tasker: how to pass variable from trigger? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

First, I am a complete newbie with tasker.
I am trying to create a profile with which I wish to auto-send an sms to wish people, for example on their birthday.
So birthdays, set from contact appear on my calendar as "personName. Birthday"
I am able to trigger an action reading "*Birthday" in calendar event.
But how do I pass the personName from the trigger, that matched "*Birthday" to the action to use as contact (directly or by extracting number for that contact) and the enter in the message like: Happy Birthday personName!
Any help is highly appreciated!
Thanks in advance..


With Variable Split you can split the event title into multiple variables. That's what I've found so far; I'll keep looking for a way to search your contacts.
By the way, how did you get a birthday event created from a contact birthday?
EDIT: if you can add the contact's phone number to the description of the calendar event then you can extract the number using a variable.

Thank you for your reply gollyzila.
Adding birthday to calendar: When I add a birthday to the contact record, it automatically shows up in the calendar in that format. And so I cant change the format as well!
Found variable split under variables category, but could not find how to get the event title in that task.. Couldnt find any variable in the list of variables Tasker suggests that could be holding event title.
Please help..

No problem. I like figuring out problems like these.
In the Variable Split edit scene, tap the orange tag icon and tap Calendar Event Title (%CALTITLE).
Without the phone number, I'm not sure how you can search for it using the contact's name.

Thank you Gollyzilla.
That is where I am looking for the variable, but cant find it..
Also, did not find the variable in tasker's documentation.
Also found a conversation in tasker's google group mentioning that its not possible to read actual calendar entry, but that is more than a year old, so not sure if it has changed meanwhile.
Does this require any specific plugin? Also tried the calendar plugin for locale from the market, it is only the condition plugin, so in the action, the entry text is still not available..
Please help.

You probably just have to install the beta version from here: http://tasker.dinglisch.net/beta.html
If you purchased Tasker through the Play Store tap download 1.2.2b3m. If you purchased it directly download 1.2.2b3.

Hi Guys, im trying to figure out how to make a similar profile, if you were successful with yours can yous share?


[Q] Beginner questions about contacts

firstly, let me introduce myself:
My name is Tony and from my signature and amount of posts, you can see, I am a very active XDA user and used to do a lot of first and second level support for the blueangel and the blackstone and today my SGS2 arrived, which is my first native android phone. As soon, as i figured out all the tiny beginner's questions, i will start supporting this awesome device for all you fellow users out there.
But for now, excuse me, that I have to ask a few stupid questions that I encountered while setting up the device:
1. My phone is set to English (US) and my keyboard and voice input options are set to German (so that writing or voice inputting sms and german addresses are easier). However, Vlingo does not exactly support the dual language and sometimes produces problems when reading out english information, anybody else experiencing mixed language problems there? any advice?
2. i decided to set my up contacts from scratch. i put in all the correct formal names for my contacts, but when i connect these users to their respective facebook accounts (who are sometimes based on nicknames), the display name automatically changes to the facebook name, while i prefer the formal name. is there a way to change it?
3. contacts allow me to add several im accounts, e.g. ICQ. when i click the icq# of a user, it opens up im and states that only windows live, google talk and yahoo are supported. is there a way to either connect that to the official icq for android, or add other messengers to the stock im? if not, why bother inputting all the information, if one cannot use it?
i wonder why nobody else seems to experience problem #2.
i found it again here: http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=6067
apparently, when you connect contacts through one or more platforms, like facebook, twitter, last.fm, skype... and there names vary, your contacts app will always prefer the last name with the latest letter in the alphabet. in my case, there is one contact first name r. last name b., but one facebook, he goes by another variation of his name, "zu b.", so contacts prefers the facebook name, as z is greater than b. there is no logical reason why facebook names should be preferred to the phone's own stored name. after all, i entered those names because i wanted to find the contacts by that name. why does the phone tell me, my choices are no good and facebook's are better?
strike issue #1 and #3, i will find a workaround some time, but it would be extremely nice, if someone could check if this contacts issue is present in their device and firmware?
i have ke7 dbt (latest german stock rom).
My nexus one does the same thing. If I sync contacts with Facebook it changes to their Facebook displayed name. I'm still not clear on exactly how it does it too.
i tried several ways of bypassing the issue, starting by assuming the sorting of contacts would be determined by the regular ascii order of letters, or linux's, so i tried renaming every contact to minuscules, so R.B. -> r.b. which didn't help and i wouldn't even bother starting any contact with z or any symbol, as that would render the letter navigation bar on the right useless.
so the only way i could bypass the issue was to sort and display contacts by first name. after many years of windows mobile use i'm having trouble getting used to it but apparently, there is no other way so far.
if anyone else has trouble with this, please go to http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=6067 and star the issue and post your experiences.

