Any help on changing icons - AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note I717

Any help would be fantastic. I am relatively new to the whole customizing roms, and themes just put Solaris prime on with jade theme. Totally amazing. But a little help on being able to change icons both home screen as well as the main four
wickedly oversized communication device

try using a different launcher and there you can find many options to customize your screen


[Q] Froyo Widgets and Custom themes on the Streak

Ok, so now that we all have Froyo or at at least most of us. I find that the general feeling toward the Dell Stage widgets is negative. My question is what is everyone else using for widgets? I'm having a heck of a time trying to find widgets that scale with the screen. Everything seems to place the widgets in the wrong place because of the screen size. For example one of my favourite widgets is TypoClock. However the widget can't seem to find the TOP MIDDLE of my screen like it looks in ALL the Nexus One screen shoots with it. It always hangs to the left of the screen. Has anyone modded certain widgets to fit the screen better? There is a post, ,that shows some AMAZING Themes and set ups but I can't seem to get anything to look that good on the Streak. If anyone has a sweet Theme or look to their Streak and could you please post a screen shoot and how you did it. PLEASE!
I think your better off ultimately changing the UI itself and get either ADW Launcher or Launcher Pro. I've just brought Launcher Pro Plus ($2.99/£1.95) and its def worth it as its so customizable, you can set the layout grid size and then manually alter the size of the widgets in real time. I tried to use Dell's Stage and just didn't like it, so much wasted space and it felt like a poor HTC Sense UI.


Hi Community,
I found a App, called Metro UI, it haves the Windows7Mobile UI.
Here some Screens:
The Screen are saying all
Here QR-Code:
PS:Sorry for my bad English I'm a german guy.
thanks but
thanks but it didnt work for me :S
I spent an enormous amount of time modifying the ADW Launcher and creating custom icons to create a sort of WM7 emulation until I accidentally found this one on the Market. It's absolutely brilliant, very promising, even though it's only a beta.
The fact that it runs so smooth, the small size and the vertical scrolling home screen were the main selling points for me. Now I'm just waiting for the dev to update it, since there are a few problems with it. I'd recommend using it with another launcher installed if you have a rooted device and you like modding apps, because it doesn't like copying apk's to system/app, among others. I use LauncherPro when pushing apps, for example.
It doesn't affect the device's functionality apart from the modding part, so I set it up with custom icons on the tiles and I'm enjoying the hell outta it until a satisfactory version comes out, optimised, packed with more features and hopefully running at least as smooth as it does now.
sandulea said:
I spent an enormous amount of time modifying the ADW Launcher and creating custom icons to create a sort of WM7 emulation until I accidentally found this one on the Market. It's absolutely brilliant, very promising, even though it's only a beta.
The fact that it runs so smooth, the small size and the vertical scrolling home screen were the main selling points for me. Now I'm just waiting for the dev to update it, since there are a few problems with it. I'd recommend using it with another launcher installed if you have a rooted device and you like modding apps, because it doesn't like copying apk's to system/app, among others. I use LauncherPro when pushing apps, for example.
It doesn't affect the device's functionality apart from the modding part, so I set it up with custom icons on the tiles and I'm enjoying the hell outta it until a satisfactory version comes out, optimised, packed with more features and hopefully running at least as smooth as it does now.
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I usw now launcher pro with my own Icons andere It looks better than this one.Metro UI ist eeasy but selfed created Icons are best
Sent from my GT540 using XDA App
it wont let me open the app
has any1 else got this problem?
would really like to use this app
No tiles are appearing for me on 2.3 DroidSwift.

