[Q] Installing CyanogenMod 10.1 Nightly P7500 - Galaxy Tab 10.1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have been watching the development thread of "CyanogenMod 10.1 Nightly" since a couple of months now, and i guess its time to try it on my old tab P7500, but i have three questions and i would appreciate your help.
1- Any big issues with that rom regarding any feature .. cam .. etc , since the flicking issue seems to be solved.
2- Why gapps wont work directly am not sure if i understand the issue, but it seems that they dont work if anyone updated them from store, please correct me .
3- Reading the thread and CyanogenMod 10.1 wiki, am now really lost, cause i never tried this before, so can anyone help me with an easy step by step to install CyanogenMod 10.1 Nightly on my tab ? along with the back.
Thanks alot

IssaQandil said:
I have been watching the development thread of "CyanogenMod 10.1 Nightly" since a couple of months now, and i guess its time to try it on my old tab P7500, but i have three questions and i would appreciate your help.
1- Any big issues with that rom regarding any feature .. cam .. etc , since the flicking issue seems to be solved.
2- Why gapps wont work directly am not sure if i understand the issue, but it seems that they dont work if anyone updated them from store, please correct me .
3- Reading the thread and CyanogenMod 10.1 wiki, am now really lost, cause i never tried this before, so can anyone help me with an easy step by step to install CyanogenMod 10.1 Nightly on my tab ? along with the back.
Thanks alot
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1:Not that i know off
2: flash the gapps that are mentioned in the topic of the ROM, you won't run into any issues
3: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=44236298&postcount=2

DefQoN_BE said:
1:Not that i know off
2: flash the gapps that are mentioned in the topic of the ROM, you won't run into any issues
3: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=44236298&postcount=2
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Do i need to install custom kernel or anything like that ?

simple...from stock 4.0.4
use odin 1.85 to install recovery for p4
copy over the custom rom and gapps ( if you use wrong gapps you will get bootloop)
then from recovery install custom rom and gapps
reboot tab and voila

alexmoi said:
simple...from stock 4.0.4
use odin 1.85 to install recovery for p4
copy over the custom rom and gapps ( if you use wrong gapps you will get bootloop)
then from recovery install custom rom and gapps
reboot tab and voila
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Can you help me with the correct gapps link ?

this is the custom rom i use....the gapps for that rom are just below the dl links for the rom
i use this one because it's very stable with voice call and also can setup old style tablet ui

Galaxy Tab 10.1 (P7500)
Hi all.
I have a galaxy tab 10.1 GSM (P7500).
I flashed the correct version of CM (nightly builds) and the gapps as instructed. I did this 3 times already with different versions.
All is fine except the screen becomes unreadable after a screen timeout and back on. This happens every time. The only way to get the screen back is to reboot it. But the minute you switch the screen off and on, the problem is back.
This doesnt happen if I flash the official rom.
I have looked all over for a solution. This is my last resort. I dont want to go back to the official rom since its old and i like the new features of the Android 4.2.2.
I attached a picture of the screen

Would it be you need to flash the new bootloader from droid basement?
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium HD app

Benzoman said:
Would it be you need to flash the new bootloader from droid basement?
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium HD app
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Thank Benzoman. I truly appretiate. I will try that in the next few hours them I will be back for feedback

Benzoman said:
Would it be you need to flash the new bootloader from droid basement?
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium HD app
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It seems like it worked. Its being 25 minutes and all appears normal now. I will continue running for some time and see if the problems persists. Once again thank you very much.

Great to hear it worked. Sometimes I remember useful things. Not often, but sometimes.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium HD app

Reboot with Cyanogenmod
I was using cm-10.1-20130727-NIGHTLY-p4 on a Samsung Tab 10.1 P 7500 since August 2013. About two weeks ago the device started do to an instant shutdown of the device
- when opening chrome
- when checking memory
- when trying to remove chrome, even with ES File Explorer.
Chrome version is 34.0.1847.114
This behaviour is reproducible.
I updated to the February 16 2014 nightly - no change.
I wiped Data and cache in recovery mode - no change.
I get no reboot using chrome beta 35.0.1916.86
How can I get a logfile of the crash?
Where can I send it?
Any other recommendations?
Thank you
Where can I send it?


