Hey guys,
So i have my S2 for like 6 months now and never had any issue with flashing custom roms/kernels till yesterday. i installed XXKI4 and everything went perfect.
Few hours later i decided to flash CM7( wiped system,data,cache dalvik etc and flashed the zip 2x) so after this i rebooted my phone and it gave a bootloop. I was not able to boot in recovery mode so i had to reflash with odin to a stock rom. Well i did that and i was on stock rom again. i decided to flash the latest speedmod kernel, i flashed it and bam phone not booting, shows the Samsung Galaxy S II GT-i9100 text with the yellow triangle and its stuck at this screen for an hour now. i just cant use ANY custom kernel/rom on my phone because they all give bootloops and i want CM7 so bad. Any idea's and suggestions will be truly welcome.
Stock Samsung Roms are working great, but dont want that ;p
Coentje44 said:
Hey guys,
So i have my S2 for like 6 months now and never had any issue with flashing custom roms/kernels till yesterday. i installed XXKI4 and everything went perfect.
Few hours later i decided to flash CM7( wiped system,data,cache dalvik etc and flashed the zip 2x) so after this i rebooted my phone and it gave a bootloop. I was not able to boot in recovery mode so i had to reflash with odin to a stock rom. Well i did that and i was on stock rom again. i decided to flash the latest speedmod kernel, i flashed it and bam phone not booting, shows the Samsung Galaxy S II GT-i9100 text with the yellow triangle and its stuck at this screen for an hour now. i just cant use ANY custom kernel/rom on my phone because they all give bootloops and i want CM7 so bad. Any idea's and suggestions will be truly welcome.
Stock Samsung Roms are working great, but dont want that ;p
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Have you done 2x flash in a row of CM7? its a know bug (but unknown reasons) it just dosnt start until you flash it 2x in a row.
Suggested method:
1. Enter ClockWorkMod recovery
2. Wipe data/cache factory reset
3. Wipe cache
4. From mount and storage menu, use Format System
5. From advanced menu, use the Wipe dalvik cache
6. Flash CM7 latest nightly
7. Reflash CM7 latest nightly
8. Reboot the phone
Not sure if this can help you, since you experience a problem that is not exactly the one i saw some times on forum (you cant even enter recovery mode after the flash) but this is how usually ppl makes CM7 work
Oh on a side note, i suggest to not use rom manager, it's confirmed (at least, from various posts here on xda) to not be really 100% working on our SGS2 and can cause problems.
If all this isnt working, it may be worth downgrade to KI3 or KH3 stock one, root again and then do the above system.
I can assure you 100% this system works over KI3 and KH3
yep you need to flash 2 x CM7.
First time it will flash very fast.
Go back to the stock rom and then install CM7 again
can you boot in CWM or are you getting some errors ?
Cangir said:
yep you need to flash 2 x CM7.
First time it will flash very fast.
Go back to the stock rom and then install CM7 again
can you boot in CWM or are you getting some errors ?
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nah, this won't do it, believe me! coz i have exactly same issue with mine. I've done this countless number of times and nothing works... i just came to accept the fact that my phone doesn't support custom anything whether kernel or ROMs, until someone finds out the solution.
meanwhile you can try siyah kernel 1.7.8 or so, it worked with mine, see if it works with yours.
henrychukx said:
nah, this won't do it, believe me! coz i have exactly same issue with mine. I've done this countless number of times and nothing works... i just came to accept the fact that my phone doesn't support custom anything whether kernel or ROMs, until someone finds out the solution.
meanwhile you can try siyah kernel 1.7.8 or so, it worked with mine, see if it works with yours.
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i know this problem, my phone was stuck at boot too but i flashed back to stock rom and i fixed my phone. my problem was i can't use cwm its was dead.
i already tried to flash cm7 like 10 times and it doesnt work i can only boot stock roms with the speedmod kernel other kernels give bootloop.
Ugh this is pretty frustrating, will try to downgrade to xxki3.
Btw, after i flashed Cm7 twice my phone bootloops, then when i flash a CWM kernel to boot in recovery mode i get Can't mount /cache/blabla. really weird, i have never seen this on a phone ! =)
Yay its working!! downgraded to XWKI4 and flashed the cwm kernel! now im running CM7! thx peeps! =)
For the other people that had problems, you have to flash the codeworkx kernel because cf root kernel has a modified CWM that is not compatible withCM7
i have almost the same problem,but me i can flash any rom,but the problem is with the kernel my phone refuses to boot on any other kernel else than cf-root and the speedmod,it freezes in the kernel loading so i must turn it off and reflash via odin cf-root or speedmod to get it works again.
teknoman17 said:
i have almost the same problem,but me i can flash any rom,but the problem is with the kernel my phone refuses to boot on any other kernel else than cf-root and the speedmod,it freezes in the kernel loading so i must turn it off and reflash via odin cf-root or speedmod to get it works again.
