I've seen some people have this problem but never a sure solution.
I have tried different CM7.1 ROMs, and a couple different pershoot kernels, I also have used the hacked netflix and the non-hacked one from the market, but still get super fast playback on netflix so everyone sounds like a chipmunk.
anyone solve this issue?
orangekid said:
I've seen some people have this problem but never a sure solution.
I have tried different CM7.1 ROMs, and a couple different pershoot kernels, I also have used the hacked netflix and the non-hacked one from the market, but still get super fast playback on netflix so everyone sounds like a chipmunk.
anyone solve this issue?
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It's saving your time that you can watch more shows .
... did you tried build.prop file modification?
Vlad_z said:
It's saving your time that you can watch more shows .
... did you tried build.prop file modification?
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When I used the hacked version no.
but then when I just used the market version I changed my build.prop to HTC Vision.
orangekid said:
When I used the hacked version no.
but then when I just used the market version I changed my build.prop to HTC Vision.
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Are you overclocking your tablet? Is anything running in background?
PS: there are multiple reports about that problem and no exact answer. Somehow Android looses real time reference. I've mention this effect in Dolphin HD browser on flash video, when briefly after scroll clips start paying with double speed.
Vlad_z said:
Are you overclocking your tablet? Is anything running in background?
PS: there are multiple reports about that problem and no exact answer. Somehow Android looses real time reference. I've mention this effect in Dolphin HD browser on flash video, when briefly after scroll clips start paying with double speed.
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I've tried it at stock 1ghz and 1.4ghz, nothing running in BG,
This is so weird, does anyone have a successful working time netflix with a different setup?
orangekid said:
I've tried it at stock 1ghz and 1.4ghz, nothing running in BG,
This is so weird, does anyone have a successful working time netflix with a different setup?
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I'm running CM7.0.3 stable with Netflix 1.2.2 and modified build.prop just fine.
Did you tried to clean Netflix data (menu settings/application), uninstall and then reinstall it?
Need to change:
Sent from my GTablet using Tapatalk
jhermit said:
Need to change:
Sent from my GTablet using Tapatalk
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I did that, makes no difference.
Have you tried any of these?
Several "hacked" Netflix apps. Maybe one of them will work for you.
I do have netflix working properly on my gTab running CM 7.1 and a modified build.prop.
ro.product.device=HTC Vision
strick242 said:
Have you tried any of these?
Several "hacked" Netflix apps. Maybe one of them will work for you.
I do have netflix working properly on my gTab running CM 7.1 and a modified build.prop.
ro.product.device=HTC Vision
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same setup as me, what kernel u using btw?
strick242 said:
Have you tried any of these?
Several "hacked" Netflix apps. Maybe one of them will work for you.
I do have netflix working properly on my gTab running CM 7.1 and a modified build.prop.
ro.product.device=HTC Vision
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ro.product.device=HTC Incredible
This has worked for me on the Gtab and nook color
darnelld said:
ro.product.device=HTC Incredible
This has worked for me on the Gtab and nook color
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not working for me, I think it's my ROM
Clear Netflix app data in settings/manage apps then fix permissions. Works every time for me.
Mantara said:
Clear Netflix app data in settings/manage apps then fix permissions. Works every time for me.
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thanks, I'll try it.
just for ****s, what ROM are you on?
This has worked for me for cm7 nightly 72 all the way up to cm7.1rc1 which I am currently on.
Netflix only works for me on 7.03
I'd liek to use 7.1 because it's snappier, but even with fix permissions it goes super fast.
Are you using an APK?
orangekid said:
Netflix only works for me on 7.03
I'd liek to use 7.1 because it's snappier, but even with fix permissions it goes super fast.
Are you using an APK?
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It's doing the same thing for me. I've got 7.1 running on my NC with dalingren's kernel overclocked to 1200. Changing the overclock settings doesn't do anything either.
I wish there was a fix for this.
Hi Devs and Noobs,
I had gone through various posts on the same title. But looks like my problem is different from theirs.
I had recently purchased my SGH -I777. With stock ROM, I faced a mystic behavior.
