash optimization. You can either try to watch lower res vids, which I know is hard in this situation, or you can try to use a Download Helper to download the flash video, then play it in the stock Video Player. Should be no skipping there with the hardware acceleration.
Eventually, someone will either hack together or legitimately release a hardware-accelerated version of Flash for our Gen8 devices, and that should make it drastically better. At least I hope someone will.
msticninja said:
Eventually, someone will either hack together or legitimately release a hardware-accelerated version of Flash for our Gen8 devices, and that should make it drastically better. At least I hope someone will.
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I watched that video on my desktop computer and my quad core processor went to 25% on all 4 cores and had burst download speeds of 1Mbyte/s so watching this on a single core non optimized flash will be a disaster.
wdl1908 said:
I watched that video on my desktop computer and my quad core processor went to 25% on all 4 cores and had burst download speeds of 1Mbyte/s so watching this on a single core non optimized flash will be a disaster.
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what I don't understand then is that this video played perfectly on my desire... I know the desire is a great device but what's the difference compared to the archos?
berre said:
what I don't understand then is that this video played perfectly on my desire... I know the desire is a great device but what's the difference compared to the archos?
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Hardware acceleration enabled flash maybe.
wdl1908 said:
Hardware acceleration enabled flash maybe.
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Yes, the GPU acceleration makes a huge difference, more than I thought it should, until I realized that GPUs process data differently, with multiple cores/threads, and the fact that they're designed solely to pump out pixels, not numbers. (Yes, I know that's kind of an idiosyncrasy)
If we get GPU acceleration, it would probably be capable of playing flash games even.
update: just installed Flash Player instead of 10.3 and there is big improvement in the video! it's still a bit choppy but much much more "viewable"

GS3 and FPse, how it performs?

Hello, can maybe some one post some videos on how FPse performance with GS3?
Deadeye* said:
Hello, can maybe some one post some videos on how FPse performance with GS3?
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I've seen that, nice video.
I've tested it. Originally it ran at 256 fps, so I had to turn on vsync to cap it at 60 fps.
Runs super smooth here
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
I've been having a tinker with FPse myself.
Running version 0.11.24.
Using Final Fantasy 9 as a test ISO, it runs amazingly well in "software" mode, if you turn off frame limiting the area's I checked were running at 250+fps.
I didn't notice any bugs either. but graphically, the game looks horrible, pixelated and blurry.
Now, there's an openGL plugin for FPse, which makes it look fantastic, much better then software mode. but it's choppy and buggy. Not unplayable mind you, (40 - 100 fps) but it can dip to 20 at some scenes.
Now the worst part is, currently the OpenGL plugin does not support the MALI400 GPU in the S3. If you try to directly run an ISO using the pluggin, it will not load on the S3, just shows a black screen.
there is a "trick" to load a game using the plugin though, but I wont bother getting into detail.
The dev is reportedly soon going to release fpse 0.11.27, which will allow the openGL plugin to run on a MALI400 GPU.
Check out the thread on
also @NZtechfreak.
thats an N64 emu, not FPse.
dark_day said:
also @NZtechfreak.
thats an N64 emu, not FPse.
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Try actually watching the video before commenting, I show FPse also. Sorry, but I think I know what I'm talking about here.
In the video I run Tekken 3 just with the software GPU plugin and it runs fine, will try it out with my other games and see, but certainly Tekken 3 has no issue so it isn't universal that it doesn't work (its running 32-bit rendering with anti-aliasing on in the video at 60fps). Apparently the 0.11.27 version coming out any day will have a major revision to make things work better with the Mali too.
Thank you for all your replies more confident about buying S3 just reading the post about signal issues...
I tried it and it runs well in software mode.
I have managed to play with the Open GL plugin (Einhander and Grandia), the graphics are very very good and the frame rate is ok.
But as dark_day says, you have to do a very anoying trick (with Tekhen3) to play.
Also I didn't manage to play with the iControlPad and the OpenGL plugin whereas it works well in software mode.
My only problem in software mode, if someone has an answer : I didn't manage to play in 4:3. Even when I select original screen size it's still in 16:9.

Video Hardware Acceleration Issue

So I've been loading high quality, high bitrate 1080p mkv video files, or 20+mbps H.264 feed caps as .ts, and it works just fine for a couple of days before something terribly goes wrong. Let me explain...