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+1, i have the same problem.
Please Help
teknoman17 said:
i have almost the same problem,but me i can flash any rom,but the problem is with the kernel my phone refuses to boot on any other kernel else than cf-root and the speedmod,it freezes in the kernel loading so i must turn it off and reflash via odin cf-root or speedmod to get it works again.
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Yes, its all the same problem, flashing a rom with a diff kernel won't boot up, will just be stuck on boot logo...
---------- Post added at 12:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:24 PM ----------
I'm gonna try to explain how i fixed my issue, as clear and explanatory as i can..
lucky i didn't brick my phone during all this, because I tried so many things and none worked.I unsuccessfully tried downgrading to XWkI4, ZCKI4, and alot others via Odin... after flashing all i get is tons of error messages(on 3e recorvery) E: can't open/cache or E:failed blah bla bla to load /efs... i thought OMG! my phone is bricked! then i recalled reading somewhere that flashing the 3 tar (PDA,MODEM,CSC) files usually should work(maybe better than flashing a 1 tar file), so i found a 3 files xxKI3 rom, flashed it and BAM! it booted up this time without any error. so now i went ahead and rooted it since the tar files came unrooted, then went into CWM to flash cm7 ROM, flashed it twice and ofc i got stuck on boot logo.....i didn't panic much, i pulled out the battery, and restarted to CWM where i cleared cache/ dalvik/ and did wipe/factory reset, then i reflashed CM7 again (twice) and it worked!!!! YES, CM7 is fiannly working on my SG2!
thanks for everyone for helping, and i hope this can help others in same boat as me..
abhigupta7 said:
+1, i have the same problem.
Please Help
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+1 here also can only get the CF kernel to work. Any rom seems to work but only if the kernel is replaced with CF
andybarron said:
+1 here also can only get the CF kernel to work. Any rom seems to work but only if the kernel is replaced with CF
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Try what i said and see if it works.
try the siyah 2.1.1 kernel,it solved my problem
hi guys, first post
ive had my rooted galaxy s2 with the latest siyah kernel 3.3.2, i had cwm recover 5 and rom manager
i tried to flash cyanogen mod through rom manager, following the steps it gave me, i downloaded the files through rom manager and went through all the prompts till i clicked agee to go into recovery mode.
once it did that the phone shut off but would not turn on again so i went to turn on manually, it loads the samsung galaxy screen with the yellow triangle but goes straight into a white flashing screen.
Ive tried taking the battery out, leaving it and putting it back in again, still a flashing screen,
check what i9100 you have and download correct cm9.
using cwm format data system cacha sdcard dalvik
flash cm9 using cwm
rommanager doesnt work on GS2
atifsh said:
check what i9100 you have and download correct cm9.
using cwm format data system cacha sdcard dalvik
flash cm9 using cwm
rommanager doesnt work on GS2
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i have the international 19100T
ahh rats i should have known rom manager does not work, , im just stuck in a white flash screen on boot up, cant get to cwm, although i can get into odin
would reflashing my kernel on odin get me through? everything is back up onto my sd card.
Try flashing a kernel first, and if that doesn't work, flash a rom in Odin, re-root your phone & restore your backup. But yeah, don't use Rom Manager with a kernel that has CWRecovery. One or the other. Rom Manager has a habit of doing stuff like what's happened to you on SGS2's which also have CWRecovery installed.
MistahBungle said:
Try flashing a kernel first, and if that doesn't work, flash a rom in Odin, re-root your phone & restore your backup. But yeah, don't use Rom Manager with a kernel that has CWRecovery. One or the other. Rom Manager has a habit of doing stuff like what's happened to you on SGS2's which also have CWRecovery installed.
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awesome, I tried flashing the latest siyah kernel, the one that i already had on my phone before the problems, that didn't do anything to get me through, any suggestions on which kernel/rom to flash?
because you are on siyah and im not comfortable with that, please flash a stock kernel or cfroot kernel and format system data partitions after that.
now flash any official stock ICS or GB rom using Odin.
atifsh said:
because you are on siyah and im not comfortable with that, please flash a stock kernel or cfroot kernel and format system data partitions after that.
now flash any official stock ICS or GB rom using Odin.
