Calibrate accelerometer in ICS - Galaxy Tab 10.1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I just got a refurb galaxy tab and in temple run my player is stuck next to the wall, but just barely. Is there any way to calibrate the accelerometer? I'm on CM9. Maybe i got a bad refurb...

jmandawg said:
I just got a refurb galaxy tab and in temple run my player is stuck next to the wall, but just barely. Is there any way to calibrate the accelerometer? I'm on CM9. Maybe i got a bad refurb...
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No not in pics...try calibrating it in 3.2 then flashing ice? Its fine for me so...

I flashed 3.2 but the setting isn't there. Using the "bubble level" app it shows that it is 7-8 degrees off.


[Q] Horizontal calibration problem

Ok Looking for some help to see if anybody know how to reset the horizontal calibration on this phone.
I flashed a new ROM yesterday and when I went to set the calibration after I pressed the horizontal calibration and green circle centers it will shoot off to one side once it's finished which and forces everything to be in landscape mode. The only way I can get the phone to not stay in a constant landscape mode is to off the auto rotate function.
It wasn't the ROM because after several downloads and flashes (thinking something may have not downloaded or installed right) it kept doing it. Trying other ROMS gave the same results. ODIN back to stock gave the same results.
Has anyone ever had to reset this or have any other suggestions on how to go about correcting this problem?
Thanks in advance
Just lay the phone down on its back and push calabrate horizontal in the gereral settings
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
darkninja58 said:
Just lay the phone down on its back and push calabrate horizontal in the gereral settings
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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LOL thanks but that is the problem, when I push calibrate the green circle brings the ball to the center and when it finishes the ball shoots to the right side and stays there. not sure if its a hardware or software problem but it happens no matter what I try do do. I even odined back to pure stock hoping it would reset it but no luck so far.
Just to clarify, when it's done calibrating and still lying on a flat surface, the green ball moves?
CrazyCharlie said:
Just to clarify, when it's done calibrating and still lying on a flat surface, the green ball moves?
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Yes, the green ring brings the ball to the center and when it's done calibrating that you get the little pop up "calibrated" the ball will shoot to the right side of the screen. Iv'e look all over the internet for a solution and downloaded some apps that monitor sensors, looks like the horizontal axis seems to almost stuck in that position. I was hoping a reset of some kind may do the trick but there seems to be no way of resetting the accelerometer on these phones. Vertical axis is working just fine according to the sensor apps I have tried..
Sounds like a hardware problem. Has the phone been dropped or jarred in some way?
Actually I dropped it a distance of about 6 inches while sitting on my desk at work. The phone landed on my desk, it slipped out of my hands while I was rebooting it. It's got that thick T-Mobile rubber cover around it so it's well protected but who knows guess stranger things have happened.
It sounds like your going to have to send it back to Samsung to get it repaired.
CrazyCharlie said:
It sounds like your going to have to send it back to Samsung to get it repaired.
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You are absolutely right about that, good thing for insurance and being a T-Mobile customer for 5 years. They are sending a replacement phone 100% free of charge even though I've had this phone since day one of rollout.

Auto-rotate Stuck?

Hello Community,
Sorry to ask a seemingly dumb question. I don't have many posts because generally I can figure things out on my own. I've been rooting since OG D1 days. I had the OG D1, Incredible, and now I have the Thunderbolt. I am rooted, s-off, with cwr, but for some reason with my Auto-Rotate checked it just stays in landscape mode like if I go to Settings, or Mail, or Gmail... It's weird. I did a search and found nothing on it. Has this happened to anyone?
I'm not rooted. Just bought the phone, and having an auto-rotate issue myself. When I turn my phone over for landscape mode, it takes anywhere from 3-10 before it'll switch into it. I do know what I your talking about thiugh, because the demo phone I was playing with at the store was doing just what you said.
Have you tried a battery pull yet?
I've noticed the same thing, it keeps going into landscape mode and is reluctant to go back into portrait mode...
I wonder if it's hardware or software.
Have you tried calibrating the sensor using "settings>display>G-Sensor calibration" ???
Joeviocoe said:
Have you tried calibrating the sensor using "settings>display>G-Sensor calibration" ???
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I did this myself immediately and haven't noticed any issues you guys are talking about. I would recommend trying this as well.
Hi all
If you have your phone w A/C plugged in the screen doesn't respond too well when u rotate. Try to rotate the phone out anything plug in.
Give it a shoot.
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
nosympathy said:
I did this myself immediately and haven't noticed any issues you guys are talking about. I would recommend trying this as well.
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That did it, thanks.
I've tried the G-Sensor Calibration and a battery pull, and restarting it multiple times and I'm still having the same issue.
I had this same issue with my phone - pretty sure its a broken sensor, i returned mine to a verizon store for a new one.