I've been using Dice Player and VPlayer for a while, and Dice have been doing a great job with HW accel on high bitrate videos, they simply look stunning. But as I'm adding more videos from my computer over the last few days, Dice starts freezing, and crashing, while VPlayer still plays the videos but falls back to Software Acceleration. With SW accel only videos drop frames and look choppy at that high bitrate and no hardware acceleration.
To make things worse, now all my video apps like ESPN SportsCenter, WatchESPN, Netflix fail to play videos. Either "Video Can Not be played" or simply a black screen while playing (Netflix).
In the meantime I've downloaded BS player, and a few other players that support HW accel, and they also seem to fallback to SW accel when videos are playing.
Has anyone seen this or know how to solve this issue? I've already restored as this also happened a few days ago. It worked for a few days and I'm having the same issues all over again. I have a feeling that some of the files I've loaded caused this, not sure if deleting or somehow clearing the cache would fix it... also no idea where to poke.
thanks in advance!
I use MX Player with its hardware acceleration without any issue.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium
docnok63 said:
I use MX Player with its hardware acceleration without any issue.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium
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Have that one also. Same issue at this point.
How much free storage do you have? The One X got really funky when over 90-95% of storage was used. If you're close to max take a few videos off and see if anything changes.
BarryH_GEG said:
How much free storage do you have? The One X got really funky when over 90-95% of storage was used. If you're close to max take a few videos off and see if anything changes.
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Have 5.64GB free.
Apparently it was the TS raw streams that I had loaded. THose were NBC feeds straight from the C-Band at 24mbps H.264.
All good with mkv wrappers, back to normal.
BarryH_GEG said:
How much free storage do you have? The One X got really funky when over 90-95% of storage was used. If you're close to max take a few videos off and see if anything changes.
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Its because its like ssd technology once over 80% capacity its gonna slow down the read/write speed causing it to lag essentially
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium
.torrented said:
Its because its like ssd technology once over 80% capacity its gonna slow down the read/write speed causing it to lag essentially
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium
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You are actually incorrect.
Unlike mechanical HDD technology, SSD's are not suffering from this. There is always between 5 and 15% of the SSD dedicated for Waste Management and Redundancy. That's actually one of the selling points when it comes to SSD's.
Another consideration is that these media players had to remove DTS support and if a video's default audio is DTS, the player simply states cannot play or media unsupported. VLC beta plays DTS in software mode but its CPU intense if high res etc. You can find discussions on the web for the popular media players on how to add DTS support yourself for your phone.
Sent from my Desire HD using xda app-developers app
Y2KoaS said:
Another consideration is that these media players had to remove DTS support and if a video's default audio is DTS, the player simply states cannot play or media unsupported. VLC beta plays DTS in software mode but its CPU intense if high res etc. You can discussions on the web for the popular media players on how to add the DTS support yourself for your phone.
Sent from my Desire HD using xda app-developers app
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This is actually a very useful reply. It was a raw TS of high bitrate H.264 NBC feed that caused all this. For some reason all of my players freaked out after a while, and caused all the video streaming apps not to play.
After I erased TS files everything went back to normal. I guess rewrapper is a requirement.
.torrented said:
Its because its like ssd technology once over 80% capacity its gonna slow down the read/write speed causing it to lag essentially
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium
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Also, having over 5GB free is definitely not 80% full.
adrynalyne said:
Also, having over 5GB free is definitely not 80% full.
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your right... 80% is about 12.8 Gb's
milan03 said:
You are actually incorrect.
Unlike mechanical HDD technology, SSD's are not suffering from this. There is always between 5 and 15% of the SSD dedicated for Waste Management and Redundancy. That's actually one of the selling points when it comes to SSD's.
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Personal experience bro and yes i have TRIM enabled... I had less than a gig left and it was down to a 7200RPM HDD (in terms of speed) I removed a few gigs and its back to being fast... Ive done my homework and i can personally say that this is why it happens... Trust me dont fill past 80% (give or take) so and the phone wont slow down in overall performance...
.torrented said:
your right... 80% is about 12.8 Gb's
Personal experience bro and yes i have TRIM enabled... I had less than a gig left and it was down to a 7200RPM HDD (in terms of speed) I removed a few gigs and its back to being fast... Ive done my homework and i can personally say that this is why it happens... Trust me dont fill past 80% (give or take) so and the phone wont slow down in overall performance...