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ohh sweet baby jesus im i flashed a cf kernel and now im into cwm on, can i just normal reboot my phone now?
No need to format anything. Given you want to use CM9, I'd recommend you flash CM9 Resurrection Edition in Odin, put the latest CM9 nightly & Gapps on your internal/external SD card then flash that nightly & Gapps in CWM (read the first page of the CM9 discussion thread thoroughly & follow the instructions to the letter. From there you can stick with the CM9 stock kernel or flash whatever other kernel you want to use (provided it's CM9 compatible).
From then on, if you want to flash CM9 nightlies, do it via CWM/CWRecovery, just don't use Rom Manager this time I use CM9 as well & I have it frozen because I use Siyah (which has CWM).
MistahBungle said:
No need to format anything. Given you want to use CM9, I'd recommend you flash CM9 Resurrection Edition in Odin, put the latest CM9 nightly & Gapps on your internal/external SD card then flash that nightly & Gapps in CWM (read the first page of the CM9 discussion thread thoroughly & follow the instructions to the letter. From there you can stick with the CM9 stock kernel or flash whatever other kernel you want to use (provided it's CM9 compatible).
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alrighty! thanks for the info, is cf kernel compatible with cm9? i want to just have one kernel that'll handle most roms, any suggestions?
ive reloaded my old stable phone version, the version i saved before trying to flash cyanogen mod with rom manager, this version has siyah and stock rom, back to square one *phew*
i still say wipe first, cm9 will come with its own latest cwm that can be used to flash any custom roms after.
flashing via odin version is easy and fool proof as it has everything bundled for correct working of cm9.
If you flash CM9 the CM9 kernel will overwrite/replace your CFRoot kernel, which is fine. As I said in my previous post you can stick with that if you're happy with it, or you can flash any other kernel that's CM9 compatible.
No suggestions/recommendations. Because your experience will not be the same as someone else's using a given rom or kernel. If you want to go down that path, try some kernels to find one you like. To see if a kernel is compatible with CM9, read the the dev thread devoted to the kernel in question.
OK. Given you're back @ square one, Atifsh is right when he says flashing the Resurrection version (Odin version) then flashing Gapps/nightly from there is probably a good way to go for you. Once you've done that, you'll be able to flash CM9 nightlies via CWRecovery. As said previously, read that first page of the CM9 discussion thread/instructions thoroughly before you do anything.
keegan25 said:
alrighty! thanks for the info, is cf kernel compatible with cm9? i want to just have one kernel that'll handle most roms, any suggestions?
ive reloaded my old stable phone version, the version i saved before trying to flash cyanogen mod with rom manager, this version has siyah and stock rom, back to square one *phew*
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Something similar happened to me too. I flashed stock XWLPG, then siyah 3.3.2 and did a factory reset. After that, got stuck in a flashing white screen after the yellow triangle.
What I did: boot on download mode, flash XWLPG over PC Odin once more, did a full wipe BEFORE flashing siyah and then siyah. Everything went ok this time, but eventually I found out that every time I do a factory reset after siyah that problem would occur.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
keegan25 said:
i have the international 19100T
ahh rats i should have known rom manager does not work, , im just stuck in a white flash screen on boot up, cant get to cwm, although i can get into odin
would reflashing my kernel on odin get me through? everything is back up onto my sd card.
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exact same problem, except i can't put it into download mode?
i know it's powerbutton vol down but it's not working? any ideas?
acbutcher91 said:
exact same problem, except i can't put it into download mode?
i know it's powerbutton vol down but it's not working? any ideas?
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Power + vol down + home key?
Every ROM zip file I attempt to flash via CWM or TWRP doesnt work. I was on stock ICS (4.0.4) which I flashed using Odin. Every JB rom, stock or custom I attempt to flash with a recovery freezes either at boot up or first screen of initial setup. No errors are given on actual flash, it always looks good. . I wiped everything I can wipe, which is everything but emmc I think. What could be the problem? I have now flashed official JB through Odin twice with no issues.
Do you check that the ROM is downloaded properly by checking the md5 hash?
EVOO2 said:
Every ROM zip file I attempt to flash via CWM or TWRP doesnt work. I was on stock ICS (4.0.4) which I flashed using Odin. Every JB rom, stock or custom I attempt to flash with a recovery freezes either at boot up or first screen of initial setup. No errors are given on actual flash, it always looks good. . I wiped everything I can wipe, which is everything but emmc I think. What could be the problem? I have now flashed official JB through Odin twice with no issues.