[Q] Galaxy S2 green screen

the Samsung galaxy S2 is my second android phone(the first being HTC wildfire).I like the phone.This morning when i was browsing, the phone started getting warm,it happened to me before so i ignored it,then the entire screen,instead of displaying white i got light green colour all over it,so i panicked and did a factory reset and now everything seems fine,What might be the problem,Do i have to return it?
BTW i am stock rom updated to the latest firmware
Alright, it have never happened to me. It might not be anything at all - Just a tiny bug - or it could be something serious.
If there is a problem with the OS, the factory reset could have helped. If it keeps doing it, it can be fixed with eg. flashing another fw.
If its a problem with the screen, you might wan to have it replaced or sent it in for repair.
See if it happens again, and then we'll take it from there, k?
I would at least try to close and open the browser again before doing a factory reset
This might help a little. (Click me)
I've had this once too. The colors changed to somewhat inverted colors. It has to do with the auto-adjusting the phone does depending on what is on the screen. It happened when I still had the original Samsung rom running on it.
If you have this again, update your phone, or flash something not stock!
Check your battery graph
Did you experience a sudden extreme peak in the graph at the point when this happened?
siddardhab said:
the Samsung galaxy S2 is my second android phone(the first being HTC wildfire).I like the phone.This morning when i was browsing, the phone started getting warm,it happened to me before so i ignored it,then the entire screen,instead of displaying white i got light green colour all over it,so i panicked and did a factory reset and now everything seems fine,What might be the problem,Do i have to return it?
BTW i am stock rom updated to the latest firmware
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If it does it again take it back, but the problem is that it might only do it once every six months or something like that. If that's the case can you live with that? Hard decision but I think I would wait to see if it happens again, try installing 2.3.4 stock
[email protected]
Sent from my Samsung Galactic Crusader S II
I would try to run the phone a little hot to see if that was the cause. If it happens again I would return the phone.
Flowlance said:
I would try to run the phone a little hot to see if that was the cause. If it happens again I would return the phone.
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Stress test it, burn baby burn and see if your phone gets upset at being hot and turns into the Hulk
[email protected]
Sent from my Samsung Galactic Crusader S II
rantzzz said:
Check your battery graph
Did you experience a sudden extreme peak in the graph at the point when this happened?
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Yes, my battery level dropped to 10 percent from about 60 after the screen turned green.What does this mean?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
It means that an abnormal process was eating your battery alive;/
[email protected]
Sent from my Samsung Galactic Crusader S II
siddardhab said:
Yes, my battery level dropped to 10 percent from about 60 after the screen turned green.What does this mean?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
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dropped to 10% from 60%?
I had an issue whereby the screen turned bright red/pink when I was using the stock browser. But my battery graph showed a momentary sharp peak up, instead of a reduction.
Is your drop momentary or it just stayed at 10% from then on?
Just for the record....
I've just had a very brief momentary bright green flash. First time this has happened since I bought it 2 months ago.. Playing Spider Solitaire.
Battery graph might shows a teensy 1/2% spike.