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Writes slow down on a full SSD. Reads should not be affected.
adrynalyne said:
Writes slow down on a full SSD. Reads should not be affected.
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Ok. I have an 64GB OCZ Vertex 4 SSD (for those that dont know these are one of the fastest you can currently get)... Allocated space was about 59.5 Gb's. After OS install and Hibernation removed i had a good chunk left for a few games (Skyrin, FO3, FO:NV to name a few) it was down to about roughly 4Gb's of space. Took me a while to firgure out why it was taking more that 30 Seconds for my PC to boot. I ran the WEI and it was telling me that my SSD was rated at 5.9 (7200 RPM rating) Before it was a 7.8... I know the WEI means nothing but when that happened i knew something wasnt right... I removed the larger games and my speed came back. ever since i leave about 10-15Gb's of space on it so i dont get a slow down... take it with a grain of salt if you want but this is what happened and how i fixed it. Same thing was happening over at the Nexus 7 forums on the 16GB tablets... less than 3Gb's left on the device and it got super slow. a few benchmarks were done by AndroidPolice and it showed that ... cant be any more clear that that... just how the technology is...
take it or leave it idc just felt like sharing some info
My Rig:
AMD 8-Core FX CPU @ 4.2GHz
H100 Corsair CPU Cooler
16GB DDR3 Corsair Avenger RAM @ 1600MHz
Gigabyte 990FX UD5 MoBo
AX850 W Corsair PSU
x2 HD 6870 XFX DD GPU's (in XFIRE)
Corsair 650D Mid Case
64GB OCZ Vertex 4 SSD Boot drive
2TB WD Black Storage drive
Grand Total = $1,300
OCZ isn't very good. For one thing, their failure rate on the past Vertex drives has been atrociousness. I had one that lasted a year, got a Samsung and it has been MUCH faster. And I can go over 80% without slowdowns...
flaring afro said:
OCZ isn't very good. For one thing, their failure rate on the past Vertex drives has been atrociousness. I had one that lasted a year, got a Samsung and it has been MUCH faster. And I can go over 80% without slowdowns...
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I really wasn't going for reliability. Plus it was on sale for $50.
Sorry OP for going off topic
.torrented said:
I really wasn't going for reliability. Plus it was on sale for $50.
Sorry OP for going off topic
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Nah this is a good subject. Just to note that although it's all NAND, phone's flash grade is probably the lowest, and shouldn't really be compared to SATA III SSDs. I've been using SandForce based in my laptop, it's been almost three years, still reads/writes at about 250MB/s. It's SATA II only.
flaring afro said:
OCZ isn't very good. For one thing, their failure rate on the past Vertex drives has been atrociousness. I had one that lasted a year, got a Samsung and it has been MUCH faster. And I can go over 80% without slowdowns...
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I've had 3 OCZ SSDs, beginning around 3 years ago. None of them have failed yet. Anecdotal evidence is just that.
cast_also said:
I've had 3 OCZ SSDs, beginning around 3 years ago. None of them have failed yet. Anecdotal evidence is just that.
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adrynalyne said:
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You can Google anything failing and you will get results
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium

Modern Combat 4

Downloading it now. It better run as I paid £4.99!!! There doesn't seem to be much graphics improvement in the screen shots not that the game needed it. There is a new engine though so we'll see how it goes.
THIS GAME IS AMAZING!!! It looks and plays exactly like the gameplay I've seen on the nexus 7, totally smooth. If you liked MC3 you're gonna love this.
Karim.younus said:
Downloading it now. It better run as I paid £4.99!!! There doesn't seem to be much graphics improvement in the screen shots not that the game needed it. There is a new engine though so we'll see how it goes.
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Actually the graphics are considerably better. Gameloft implemented the Havok engine and increased the polygon count. The game is not running with full graphics on our devices or the Nexus 7, so keep that in mind.
I am running Android 2.3 on my Player 4.0 and the framerate is at a barely playable 10fps or so. Is anyone running this game on an Android 4.0 ROM, and if so, how well does it run?
Totally smooth? What device are you using? On my SGP 5.0 Stock ROM (2.3.5) it runs from 10-15 FPS to 30-35 FPS. Not much enjoyable...
zardak said:
Totally smooth? What device are you using? On my SGP 5.0 Stock ROM (2.3.5) it runs from 10-15 FPS to 30-35 FPS. Not much enjoyable...