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Try flashing a new recovery using odin then try to flash the rom in recovery afterwards.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk
richardlibeau said:
Try flashing a new recovery using odin then try to flash the rom in recovery afterwards.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk
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Ive flashed twrp 2.5 twice through odin and then tried to flash a rom with no improvement. Im really stumped 'cause flashing roms with odin works fine everytime, so it would seem nothings physically wrong with my device. Should I try a different recovery program? Using cwm and twrp give the same result, so Im skeptical a third recovery would be any different.
EVOO2 said:
Ive flashed twrp 2.5 twice through odin and then tried to flash a rom with no improvement. Im really stumped 'cause flashing roms with odin works fine everytime, so it would seem nothings physically wrong with my device. Should I try a different recovery program? Using cwm and twrp give the same result, so Im skeptical a third recovery would be any different.
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Only thing i can think of is look at the file format that youre trying to flash.
Is it zip? tar?
I may be wrong but cwm only works for .zip files from my experience. not .tar md5 etc.
why do you need to flash it via cwm? if its flashing through odin whats the problem?
It sounds like what ^^^^ is saying. Recovery flashes zip files and Odin flashes tar files. Don't confuse the zip files your pc uses to download the files with these.
When using odin I have to use ROM s which are .tar, so this basically limits me to stock ROMS. The custom ROMS are .zip which I can only flash with a custom recovery like twrp or cwm. I'd obviously like to flash the custom ROMS which are .zip , however it isn't working for me as I mentioned in the opening post . Not sure how to fix this problem .
EVOO2 said:
When using odin I have to use ROM s which are .tar, so this basically limits me to stock ROMS. The custom ROMS are .zip which I can only flash with a custom recovery like twrp or cwm. I'd obviously like to flash the custom ROMS which are .zip , however it isn't working for me as I mentioned in the opening post . Not sure how to fix this problem .
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extraxt the rom that your saying is .zip. it "should" extract a file that will be something odin will recognize
dweeezy said:
extraxt the rom that your saying is .zip. it "should" extract a file that will be something odin will recognize
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Good idea. In a recovery zip file will be a couple of folders. One of them will have a tar file you can flash in the phone or pda a lot in Odin.
Thanks for the suggestion but I had no luck . I have tried extracting padawan JB and a debloated stock JB rom and they extract many files, folders, apks but no tar I could locate. Also I am not sure even if there was a tar i could use if it would be safe to use. If all this was good, it would still be a cumbersome workaround and wouldnt fix my problem of not being able to get a ROM installed via recovery to work.If I have no choice I'll use odin to flash custom ROMs (if there is a way) but Id rather get it to work with recovery.
EVOO2 said:
Thanks for the suggestion but I had no luck . I have tried extracting padawan JB and a debloated stock JB rom and they extract many files, folders, apks but no tar I could locate. Also I am not sure even if there was a tar i could use if it would be safe to use. If all this was good, it would still be a cumbersome workaround and wouldnt fix my problem of not being able to get a ROM installed via recovery to work.If I have no choice I'll use odin to flash custom ROMs (if there is a way) but Id rather get it to work with recovery.
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If you're flashing between TW based to AOPS, or pretty much from a rom to a completely different rom, you will need to WIPE your data too, or better, do a complete wipe (factory reset). I had this issue when moving from Stock TW-based rom to Padawan JB rom. I did a factory reset (complete wipe) and it booted fine. But then again, I'm used to TW so I flashed that back.
fbauto1 said:
If you're flashing between TW based to AOPS, or pretty much from a rom to a completely different rom, you will need to WIPE your data too, or better, do a complete wipe (factory reset). I had this issue when moving from Stock TW-based rom to Padawan JB rom. I did a factory reset (complete wipe) and it booted fine. But then again, I'm used to TW so I flashed that back.
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I've wiped everything I can wipe between flashes (includes factory reset), many times trying both TWRP and CWM for flashing and wiping with no luck unfortunately. The wiping doesnt seem to help, different custom recoveries don't help, so I'm stumped as to what the problem could be.
EVOO2 said:
I've wiped everything I can wipe between flashes (includes factory reset), many times trying both TWRP and CWM for flashing and wiping with no luck unfortunately. The wiping doesnt seem to help, different custom recoveries don't help, so I'm stumped as to what the problem could be.
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What roms are you trying to flash? Sometimes ive seen where you must rename them or do specific things.
dweeezy said:
What roms are you trying to flash? Sometimes ive seen where you must rename them or do specific things.
