Can do "wipe data/factory reset" - Galaxy Tab 10.1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I got stuck in boot loop and i wanted to do "wipe data/factory reset" thru recovery mode, but when I try to do it, it just keep wiping forever what should I do?

Wiping wont do anything to fix a boot loop, you need to reflash.

I can only reflash stock rom via Odin, is that ok?

I'm pretty sure stock are the only ones we are allowed to flash via Odin, the CROM's come later via CWM That's all good too.

Ok, i just did that, but it seems like it takes it long to boot and repeating boot animation, is it just for first time, or, will it ever boot?

Initial boot takes long as it builds up the dalvik cache..Wait, I just re-read it, it loops? Oh snap you have a bootloop, Just boot into recovery and factory reset there, then it should boot up fine.


[Q] DroidX stuck in Boot Loop after Liberty Flashing

I was flashing Liberty Gingerbread to my Droid X with ClockWorkMod Recovery, I Wipe data/Factory Reset and Wipe Cache, but, when it rebooted, it get stuck in the Yellow Hand Boot Logo.
I don't know what to do, I've tried everything, pulling off the battery, Stock Recovery Factory Reset and volume down button and power button, so if you can help me will be great.
Have u tried reflashing the rom. It happens to me sometimes so i just reflash the rom and it starts to work.
vipaman said:
Have u tried reflashing the rom. It happens to me sometimes so i just reflash the rom and it starts to work.
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About the thing of reflashing, how do you do it? and how i do it if i cannot enter to any kind of recovery exept the stock recovey which haves only four options:
-Reboot Phone (It reboots but gets into de Boot Loop again)
-Install: (I've tried it with the same rom and others and nothing)
-Wipe data/factory reset (does not work)
-Clear cache (does not work)
What i mean is that i cannot enter to ClockWorkMod Recovery so i cannot install a new rom.
I've heard about the Bootloader and SBF's or something like that but i don't know if it is safe or if it could work

Help with upgrading firmware through odin. Phone stuck on boot animation

Hi all,
I am trying to update my phone to a new firmware using odin. I am following the instructions in this thread. However after odin has done its thing, it displays "PASS!", my phone reboots but then hangs on the boot animation. I have left it for about 20 mins and tried reflashing the rom with no luck.
I have also tried another firmware, but its gets stuck in a half bootloop (repeating the boot animation)
Does anyone know what might be causing this and how I can fix it?
Boot to recovery and wipe cache see if that works, if it still bootloops you'll need to boot to recovery and do a factory reset.
I booted into recovery and wiped everything, and it works now.

[Q] Stuck on bootscreen

First off i hope i have put this on the right sub forum.
I've been stupid (I Think) I've olso looked around on the forum and the [READ THIS] Got a Boot Loop? Don't post a New Thread!
I'm using my SGS2 for a year now and was using the ressurexionRimix rom for a while.
I've been plaing around with my phone so i got lots of folder that were not used etc, so I wanted to get it back to factory settings, here is when all went down.
Via Settings-Backup and recovery i gave my phone a factory reset (while using the latest ressurexionremix rom, i think this is the misstake i made) When my phone went into the reboot is got stuck on the splash screen, it kept reapeeting the boot animation.
The second mistake i mad was not puting back my back-up but thought well i want it back to it's first state so i'll use ODIN to flash the stock ROM onto it. now, 4 hours later and about 10 trys with diferent versions of the stock roms i'm still stuck on the boot screen.
I've also tryd flashing a cwm so i could get in cwm recovery, this also without any luck
Does anyone have a idea what to do!?
go back to recovery - mounts andstorage and format the following :
cache, system, data, sdcards if you have it in recovery. reboot
you have a bkank screen as your phone has been wiped. reboot into download mode.
Connect odin and flash a stock rom. reboot and your phone should work provided that you have not damaged the flash chip on the motherboard.
Is this in CWM? the problem is i dont have that anymore because i've flashed it toc stok. I now get in the Android system recovery
The option i get there ar:
Reboot system now
apply update from external storage
Wype data/factory reset
Wipe cache parition
apply update from cash
test redbend fola[FS]
Will try this, thank..will let you know if it worked
Wiped data/factory reset and cache after this i ebooted my phone and i got the message installing application, now i'm in the setup menu. Looks like it is working.
Did'nt realice there was a recovery besides CWM Thank yoy so much Cosmic Blue!!! You saved my life!!

Stuck in boot loop

So I installed Nokia Z Launcher and everything worked fine, but when I rebooted my Note 2, I got stuck in a boot loop.
I read elsewhere that someone stopped this by going into recovery mode and clearing data. I don't see an option for this in CWM Reovery except "wipe data/factory reset.
Would wipe cache partition or wipe dalvik cache solve this boot loop or would this just make things worse?
I was trying to keep from reflashing if possible.
MrNetwork said:
So I installed Nokia Z Launcher and everything worked fine, but when I rebooted my Note 2, I got stuck in a boot loop.
I read elsewhere that someone stopped this by going into recovery mode and clearing data. I don't see an option for this in CWM Reovery except "wipe data/factory reset.
Would wipe cache partition or wipe dalvik cache solve this boot loop or would this just make things worse?
I was trying to keep from reflashing if possible.
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cache/dalvik probably won't fix your issue, most likely will have to hard reset, or odin
I had finally had to do a factory reset. I am glad I back up every night with Titanium Backup. The only thing that hasn't restored properly is Gmail. I no longer get emailed pushed or get notifications. I have to manually check for mail. Other than that, everything is good.

Can only boot into recovery TWRP [Half Loop]

I was running cm12.1_janice-130915 on my Samsung Galaxy S Advance I9070 for a couple of days, than I got a bug which could perhaps be fixed by wiping the dalvik chache and another chache, so I long-clicked the power button, opened the reboot menu and chose 'Reboot into Recovery' after which it rebooted into recovery. However when I tell it from the recovery to reboot to system, it won't, it will reboot to recovery again.
So I started of by wiping partitions and chaches in the hope that the setting would be 'undone' in the end I did a factory reset and put the rom on my phone again, though it's still booting into recovery modus.
I don't know what I could do anymore. ADB-sideload won't run (if that would be any help). Is my phone a brick now or is there hope?
Sounds like you will need to restore the stock firmware / OS with Odin.