Modding & Customizing HTC Sense 3.0 Request Collection

We have seen tons and tons of modding of Sense 3.0 but honestly speaking these are more "Thematic Mods" than real Mods. Yes we have blue, red, pink and you name it and you get it colours available for lockscreen, rings, clocks, statusbar and you name it and you get it graphical items.
Most of you will agree these are skin changes and not real mods. Most android launchers these days have features we would love to see in our dearmost SENSE launcher, but as yet, we have not crossed that mod level. Back in the WM6.5 days, we had a super application called co0kies Home tab and most old folks would agree with me that this app rocked. Today that kind of sense modding is over UNLESS we flash a new ROM.
Is the sense Modding a DEAD END or is ROM development the only choice????
With this thread lets highlight and point to some of our incredible developers that we would love to have the following features and real mods in our dear sense package NATIVELY via tweak or apps.
Ability to hide status bar like in all other launchers merely by a gesture.
Ability to add delete number of homescreen pages WITHOUT ROM flashing.
Ability to lock / hide the Notificatios tab besdies the "Quick Settings" tab in the new Sense status bar.
Ability to change icons and their names as in all other launchers.
Ability to sort apps and hide apps from Ap drawer.
Ability to auto hide the Sense ARC at the bottom of the screen much like the Windows taskbar on pc.
Ability to change grid size in respect of coloumns and rows. Also very much achievable in almost all launchers.
The ability to change widget sizes as available in Go launcher and others.
3D rendering of weather on lockscreen. It would be nice to have EYE POPPING weather animations on lockscreen suing full 3d capabilities. I can do the 3D Rendering if any dev is interested in development
Please post simlar sense 3.0 mods you would like to have natively in sense 3.0 launcher and lets catch the interest of developers.
I think one highly desirable mod is workspace size, 5x5, 5x6..etc.. I've been working on it for a while with not much success..
I always seem to run into problems with recompiling Rosie. If I decompile a Rosie.apk with dependencies, then try to immediately recompile, the size is always significantly different (~1.8mb vs ~12mb). I've went ahead and made changes to some of the xml files within, but the size is always way off when it is recompiled...if it gets that far and doesn't throw an error...
It would be awesome if a more experienced dev could take this on or offer some guidance..
I think we all can agree 4x4 sucks on a qHD screen.
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using XDA App
updated the first post with it.
Also added the 3d weather animation lockscreen. I can do the rendering of 3d if any dev is interested.
Sounds good have you anything ready for testing?
Awaiting Assimilation
I totally agre. Im getting tired of using sense and not being able to change certain aspects of it that should have been changable from the get go. Sense is gret but it needs to be greter" so im sure that some other devs here that have the awesome knowledge will soon begin to consider these things. I am willing to donate for this type of work when the project begins. This is a great convo starter and im glad someone has came to point this out.
The only thing I would like is to be able to resize widgets if is even possible.
SilverSuperman said:
I totally agre. Im getting tired of using sense and not being able to change certain aspects of it that should have been changable from the get go. Sense is gret but it needs to be greter" so im sure that some other devs here that have the awesome knowledge will soon begin to consider these things. I am willing to donate for this type of work when the project begins. This is a great convo starter and im glad someone has came to point this out.
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Yess. We can see different ROMS exploring different things. But at the same time we see different launchers providing functionalities which are awesome.
SENSE 3.0 as a launcher is dying out. We have themes for sense and that is all. Launcher functionality is Sense is limited. We had an excellent program called co0kies hometab for WM 6.5 and it allowed all types of customizations. However, most people today feel easy to download an alternative launcher over sense 3.0.
Lets keep this launcher alive.
pamplinas said:
The only thing I would like is to be able to resize widgets if is even possible.
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Its possible in Go launcher. I have already added it to the top post.
pamplinas said:
The only thing I would like is to be able to resize widgets if is even possible.
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I think it is possible, it was done on older versions of Sense..The widgets size themselves according to the layout size. You can't resize them on demand tho.
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using XDA App
Its odd how sense 3.0 has an edit button when u long press on an icon or widget but u cant always use it and that grinds my gears because i feel it being mostly pointless of it being there. I hope it changes to have better functionality instead of a ui change like in the supposedly leaked sense 3.5. What a nightmare that is. Lol
I would like the rgb color widget that's in cyanagen mod so you can make your phone just one color like blue or green or red. Also if some can find me some pngs of the death star rotating I will make a star wars themed lock screen
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
mayfield103 said:
I would like the rgb color widget that's in cyanagen mod so you can make your phone just one color like blue or green or red. Also if some can find me some pngs of the death star rotating I will make a star wars themed lock screen
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
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This app I found on the market can provide the color rendering screen effect. Here's a link to the free/demo version, the full is $0.99
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using XDA App
Just tested Go launcher. Apart from htc widgets, all wallpapers and live wallpapers from HTC including weather and htc hub is accessible from the GO launcher.
Plus HTC lock screen is also there with weather.
I wish OUR SENSE has these features.
yahya.hamid said:
Back in the WM6.5 days, we had a super application called co0kies Home tab and most old folks would agree with me that this app rocked. Today that kind of sense modding is over UNLESS we flash a new ROM.
Is the sense Modding a DEAD END or is ROM development the only choice????
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"Old folks" ? LOL Dude... the cookie home tab mod was release almost a year ago in November (for the 2.0 ver). That's not THAT long ago.. LOL
Development for Rosie is not going too far because we don't have a cookiemonster equivalent in the Android world. All real modding is done in smali and I only know of ONE guy that can do serious modding to it.. RomanBB.
Unless we get someone like cookiemonster, Sense modding will never take off.
NRGZ28 said:
"Old folks" ? LOL Dude... the cookie home tab mod was release almost a year ago in November (for the 2.0 ver). That's not THAT long ago.. LOL
Development for Rosie is not going too far because we don't have a cookiemonster equivalent in the Android world. All real modding is done in smali and I only know of ONE guy that can do serious modding to it.. RomanBB.
Unless we get someone like cookiemonster, Sense modding will never take off.
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whoa. energy you got a 3D ???!!!
/me prays for cookies
No.... I got a Sensation. But I also have a ROM ready for the 3D Just need some good testers...
sign me up as a beta.
NRGZ28 said:
No.... I got a Sensation. But I also have a ROM ready for the 3D Just need some good testers...
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HOLY CRAP...You are bringing back memories of my WinMo days
I am up for beta testing as well!! I ran your ROMs on my TP2...
---------- Post added at 09:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:55 AM ----------
BTW, OP...nobody messes with Sense since it's so much easier to just drop Launcher, Luancher Pro, ADW, etc in the ROM, instead.