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Ive tried padawan JB, debloated rooted canadian JB rom, and debloated ATT rom.
dweeezy said:
What roms are you trying to flash? Sometimes ive seen where you must rename them or do specific things.
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Ive tried padawan JB, debloated rooted canadian JB rom, and debloated ATT rom.
OP, are you still having this issue? Were you able to resolve it?
I have the exact same issue as you. Exactly the same.
513263337 said:
OP, are you still having this issue? Were you able to resolve it?
I have the exact same issue as you. Exactly the same.
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Me too. Every rom freezes during the app optimization screen...usually at about 3/4th the way through. What's going on???
*edit* Tried to restore factory w/Odin. I'm bricked now. Time for some JTAG love.
Exactly the same issue here.
Every jelly bean ROM, 4.1 or 4.2, stock or custom, as long as I install them via recovery, it either doesn't boot up or gets stuck on the first screen.
If I use ODIN to install the stock ROM, it works fine.
Driving me nuts...
Just throwing suggestions out there but try sideloading the rom and see if itll install that way? Also are you odin flashing recovery? Maybe try to load twrp through goomanager and see if maybe recovery is corrupted?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
Hi everyone.
i rooted my phone with this guide which installed a based CWM recovery on my phone with Siyah-s2-v6.0b4.tar using Odin.
Now i want to run a touch CWM recovery but no matter how i tried- no way worked and i always get the based CWM recovery again.
I tried ROM manager and RECOVERY tools but none of these actually worked (although i got success messages).
I also tried to download the recovery file from the official site of CWM, but when i tried to copy it to my sd card an error message popped out saying copy can't be done and the device is not connected or working or something.. i can copy other zip files without any problem.
can anyone help?
1) Do not use Rom Manager with the SGS2. It will break recovery and/or cause bootloops eventually. It may even brick your phone. You don't need it.
2) Any recovery flashed independently of the kernel on the SGS2 will only persist until the next reboot, which is why what you're trying isn't working. If you want a touch version of CWM, flash/run a kernel which has this. Which kernels ? Read the kernel threads in the development section (I don't use PhilZ on my SGS2, but his comes to mind as I use it on my I9505).
MistahBungle said:
1) Do not use Rom Manager with the SGS2. It will break recovery and/or cause bootloops eventually. It may even brick your phone. You don't need it.
2) Any recovery flashed independently of the kernel on the SGS2 will only persist until the next reboot, which is why what you're trying isn't working. If you want a touch version of CWM, flash/run a kernel which has this. Which kernels ? Read the kernel threads in the development section (I don't use PhilZ on my SGS2, but his comes to mind as I use it on my I9505).
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thank you very much! i'm relieved i didn't brick my phone, that could have been a mess..
flashing kernels is like regular flashing? just installing the zip file? do i need to wipe any data or cache or something?
thanks for your response.
Follow the flashing instructions for the kernel in question to the letter (always on the first page of the kernel thread, always very clear/precise/easy to follow).
MistahBungle said:
.... I use it on my I9505).
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In that case, great to still see you in the s2 forums
Sent from a galaxy far, far away
I I rooted my S2 I777 using Frameroot-1.4.2 and flashed via Odin CWM then I flashed AoCP KitKat from from and now my phone is in a loop entering in recovery mode.
I flashed the rom on CWM and when I asked to reboot the system it start reboot and enter in recovery mode again.
I tried to flash the official rom from AT&T with Android 2.3.4 and even after I flash this rom it doesn't stop to enter in recovery mode.
First thing to do: perform a wipe/data from within recovery.
creepyncrawly said:
First thing to do: perform a wipe/data from within recovery.
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It was done and still reboot in recovery.
I tried to install a stock rom via Odin 1,85 but I failed in all the tries then I tried via Odin 3.07 and it worked and I did a full wipe and rebooted the system and it got back to recovery mode then I did it again and it worked.
Now I'm using a stock Rom with Androind 4.2.1.
Before it works I've tried to install the stock Rom and it worked then I rooted the phone and installed CWM and it always reboot in recovery mode.
gsilva92 said:
...then I rooted the phone and installed CWM and it always reboot in recovery mode.
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This part makes me think you use Rom Manager, and that would explain why it keeps rebooting. There's no need to install CWM separately as it's included in i777 kernels. Rom Manager will ruin your phone, stay away from it (see the sticky).
SteveMurphy said:
This part makes me think you use Rom Manager, and that would explain why it keeps rebooting. There's no need to install CWM separately as it's included in i777 kernels. Rom Manager will ruin your phone, stay away from it (see the sticky).