I had set the password. Then I had locked the device. I hit the power button to unlock. But now, I am not typing the password. And wait for the screen to go off. Then I again hit the power button. And now the device allows me to login without the need of a password. I guess this should be a security bug (or) I had screwed some settings somewhere.
I had tried using Pattern, PIN and password. But the results are the same.
I had flashed with Serendepity ROM. And Still the issue was there. Still stuck with the same bug.
Please let me know if anybody else faced the same problem or not. And how you had corrected that..
That's a known issue with the AT&T version. I'm running unnamed 2.1.1 without a problem. The changelog lists it as fixed since the 1.3.1 release.
Jadefalkon said:
That's a known issue with the AT&T version. I'm running unnamed 2.1.1 without a problem. The changelog lists it as fixed since the 1.3.1 release.
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Actually I am running unamed 2.1.1 but I did notice the same issue. I had a pattern lock and, sometimes, I get non-lock lock screen, which you can just move the screen to unlock.
EDIT: My bad. This is a feature.
Is your lockscreen timer set on instant?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using XDA App
@B3envied :
Settings -> Display -> Screentimeout
Is this the option you were talking? This has been set to 15 Sec. And There was one more option Touchkey Light Duration which is set to 6 Sec.
I guess with this I need to live with, FOR NOW. I will try to use some other lock screen apps or by some means to overcome this. I will post if I find one.
Thanks for the replies mates... Cheers
This is so well documented that it's one of the only times AT&T has actually issued a press release on a bug!
Go to settings.. Location and security.. Timeout. Make sure is set to immediately
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using XDA App
B3envied said:
Go to settings.. Location and security.. Timeout. Make sure is set to immediately
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using XDA App
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News FLASH...
The new OTA from AT&T fixes this issue and a few others... STOCK ROM equals Gingerbread 2.3.4... But if you goto phone settings software update and download install the new version, Gingerbread 2.3.6, this issue will then go the way of the dinosaurs!
lonewolf69 said:
News FLASH...
The new OTA from AT&T fixes this issue and a few others... STOCK ROM equals Gingerbread 2.3.4... But if you goto phone settings software update and download install the new version, Gingerbread 2.3.6, this issue will then go the way of the dinosaurs!
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Unnamed is supposed to have the same version as ota update. That is what I am trying to point out.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using XDA App
msgfromside3 said:
Actually I am running unamed 2.1.1 but I did notice the same issue. I had a pattern lock and, sometimes, I get non-lock lock screen, which you can just move the screen to unlock.
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I have my screen set to lock 2 minutes after it automatically darkens and it's working perfectly for me.
Thanks for all your replies Guys.
And a note : I am using Serendepity8.2. Kernel : Android Version : 2.3.4 (I am afraid, If I update this, I will not be able to use my Flash counter reset USB jig) Modem: I777UCKK6.
If I update my android version t0 2.3.6, will I be still able to use the USB jig to reset the flash counter?
Hi Devs,
I had installed Cynogenmod now. Now I dont see any issues. THanks for all your help. I am glad I flipped to Cynogen. It has so many options to customisation.. Thanks for all your guidance..Thanks a lot
Lock Screen and Security Page
I am a regular visitor to this forum, and for the first time I have registered and in need of help. I am having an issue with the Samsung i727 just bought used on the internet.
It has kernel: 3.08
Baseband: I727UCLF6
Android Version: 4.0.4
Build Number IMM76D.UCLF6
My problem is that each time I touch the power/lock button, it does not take me to the home screen. It takes me to the Security Page. This also happens if I am surfing the web, sending or reading a message, even on a phone call! Everything else is working normally.
It is so annoying, can anyone help?
NIce phone. Fly away rocket!
sucks, all that work registering, and posting, just to end up on the wall.
Roxy1961 said:
I am a regular visitor to this forum, and for the first time I have registered and in need of help. I am having an issue with the Samsung i727 just bought used on the internet.
