Hello, I just got the ATT LTE Note, coming from a Nexus, the Note gets warm under the camera when it's in use, is this normal or something is wrong? Thanks in advance.
Please search for this, there are atleast 3 threads explaining what is happening, YES it happens.
So I just purchased a brand new Vibrant 4g for the amazing deal of only $250 after I sold my captivate for the same price last night. I have a few questions that hopefully can be answered.
1. I have names in my messages? For example. My message might say "Me: How are you doing?" with the incoming being "*name here*: I am so awesome. Nothing can touch my awesomeness". This to me, is a complete waste of my messaging space since I can just look up top to see the name of who it is. My Captivate did not have this same "problem".
2. Double Contacts. This has probably been covered, but a google search wasn't bringing much up. I have double contacts in the Contacts app and when selecting people for a message. I can change the setting for contacts and its normal there, but there is still double in messaging, which is annoying. It shouldn't be hard to fix and ill probably just end up deleting my contacts from my SIM, but if there is an easier way I would appreciate it.
3. Rooting/Custom Roms. Now with the Captivate being one of the most active in the custom things, naturally I was flashing back and forth constantly because, well, its fun.
-Do procedure for the 4g vary from the 3g? I would assume that rooting and stuff should be exactly the same.
-Does the Vibrant use Odin like the Captivate in the exact same way? Dont want to get stuck in a brick.
Thanks to anyone who could answer some of these for me, I really appreciate it. I may think of more questions eventually, but these are it for now.
you should try going to the "samsung galaxy s 4g" forum. i thinks thats what its called...i also had a samsung 4g but returned it 3 days later. i believe that as of right now you can just get root access. no custom roms or tweaks. unless up to this date a dev has figured something out. hope that helps.
Sent from my GT-I9000
hern1989 said:
you should try going to the "samsung galaxy s 4g" forum. i thinks thats what its called...i also had a samsung 4g but returned it 3 days later. i believe that as of right now you can just get root access. no custom roms or tweaks. unless up to this date a dev has figured something out. hope that helps.
Sent from my GT-I9000
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So it is pretty different than the 3g then? Hmm...
Ok thanks, Ill go check out the 4g section then.
has anyone noticed a delay when unlocking the screen? Once you push the unlock button, it takes 1-2 seconds for the screen to turn on. but when locking the phone, the screen shuts off instantly. Its a bit annoying and embarrassing and makes the phone look slow and sluggish. I've also seen this happen in several reviews online from phonedog and others, but no one has ever said anything.
has anyone else notice this?
Me too. I don't know if it's something we've done though. I'd like to get my hands on some more phones to compare.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
I remember all Sprint SGS2's would do this and was very much relieved that my new Verizon SGS3 is free of such annoyance!
What versions of S3 you guys have (carrier)?
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
I have Verizon as well. But this isn't a Verizon only problem, it's the same hardware on all carriers. I've seen reviews of the att and tmobile version and they both have this delay..aybe the delay isn't as bad as it was on the s2 so it's not as noticeable to you
Forgetfull said:
Me too. I don't know if it's something we've done though. I'd like to get my hands on some more phones to compare.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
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I have personally seen 2 phones do the same thing.
I have the issue as well. It actually annoying and makes me feel like the phone us defective. I tried turning the ripple effect to see if makes any difference in any way.
Sent from sexy a** Galaxy S III
idelgado782 said:
I have the issue as well. It actually annoying and makes me feel like the phone us defective. I tried turning the ripple effect to see if makes any difference in any way.
Sent from sexy a** Galaxy S III
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It doesnt make a difference, I tried.
Has anyone found a fix for this? It's more than annoying.
Experienced this just a couple of days ago My screen will go blank, like it went to sleep but what actually happened was it just simply shut off! I installed two logcat applications, but I don't know jack about reading logs I want to know what causes these shutdowns The latest ones happened between 6:32-6:33AM and 6:54-6:55AM (it's 7:26AM now, my time). Please help
Please post questions like this in the Q&A section of the Galaxy Note Forum...you will get better support...
Ryuinferno said:
Please post questions like this in the Q&A section of the Galaxy Note Forum...you will get better support...
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Thanks! I'll move it to the Q&A
Galaxy Note 2 turns off automatically
This problem exists on the Galaxy Note 2 as well. The problem is hardware related. The phone is flawed and shuts off on it's own under various conditions, all hardware related. Take a look at this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjLn2yikYnI
I am not able to post externally due to not having enough posts yet. However, I have had the same issue on 3 Galaxy Note 2's from Verizon. I also provide more details on exactly what is going happening on the following website...
You will have to paste that link in to a new browser and replace the DOTs accordingly to get to it, but once you see the video, you will be enlightened.
Hi Guys,
I bought a verizon s4 2 months ago and everything was running smooth
Suddenly for the past three days, my screen has progressively deteriorated until just a few random coloured pixels remained
I thought of reporting it to verizon when i found a small crack adjacent to the volume + button
I have uploaded a couple of photos but im not able to share them as im a new user:
When I accepted my fate and started blaming myself, my friend then looked it up online and found that many people were having the same problem
It seems that the reason is hardware malfunction. I even tried master reset suggested by some people online but it didnt work.
Im pretty sure that if i'd send this in to samsung they would've said this was a hardware damage and charged me money for their mistake(from what i've read this did happen to many people)
I just want to report this issue and being a huge samsung fan im greatly disappointed.
If anybody else did have this problem please post under this thread. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Duly noted. I wonder if I can get squaretrade to send me a check instead when my phone decides to take a 600 ft drop.