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I don't use Rom Manager.
It was rooted before and I was using a KitKat Rom but I tried to flash the Rom I mentioned and it bricked.
I unbricked it and rooted and installed CWM then it started with the problem.
As I said now I'm using a stock Rom with Android 4.2.1.
You said CWM is included in i777 Kernels so if I root my phone I can simply get in recovery mode and use the stock recovery to flash the Rom?
You mentioned that you rooted the stock firmware and installed a custom recovery, but without knowing your root - recovery process, it's hard to say where things went sideways.
The kernel of the i777 does include the recovery, but the stock kernel cannot be used to flash custom firmware.
>>this guide<< is one of the more reliable ways to go from stock to custom firmware.
-framaroot to establish root
-mobile odin to install custom kernel
-custom kernel to install custom firmware
happy flashing
gsilva92 said:
I don't use Rom Manager.
It was rooted before and I was using a KitKat Rom but I tried to flash the Rom I mentioned and it bricked.
I unbricked it and rooted and installed CWM then it started with the problem.
As I said now I'm using a stock Rom with Android 4.2.1.
You said CWM is included in i777 Kernels so if I root my phone I can simply get in recovery mode and use the stock recovery to flash the Rom?
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cyril279 said:
You mentioned that you rooted the stock firmware and installed a custom recovery, but without knowing your root - recovery process, it's hard to say where things went sideways.
The kernel of the i777 does include the recovery, but the stock kernel cannot be used to flash custom firmware.
>>this guide<< is one of the more reliable ways to go from stock to custom firmware.
-framaroot to establish root
-mobile odin to install custom kernel
-custom kernel to install custom firmware
happy flashing
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Thank you.
I'll follow this guide and I'll post here if it worked for me.
cyril279 said:
You mentioned that you rooted the stock firmware and installed a custom recovery, but without knowing your root - recovery process, it's hard to say where things went sideways.
The kernel of the i777 does include the recovery, but the stock kernel cannot be used to flash custom firmware.
>>this guide<< is one of the more reliable ways to go from stock to custom firmware.
-framaroot to establish root
-mobile odin to install custom kernel
-custom kernel to install custom firmware
happy flashing
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I tried to follow the instruction in the link you sent me but I failed doing it.
I searched on google and I saw that Odin has an option OTA / Update zip but mine doesn't have this option.
Is there something I should do before flash a custom rom?
I'm using Mobile Odin Pro.
gsilva92 said:
I tried to follow the instruction in the link you sent me but I failed doing it.
I searched on google and I saw that Odin has an option OTA / Update zip but mine doesn't have this option.
Is there something I should do before flash a custom rom?
I'm using Mobile Odin Pro.
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Agreed, the instructions in that guide can be a little confusing.
First, are you sure you are using the AT&T Galaxy S II SGH-I777? Because you said several times in this thread that you are now running 4.2.1, but there is no such version of the os for this phone. The latest official AT&T stock firmware is I777UCMD8 which is 4.1.2.
If you affirm that your phone is SGH-I777 running UCMD8 firmware, and that you have root, then the next step is to use mobile odin to flash AJK v4.9 NoSwap kernel. Download the zip file from the Kernel thread. Open the zip file with an archiving tool such as win-zip, 7zip, etc. and extract the boot.img. Mobile odin will not recognize the zip file, but it will recognize the boot.img as a kernel, and will flash that. So transfer the boot image to the phone sd card and flash with mobile odin.
Next, you will find that the phone buttons don't work. Transfer the AJK v4.9 zip file to the sd card, enter into Clockwork Mod recovery and flash the AJK v4.9 zip file. This will fix the buttons. Now you have a working stock UCMD8 with custom AJK kernel. Now you are ready to flash what ever firmware you want. Hope this helps, and feel free to ask questions.
creepyncrawly said:
Agreed, the instructions in that guide can be a little confusing.
First, are you sure you are using the AT&T Galaxy S II SGH-I777? Because you said several times in this thread that you are now running 4.2.1, but there is no such version of the os for this phone. The latest official AT&T stock firmware is I777UCMD8 which is 4.1.2.
If you affirm that your phone is SGH-I777 running UCMD8 firmware, and that you have root, then the next step is to use mobile odin to flash AJK v4.9 NoSwap kernel. Download the zip file from the Kernel thread. Open the zip file with an archiving tool such as win-zip, 7zip, etc. and extract the boot.img. Mobile odin will not recognize the zip file, but it will recognize the boot.img as a kernel, and will flash that. So transfer the boot image to the phone sd card and flash with mobile odin.