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Galaxy Player 5 i'm using. 1.2GHz with no background tasks. I'm probally getting around 60-80fps but it's a rough guess.
TheTehk17 said:
Actually the graphics are considerably better. Gameloft implemented the Havok engine and increased the polygon count. The game is not running with full graphics on our devices or the Nexus 7, so keep that in mind.
I am running Android 2.3 on my Player 4.0 and the framerate is at a barely playable 10fps or so. Is anyone running this game on an Android 4.0 ROM, and if so, how well does it run?
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I'm on Remics ICS which is an excellent ROM. I'm assuming Chainfire will unlock the full graphics? Not that i'll be able to run it without lag on that lol.
Karim.younus said:
Galaxy Player 5 i'm using. 1.2GHz with no background tasks. I'm probally getting around 60-80fps but it's a rough guess.
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Same here, 1.2GHz.
Premising that almost all games (included MC4) are capped at 60FPS, and according to a system app, our screen can reach 68Hz of refreshing rate, so it is not possible to see truly 80 FPS (the difference between 60 and 80 is hardly noticeable, even on higher refresh rate).
60 FPS imho means perfect on this devices, perfectly smooth...
You can try <this> to see how many frames are showed.
zardak said:
Same here, 1.2GHz.
Premising that almost all games (included MC4) are capped at 60FPS, and according to a system app, our screen can reach 68Hz of refreshing rate, so it is not possible to see truly 80 FPS (the difference between 60 and 80 is hardly noticeable, even on higher refresh rate).
60 FPS imho means perfect on this devices, perfectly smooth...
You can try <this> to see how many frames are showed.
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Well there something I didn't know. Cheers
Just tested the fps app. Says I'm getting around 39fps which didn't seem allot yet I've watched some gameplay of MC4 on the Nexus 7 and it looks just as smooth. No lag at all.
Karim.younus said:
I'm assuming Chainfire will unlock the full graphics?
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That was the case with NOVA 3, but not MC3 or MC4, which were developed by different Gameloft branches. I guess that also explains the general lack of new features in MC4, too... still no jumping, going prone, multiplayer voice chat, or drivable multiplayer vehicles; and using the same enemy AI and multiplayer money system as before.
For whatever reason my Player 4 decided to be nice when I started MC4 today, and even though I am only running stock rooted 2.3.6, I got average framerates of 30-40fps, with a low at 20 and several highs being 50fps.
Quite interesting, as every other time I played the game, it ran anywhere from 10-25fps.

[Q] Increase 4k video bitrate for SONY z2

Hello everyone,
I have recently been a SONY Z2 filming mainly 4K
Even if I find pretty good video (3840x2160 @ 56,000 kb/s) I'll be really happy to see better shine the eyes of my son more detail passing 100,000 kb/s see 120,000 kb/s my 64 gb μSD tested at 15 MB/s write (exFAT).
The problem is that I do not know where to go and what to do that's why I'm asking you to enlighten me.
I can provide if needed "SemcCameraUI.apk", "SuperVideoCamera.apk", or any other file.
Thank you in advance.
I am French and I translated with google translation
Thank for all :good:
Not possible, sony does the highest 4k bitrates currently for smart phones. In fact its so high that the device tends to heat up and stop recording after a while if the ambient temperature is little over 25 degrees c. 4k recording is a beta feature because it cannot be used as long as 1080p say. The present cpu has a tough time delivering as it is.
If you want better rates then you will have to use a video camera that can deliver those rates. Or wait a couple of years for mobile cpus to catch up.
One Twelve said:
Not possible, sony does the highest 4k bitrates currently for smart phones. In fact its so high that the device tends to heat up and stop recording after a while if the ambient temperature is little over 25 degrees c. 4k recording is a beta feature because it cannot be used as long as 1080p say. The present cpu has a tough time delivering as it is.
If you want better rates then you will have to use a video camera that can deliver those rates. Or wait a couple of years for mobile cpus to catch up.
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I did a test almost 15 minutes before break due to temperature knowing that I rarely exceed 1 minute
I see no obstacle to this, I just ask to be referred but assistance will be more than better and will make many happy owners of Z2.
Btw I've seen on the app store play but diverted for photo (Z1)
I aquired my SONY Z2 thanks to a flash sale of my operator with discounts for the price of € 89 (~ $ 100) and a camcorder for $ 2000 is not possible nor a priority.