[Q] Display contacts in an auto expanded list. Is there an app?

I've been searching all over and can't seem to find a suitable app for this.
A family member has jumped from an endless parade of dumbphones to an Android based smartphone. Got all setup with a Google account and then I sat for about an hour or so manually entering names and numbers into Google Contacts, so they'll sync all nice and easily to the phone.
Now, no matter how I try to explain it, she doesn't quite get that if you open the contacts list on the phone and select a name, it presents you with all configured numbers, home, cell, work, etc, which you then just tap one to call.
No, she'd rather do extra work and create a separate contact, one for each possible number. "So that it looks like it used to...."
"Mr Contact One (home)"
"Mr Contact One (cell)"
"Mr Contact One (work"
So, does anyone know of a contacts app that displays all numbers in an auto-expanded list? Sort of like...
"Mr Contact One"
\_555-555-5555 (home)
555-111-5555 (cell)
555-222-5555 (work)

[Q] Viewing A Specific Calendar In One Touch

I'm looking for a technique or an app that allows me to display a specific Google calendar in an application with one touch and without the use of a web browser or widget.
Ideally, I would simply tap a shortcut on a homescreen that would open an android calendar app, displaying only the specified Google calendar.
The real world use case is that my office is in a building with a shared conference room that has it's own resource calendar. Sometimes, there will be a spark of inspiration and our team will want to get together in the conference room to discuss. Currently, I have to either run to my desk and view the calendar or go through a lot of trouble on my phone to drill down to the day, then hour and select a particular calendar to create an event to reserve the conference room. It would be so much more efficient if I could click one button to see if the conference room is already taken and click once more to create a reservation event if it's available.
I've used AppXplore to expose the intents of the built in Calendar app for use with Tasker. com.android.calendar.selectcalendars.SelectVisibleCalendarsActivity looks promising but I'm not sure of the Extra activity information that would be necessary to only display my desired calendar. I was thinking that I might create a Tasker task that removes all the other calendars from view, open the calendar app, and wait for a particular event to re-activate the other calendars. But again, I'm not sure about the Extras that would be necessary.
Perhaps there's an app that can create shortcuts on the desktop for each calendar. Or perhaps someone knows how to achieve this with Tasker or a shell command. I would appreciate any suggestions.
Thanks in advance.

[Q] Adding Taganize auto dial button to email signature

Hello All,
I have a Taganize.com account and want to use it to add an auto dial button to my email signature on my smartphone so that those reading my email have easier time to make the call to me. EG: one tap instead of 10 taps.
So far I have done the following:
1. Created Folder 'My email signature'
2. Created tag with name 'Telephone #' and Target URL using URI tel:00-country code-area code-number (FYI: 00 replaces +)
3. When I go to this tags drop down menu and click 'view details' I can see the assigned url at the bottom of the box and copied it into my email message as a simple url.
4. When the receiving party receives my email they can click it and it actually dials my telephone number from their smartphone, so thats really cool.
5. But I want to add an icon to my email signature so this Taganize hyperlink can be associated to it.
6. Does anyone know a real good client that can do this for me please?
Thank you very much!

An app could Insert contact info into calendar description

:laughear all, able to add tel,address... to description of event while long press on description field. This function is incredible useful to make a call to those people who relative to this event. I haven't seen any similar function except calendar of Palm OS.
Is anyone willing to developing an app to implement the function?
a activity pops up while long press on description of event, and allowed to pick up(or filter) contact whose info will be added to.
I am learning about android coding for 2 weeks. This will be my first to archive