Next, you will find that the phone buttons don't work. Transfer the AJK v4.9 zip file to the sd card, enter into Clockwork Mod recovery and flash the AJK v4.9 zip file. This will fix the buttons. Now you have a working stock UCMD8 with custom AJK kernel. Now you are ready to flash what ever firmware you want. Hope this helps, and feel free to ask questions.
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Thank you.
I'm gonna try it and I'll post at night (in Brazil) when I come back from work.
creepyncrawly said:
Agreed, the instructions in that guide can be a little confusing.
First, are you sure you are using the AT&T Galaxy S II SGH-I777? Because you said several times in this thread that you are now running 4.2.1, but there is no such version of the os for this phone. The latest official AT&T stock firmware is I777UCMD8 which is 4.1.2.
If you affirm that your phone is SGH-I777 running UCMD8 firmware, and that you have root, then the next step is to use mobile odin to flash AJK v4.9 NoSwap kernel. Download the zip file from the Kernel thread. Open the zip file with an archiving tool such as win-zip, 7zip, etc. and extract the boot.img. Mobile odin will not recognize the zip file, but it will recognize the boot.img as a kernel, and will flash that. So transfer the boot image to the phone sd card and flash with mobile odin.
Next, you will find that the phone buttons don't work. Transfer the AJK v4.9 zip file to the sd card, enter into Clockwork Mod recovery and flash the AJK v4.9 zip file. This will fix the buttons. Now you have a working stock UCMD8 with custom AJK kernel. Now you are ready to flash what ever firmware you want. Hope this helps, and feel free to ask questions.
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I did exactly what you said and it worked but when I tried to flash a custom Rom it failed and bricked my phone again.
And now I'm back to the first topic, it always reboots in the recovery mode.
I'll try to fix it again.
I didn't see the error it showed me when failed in flash the custom rom. I know I should have seen it.
Here is a video of my phone rebooting in the recovery mode.
gsilva92 said:
I did exactly what you said and it worked but when I tried to flash a custom Rom it failed and bricked my phone again.
And now I'm back to the first topic, it always reboots in the recovery mode.
I'll try to fix it again.
I didn't see the error it showed me when failed in flash the custom rom. I know I should have seen it.
Here is a video of my phone rebooting in the recovery mode.
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What firmware did you try to flash? If you tried again to flash the "AoCP KitKat from GalaxyS2Root dot com" that you mentioned in your first post, that in itself could be the problem. In the past, many products from the GalaxyS2Root website have caused numerous and various types of problems, including similar to your issue. For most of the past two and a half years, we have been advising people to avoid the Galaxy S2 Root website and products. It is best to flash firmware downloaded from XDA-Developers.
If you are trying to install a version of kitkat on your phone, then you also probably need advice from someone more familiar with kitkat, like cyril279 or SteveMurphy. Maybe one of them will jump in and help.
gsilva92 said:
I I rooted my S2 I777 using Frameroot-1.4.2 and flashed via Odin CWM then I flashed AoCP KitKat from from and now my phone is in a loop entering in recovery mode.
I flashed the rom on CWM and when I asked to reboot the system it start reboot and enter in recovery mode again.
I tried to flash the official rom from AT&T with Android 2.3.4 and even after I flash this rom it doesn't stop to enter in recovery mode.
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Just breezed through this and didn't see this mentioned but in the aocp kitkat forum here it states in the op you must be on cwm or higher to flash their ROM. This is true for all kitkat ROMs I've tried so far. This may have been the source of your problem although usually most report getting a status7 error at this point but I'm not familiar with that cwm version you mentioned.
Also twrp works really well and it's touch based.
creepyncrawly said:
What firmware did you try to flash? If you tried again to flash the "AoCP KitKat from GalaxyS2Root dot com" that you mentioned in your first post, that in itself could be the problem. In the past, many products from the GalaxyS2Root website have caused numerous and various types of problems, including similar to your issue. For most of the past two and a half years, we have been advising people to avoid the Galaxy S2 Root website and products. It is best to flash firmware downloaded from XDA-Developers.
If you are trying to install a version of kitkat on your phone, then you also probably need advice from someone more familiar with kitkat, like cyril279 or SteveMurphy. Maybe one of them will jump in and help.