Thanks anyway for taking the trouble to reply One Twelve :angel:
Tony72000 said:
I did a test almost 15 minutes before break due to temperature knowing that I rarely exceed 1 minute
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So we can see that at a temperature of 23 degrees c, with steady shot off that around 14 minutes recording in 4k is possible. File stored on 64GB class10 ultra. Phone is in the default sony case which you remove after five minutes.
Some people have said steady shot on or off does not make any difference to heating.
The focus hunt issue is present but only happens a little. 10 seconds out of 14 minutes. of course in 14 minutes the subject is not changing and light is decent. Focus hunt happens more often in lower light and is something sony should fix.
Tony72000 said:
I see no obstacle to this, I just ask to be referred but assistance will be more than better and will make many happy owners of Z2.
Btw I've seen on the app store play but diverted for photo (Z1)
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xposed mod for photos allows SA at 20MP. There is no similar mod with video to increase the detail.
So instead of higher bitrate how about longer record time ?
There is a thread here on undervolting to increase record time. See also this post. CPU usage is the culprit. These tests show that some increase in duration is possible so people are expecting sony to fix this in a future update soon, hopefully.
Interesting this is without steady shot, yet it does not seem too jerky.
Tony72000 said:
I aquired my SONY Z2 thanks to a flash sale of my operator with discounts for the price of € 89 (~ $ 100) and a camcorder for $ 2000 is not possible nor a priority.
Thanks anyway for taking the trouble to reply One Twelve :angel:
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a Z2 for $100 is a good deal, i will have to pay seven times that amount.
One Twelve said:
So we can see that at a temperature of 23 degrees c, with steady shot off that around 14 minutes recording in 4k is possible. File stored on 64GB class10 ultra. Phone is in the default sony case which you remove after five minutes.
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One Twelve said:
Some people have said steady shot on or off does not make any difference to heating.
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3 or 4 minutes and more
One Twelve said:
The focus hunt issue is present but only happens a little. 10 seconds out of 14 minutes. of course in 14 minutes the subject is not changing and light is decent. Focus hunt happens more often in lower light and is something sony should fix.
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We'll see if Sony fixes the problem in a future update.
One Twelve said:
xposed mod for photos allows SA at 20MP. There is no similar mod with video to increase the detail.
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That's what I'm looking for more bitrate video
One Twelve said:
So instead of higher bitrate how about longer record time ?
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More recording time would be a plus, but as my first post this is the quality that counts as soon as it is no longer in direct sunlight the picture becomes runny, I had a customized apk for my HTX one X at a bitrate @ 60 Mb / sec
One Twelve said:
There is a thread here on undervolting to increase record time. See also this post. CPU usage is the culprit. These tests show that some increase in duration is possible so people are expecting sony to fix this in a future update soon, hopefully.
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OK good thread
One Twelve said:
Interesting this is without steady shot, yet it does not seem too jerky.
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It's my dog
One Twelve said:
a Z2 for $100 is a good deal, i will have to pay seven times that amount.
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And with your operator :crying:
Tony72000 said:
3 or 4 minutes and more
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When i tested a demo z2 in the shop, temp was 25-28 degree c i got 2:30 of 4k with steady shot on, did not test with steady shot off.
Tony72000 said:
More recording time would be a plus, but as my first post this is the quality that counts as soon as it is no longer in direct sunlight the picture becomes runny, I had a customized apk for my HTX one X at a bitrate @ 60 Mb / sec
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From here we can see the bitrates
1080p @ 17Mb/s & 4k @ 55Mb/s @156kbs audio
There is a big difference between Mbs for 1080p & 4k. Maybe its possible in the future that a mod for 1080p can do more than 17Mb/s but i doubt its possible to increase 55Mbs for 4k much more.
it would be good to get a mod for higher Mbs for 1080p @60fps as most people will use that than 4k.
Tony72000 said:
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in your comment for the video you say you changed from default 20Mbs on onex to 60mbs. This is a very big jump, did you really tell the difference ?
It looks nice but macro always looks good isn't it
when you move the camera i can see the frame drop because its 30fps.
Question is if you do not move much or fast its nice but any movement then it becomes little jerky ? Maybe there is some compromise here to get smooth video with movement but at slower Mbs. If you check the gsmarena link all the phones do not go above 20Mbs. And this in 2014, two years after one x.
