Vibrant acting up - keeps shutting down during boot - Vibrant Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have a T-mobile vibrant running bionix which has worked without any major issues up until a few minutes ago.
The phone shut itself off (while tethering). When I try to turn the phone on it will not boot.
I get the Vibrant splash screen, then the Team Whiskey animation and then the phone turns itself off.
I tried a different battery, and I also tried with and without the USB power plugged in. Removing/replacing the SIM and MicroSD card do not make a difference.
I got it to boot once with the battery cover removed, but putting the battery cover on made the phone shut off immediately. I have not been able to get it to boot up except for that one time.
The phone can boot to recovery properly, but then it just shuts itself off again.
Does anyone have any idea what is going on?

Sounds like you may have a case of bent contacts. Especially if it boots on when the cover is off but then you put it on and it shuts off. I would look at that first. Doing any hari-cari type battery pulls lately?

I have a little more information to add.
1. It isn't bent contacts. (Or if it is, I can't tell) The battery contacts are all in good shape.
2. It is definitely a physical contact or trace inside the phone. I can get the phone to boot up sometimes if I don't move it around very much. Simply tapping my finger on the back of the phone makes it shut itself off again.
What does that sound like? A power trace? Any help is appreciated.

I took the phone apart again and then reassembled it. Nothing seems to be broken that I can see with my naked eye.
More information:
Applying pressure to the battery (or middle of the phone) doesn't make it turn off.
Applying pressure to the back surface close to the top of the phone where the logic board sits makes it turn itself off instantly. Specifically, where the speaker/ringer is.
I wonder if a new logic board would fix my problem. I have already ordered a new phone (Galaxy Nexus), but I would love to get this one in working order again so that I could sell it or use it as an mp3 player


Power problem

Our Cingular 3125 has seen its share of rough use. Our 2-year old got a hold of it recently and dropped it. The casing around the battery broke. Since the battery door would not stay on, the phone wouldn't boot. We sent in the phone (10 days left on the warranty at that time) and they replaced the casing and the phone now works.
However when on battery power, the battery indicator cycles between "charging" and "battery", just like you're plugging in the charger and pulling it out. This results in the external and internal displays turning on and off. It happens only when the phone tries to go into "sleep" mode. As in, you close the flip or with the phone open, you wait until the power saving kicks in.
Its been a couple months since we got the phone back (my wife switched to a different phone while the 3125 was being reparied), so the warranty is expired. I did flash the phone to WM6, but the phenomenon continues to happen. Any ideas?
in this case it really seems like a mechanical failure - some shortcut most possibly.
Maybe someone here has good instructions on disassembly of the phone?

Samsung Galaxy S2 - Wont turn on.

Well back again with new problem.
Have just had my phone back after it was repaired only a week ago by samsung; they repaired the software, replaced screen, battery and USB port. Now my unrooted phone, with only usual apps, has again failed on me. Was on the home screen, nothing else running, and it turned itself of. After a minute turned itself back on, held at the Logo, and then turned of again. Now it wont turn on what so ever. Its not got hot, its not got cold, its not been in a room with steam, its been sat in a decent zenus case, in a house with radiators etc on.
I seem rather unlucky with phones, my old Nokia 5800 went into repair 6 times, until I gave up and brought a £10 phone, that I'm having to use again now.
I have tried charging, despite the fact it was still 62% full when the phone went of. I don't do extreme sports with the thing, I barely use the phone, yet it still keeps breaking. Disappointed, because the phones pretty decent, but starting to feel like I don't do well with them.
Rant over.
Update: Just tried after 30 minutes to turn it on. It turned on for about 15 seconds, got into the unlock screen, unlocked, went to the menu screen and it turned itself of. I put the charger straight in, was charged up to 59% anyway, but thought maybe might be battery... But doesn't seem to be.
Wont turn on/Charge again. The phone is fine temp.
What you're describing could be a phone with a drained battery.
So check the battery with a voltmeter and check the charger. One (or both if you're really unlucky) of them could be busted.
Edit: You can check the charger by plugging your phone to your PC and charging it from there. If it works then it's the charger if it doesn't then check the battery.
Is all else fails return the phone to a service center.
Try this-
Take out the battery, then press and hold the ON button for 7-10 seconds (the longer the better). Reinsert the battery, then press ON button to start it. This is a soft reset, and wipes the temporary memory and empties all remaining power in the circuits. This helps on many phones and even laptops that won't start properly or show anything on screen.
If this does not work, try the next step. Again, do as above. But after inserting the battery, do not turn the phone on, but press and hold the ON button and the HOME button at the same time for 7-10 seconds. This is a hard reset, and works best if done after a soft reset. Just be sure the battery has at least some juice in it and isn't empty. If possible, try with another battery if this does not work.
I read earlier about a similar problem and it turned out to be a loose fitting battery. They put some foam or something at the bottom of the battery so that it would stay tight and retain contact.
You could probably test for this by removing the back cover and pushing the battery upwards while powering on.
Sent from my GT-I9100T
Thank you very much MichaelAmrs. you saved my Galaxy S2
Awesome Advice
Thanks MichaelAmrs
I have had some serious trouble with my GS2 not working and the latest has been it not turning on. I stuck my battery in the freezer and then did what you suggested and it worked like a charm. Instead of getting it to boot I tried putting it in Download mode and was able to install the Stock ROM on it and hopefully now it will last. But if nothing else at least it is turning on again.
Good luck.