Few problems with phone!

Hey there everyone, I'm a bit of a newbie here and only know a bit about phones (still learning).
Basically my first problem is that I've been trying to install cyanogenmod 7.1 stable on my phone but with no success; I have tried both downloading off the cyanogenmod website for Samsung Galaxy S II and using ROM manager Premium, every time I try it gets to Opening Package... Installing Package and then if I try installing via cwm it gives me a kernal panic upload mode error and if i try and use rom manager it just tries to install it and then just reboots back into 4.0.3 ICS. Please ask if you need any info to solve this and I will try and find out.
Another small problem is recently I formatted my phone in CWM including EMMC by accident and now my "y" and "z" are the wrong way around on keyboard. This isn't a big problem considering I now have a custom keyboard to fix this, its just a small error that I would like to fix.
Any responses would be appreciated!
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
CM7 Q&A http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1176411
As for the keyboard, use the thread for whatever unofficial ROM you're on. Sounds like you have the wrong language/region set and/or wrong CSC. Search for QWERTY and QWERTZ (you don't actually say which is the "correct" way).
Thank you for your help. I have been doing a lot today. I looked at that link and ended up installing cyanogenmod 9 nightly. Then I tried to get cyanogenmod 7.1 stable on but still couldnt. I gave up in the end and looked up pure ICS roms. So that's what I have on here now. Pure ICS special edition. So all is fixed. Thank you again for your help!
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium

[Q] Please Need Advise Before I Install CM9

Hi I want to install latest CM9 nightly, As Im installing first time, I just want to make sure that my phone is running firmware lower than XXLPH though it looks lower but cant judge, I went through official CM9 Thread I can follow all the steps except this one. And also I have already rooted my device using
GT-I9100_THR_I9100JPKJ2_I9100OJPKJ1_I9100XXKI4 (firmware) and
CF-Root-SGS2_XW_XEF_KJ2-v4.4-CWM4.tar (root kernel)
I still havent installed any custom rom yet.
Here is my current phone details:
Android 2.3.5 (STOCK)
Baseband 19100XXKI4
I thought my firmware is higher than XXLPH so I found this guide to ugrade to ice cream firmware first:
then root it with this kernel :
Now I need your advice that weather should I continue following above guide or should I start flashing CM9 firmware staright away ??
now that you are rooted and on ics, you can then follow the instructions in CM9 thread.
Flash odin version first and then update to latest build from cwm recovery
codeworkx said:
If you're a bloody noob and getting confused by following simple instructions, go down and read about using the noob-proof ODIN method.
First time installing CyanogenMod 9 to your Galaxy S II, or coming from another ROM:
- READ FAQs: http://teamhacksung.org/wiki/index.php/Experimental:GT-I9100:Frequently_Asked_Questions
- Make sure you're running ICS bootloaders lower than LPH: Download (flash as PDA with odin or extract and $ sudo heimdall flash --primary-boot boot.bin --secondary-boot Sbl.bin)
- make sure you're running a proper working CWM like the one from CM7
- Copy GApps and CM9 ZIPs to your internal SDCard
- Boot into Recovery
- Flash CM9 zip
- Flash GApps zip
- DO A DATA WIPE / FACTORY RESET (otherwise your calendar sync will not work)
- Reboot
- Don't restore Apps using Titanium Backup!
Upgrading from earlier version of CyanogenMod 9:
- Copy CM9 ZIP to your internal SDCard
- Boot into Recovery
- Flash CM9 zip
- Wipe cache partition and dalvik-cache
- Reboot
Using the noob-proof ODIN method:
- Download CM9 Resurrection Edition
- Download GApps and put it onto your internal sdcard
- Open Odin
- Choose cm-9-XXXXXXXX-ODIN-galaxys2.tar.md5 as PDA
- Boot your phone into download mode
- Connect your device via usb to your computer
- Wait till Odin has fully recognized your phone
- Hit the start button and wait till the flash process is finished
- Device boots automatically into recovery
- Flash GApps, wipe cache and dalvik-cache
- Reboot into CM9
- Follow above steps to update CM9 to lastest available version (Upgrading from earlier version of CyanogenMod 9)
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sahibunlimited said:
Flash odin version first and then update to latest build from cwm recovery
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You mean i should install ics rom first with odin then i should go for CM9?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
loverdude said:
You mean i should install ics rom first with odin then i should go for CM9?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
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Dude. He even posted the instructions from the CM9 thread. If you can't follow them, you should probably stick to stock. No offense.
sahibunlimited said:
Flash odin version first and then update to latest build from cwm recovery
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Oh i get it! First i should use noob proof method then i should use "Upgrading from earlier version of cm 9" regardless of what firmware i currently have am i right?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
ctomgee said:
Dude. He even posted the instructions from the CM9 thread. If you can't follow them, you should probably stick to stock. No offense.
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Am i right on what i said in my above comment? I was getting confused because i read that CM 9 requires ics firmware already installed first.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
loverdude said:
Am i right on what i said in my above comment? I was getting confused because i read that CM 9 requires ics firmware already installed first.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
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Yes, follow the "noob proof" method. (which doesn't seem too noob proof at the moment... :/)
And seriously, why did you start two threads (this current one, and this other one) about flashing an ICS ROM? CM9 is considered an ICS ROM, so really the topic is the same.
Hi.... i recommend this site galaxys2root.com
it helped me figure out a lot of stuff in the beginning. Video walkthrough of installing roms is really a big help.
For the latest Ressurection Remix 1.2 looki the Android developer forum.
I am about to install now
Hope you get it all sorted
BobPowers said:
Hi.... i recommend this site galaxys2root.com
it helped me figure out a lot of stuff in the beginning. Video walkthrough of installing roms is really a big help.
For the latest Ressurection Remix 1.2 looki the Android developer forum.
I am about to install now
Hope you get it all sorted
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Hey i succeeded!!!! Im soooo happy! first I followed your website which u gave me to install Resurrection Rom then I upgraded to cm9 through zip file CWM recovery. thanks a bunch man
ctomgee said:
Yes, follow the "noob proof" method. (which doesn't seem too noob proof at the moment... :/)
And seriously, why did you start two threads (this current one, and this other one) about flashing an ICS ROM? CM9 is considered an ICS ROM, so really the topic is the same.
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Actually on that post I wasn't sure which ROM was based on what firmware but i came to know from users like you and I got clear idea from you all before that in the mean time, i was gathering info through various guides, videos from weeks and merged those ideas in to one then I decided to install CM9 as it looks similar to new galaxy nexus phone and this is exactly what I wanted my phone to look and behave like. Now I am happy and satisfied.
I have done oden with bootloader but in the middle of that the bootloader progress in oden is turn to red and cell get off. now its hard bricked, dead, what i can do
kami2k said:
I have done oden with bootloader but in the middle of that the bootloader progress in oden is turn to red and cell get off. now its hard bricked, dead, what i can do
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Man... why did you the touch the bootloader first? never play with it unless you know whats gonna happen! and about noob installation guide for CM9 is not clearly noobproof, I completely did all installation with clockworkmod recovery, I used ODIN only once for rooting my phone after that i never used it as I was very very cautious and careful about each and everything bit i was doing.
But never loose hope, you never know what kind of brick you have you have two ways to unbrick your phone,
1.Using USB jig, search it on XDA, Google, Youtube
2.JTAG Service, This is the ultimate solution if your phone is completely Hard bricked but for this you have to send your device to them.
here is their demonstration:
its written in the cm9 installation to do the boot-loader with ODIN, that is what i do
oh bhai....... make sure you had i9100 not the i9100G,
remove battery and see if you can get download mode.
im running cm9 on new bootloader unless intratech still removes them from his stock ROm as he used too..... i came from stock LPS to cm9
that much sense i have dear its s2, and ya its dead, i send the cell to lahore, khi, rwp, but no one have jtag proper equipment
kami2k said:
that much sense i have dear its s2, and ya its dead, i send the cell to lahore, khi, rwp, but no one have jtag proper equipment
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you dont get it i9100G is also S2 and virtually same. you have to see under the batter if its written i9100 or i9100G.
because thats what would happened if you flash i9100 bootloader onto i9100G.
plus faulty usb, dead battery can do the trick aswell.