On the HTC one X storage is on internal memory only which is very slow (SD class 2 or 4) what is really limited and lose images when capturing by against the quality is really amazing.
The advantage of SONY Z2 is the support of the μSD with a good class U1 is more than meets the problem with my HTC One X which I modified the apk
The level 5.1 accepts bitrate 300000 kbps HIGH Profile 3840×2160 @ 31.7 fps :victory:
Possible bitrate of h264
Original HTC One X bitrate vs 60 Mb/sec
I have not found a solution yet... No idea for find and change the video bitrate (apk, registry, other)?
One Twelve said:
Not possible, sony does the highest 4k bitrates currently for smart phones. In fact its so high that the device tends to heat up and stop recording after a while if the ambient temperature is little over 25 degrees c. 4k recording is a beta feature because it cannot be used as long as 1080p say. The present cpu has a tough time delivering as it is.
If you want better rates then you will have to use a video camera that can deliver those rates. Or wait a couple of years for mobile cpus to catch up.
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Your statement is entirely wrong. Samsung cam mod here does allowed to change 4k videobit(default is 48Mbit) and they don't have problem to use like 65Mbit or 80Mbit and they don't have overheating problem. This is only Sony's fault.
---------- Post added at 10:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:03 PM ----------
Tony72000 said:
I have not found a solution yet... No idea for find and change the video bitrate (apk, registry, other)?
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There is a setting in SuperVideoCamera.apk regarding 4k bitrate and default is 55Mbit, I've tried to set it to 65Mbit but nothing happen, there is no 4k bitrate setting in SemcCameraUI.apk though.
The default 4k bitrate highest available in media_profiles.xml on z2 is already set at 100Mbit which is the max support value by s800/s801(from my understanding, Samsung is also only up to 100Mbit and this should be the s800/s801 limit). I think there is some other place locked it at 55Mbit in /system or kernel.
P.S. Can you share your 60Mbit camera.apk on One X? Which android ver of your camera.apk? I've got a HTC One S but my apk only max at 40Mbit.
TheEndHK said:
Your statement is entirely wrong. Samsung cam mod here does allowed to change 4k videobit(default is 48Mbit) and they don't have problem to use like 65Mbit or 80Mbit and they don't have overheating problem. This is only Sony's fault.
---------- Post added at 10:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:03 PM ----------
There is a setting in SuperVideoCamera.apk regarding 4k bitrate and default is 55Mbit, I've tried to set it to 65Mbit but nothing happen, there is no 4k bitrate setting in SemcCameraUI.apk though.
The default 4k bitrate highest available in media_profiles.xml on z2 is already set at 100Mbit which is the max support value by s800/s801(from my understanding, Samsung is also only up to 100Mbit and this should be the s800/s801 limit). I think there is some other place locked it at 55Mbit in /system or kernel.
P.S. Can you share your 60Mbit camera.apk on One X? Which android ver of your camera.apk? I've got a HTC One S but my apk only max at 40Mbit.
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I have:
Android version 4.4.2
Build number 17.1.2.A.0.314
Model D6503
Yes APK here tested with HTC One X
Tony72000 said:
I have:
Android version 4.4.2
Build number 17.1.2.A.0.314
Model D6503
Yes APK here tested with HTC One X
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Thanks for your sharing but I want to know which Android OS ver you are running the One X apk? 4.1.1, 4.2.2, 4.3?
TheEndHK said:
Your statement is entirely wrong. Samsung cam mod here does allowed to change 4k videobit(default is 48Mbit) and they don't have problem to use like 65Mbit or 80Mbit and they don't have overheating problem. This is only Sony's fault.
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Does it work on the Z2 ?
Until it does what i said stands.
One Twelve said:
Does it work on the Z2 ?
Until it does what i said stands.
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Your concept is wrong again. I can mod the 1080P bitrate to 80Mbit on Sony and works great. We can't do it on 4k because there is some place locked the bitrate at 55Mbit in /system or kernel as I mention earlier and we don't have enough skills to find it out.
Note3/S4/S5 is also based on s800/801 and DDR3 architecture, they can do it without problem meant this is only Sony's fail. BTW, it already proved 55Mbit is not the highest workable 4k bitrate in the world.