Compass needs recalibration after reboot i9105p S2 Plus

Hi, my Galaxy S2 PLUS needs the compass to be calibrated after every reboot of the phone.
Once calibrated it works perfectly fine until the next reboot and then I have to calibrate to get it working again.
You can see if the compass needs calibration by dialling *#0*# and then tapping on "sensor"
If it needs to be calibrated the compass at the bottom will be red and it will say "need for calibration" and have a 0 underneath it
To calibrate you do a figure 8 pattern while holding the phone and the indicator will eventually turn blue and have a 3 underneath it to say that it is calibrated.
I'm just trying to figure out if this is a hardware issue and i should send it back or its a software bug.
Can soemone with a S2 plus (or even just a normal S2) comment on this to see if all phones suffer the same problem?
Nobody with a S2 plus or a S2 running 4.1.2 official who can test this?
nathb said:
Nobody with a S2 plus or a S2 running 4.1.2 official who can test this?
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s2+ IS running 4.1.2 officially
compass issue
I'm having the same issue. It looks like
all s2+ behaviour is the same. Can't tell if it's a rom issue or hardware issue.
However I'm calibrating mine by rotating the phone on all axes. This way the calibration is pretty fast. I never succeeded to calibrate it using 8 shape movements.
Mine also have same issue, even some time it show wrong direction, and another issue is I tick automatic brightness control but it not work at night, at night it need to controlled by slider, if keep slider at max and then tick auto, still it stay full bright, not decrease with my background light
Sent from my GT-I9105P using xda app-developers app
justexpect said:
However I'm calibrating mine by rotating the phone on all axes. This way the calibration is pretty fast. I never succeeded to calibrate it using 8 shape movements.
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Hi, this was insanely useful. Thanks. I couldn't calibrate the compass with the 8 shape movements. Although, even after calibrating the compass acts quite random and has the tendency to deteriorate from the correct magnetic north every few minutes. Not something you'd wish to rely on
Now that I know the right calibration trick and that I'm not the only one suffering I'll check the real-time navigation again.
I own a GT-I9105P with official 4.1.2 rom from Samsung which is up to date JZO54K.I9105PXXAMC2.
nathb said:
Hi, my Galaxy S2 PLUS needs the compass to be calibrated after every reboot of the phone.
Once calibrated it works perfectly fine until the next reboot and then I have to calibrate to get it working again.
You can see if the compass needs calibration by dialling *#0*# and then tapping on "sensor"
If it needs to be calibrated the compass at the bottom will be red and it will say "need for calibration" and have a 0 underneath it
To calibrate you do a figure 8 pattern while holding the phone and the indicator will eventually turn blue and have a 3 underneath it to say that it is calibrated.
I'm just trying to figure out if this is a hardware issue and i should send it back or its a software bug.
Can soemone with a S2 plus (or even just a normal S2) comment on this to see if all phones suffer the same problem?
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I have a normal S2 and I have never had the need to calibrate it manually, it was always perfect and correct , must be specific to the S2 Plus.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
nathb said:
Hi, my Galaxy S2 PLUS needs the compass to be calibrated after every reboot of the phone.
Once calibrated it works perfectly fine until the next reboot and then I have to calibrate to get it working again.
You can see if the compass needs calibration by dialling *#0*# and then tapping on "sensor"
If it needs to be calibrated the compass at the bottom will be red and it will say "need for calibration" and have a 0 underneath it
To calibrate you do a figure 8 pattern while holding the phone and the indicator will eventually turn blue and have a 3 underneath it to say that it is calibrated.
I'm just trying to figure out if this is a hardware issue and i should send it back or its a software bug.
Can soemone with a S2 plus (or even just a normal S2) comment on this to see if all phones suffer the same problem?
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same problem
same problem with compass

CM10 Problems

Hey, my battery life on a newly flashed CM10 is about 3-4 hours on low brighteness and disabled wifi, gps, and bluetooth. I also calibrated battery using the root toolbox app on google play (cant use the BSR for stock ROM). Another thing is that when i select anything but auto brightness the hard key lights stay on no matter what the sensor detects until the next reboot and then they stay off regardless of the sensor. When I use my phone in absolute darkness and the hard key lights are on, i can see a sliver of light bleeding through the borders of my phone and it getts really hot.
joewiddafro said:
Hey, my battery life on a newly flashed CM10 is about 3-4 hours on low brighteness and disabled wifi, gps, and bluetooth. I also calibrated battery using the root toolbox app on google play (cant use the BSR for stock ROM). Another thing is that when i select anything but auto brightness the hard key lights stay on no matter what the sensor detects until the next reboot and then they stay off regardless of the sensor. When I use my phone in absolute darkness and the hard key lights are on, i can see a sliver of light bleeding through the borders of my phone and it getts really hot.
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Sbf and reflash.
Already did. Multiple times
joewiddafro said:
Already did. Multiple times
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hmmm, it might be a hardware problem. Did you drop it at any point before
AKShotgun said:
hmmm, it might be a hardware problem. Did you drop it at any point before
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nope. ironically i got it about two weeks ago as a replacement for a defective droid x2.
joewiddafro said:
nope. ironically i got it about two weeks ago as a replacement for a defective droid x2.
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You might have gotten a defective replacement phone, that has happened to me before.
AKShotgun said:
You might have gotten a defective replacement phone, that has happened to me before.
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Oh wow. So maybe thats whats causing the backlight problems and the screen's high power usage?
joewiddafro said:
Oh wow. So maybe thats whats causing the backlight problems and the screen's high power usage?
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Does everything work ok on the stock rom?
AKShotgun said:
Does everything work ok on the stock rom?
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You battery life seems similar to what I am experiencing. I have to charge my phone twice daily with Cm10 vs every other day on the stock ROM. However, I do not have any issues with the hard key lights being stuck on all the time on the light bleeding.
My phone does get hotter than it did on the stock ROM, but that may be caused be some other factor.
licwid said:
You battery life seems similar to what I am experiencing. I have to charge my phone twice daily with Cm10 vs every other day on the stock ROM. However, I do not have any issues with the hard key lights being stuck on all the time on the light bleeding.
My phone does get hotter than it did on the stock ROM, but that may be caused be some other factor.
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well all i can say is if your phone runs fine on stock its the rom. if it has all around problems (stock or not) i would sbf dont root and try to get another phone out of the company.