[Q] Whats the newest CWM for Tab 10.1/3G

Im a onwer of a galaxy Tab 10.1 GT-P7500/3G, Im in a stock room 3.2 and i would like to make an nandroid backup.
I need to update the Clockwork mode but im reading that many people have reported problems after flashing an update to CWM, anyone can help me on a CWM update?
What is the version of your Clockwork mode flicking problems free?
thanks in advance.
Here you going... Just find the right tar file for your Tab and Odin.
Sent From My Galaxy10. 1 Class Starship...
@ SouthPhilly
Have updated the CWM and do the system backup.
Thanks for the tip.
No problem m8... Just glad I could help out.
Sent From My Galaxy10. 1 Class Starship...
felinis said:
Im a onwer of a galaxy Tab 10.1 GT-P7500/3G, Im in a stock room 3.2 and i would like to make an nandroid backup.
I need to update the Clockwork mode but im reading that many people have reported problems after flashing an update to CWM, anyone can help me on a CWM update?
What is the version of your Clockwork mode flicking problems free?
thanks in advance.
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Well, the latest recovery can be downloaded through rom manager apk. Install it from play open it and follow the instructions. The recovery from droidbasement is not the latest, but it is the only one that works with ics.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
Sent from my amazing 10.1 galaxy tab
Panos_dm said:
... The recovery from droidbasement is not the latest, but it is the only one that works with ics.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
Sent from my amazing 10.1 galaxy tab
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im going to desagree with you, just that because my experience was diferent.
I have try the Recovery CloxkworkMod for my equipment, that was the 7500 (Download P4 (Odin; GT-P7500): recovery.tar.md5 ) and like i said earlier in the post, that went smoothly without any problems. That said, im in a stock room, dont know if it works on ICS.
I didn't say that it doesn't work. Of course it will backup your device. I just said that it is not the latest. That's different than saying it's not working.
Sent from my amazing 10.1 galaxy tab
Panos_dm said:
I didn't say that it doesn't work. Of course it will backup your device. I just said that it is not the latest. That's different than saying it's not working.
Sent from my amazing 10.1 galaxy tab
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That wasn't what i mean, sorry if i sounds like that.
Panos_dm said:
Well, the latest recovery can be downloaded through rom manager apk. Install it from play open it and follow the instructions. The recovery from droidbasement is not the latest, but it is the only one that works with ics.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
Sent from my amazing 10.1 galaxy tab
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That recovery I linked him to was the last CWM recovery for HC 3.2 roms. Its the last one that preshot did for HC, you can use later ones (the ICS ones) but from my experience their a little glitchy when you pair them with HC roms.
Sent From My Galaxy10. 1 Class Starship...
SouthPhilly said:
That recovery I linked him to was the last CWM recovery for HC 3.2 roms. Its the last one that preshot did for HC, you can use later ones (the ICS ones) but from my experience their a little glitchy when you pair them with HC roms.
Sent From My Galaxy10. 1 Class Starship...
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how about if i want to flash cm10?.can CWM for ICS do the work?