TheEndHK said:
Your concept is wrong again. I can mod the 1080P bitrate to 80Mbit on Sony and works great. We can't do it on 4k because there is some place locked the bitrate at 55Mbit in /system or kernel as I mention earlier and we don't have enough skills to find it out.
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Ergo its not possible on the Z2 yet.
How do you find 1080p at 80Mbs, 30fps is 17Mbs, 60fps is 30mbs. How is 1080p frame rate at 80mbs ?
TheEndHK said:
Note3/S4/S5 is also based on s800/801 and DDR3 architecture, they can do it without problem meant this is only Sony's fail. BTW, it already proved 55Mbit is not the highest workable 4k bitrate in the world.
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So may be possible in the future but not now. But i doubt it given the heating. yes if the temp is 10 degrees c where you are or you are ok with 1-2 minute clips then its possible.
One Twelve said:
Ergo its not possible on the Z2 yet.
How do you find 1080p at 80Mbs, 30fps is 17Mbs, 60fps is 30mbs. How is 1080p frame rate at 80mbs ?
So may be possible in the future but not now. But i doubt it given the heating. yes if the temp is 10 degrees c where you are or you are ok with 1-2 minute clips then its possible.
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[email protected] the bitrate is changeable, however both 60fps is locked at 30Mbit/s and [email protected] is locked at 50Mbit in /system or kernel.
Actually, I own a z1c not z2 but I can do the 4k with mod. I think the heat control is a bit better on our 4.4.4(I know z2 still no 4.4.4 implied Sony said z1/z1c is the real flagship from user number base of view... lol). I've tested I could do [email protected] or 4K for 20mins length in an Okay environment, the temp is managed to not over 41.5 degrees c but if I put the phone under direct sun light during in summer time, the overheat problem may appear.
TheEndHK said:
I've tested I could do [email protected] or 4K for 20mins length in an Okay environment, the temp is managed to not over 41.5 degrees c but if I put the phone under direct sun light during in summer time, the overheat problem may appear.
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OP can record 4k for around 15mins at 22 degrees c as shown in his YT video. So there is hope, just don't know when 4k at higher than 55 Mbs will be possible.
I wonder is there really so much difference between 55Mbs and say 80Mbs in 4k
If you can record for longer time [email protected] its better isn't it ?
1080p at 30fps @80Mbs vs 17Mbs will have a bigger difference.
One Twelve said:
OP can record 4k for around 15mins at 22 degrees c as shown in his YT video. So there is hope, just don't know when 4k at higher than 55 Mbs will be possible.
I wonder is there really so much difference between 55Mbs and say 80Mbs in 4k
If you can record for longer time [email protected] its better isn't it ?
1080p at 30fps @80Mbs vs 17Mbs will have a bigger difference.
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The problem mainly comes from the H264 encoder produced real bad video quality on z1/z2 series. I've got some 4k source files from note3/s4, they are much better than z1/z2 but bear in mind they are still using Sony sensor(13M ExmorRS).
The 17.5M default [email protected] quality is even much worse than my old Xperia S(default is 20M in ICS but much better result). I've also got a HTC One S which shoot at 1080P 40Mbit and I need to use at least 65 ~ 70M to achieve the same quality level.
Theoretically, you may not real need such high bitrate but in practical, Sony 's software development is very poor this time and we need super high bitrate to fix problem.
Since I've been roll back 4.4.2 now for better compatibility with some of my older apps so I can't test it again on 4.4.4 on my z1c. But I just tested I could shoot 14:25 mins of 4K length on sdcard before it stopped and the phone reported 47.5 degree c. The heat control on 4.4.4 may a bit better.
Tony72000 said:
I have:
Android version 4.4.2
Build number 17.1.2.A.0.314
Model D6503
Yes APK here tested with HTC One X
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Try it ... should all 4K, [email protected], TimeShift Video work at 80Mbit/s now.
Tony72000 said:
I have recently been a SONY Z2 filming mainly 4K
Even if I find pretty good video (3840x2160 @ 56,000 kb/s) I'll be really happy to see better shine the eyes of my son more detail passing 100,000 kb/s see 120,000 kb/s my 64 gb μSD tested at 15 MB/s write (exFAT).
The problem is that I do not know where to go and what to do that's why I'm asking you to enlighten me.
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Some developments here
I need to learn how to read! As soon as I Deodexed the Rom the mods worked perfectly!