I almost forgot!!
this is the video of the guy who had the problem just as me
lmahesh26 said:
Hi Guys,
I bought a verizon s4 2 months ago and everything was running smooth
Suddenly for the past three days, my screen has progressively deteriorated until just a few random coloured pixels remained
I thought of reporting it to verizon when i found a small crack adjacent to the volume + button
I have uploaded a couple of photos but im not able to share them as im a new user:
When I accepted my fate and started blaming myself, my friend then looked it up online and found that many people were having the same problem
It seems that the reason is hardware malfunction. I even tried master reset suggested by some people online but it didnt work.
Im pretty sure that if i'd send this in to samsung they would've said this was a hardware damage and charged me money for their mistake(from what i've read this did happen to many people)
I just want to report this issue and being a huge samsung fan im greatly disappointed.
If anybody else did have this problem please post under this thread. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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Galaxy S4 problem
Hey Dude,
Sarcasm Received, but the phone was perfecly running at 3 p.m. but when I went to a meeting, came back and opened the phone again, it blacked out. There was no chance for the phone to have dropped 3 ft. let alone 600 ft. The pixelated colours started showing later. I apologise for not attaching the video of the other guy having the same problem, it is in my second post. Please take a look and let me know your opinion.
heyazzo said:
Duly noted. I wonder if I can get squaretrade to send me a check instead when my phone decides to take a 600 ft drop.
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Please read forum rules before posting
Questions and Help issues go in Q&A and Help section
Thread moved
Thank you for your cooperation
Friendly Neighborhood Moderator
My Note 4 has really been acting up lately. It can see my constant search for N8 news...my viewing of the XDA threads hours in a day.
It's shutting off for no reason...missing calls. It's pissed.
sudermatt said:
My Note 4 has really been acting up lately. It can see my constant search for N8 news...my viewing of the XDA threads hours in a day.
It's shutting off for no reason...missing calls. It's pissed.
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Planned obsolescence...with embedded code to entice you to upgrade when activated by the manufacturer...all you need is a connection to the World Wide Web and they can activate the embedded code...enjoy...
Emmc read fail is a known issue with them. I'm on my 3rd N4 since launch. Does is sometimes reboot to download screen? If so emmc read fail would be at the top. Internal memory is failing.
If they give me 250 for it, ill be a happy camper
Lol, nope phone has not clue. But also my wife has said that she believe they send out updates thats lag your phone when the new on comes out lol....
Which might be a bit true. They do try to update the currnt phone to the newest android and in return the old phones cant handle it so while.
Im on my s8+ and had updates block since day one. Most of the time updates are patches and cause more damge IMO then good.
Heard of a few people with prefect screens taking the red tinit update and there screen colors getting messed up
My pixel XL is done. I'm tired of the damn Bluetooth issues and it stopped charging on any USB c to c cables which the stock charger requires. Luckily it ships with an a to c cable so I can use any other block but I'm doing an RMA before I swap this thing out for the note.
If my Note 3 knows, it's not letting on. Still performing like a champ. In fact, I feel a little guilty that I'm upgrading when the Note 3 has always been so solid.
Sorry Note 3, it's not you, it's me.
Torquemada288 said:
If my Note 3 knows, it's not letting on. Still performing like a champ. In fact, I feel a little guilty that I'm upgrading when the Note 3 has always been so solid.
Sorry Note 3, it's not you, it's me.
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Me too. My Note 3 is still enthusiastically purring along.
harveydent said:
Me too. My Note 3 is still enthusiastically purring along.
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It's like a girl who finds out she's being cheated on but instead of getting angry, she is extra nice and puts out even more to try to woo you back.
Somehow, it makes the betrayal so much worse.
Never, and I mean never...ever... ever use your current model to look at info about a new model release. The goddamned things know everything. And they are extremely jealous. You might as well get caught smacking another girls butt at your own wedding. Busted!
for some reason when I preordered the note 8 .. my s7e "somehow locked my data out" so I had no data all weekend .. I asked the rep, I said you sure it wasn't on your side, because I been reading the note 8s come with a updated/better SIM card. she gave me a NO SIR .. JUST SOMEHOW LOCKED YOURSELF OUT
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using XDA-Developers Legacy app
harveydent said:
Me too. My Note 3 is still enthusiastically purring along.
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Same here
I am on custom ROM
Gonna keep it as backup phone
Sent from my SM-N930F using Tapatalk
I'll keep updating Lineage on my Notes 3 & 4.
But as soon as root is available...
Sent from my trltespr using XDA-Developers Legacy app
Torquemada288 said:
If my Note 3 knows, it's not letting on. Still performing like a champ. In fact, I feel a little guilty that I'm upgrading when the Note 3 has always been so solid.
Sorry Note 3, it's not you, it's me.
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I wish i would have never traded mine for a LG G4... that died on me. Exchanged it. It got stolen and got a new one. Then that one died... I got a LG G5. Good phone but now the mic is going in and out. Yep, its knows Im going back to sammi.
I'm coming home. Note 8 Shipped. Just have to wait now.
My Note 3 knew it was nearing the end. The night before my Note 8 showed up, it died completely. Had to use my S5 as a back up until UPS showed up, and even the S5 was acting like a man waiting on the gallows.
Just got my Note 8.
I gave my Note 3 a nap and when it woke up, it was missing a SIM card and SD card.
If it didn't know before, it might have a few suspicions now.
I'm sure my S7E suspects something at this point. It's been in a cardboard box headed for Texas since Friday afternoon.
Since my current phone is a Note 8, I'm hopeful it has an optimistic view of its future :laugh:
Same here, My note 4 started getting error "mmc read failed" after i preordered note 8. My phone know very well that its time for update.
After I setup my Note 8, I turned my Note 3 on and it was crying...weather animation...lol