Reinstall CM10.2 from CM11 on GT-I9100G

Can anybody let me know on how to downgrade my GT-I9100G device from CM11 to CM10.2 ?.
I upgraded to CM11 unofficial build, but then found lots of bugs and so want to revert back to CM10.2
srchandran_72 said:
Can anybody let me know on how to downgrade my GT-I9100G device from CM11 to CM10.2 ?.
I upgraded to CM11 unofficial build, but then found lots of bugs and so want to revert back to CM10.2
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just flash the cm10.2 build if you've root n have installed cwm,
nasheich said:
just flash the cm10.2 build if you've root n have installed cwm,
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Thanks, doesn't seem like it was so simple. I had tried that many a times before posting this on to the forum. When I try to install CM10.2 again through CWM, it errors out with (Status 7) error. I did a Wipe/Factory Data Reset, Wipe Dalvik Cache and format system. Tried again but the same error re-appeared (status 7).
So I had to reinstall CM11 and GAPPS for CM11 again to make the phone work with some old bugs again . Camera not working, lag in screen rotation, stock browser not working etc.,
srchandran_72 said:
Thanks, doesn't seem like it was so simple. I had tried that many a times before posting this on to the forum. When I try to install CM10.2 again through CWM, it errors out with (Status 7) error. I did a Wipe/Factory Data Reset, Wipe Dalvik Cache and format system. Tried again but the same error re-appeared (status 7).
So I had to reinstall CM11 and GAPPS for CM11 again to make the phone work with some old bugs again . Camera not working, lag in screen rotation, stock browser not working etc.,
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status 7 it's cause there's something wrong on the updater script in the Rom build, check the Rom Thread that you've download
nasheich said:
status 7 it's cause there's something wrong on the updater script in the Rom build, check the Rom Thread that you've download
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Thanks, not sure on what the issue with the Rom could be. I have rooted the device and then installed Blazing Kernel V3 with CWM 6.
Before I decided to upgrade my phone to experimental CM11, I used to apply all CM10.2 Nightlies without any issues.
I have tried to install even CM10.1 stable release through CWM v.6 and the same error comes up.
Further, I have always downloaded ROM's from download.cyanogenmod.org/?device=i9100g or through the CMupdater in the phone.
Can you please let me know, what version of Blazing Kernel should I using on GT-i9100G and how do I flash it safely without fearing of the "Sleep of death" happening.
Thank you.
srchandran_72 said:
Thanks, not sure on what the issue with the Rom could be. I have rooted the device and then installed Blazing Kernel V3 with CWM 6.
Before I decided to upgrade my phone to experimental CM11, I used to apply all CM10.2 Nightlies without any issues.
I have tried to install even CM10.1 stable release through CWM v.6 and the same error comes up.
Further, I have always downloaded ROM's from download.cyanogenmod.org/?device=i9100g or through the CMupdater in the phone.
Can you please let me know, what version of Blazing Kernel should I using on GT-i9100G and how do I flash it safely without fearing of the "Sleep of death" happening.
Thank you.
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I never use Gallaxy SII, dont know much about it
but, you can learn about your device by going to the SII thread, you'll find out more on there
nasheich said:
I never use Gallaxy SII, dont know much about it
but, you can learn about your device by going to the SII thread, you'll find out more on there
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Thanks, can you please let me know the link to the GT-i1900G thread and also, on how can "post" a new question in the thread.
srchandran_72 said:
Thanks, can you please let me know the link to the GT-i1900G thread and also, on how can "post" a new question in the thread.
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that should be the thread for your device
and for posting in a thread(speciallly in the dev thread), you must at least have more than 10 posting in whole xda thread
in general thread, you can post even you didn't have 10+ posting
please read the Rules of Xda for more detail about posting and everything

