An app could Insert contact info into calendar description - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

:laughear all, able to add tel,address... to description of event while long press on description field. This function is incredible useful to make a call to those people who relative to this event. I haven't seen any similar function except calendar of Palm OS.
Is anyone willing to developing an app to implement the function?
a activity pops up while long press on description of event, and allowed to pick up(or filter) contact whose info will be added to.
I am learning about android coding for 2 weeks. This will be my first to archive


tasker: how to pass variable from trigger?

First, I am a complete newbie with tasker.
I am trying to create a profile with which I wish to auto-send an sms to wish people, for example on their birthday.
So birthdays, set from contact appear on my calendar as "personName. Birthday"
I am able to trigger an action reading "*Birthday" in calendar event.
But how do I pass the personName from the trigger, that matched "*Birthday" to the action to use as contact (directly or by extracting number for that contact) and the enter in the message like: Happy Birthday personName!
Any help is highly appreciated!
Thanks in advance..
With Variable Split you can split the event title into multiple variables. That's what I've found so far; I'll keep looking for a way to search your contacts.
By the way, how did you get a birthday event created from a contact birthday?
EDIT: if you can add the contact's phone number to the description of the calendar event then you can extract the number using a variable.
Thank you for your reply gollyzila.
Adding birthday to calendar: When I add a birthday to the contact record, it automatically shows up in the calendar in that format. And so I cant change the format as well!
Found variable split under variables category, but could not find how to get the event title in that task.. Couldnt find any variable in the list of variables Tasker suggests that could be holding event title.
Please help..
No problem. I like figuring out problems like these.
In the Variable Split edit scene, tap the orange tag icon and tap Calendar Event Title (%CALTITLE).
Without the phone number, I'm not sure how you can search for it using the contact's name.
Thank you Gollyzilla.
That is where I am looking for the variable, but cant find it..
Also, did not find the variable in tasker's documentation.
Also found a conversation in tasker's google group mentioning that its not possible to read actual calendar entry, but that is more than a year old, so not sure if it has changed meanwhile.
Does this require any specific plugin? Also tried the calendar plugin for locale from the market, it is only the condition plugin, so in the action, the entry text is still not available..
Please help.
You probably just have to install the beta version from here:
If you purchased Tasker through the Play Store tap download 1.2.2b3m. If you purchased it directly download 1.2.2b3.
Hi Guys, im trying to figure out how to make a similar profile, if you were successful with yours can yous share?

[Q] Viewing A Specific Calendar In One Touch

I'm looking for a technique or an app that allows me to display a specific Google calendar in an application with one touch and without the use of a web browser or widget.
Ideally, I would simply tap a shortcut on a homescreen that would open an android calendar app, displaying only the specified Google calendar.
The real world use case is that my office is in a building with a shared conference room that has it's own resource calendar. Sometimes, there will be a spark of inspiration and our team will want to get together in the conference room to discuss. Currently, I have to either run to my desk and view the calendar or go through a lot of trouble on my phone to drill down to the day, then hour and select a particular calendar to create an event to reserve the conference room. It would be so much more efficient if I could click one button to see if the conference room is already taken and click once more to create a reservation event if it's available.
I've used AppXplore to expose the intents of the built in Calendar app for use with Tasker. looks promising but I'm not sure of the Extra activity information that would be necessary to only display my desired calendar. I was thinking that I might create a Tasker task that removes all the other calendars from view, open the calendar app, and wait for a particular event to re-activate the other calendars. But again, I'm not sure about the Extras that would be necessary.
Perhaps there's an app that can create shortcuts on the desktop for each calendar. Or perhaps someone knows how to achieve this with Tasker or a shell command. I would appreciate any suggestions.
Thanks in advance.

