Few problems with phone! - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey there everyone, I'm a bit of a newbie here and only know a bit about phones (still learning).
Basically my first problem is that I've been trying to install cyanogenmod 7.1 stable on my phone but with no success; I have tried both downloading off the cyanogenmod website for Samsung Galaxy S II and using ROM manager Premium, every time I try it gets to Opening Package... Installing Package and then if I try installing via cwm it gives me a kernal panic upload mode error and if i try and use rom manager it just tries to install it and then just reboots back into 4.0.3 ICS. Please ask if you need any info to solve this and I will try and find out.
Another small problem is recently I formatted my phone in CWM including EMMC by accident and now my "y" and "z" are the wrong way around on keyboard. This isn't a big problem considering I now have a custom keyboard to fix this, its just a small error that I would like to fix.
Any responses would be appreciated!
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium

CM7 Q&A http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1176411
As for the keyboard, use the thread for whatever unofficial ROM you're on. Sounds like you have the wrong language/region set and/or wrong CSC. Search for QWERTY and QWERTZ (you don't actually say which is the "correct" way).

Thank you for your help. I have been doing a lot today. I looked at that link and ended up installing cyanogenmod 9 nightly. Then I tried to get cyanogenmod 7.1 stable on but still couldnt. I gave up in the end and looked up pure ICS roms. So that's what I have on here now. Pure ICS special edition. So all is fixed. Thank you again for your help!
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium


[Q] Bricked?

I tried flashing CyanogenMod 7.1 onto my SGS2.
Cyanogenmod needs two times flashing in order for it to flash succesfull.
I only did once... and rebooted...
Now.. my SGS2 is practically dead...
It won't go past the Samsung Galaxy SII Logo which you get at startup.
Is there ANY way to fix this?
I've tried flashing my old XWDD_Insecure and i've also tried flashing Official Samsung kernel but i can't get my phone to boot properly. (I'm noob, i probably don't even have to do this, i just don't know)
Does anyone know ANY fix for this? (just to get it to boot normal again?)
Why are you starting a new thread?
Keep it in one place and everyone can see the advice you're still ignoring.
oinkylicious said:
Why are you starting a new thread?
Keep it in one place and everyone can see the advice you're still ignoring.
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you know oink i really like you, your so fast when it comes to answering our queries here. keep it up!
if bricked use jig!
When your phone boots up it's not hard bricked.. Flashing official kernel won't help either because cm7 kernel and sammy's kernel is different.. Why don't you just flash a fresh firmware or restore your backup if you have one or just install cm7 again..
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium

[Q] New to this phone

I just bought a used galaxy s2 I love the phone already. I had the samsung infuse before, and I loved the cm7 nightly builds on that phone, but had to upgrade You all know how that is haha.... I used http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1505172 to root and then had to unlock seeing as I am on rogers.... First thing I have to say is that every time I boot up I see the triangle with the ! in it so I might have done the wrong one? It said before i had the i9000m btw. And I installed CF-Root-SGS2_XX_OXA_KG2-v4.1-CWM4 as the kernel
Another thing I might as is that when I tried to open odin 1.85, it would say Odin.ini with a bunch of sqaures, i press ok and it closes.... So i just used 1.83.
Last thing is who do I go into cwm recovery, and I want to go on a cyanogen mod 7 or 9.... Should I try cm9? And how would I do that?
Hope everyone here is more helpful than on the infuse sometimes
the yellow triangle is always there when you boot it cause you rooted it.. but gladly, you can remove it with a usb jig (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udzMQ_dsci4) or without usb jig (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOXNf_kH-iA)
I highly suggest skipping CM9 and giving Resurrection Remix a try. Also learn to live with the yellow triangle and forget the CF kernels. I use Siyah kernel and there are other alternatives just as good.
I've tried almost every rom and kernal for S2 and I truly believe RR and Siyah is the best performing combo of them all.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
Thanks I will trythat now, but how do I do that? I sent you a message
If you don't have a usb jig to reset the flash counter and remove the triangle on boot up try chainfire's TriangleAway app either found on the play store(paid) or in his thread here on xda(free). Make sure you are running an ICS rom.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Sorry I meant how do I do the siyah and rr thing but thanks
I received your message. All the info you will need is right here on XDA already. When you rooted your phone you probably installed CWM recovery (press home, volume up and power buttons to boot into it). Assuming you have that you can just follow the steps in the RR thread to install. It already comes with Siyah Kernel so you can simply flash the latest version to keep it updated. I used odin to flash a modem firmware for Canadian networks but that's optional since the stock base band in rr worked fine.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
So that means all I do is flash rr from cwm and clear that bs stuff and I'm good to go?
Sent from my GT-I9100M using xda premium
Its simple as that Just follow the extended steps in the faq of the rr thread and remember to make backups in cwm in case you make mistakes and need to try again.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
if u need to do a factory reset/full wipe in the process of intalling the new rom
all apps and data will be deleted
so its convenient to make backup important things like your apps, sms, or call log
not compusory though
backup apps using Titanium backup,there are free and paid version
joeym11 said:
I just bought a used galaxy s2 I love the phone already. I had the samsung infuse before, and I loved the cm7 nightly builds on that phone, but had to upgrade You all know how that is haha.... I used http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1505172 to root and then had to unlock seeing as I am on rogers.... First thing I have to say is that every time I boot up I see the triangle with the ! in it so I might have done the wrong one? It said before i had the i9000m btw. And I installed CF-Root-SGS2_XX_OXA_KG2-v4.1-CWM4 as the kernel
Another thing I might as is that when I tried to open odin 1.85, it would say Odin.ini with a bunch of sqaures, i press ok and it closes.... So i just used 1.83.
Last thing is who do I go into cwm recovery, and I want to go on a cyanogen mod 7 or 9.... Should I try cm9? And how would I do that?
Hope everyone here is more helpful than on the infuse sometimes
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Stick with GB. CM9 AOSP AOKP and Samsung ICS roms will give you a headache, poor performance and poor battery life. My two cents.
Simply amazing... It has such a good look and feel... But just one thing.... Is there any way to get working mms in Canada?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
victorator said:
Stick with GB. CM9 AOSP AOKP and Samsung ICS roms will give you a headache, poor performance and poor battery life. My two cents.
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in my opinon this definetly isnt the case. ive been running ics roms for months now and ive barley had any problems at all, i prefer it to gingerbread, performance is good, and smooth. sensation ics rom is a nice one
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA

Any Advice

Hi all,
im new to this so please forgive me if this question has already been posted previously!
Ive been searching for countless hours on the web and different forums to try and find a solution!
My prob is this,
I rooted my fone using Odin and what i thought was a proper CFW but once i downloaded ROM manager off the Google store and tried to install the latest cyanogenmod 9, i constantly keep getting a message coming up saying "E: failed to verify whole package signature"
Firstly, I am confused whether to downgrade back to stock firmware and then try to upgrade from that; or, find a way to upgrade to cynanogenmod 9 straight from what i have installed ATM.
My fone specs are:
Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-I9100P
Android 2.3.4
Baseband: I9100PBVK12
[email protected] #2
Build number
Can someone please help me out with this in plain english as i am constantly running into a brick wall trying to figure it out!!!
Many Thanks
Where does it say anything about ROM manager?
What did you use to root your phone? Also can you get into cwm recovery by holding down volume up, home and power buttons when u turn your phone on?
I see you have the i9100p, I'm afraid I know nothing about that version but this will help people pinpoint the problem
sorry guys i used Rom Manager to download latest version of CWM
Rom manager on Samsung phone uses a kind of virtual recovery from what I understand.
You have to have flashed a root kernel which I'm guessing you have as you say you used Odin. What did you flash with Odin?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
Not to sure what i flashed with as it was quite a while ago, i following http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1419102 to try an install CM9 now lol the noob proof edition
OK so I had a read and the i9100p is the same as the i9100 only with nfc see here
Ok this should work for you.
-Download cm9 resurrection edition from the official thread + the latest nightly and put the nightly on you internal SD.
-Flash cm9 resurrection edition via Odin as per instructions.
- when its booted up, turn your phone off and enter recovery using the combo I mention above.
- flash zip from SD and pick the latest nighty.
Should get you up to speed, good luck
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
Thanks a bunch mate! Appreciate u helpin!
ive read that its not wise to use titanium backup to restore a backup after installing cm9, is this true?
No problem
If you use titanium for user apps only and not system apps you won't have to much of a problem. But other than that if you do find problems with apps after restore just a wipe of the app data from settings should do the trick.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
ok thank u!
big problem tho, i was flashing with odin and its froze about 3/4 of thw way through, have i bricked it??
I'm honestly not sure ive never had that happen to me.
Are you sure its just not taking longer than expected? I'm out atm so I can't have a search for you but if I remember right there is a 'have I bricked my phone' sticky on one of the s2 forums you might find some advise there. Sorry I can't help more
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
Just thought!! is kies running on your PC? This can mess with Odin.
See here
Maybe some help.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app