[Q] Need help powering off Lumia 800

Hi everyone.
I dropped my phone today, and the screen broke.
The phone still seems to work properly, but the classic signs of a broken LCD are present: purple screen with many many lines and nothing legible.
I have ordered a replacement screen already, but I cannot get the phone to shut down and stay turned off.
Since the screen is broken internally, it does not respond to my touch.
I can hold down the power button for 15 seconds but that does a reset, and the phone automatically turns back on.
Is there anyway to keep the phone off other than by draining the battery completely?
I need to keep it powered down so that I can disassemble it safely.
Any ideas?
whatchamacallit said:
Hi everyone.
I dropped my phone today, and the screen broke.
The phone still seems to work properly, but the classic signs of a broken LCD are present: purple screen with many many lines and nothing legible.
I have ordered a replacement screen already, but I cannot get the phone to shut down and stay turned off.
Since the screen is broken internally, it does not respond to my touch.
I can hold down the power button for 15 seconds but that does a reset, and the phone automatically turns back on.
Is there anyway to keep the phone off other than by draining the battery completely?
I need to keep it powered down so that I can disassemble it safely.
Any ideas?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I don't know of any way, but as long as you are careful while disassembling you should be fine. You should be able to pry the screen out enough that you can disconnect the battery before disconnecting the screen. I doubt disconnecting the screen with the phone on would damage anything anyway. I believe people do this iPhone screens all the time to test them.

[Q] Won't Power On/Boot With Stock Battery Cover On

Hey everyone,
So I finally got my new (used eBay special) Rezound working with Amon Ra installed and CM9 unofficial. I was up til around 5 AM this morning futzing with it until I finally got it going with help from lolatvincent and others. Now I have another problem - though this problem existed before, too, but I am as yet unable to resolve it. (I've tried searching this forum using plenty of terms as well as Google to no avail.)
Here's my other thread:
When I try to turn the phone on with the battery cover on, it won't power on. If I plug my phone into my USB port before I attempt to power it on, then press the power button, Windows makes its "device detected" sound, so clearly SOMETHING happens, but it goes away immediately and it won't happen again until I pull the cover off. Fastboot and ADB commands simply don't work with the cover on, so it seems that it does shut itself off again right after that power on attempt.
Further, if I have the phone booted and powered on, when I put the cover on, it just turns the phone right off as if you pulled out the battery.
This happens regardless of whether or not the SIM card (unactivated as yet - the phone hasn't been activated on my account) is in, and I've checked the typical CDMA/LTE settings and set them correctly, so it's not that issue.
I am waiting on a new battery for it, and I think I might try to order a new battery cover, but I want to know if this issue is going to go away or not before I spring the money for it. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you!

Phone Dies when not plugged in

Alright, I've got a hum-dinger here. I've been running CM12 for some time now, I started noticing much more frequent blue screens due to modem crashes so I wiped and reinstalled the ROM. Now I'm getting a really strange problem where so long as the phone is plugged in to something (charger, or computer) I can use the phone completely normally. The moment I unplug I get 1 of 2 scenarios:
1: the screen immediately goes blank (no power down sequence, no blue screen) and I'm kicked back to LG splash screen which then proceeds to go to the power off state. Attempting to power on again gets as far as the CM12 boot animation and then screen goes blank again. I've tried powering on several times from the stage only to get part way through the boot animation and then kicked back to the black screen.
2: Screen does not immediately go blank, I can swim around the home screens scroll to an app, even start an app - but about 10 seconds into the app the screen suddenly goes blank and I'm back at scenario 1.
The only way to get the phone past the ROM boot animation is to plug it back into something....but then I can't unplug lest I end up back at scenario 1.
The shutdown sequence almost looks like I tanked the battery, but going into the recovery (TWRP) I can see that I actually have a good 98% left.
Thinking CM12 had some issues, I tried another Lollipop ROM (blisspop) and I got the exact same behavior. Thinking Lollipop was still half-baked for this LG I reverted back to a KitKat ROM (CM11) and I got....the exact same behavior.
I tried wiping all the data, system, cache, dalvik, partitions and reinstalling completely from scratch -- but I get the exact same problem. The only thing I haven't tried yet is LGNPST back to 100% stock, but I'm struggling to see what difference that would make as I'm wiping out everything except the recovery between tries.
Anybody have any ideas, thoughts, comments? I'm grasping at straws here.....
You could always try to load the stock rom back on the phone to see if that does anything. Another thing you can try is to power off the phone, plug it up to the charger and see if it charges overnight, however I have a sneaking suspicion that the battery is toast.
Kilogrm, I've left it charging overnight and and am able to carry it around all day without issue doing the occasional glance at the time, but if I try to do anything of significance I will end up at a black screen again, so I'm rather inclined to believe it isn't the battery. I do have a replacement battery that I bought a while back that I never got around to I could try that.
I'm guessing that if I'm going to install a stock ROM I might as well just LGNPST back to stock....thoughts?
Ok well I used LGNPST to go back to JellyBean Stock, and I got the exact same behavior. I'm thinking it might be a hardware problem, but not sure what.
Well, it was definitely a hardware problem. I opened up the phone and took a look at the rigid-flex board that LG used to connect to the micro-usb jack and I noticed that one of the footprints was missing a component. I quick look around showed that a small(looked like 0402 size) diode had somehow sheared off at the solder joint and was rolling around in the case. I soldered it back on, replaced the battery with the new one I had gotten and closed the phone up. Everything works like a charm again. Now I just have to go back through the root/freeg/rom process again because I flashed all the way back to at&t ROM.
Remove the back cover, remove tiny screws on bottom and pop the cover off. There are another two tiny screws holding the battery connector on the pcb. Unscrew the tiny screws and unplug the battery, then plug in to power. Then unplug, plug battery in and plug power in. Let it charge. This added 8 extra hours on my battery from 15 hours to 24 hours. It appears to be going up too if u drain it to 0 dead and charge to 100 and unplug. Do it over and over again forever and the battery will slowly repair the damage.