[REQ] Arc Launcher with mods

So, maybe some of you have seen this launcher around. I think it's freakin fantastic, but there are a couple problems that would be cool to have someone fix.
What's Important:
The No Corners version from the original post (link below) is the only one that is fully compatible with qHD. Problem is that the dock isn't quite aligned correctly when I install. I'd like to see that fixed.
Secondly, there is not qHD compatibility for w/ Corners launcher.
Not so important, but would still be sweet:
Ability to change # of rows and columns on home-screen (not app drawer), # of screens and also hide icon labels.
I have no deving ability whatsoever. So if anyone likes the launcher and feels like tackling this one, lets work something out!
Found some other stuff
Other dev post
Other ways to edit
Bummer. No one feels compelled eh?

[Q] How to change icons?

I've ran a lot of ROMs. but I've finally settled down and starting modding my favorite after months and months of being a flashaholic, I've now taken a lovely ROM and installed a custom bootani and sound, downani and edited the build.prop and have done many many other things to have a unique ROM of my liking, The only other thing I can think is to find out how to change the icons, I've done some searching but all that turns up is dumbness saying I have to use a launcher blah blah blah.
So! question is, I was running the rom Elegancia that was a modded version of Sense 4 Villec2 but some things we're broken, But those icons are we're perfect, How could I bake in icons like these?
I'm talking about phone,messages,music icons and so on, I'd only edit the ones in my dock.
Desktop visualizer is available on the play store, just download any icon pack and you can change your icons
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D X515m using Tapatalk 2
Can't_Live_Without_My_Evo said:
I've ran a lot of ROMs. but I've finally settled down and starting modding my favorite after months and months of being a flashaholic, I've now taken a lovely ROM and installed a custom bootani and sound, downani and edited the build.prop and have done many many other things to have a unique ROM of my liking, The only other thing I can think is to find out how to change the icons, I've done some searching but all that turns up is dumbness saying I have to use a launcher blah blah blah.
So! question is, I was running the rom Elegancia that was a modded version of Sense 4 Villec2 but some things we're broken, But those icons are we're perfect, How could I bake in icons like these?
I'm talking about phone,messages,music icons and so on, I'd only edit the ones in my dock.
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Here's a tutorial to edit the icons in the status bar, but it sounds like you really want to edit the icons for your shorcuts to apps. Desktop Visualizer may be your best bet for that, and there's also AnyCut and BetterCut but I'm not sure what's the status of those apps.
How do I put the icon pack on my phone? I'm not having much luck...
You can try some alternate launchers like GO LauncherEX. You can change every single icon to image from gallery.
I want to show you how it works, but you know, 10 post rule ;f