SGS2 ROM queries

Hey Peeps.
I have a SGS2 and I am using Resurrection Remix JB v3.8 by Westcrip
My phone randomly reboots, apps keep crashing, the phone staggers alot sometimes and thats about it
I have been out of the update ROM scene for a while.
My questions are:
- is RR JB still a really good ROM to use?
- if no to the above, what ROM would you guys recommend that is fast and stable?
I really and would appreciate your help
Hopefully I receive some support soon
And you need to include way more information than what you posted if you want help. Refer to the thread in my sig for the info you need to include to get help
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
thanks for your reply
Whilst I understand and appreciate not a single ROM maybe suited to all and its somewhat trial and error process to find out what works best for you, what happens if you dont want to try them all and just want to go with whats popular as I do?
Is there a way of knowing / finding out which ROM's are widely used by forum members?
I just need to get away from RR due to above mentioned issues and dont have the time at the moment to test several ROM's in the process.
What I would like from a new ROM is speed and stability.
Thank you
xirokx said:
thanks for your reply
Whilst I understand and appreciate not a single ROM maybe suited to all and its somewhat trial and error process to find out what works best for you, what happens if you dont want to try them all and just want to go with whats popular as I do?
Is there a way of knowing / finding out which ROM's are widely used by forum members?
I just need to get away from RR due to above mentioned issues and dont have the time at the moment to test several ROM's in the process.
What I would like from a new ROM is speed and stability.
Thank you
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Maybe try to reinstall the rom with a full wipe, because that's not normal behaviour for a rom otherwise nobody would use it.
There isn't just one answer to your question for the best rom, that's why there are xda-rules as mentioned here above. If you don't want to use nightlies or roms that are still under development, search for an older stable version.
Sent from the Matrix
xirokx said:
thanks for your reply
Whilst I understand and appreciate not a single ROM maybe suited to all and its somewhat trial and error process to find out what works best for you, what happens if you dont want to try them all and just want to go with whats popular as I do?
Is there a way of knowing / finding out which ROM's are widely used by forum members?
I just need to get away from RR due to above mentioned issues and dont have the time at the moment to test several ROM's in the process.
What I would like from a new ROM is speed and stability.
Thank you
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You can look at the amount of views and posts on each rom thread for the most popular, but the one in my sig is fast and stable
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
thanks guys, i understand what you are saying and realise its worth, time is just against me and really need something stable.
I was looking at the rootbox ROM in your thread yesterday, is this it? as this has the name vanilla rootbox, just wanted to be sure...
is this what you mean by rootbox?
xirokx said:
thanks guys, i understand what you are saying and realise its worth, time is just against me and really need something stable.
I was looking at the rootbox ROM in your thread yesterday, is this it? as this has the name vanilla rootbox, just wanted to be sure...
is this what you mean by rootbox?
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Yeah it is... enjoy
so i downloaded rootbox v3.2 and gapps 20121011 and tried to install using CWM based Recovery v6.0.1.2 and i keep getting this error message during installation:
- error in /emmc/rootbox-JB-i9100g v3.2.zip (status 7)
so I downloaded the file again and tried following the installation instructions and get the same error
why will it not install?
how can I fix it so it will install?
please help
xirokx said:
so i downloaded rootbox v3.2 and gapps 20121011 and tried to install using CWM based Recovery v6.0.1.2 and i keep getting this error message during installation:
- error in /emmc/rootbox-JB-i9100g v3.2.zip (status 7)
so I downloaded the file again and tried following the installation instructions and get the same error
why will it not install?
how can I fix it so it will install?
please help
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Status 7 generally means you're attempting to install something meant for another device.
Did you note that the file /emmc/rootbox-JB-i9100g v3.2.zip contains i9100g? Do you have an i9100, and not an i9100g? That firmware linked above is for the Rootbox that is in the I9100G development section.
Download the rootbox meant for the i9100 (NOT FOR THE i9100g) and try that. It'll be in either the I9100 Android Development, or I9100 Original Android Development section. I don't remember which one it is, but if you take 5 minutes and look for it, you should be able to find it. If you can't, I'd rethink flashing anything to your phone. No offense, but I'm of the firm belief that not just anyone should flash custom firmwares. If you can't follow directions, for your own sake you should stay on a stock firmware.
so all went OK with the installation, thanks for your help
So far , no apps have crashed and the phone has not rebooted randomly....
Enjoying this ROM so far, its fairly speedy as well
Perhaps I will add a theme on...I am already using Dorimanx 7.21 kernal