[Looking for] Multi-platform custom dictionary app

Hello dear community,
I am looking for this for quite a while.
Is there an app that will allow me to create my own cloud based dictionary? I want to improve my language skills through creating my own dictionary.
The dictionary database has to be editable online (web based), since I would like to be able copy/paste detailed definitions from different web dicts.
And of course a sync-able android app that will allow me to check some words on the go or learn while in the train
"Now" dictionary is getting pretty closer to what I wish for, but it's only available for smartphones and no browsers.
"Anki cards" is cool too, but they focus on the flip-cards learning feature which I don't frankly need. I will be completely happy with a super simple searchable custom dict.
There are some apps that allow to create custom dict file and then upload it to the SD or whatever and use it. But I want to be able to add words constantly (web or on the go)
I'm thinking - there definitely is such an app, its just me who fail to search of it properly so please help )
Hi there!
I would like to encourage you to check out the Spreadsheet Memo app:
Spreadsheet Memo is a flashcard-based learning web application (combined with the power of Google Sheets to store your content) that allows you to quickly memorize things.
Flashcards can bear vocabulary, major historical dates, chemical element names, math/physics equations or even types of dinosaurs
Simply put, any subject matter that can be learned via a question-and-answer format.
You can use it for your study, as a preparation tool, knowledge check for one of your exams or to practice new vocabulary.
Sky is the limit!
See more:
YouTube: (everything you need to know about the Spreadsheet Memo app in one video)
Facebook: (news, helpful tips and updates notifications)
Example Document (updated with every new release; provides the examples of how to use the new Spreadsheet Memo features)
Chrome Web Store: (you can add the Spreadsheet Memo to your Chrome Apps for quick access - this app is free, no ads and no hidden costs)
The main features and the main goals of the Spreadsheet Memo are:
It helps you to memorize things: and it works! Every lesson is composed with two rounds. The goal of the first (initial round) is to check your brain memory's performance (you reveal the answer and subjectively define its difficulty by choosing one of the following: "I knew it" or "I didn't know"). The second round (final round) is to make sure that you have remembered the new or troubling things. The progress of the current round is presented by the progress bars located near the Question/Answer cards.
Ability to use the Google Sheet documents to store your data: with all the benefits of Google documents like sharing, editing, printing, etc.
Compatible with mobile devices: you can use it on your computer but also on all kinds of your mobile devices. You're not bound to one device. So, whenever you've got some spare time, start the new lesson. You just need a web browser!
Multiple documents: you can use as many different documents as you want. All according to your needs! You can even use the Named Ranges feature offered by Google Sheets. This is a very useful way for slicing your Spreadsheet Memo documents to a smaller parts and describe those parts with friendly names.
Responsive: no unnecessary pages loading - clean, quick and simple.
You can add links and images to your content: sometimes the words are just not enough. You can add an image or a link to the internet resources to enrich your content. It could be especially useful when you prefer some additional visualization for being able to remember things quicker and better.
You can enrich your content by using Wiki Markup - supported types are: Text formatting, Indent text, Lists, Sections, External links, Images and YouTube videos.
You can add mathematical equations or formulas using the TeX or AsciiMath notation.
Your documents stay with you: by using the standard Google Sheet documents you're able to review and edit their content even without the Spreadsheet Memo app.
Secure and safe: all of your documents belongs only to you, no personal info is shared or collected, all connections are made with secure https protocol.
No ads or hidden costs: it's all for free!
Your privacy is very important and you have the right to remain anonymous.
The Spreadsheet Memo was build on the foundations provided by Google (Google Apps Script: and uses all the benefits of this platform, such as:
integration with Google services (e.g. Google Sheets)
single sign-on (you don't need to remember yet another login/password. Let the Google manage and provide access to other apps, like the one to the Spreadsheet Memo app)
built-in security, stability, scalability and efficiency
This app uses the Google Authorization. Thus, when first launched, the Spreadsheet Memo will need your authorization to run. You can read more about it here: You don't need to know all about this - the most important info is that your email, login, password or any other personal info will NOT be passed to the Spreadsheet Memo. They will always remain your property.
Your approval of permissions will let the Spreadsheet Memo operate properly and with full capabilities.
And I'm fully aware that all the permissions might look pretty scary at first glance. And that is exactly why I've written all of this - trying my best to make you feel safe and making sure that you are well informed.
So, let me explain those permissions:
View and manage your spreadsheets in Google Drive, View and manage the files in your Google Drive - for being able to find the Spreadsheet Memo documents. This app operates only on Spreadsheet Memo documents, it has no access or even isn't aware of the existence of any other of your Goggle Drive files.
View and manage data associated with the application - for being able to store your preferences using the user properties (those preferences are private and are connected specifically with your Google account)
Allow this application to run when you are not present - for being able to run this app without additional login prompt, when you're already logged into your Goggle account - just to save your time (standard behavior of Google related products)
Know who you are on Google - standard permission to recognize you as a google user (no information is processed or collected)
View your email address, Send email as you: for being able to send you the welcoming mail (with short summary and information about your current Spreadsheet Memo assets). And the best part is that this email will be sent from your account to your account, never leaving your own context. So your email address, as well as your identity, will stay hidden and secure.
And If you don't like this app (something that, I hope, is unlikely going to happen ) you can always revoke its accesses (uninstall it). There are two ways to do this:
Just follow the instruction from
or you can use the Uninstall option provided in the mail that you will receive from Google. It will be sent right after the first launch of the Spreadsheet Memo app. Look for the mail: "More information about Spreadsheet Memo with uninstall instructions." in your inbox. Any documents that you've created will stay in your Google Drive, nothing will be lost.
Wrapping things up: remember that all of your documents belongs only to you, you can uninstall this app any time you want, no personal info is shared or collected, your identity (such as email) is and will remain your own property. From the Spreadsheet Memo point of view, you're anonymous.
You can find some additional info about the Spreadsheet Memo at the page - including news, helpful tips and updates notifications.
I've been using flashcard-based apps for quite some time (Super Memo was great!) and I've found them very useful. But every one of them had some things that just doesn't work for me (e.g. troubles with data migration, lack of support for mobile devices, no statistics, etc.) - so I've decided to write my own.
One line of code to another and the idea transforms into something with its own domain name and Facebook/Twitter page.
So, feel free to check it out. And if you have any thoughts about it (like/dislike, opinions, reviews, ideas) please leave a comment. Thanks in advance for any feedback!
Jump to the and start memorizing now!