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I'm trying to flash a Rom form XDA-Developers
I'll try to contact one of the users you mentioned. Thank you.
razen_kain said:
Just breezed through this and didn't see this mentioned but in the aocp kitkat forum here it states in the op you must be on cwm or higher to flash their ROM. This is true for all kitkat ROMs I've tried so far. This may have been the source of your problem although usually most report getting a status7 error at this point but I'm not familiar with that cwm version you mentioned.
Also twrp works really well and it's touch based.
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I'll try to flash twrp to flash KitKat. Thank you.
Good catch @razen_kain, the details were in the OP all along.
That said, The details of what you need to flash the firmware are in the OP of each Firmware thread, including the necessary kernel version, and where to find it.
Cyril279 said:
Recovery requirement (prior to flashing this firmware):
-Renderbroken's OmniROM kernel
-or- Flash Omni's Boot.IMG via MobileOdin
SGH-S959G; (courtesy of @mr-cook)
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CM 11
RenderBroken said:
Make sure you are on CWM before flashing ROM! Thanks to @mr-cook you can now download and flash just the recovery/kernel!
Other handy scripts you can use from mr-cook can be found: Here
Download Recovery/Kernel created by mr-cook : Here[...]
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AOCP 7.0
crt60 said:
***(If you are on Jellybean or older, you will need the latest CWM recovery for the i777 to flash this ROM)***
***If you are having trouble with flashing the zip, you can try the odin version from here***
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gsilva92 said:
I I rooted my S2 I777 using Frameroot-1.4.2 and flashed via Odin CWM then I flashed AoCP KitKat from from and now my phone is in a loop entering in recovery mode.
I flashed the rom on CWM and when I asked to reboot the system it start reboot and enter in recovery mode again.
I tried to flash the official rom from AT&T with Android 2.3.4 and even after I flash this rom it doesn't stop to enter in recovery mode.
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gsilva92 said:
I'm trying to flash a Rom form XDA-Developers
I'll try to contact one of the users you mentioned. Thank you.
I'll try to flash twrp to flash KitKat. Thank you.
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If you go back to AT&T stock 4.1.2 I777UCMD8 to start over, here are a couple of ways to get the kernel you need. Please bear in mind that the only kernel that will boot UCMD8 into system is the AJK v4.9 kernel that you used before. When you install another kernel such as RenderBroken's CWM or TWRP kenrel, or the one from OmniRom, the system will no longer boot, but you will be able to boot into recovery, so just avoid trying to boot the system, and choose the option to boot directly into recovery. Or... pull the battery and then use the button combo to enter recovery.
1) Extract the boot.img directly from the OmniRom zip file, and flash that using mobile odin. In this case, once you have UCMD8 rooted, you can skip the step of flashing AJK and flash the OmniRom kernel directly. Reboot into the new recovery and flash OmniRom.
2) Flash the AJK kernel as in my previous instructions. Then enter recovery and flash RenderBroken's kernel. Boot directly into recovery and flash OmniRom.
cyril279 said:
Good catch @razen_kain, the details were in the OP all along.
That said, The details of what you need to flash the firmware are in the OP of each Firmware thread, including the necessary kernel version, and where to find it.
CM 11
AOCP 7.0
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I gotta say I didn't read the full info after flash the rom.
creepyncrawly said:
If you go back to AT&T stock 4.1.2 I777UCMD8 to start over, here are a couple of ways to get the kernel you need. Please bear in mind that the only kernel that will boot UCMD8 into system is the AJK v4.9 kernel that you used before. When you install another kernel such as RenderBroken's CWM or TWRP kenrel, or the one from OmniRom, the system will no longer boot, but you will be able to boot into recovery, so just avoid trying to boot the system, and choose the option to boot directly into recovery. Or... pull the battery and then use the button combo to enter recovery.
1) Extract the boot.img directly from the OmniRom zip file, and flash that using mobile odin. In this case, once you have UCMD8 rooted, you can skip the step of flashing AJK and flash the OmniRom kernel directly. Reboot into the new recovery and flash OmniRom.
2) Flash the AJK kernel as in my previous instructions. Then enter recovery and flash RenderBroken's kernel. Boot directly into recovery and flash OmniRom.
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I did exactly what you said and it worked. Now I'm running OmniRom and I didn't have any problem during the process to flash and not even after.
Thank you everyone.
I'll be more careful next time.
gsilva92 said:
I gotta say I didn't read the full info after flash the rom.
I did exactly what you said and it worked. Now I'm running OmniRom and I didn't have any problem during the process to flash and not even after.
Thank you everyone.
I'll be more careful next time.
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Welcome to the club :thumbup:
razen_kain said:
Welcome to the club :thumbup:
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Thank you.