[Q] Installing CyanogenMod 10.1 Nightly P7500

I have been watching the development thread of "CyanogenMod 10.1 Nightly" since a couple of months now, and i guess its time to try it on my old tab P7500, but i have three questions and i would appreciate your help.
1- Any big issues with that rom regarding any feature .. cam .. etc , since the flicking issue seems to be solved.
2- Why gapps wont work directly am not sure if i understand the issue, but it seems that they dont work if anyone updated them from store, please correct me .
3- Reading the thread and CyanogenMod 10.1 wiki, am now really lost, cause i never tried this before, so can anyone help me with an easy step by step to install CyanogenMod 10.1 Nightly on my tab ? along with the back.
Thanks alot
IssaQandil said:
I have been watching the development thread of "CyanogenMod 10.1 Nightly" since a couple of months now, and i guess its time to try it on my old tab P7500, but i have three questions and i would appreciate your help.
1- Any big issues with that rom regarding any feature .. cam .. etc , since the flicking issue seems to be solved.
2- Why gapps wont work directly am not sure if i understand the issue, but it seems that they dont work if anyone updated them from store, please correct me .
3- Reading the thread and CyanogenMod 10.1 wiki, am now really lost, cause i never tried this before, so can anyone help me with an easy step by step to install CyanogenMod 10.1 Nightly on my tab ? along with the back.
Thanks alot
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1:Not that i know off
2: flash the gapps that are mentioned in the topic of the ROM, you won't run into any issues
3: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=44236298&postcount=2
DefQoN_BE said:
1:Not that i know off
2: flash the gapps that are mentioned in the topic of the ROM, you won't run into any issues
3: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=44236298&postcount=2
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Do i need to install custom kernel or anything like that ?
simple...from stock 4.0.4
use odin 1.85 to install recovery for p4
copy over the custom rom and gapps ( if you use wrong gapps you will get bootloop)
then from recovery install custom rom and gapps
reboot tab and voila
alexmoi said:
simple...from stock 4.0.4
use odin 1.85 to install recovery for p4
copy over the custom rom and gapps ( if you use wrong gapps you will get bootloop)
then from recovery install custom rom and gapps
reboot tab and voila
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Can you help me with the correct gapps link ?
this is the custom rom i use....the gapps for that rom are just below the dl links for the rom
i use this one because it's very stable with voice call and also can setup old style tablet ui
Galaxy Tab 10.1 (P7500)
Hi all.
I have a galaxy tab 10.1 GSM (P7500).
I flashed the correct version of CM (nightly builds) and the gapps as instructed. I did this 3 times already with different versions.
All is fine except the screen becomes unreadable after a screen timeout and back on. This happens every time. The only way to get the screen back is to reboot it. But the minute you switch the screen off and on, the problem is back.
This doesnt happen if I flash the official rom.
I have looked all over for a solution. This is my last resort. I dont want to go back to the official rom since its old and i like the new features of the Android 4.2.2.
I attached a picture of the screen
Would it be you need to flash the new bootloader from droid basement?
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium HD app
Benzoman said:
Would it be you need to flash the new bootloader from droid basement?
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium HD app
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Thank Benzoman. I truly appretiate. I will try that in the next few hours them I will be back for feedback
Benzoman said:
Would it be you need to flash the new bootloader from droid basement?
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium HD app
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It seems like it worked. Its being 25 minutes and all appears normal now. I will continue running for some time and see if the problems persists. Once again thank you very much.
Great to hear it worked. Sometimes I remember useful things. Not often, but sometimes.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium HD app
Reboot with Cyanogenmod
I was using cm-10.1-20130727-NIGHTLY-p4 on a Samsung Tab 10.1 P 7500 since August 2013. About two weeks ago the device started do to an instant shutdown of the device
- when opening chrome
- when checking memory
- when trying to remove chrome, even with ES File Explorer.
Chrome version is 34.0.1847.114
This behaviour is reproducible.
I updated to the February 16 2014 nightly - no change.
I wiped Data and cache in recovery mode - no change.
I get no reboot using chrome beta 35.0.1916.86
How can I get a logfile of the crash?
Where can I send it?
Any other recommendations?
Thank you
Where can I send it?