It has kernel: 3.08
Baseband: I727UCLF6
Android Version: 4.0.4
Build Number IMM76D.UCLF6
My problem is that each time I touch the power/lock button, it does not take me to the home screen. It takes me to the Security Page. This also happens if I am surfing the web, sending or reading a message, even on a phone call! Everything else is working normally.
It is so annoying, can anyone help?
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Sloooow rockets goooo!
Phalanx7621 said:
Sloooow rockets goooo!
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No one is helping!
Because this isn't the forum for your phone. Check the forum for skyrocket under our general section, or save yourself from sad panda status, and just go find the skyrocket forum. Your choice.
Pink pony Gs2 i777
Pure Google Gnex i9250
Pink stallion Gs3 i747
Stock tweaked Asus tf201
Cmoore0965 said:
Because this isn't the forum for your phone. Check the forum for skyrocket under our general section, or save yourself from sad panda status, and just go find the skyrocket forum. Your choice.
Pink pony Gs2 i777
Pure Google Gnex i9250
Pink stallion Gs3 i747
Stock tweaked Asus tf201
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I apologize, will go to the Skyrocket Forum.
Roxy1961 said:
I apologize, will go to the Skyrocket Forum.
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Not before you go to The Wall.:laugh:
Rofl. So much win.
I've installed Tap Tap Revenge 4 on my SII but it doesnt work properly. The image doesnt fit the screen, its some kind of resolution problem i think and i cant hit the notes.
I'm using ICS 4.0.3
Thanks in advance.
Danaa said:
I've installed Tap Tap Revenge 4 on my SII but it doesnt work properly. The image doesnt fit the screen, its some kind of resolution problem i think and i cant hit the notes.
I'm using ICS 4.0.3
Thanks in advance.
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First off, you designated this post as a question... So it should probably be in the Q&A forum, not General.
Second, to address your real question, are you on a stock firmware, or a custom ROM? "ICS 4.0.3" doesn't really reveal that information. It sounds like you're on a non-standard DPI setting. You could have changed that manually if you're rooted, or some custom ROMs have non-standard DPI set by default.
ctomgee said:
First off, you designated this post as a question... So it should probably be in the Q&A forum, not General.
Second, to address your real question, are you on a stock firmware, or a custom ROM? "ICS 4.0.3" doesn't really reveal that information. It sounds like you're on a non-standard DPI setting. You could have changed that manually if you're rooted, or some custom ROMs have non-standard DPI set by default.
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Sorry about that, I'm new :/
Its not rooted and I dont know what DPI is. Noob here
Danaa said:
Sorry about that, I'm new :/
Its not rooted and I dont know what DPI is. Noob here
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So... you're completely stock? I just loaded the game and it's fine on my phone. I'm on a (mostly) stock Gingerbread I9100. I doubt a completely stock ICS I9100 would have resolution issues.
What information does it say if you go to Settings > About phone?
ctomgee said:
So... you're completely stock? I just loaded the game and it's fine on my phone. I'm on a (mostly) stock Gingerbread I9100. I doubt a completely stock ICS I9100 would have resolution issues.
What information does it say if you go to Settings > About phone?
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Kernel version : 3.0.15-l9100XWLP7
Danaa said:
Kernel version : 3.0.15-l9100XWLP7
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Huh. If you're completely stock, non-rooted, and don't even know what DPI means, then I'm not sure why it's an issue for you. Sorry I wasn't of more help.
Though you may want to consider changing the title of your post; "ICS problem" is way too general for your particular issue. Could help bring more eyes to your post and hopefully someone who knows what the problem is.
ctomgee said:
Huh. If you're completely stock, non-rooted, and don't even know what DPI means, then I'm not sure why it's an issue for you. Sorry I wasn't of more help.
Though you may want to consider changing the title of your post; "ICS problem" is way too general for your particular issue. Could help bring more eyes to your post and hopefully someone who knows what the problem is.
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Ok, thanks for your time.
I would like to use the Beta Swype on my S2, running ICS. Anyone doing this? If so, any problems? If not, any foreseeable problems?
DanDroidian said:
I would like to use the Beta Swype on my S2, running ICS. Anyone doing this? If so, any problems? If not, any foreseeable problems?