[Q] Touch Screen Not Working After Temasek Unofficial CM11

Hello everyone, I was using ultimarom till now and it worked like a charm. Today I thought hey lets upgrade to android 4.4 so I found temasek's rom and it seemed fine. After flashing the rom, it got stuck on boot screen. So I reflashed the stock rom (btw I wiped everything as required) and it was working. So I retried flashing the Temasek's rom and it booted this time, only thing is that my touch screen was not responding. The capacitive buttons are working also the touch screen is showing everything but not responding to anything. I searched a little bit, and it might be possible that my digitizer is broken which I hope is not since I am in a different country and it will be a pain to do it here. Also I read that if you tried to install Note 2 kernel/rom this might happen but I know that temasek's rom is definitely for s3 so it shouldnt be the case for me. Any help would be appreciated.
Darrier said:
Hello everyone, I was using ultimarom till now and it worked like a charm. Today I thought hey lets upgrade to android 4.4 so I found temasek's rom and it seemed fine. After flashing the rom, it got stuck on boot screen. So I reflashed the stock rom (btw I wiped everything as required) and it was working. So I retried flashing the Temasek's rom and it booted this time, only thing is that my touch screen was not responding. The capacitive buttons are working also the touch screen is showing everything but not responding to anything. I searched a little bit, and it might be possible that my digitizer is broken which I hope is not since I am in a different country and it will be a pain to do it here. Also I read that if you tried to install Note 2 kernel/rom this might happen but I know that temasek's rom is definitely for s3 so it shouldnt be the case for me. Any help would be appreciated.
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have you changed your recovery?
if you flash now another rom or restore your old one does the screen still not work?
Darkened_Sky said:
have you changed your recovery?
if you flash now another rom or restore your old one does the screen still not work?
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I tried with both stock and temasek once again and the touch screen still does not respond. I always used cwm for recovery though, and did a factory reset on the stock recovery once to see if that works. I can flash ultima as well I suppose but I am not sure if that will fix it.
Edit: I tried to flash ultima but the installation steps required the use of touch screen so I could not proceed.
Are you sure that you download Temasek's rom for I9300 not for another model? Because Temasek supports more devices.
And on Temasek's thread I didn't find any user complaining about touch screen issue after installing it,so I think that you flashed it for different model.
Darrier said:
Hello everyone, I was using ultimarom till now and it worked like a charm. Today I thought hey lets upgrade to android 4.4 so I found temasek's rom and it seemed fine. After flashing the rom, it got stuck on boot screen. So I reflashed the stock rom (btw I wiped everything as required) and it was working. So I retried flashing the Temasek's rom and it booted this time, only thing is that my touch screen was not responding. The capacitive buttons are working also the touch screen is showing everything but not responding to anything. I searched a little bit, and it might be possible that my digitizer is broken which I hope is not since I am in a different country and it will be a pain to do it here. Also I read that if you tried to install Note 2 kernel/rom this might happen but I know that temasek's rom is definitely for s3 so it shouldnt be the case for me. Any help would be appreciated.
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Flash back to stock with odin if problem is still there then it is hardware issue....
I rechecked and it is temasek for I9300. I restocked ofc with odin and it is no use tbh. I mean it is weird as the first time I flashed stock rom the touch screen was not working for 30 seconds or sth than it started working so I was really happy for a second.. After another flash it was not working and I was like yea it will work soon, but it didnt. I tried with loads of roms and kernels and it is still no use.
Any help? I have no idea how to fix this! I may have to send my phone for replacement which will be costly I suppose.. Any little tip will be appreciated.
Darrier said:
Any help? I have no idea how to fix this! I may have to send my phone for replacement which will be costly I suppose.. Any little tip will be appreciated.
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Didn't u install the new version of Cwm? I'm using ultimarom v16 & I try to use Android v4.4.2... It seemed good to me
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
Hey dude, I couldnt find any solution to that problem. What I did was to send it in for replacement but with warranty. For that you need to triangle away your phone and also install the official firmwares. I had to use a mouse in order to do that but you will need a usb to micro usb converter, which is not that hard to find( and also cheap). They couldnt tell that I installed unofficial firmware, I replaced my screen flawlessly. You can find how to triangle away your phone in this forum and also sammobile is the place to look for official firmware.
wanerza77 said:
Didn't u install the new version of Cwm? I'm using ultimarom v16 & I try to use Android v4.4.2... It seemed good to me
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
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