Boiler plate calendar code for use in Android apps

I've got someone developing an app for me. It's not complicated but it's hit a bit of a brick wall. Part of the functionality of the app includes a calendar for the user to enter predicted events. The developer is struggling with understanding this aspect, especially repetitions of events that aren't a fixed date (e.g. first Tuesday of every month). Is there any 'off-the-shelf' Android calendar code that a developer can incorporate, rather than having to write something from scratch? Apart from appearing as an option in the same app, and seeing the number of events entered by the user over the period of a year, the calendar is self-contained won't have to integrate with any of the other app functions. Maybe this means there's pretty much a copy/paste option for calendar code? Any help would be really appreciated.

EMUI Tips and Tricks You Won't Want to Miss

EMUI Tips and Tricks You Won't Want to Miss​
The smartphone has become an indispensable tool in getting things done.
EMUI offers some innovative features to turn your phone into a pocket-sized productivity powerhouse.
Try them out to become more efficient!​
Capture moments of inspiration​
Inspiration can be frustratingly fleeting and difficult to recover. This means you need to make a record before it disappears. With the handy Quick note feature, you'll always be prepared to capture your moments of inspiration when they strike.
Go to Settings > Apps > Notepad > Quick note, then enable Quick note.
Once Quick note has been enabled, you can touch and hold the Quick note tab on any screen until your phone vibrates, then swipe inward to show the Quick note window and record what's on your mind. You can express your thoughts out loud and your phone will then convert your voice into text in real time.
Express yourself with more depth and meaning by adding pictures. Once saved, the notes can be shared to your social media accounts as images.
Notepad works more than a note-taking app. Getting more mileage out of this app can make your life easier, thanks to its rich text editing and ability to sync between devices.
Make email less stressful​
Email is the main mode of communication to carry out day-to-day tasks at work. How does the preinstalled Email app help boost your productivity?
Email can fetch your emails from other apps so you can stay on top of your inbox.
Do you wish there was a better way than having to enter contacts one by one every time? Add members to a team and send emails to all the team members in one go.
Worried that you might miss important messages in your inbox? Mark your important contacts as VIPs, and the app will automatically place your emails from these VIPs in the dedicated VIP inbox.
If you need to communicate with foreign friends or colleagues, try the surefire email translation feature.
Stay on track with a calendar that works for you​
Be prepared for every single event with the Calendar app.
When creating an event in the calendar, you can add the time it takes place, set reminders, and add location information. You'll get timely reminders that help you stay ahead of schedule.
You can also set your ticket information to be displayed on the HUAWEI Assistant.Today screen.
That's all for today in terms of making the most of the Notepad, Email, and Calendar apps. If you have any tips about using these apps, leave us a message.
*The above features may differ based on your device model.