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I'd highly recommend it. You just need to remove the current version first.
I use it daily, and it's much improved over the stock version, both visually and from a functional standpoint. The voice components are better also.
if you are referring to swype keyboard have it running on my nexus and s2 smooth definitely give it a try.
"There is a problem parsing the package."
I used Swype on ICS before I flashed CM9. Found it indispensable. So in answer to the OP's question: go for it.
"There is a problem parsing the package."
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I'm having the same problems. See hxxp://!
nihraguk said:
I used Swype on ICS before I flashed CM9. Found it indispensable. So in answer to the OP's question: go for it.
I'm having the same problems. See hxxp://!
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Thanks, but that didn't work for me...
I ended up cheating... I realized that the wonderful Titanium Backup had saved a version from mid-May that i had on my S1. Just restored that, and seems to be working..... Time will tell...
I still feel like i used to have the option to do 2 "loops" above the keyboard and it would CAPITALIZE every letter in the word, but now that feature doesn't seem to work. Sounds familiar?
samsung ebook reader 1.7.20120907 apk
last ebook reader by samsung.
install, reboot, enjoy!
Great APP
thanks a lot , great app
Luxor said:
samsung ebook reader 1.7.20120907 apk
last ebook reader by samsung.
install, reboot, enjoy!
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Hi Luxor,
the missing link, Thank You so as allways.
Missing Link
mike2nl said:
Hi Luxor,
the missing link, Thank You so as allways.
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Man, this link worked fine for me
Locks my tablet up when I try to use it.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium HD app
it works, but doesnt seem to response to pinch and zoom. i need to double tap to zoom.
anyone has the same problem?
This is by miles the best ebook app on Android, presentation wise at least. It replicates the sensation of reading a real book rather well. No other ebook readers on Google Play can even hold a candle to Samsung's in-house ebook reader.
we should give out a rewards if anyone make it work without stock ICS ROM or TW. What I meant if running pure ICS ROM (CM9) or JB.
so far it does installs, but always crashes when you tried import.
It is not bad but it is not my preferred reader app. There is no way to disable page flip animations. There is no way to set a default font size. The minimum font size is too large for my liking.
It works on a P5100 but a question. How can I reset (clear) the bookmarks?
Thanks in advance,
I feel a little stupid but can I use this app on non Samsung android items?
kaitara said:
I feel a little stupid but can I use this app on non Samsung android items?
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The simple answer is No. You need to use Samsung stock ICS or with Touch Wiz. the book reader needs Samsung's frame work
If this answer helps Please click my Thanks button.
eejimen said:
The simple answer is No. You need to use Samsung stock ICS or with Touch Wiz. the book reader needs Samsung's frame work
If this answer helps Please click my Thanks button.
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Technically this is correct and incorrect.
The app itself will work but you need Samsung's MyFiles app to import books into the ebook app, which runs off the TouchWizUX framework.
If somebody could find a way to get MyFiles to work outside TouchWiz, then in theory it should work perfectly.
Thanks for the link, i will try this
Is it even possible to install this on a galaxy s3 non-rooted? And if yes, somebody could explain? Thanks in afvancd
jazzespresso said:
we should give out a rewards if anyone make it work without stock ICS ROM or TW. What I meant if running pure ICS ROM (CM9) or JB.
so far it does installs, but always crashes when you tried import.
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+1! I'd love to get this working on stock JB.
autolycus89 said:
+1! I'd love to get this working on stock JB.
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Here is a page describing how to remove the dependencies on TouchWiz: Link
I would try it but I've tried many times to decompile and recompile ICS apps with no success.
My advice to anyone is to get My Files working out of touchwiz, then ebooks would work by default.
This app works on my nexus 7 running non touchwiz framework.tho clicking on import causes it to crash
It's possible to use ebook without touchwizz fw.
Import does not work but if you open the epub file with a file browser, it does not crash.
thank you very much. i am able to install and it is working perfectly well. BTW i am running toldo jellybean rom ics v6