Can't find Facebook albums - Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime

I hope I'm just being really dumb here, but I can't work out how to view friends' albums on Facebook on my prime (using the official app).
When I browse a profile on my phone using the same app, I get the - About - Friends - Photos - Likes thumbnails, but not on my Prime.
Anyone else noticed this?

facebook seems to update like every three days, honestly your better off making a shortcut in your web browser and using their mobile site, its touch oriented and works better than any app i have used. You can also get your notifications from facebook going to your email so you can get notifications when people message you or whatever in email instead of in the notification bar and it still takes you directly to the content.
Sure its an extra button press but thats what works well for me. YMMV.

Was kind of expecting a 'use the browser' response, which is fair enough I guess.
Just wondered why the feature was removed or if it's just hidden somewhere.
I prefer using apps to browsers.


[Q] Browser with AJAX support. Desktop GMAIL interface

I need access to full gmail (not simple html) through web interface. Gmail app and html simple don't work for me, because they ruin the organization and order of messages when compared to desktop interface.
I have tried Skyfire and it does load full Gmail interface, but it is painfully slow, consumes enormous amount of memory and loads cpu to 100%. Pretty much unusable.
I'm not sure if ajax (or gmail in particular) on android wouldn't run any better or if it is just a matter of finding the right software and setting.
I don't have a direct solution, but have you tried the other versions of gmail, stock email, and Sense email apps?
I'm using the ICS 4.0 version of gmail, and I like it a lot.
Search google for the apk.
They may have the layout and options you want.
Thank you for suggestion. I have tried to find something that works, but other than Skyfire (not useable) and Remote Desktop (quite uncomfortable), I couldn't find anything so far.
Here is my problem. I receive ton of emails everyday, I use several workstations to access emails, I sort, label and read them, reply from different workstations. Works great having the same screen on all the machines, no matter where I am. I can start my work on one and finish on the other without loosing track of what I was doing.
I would love to work on my emails using Flyer the same way, but as of right now it is very uncomfortable for me, simply because my mail boxes don't look the same on android.
For example I have one of the mail boxes set up to show important and unread first, next emails marked with specific labels (might have several labels), then everything else (important read, unimportant unread etc). This simple thing saves me a lot of time and I know what to do next regardless of what workstation I access my email from.
When I use GMAIL app on my flyer, my mail box looks like a mess in comparison to desktop version. I get lost there so bad that I miss what needs to be done next. At this point I decided not to use GMAIL app to access work email at all.
I have tried to get to my emails through Web Browsers with desktop user agent string, but it loads in plain HTML, hence I loose the order again.
Only Skyfire browser loads the full version of gmail, but as I have said earlier is consumes more than 200mb of ram and loads CPU to 100% and makes it pretty much unusable. Not sure if it is a problem just on my Flyer or if it is how ajax is done in Skyfire.
I'm hoping to find solution (browser with good ajax?) that would allow me to access full web interface. I was just wondering if anybody knows if such thing or add-on exists. I hope maybe when CHROME browser comes out they have the good ajax support.

Twitter & Push

As an iOS ex-user, I miss lots of apps that I used in iOS. One of the most important of them is Tweetbot.
I've been searching for a great Tweetbot replacement and the only tolerable ones that I found are Plume, Boid and TweetDeck. But I am being forced to use the terrible official client because of the push notifications. Those clients have some sort of "placebo" push, which is slower and is less battery-efficient.
So, there's my question: can I use another app to push Twitter mentions to my device? Personally, I've got 2 ideas: an app like Boxcar (available for iOS, developers say that they are working on an Android app, but it feels abandoned) or some way to redirect official Twitter's notifications to Plume when I tap on them on Notification Center.

[Q] Can someone help me find an email client with these basic features please?

I've been on Android about 6 months now. First I had a Galaxy Note & now I have a Galaxy Note 2. In that time I've tried around 30 email clients (some free & some paid versions) but I've still not some across a client that can offer me some (what I consider) very simple features.
What I'd like the client to do is:
1. Be able to resize within the email view so I can see the whole email (or at least the width of it if the mail is longer than one page length). This is such a simple thing but the only one I've found that does this is the official Hotmail client but that brings with it a whole load of other issues... Even the Gmail client doesn't let you do this & you're forced to scroll around the screen trying to put together a virtual jigsaw puzzle in your head of what the whole email should look like.
2. Be able to set an option in the settings to always allow images. Again a simple feature. Something similar to the Gmail app would also be OK where you set it for each sender separately.
3. Always display as HTML.
4. Push notifications that display the message title/sender in the notification.
Hopefully someone knows of such a client but I haven't found one yet.
Thanks for your help people.
Nuwidol said:
I've been on Android about 6 months now. First I had a Galaxy Note & now I have a Galaxy Note 2. In that time I've tried around 30 email clients (some free & some paid versions) but I've still not some across a client that can offer me some (what I consider) very simple features.
What I'd like the client to do is:
1. Be able to resize within the email view so I can see the whole email (or at least the width of it if the mail is longer than one page length). This is such a simple thing but the only one I've found that does this is the official Hotmail client but that brings with it a whole load of other issues... Even the Gmail client doesn't let you do this & you're forced to scroll around the screen trying to put together a virtual jigsaw puzzle in your head of what the whole email should look like.
2. Be able to set an option in the settings to always allow images. Again a simple feature. Something similar to the Gmail app would also be OK where you set it for each sender separately.
3. Always display as HTML.
4. Push notifications that display the message title/sender in the notification.
Hopefully someone knows of such a client but I haven't found one yet.
Thanks for your help people.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Have you tried Enhanced Email? It does all these things that you're looking for.
omitav said:
Have you tried Enhanced Email? It does all these things that you're looking for.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks. I downloaded Enhanced Email from the play store. It does most of the stuff but doesn't let you know the source or title of the incoming mail. Just tells you that you have new mail.
Also having some problems with formatting emails in mobile view.
It's probably the best I've tried though.
You probably won't find an email client that tells you the sender and title because usually people receive multiple emails at a time from various senders.
And try K 9 mail
Sent from my DROID2 using xda premium
Having used enhanced email for a few days I can say that it's definitely not up to use full time. When ever I reboot my phone it deletes my Hotmail account, it doesn't notify properly, has no push for Gmail, can't format html into mobile view effectively & has a poor gui. Very expensive for why it does.
I have tried K9 before & unless it's been updated recently there isn't an option to resize an email so that the while mail is displayed at once is there?
Nuwidol said:
Having used enhanced email for a few days I can say that it's definitely not up to use full time. When ever I reboot my phone it deletes my Hotmail account, it doesn't notify properly, has no push for Gmail, can't format html into mobile view effectively & has a poor gui. Very expensive for why it does.
I have tried K9 before & unless it's been updated recently there isn't an option to resize an email so that the while mail is displayed at once is there?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
What do you mean resize your email? You can pinch to zoom in it though, I used it a week or so ago
Sent from my DROID2 using xda premium
gagdude said:
What do you mean resize your email? You can pinch to zoom in it though, I used it a week or so ago
Sent from my DROID2 using xda premium
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, you can pinch to zoom but I'd like to display the whole email on screen at once & then decide which part of the email I'd like to zoom into (if any). K9 & most other Android clients don't allow this. The only app that I've found that can do this at all is the official Hotmail app but the rest of the app is so basic its shocking. It doesn't allow you to always show images & on my current phone its a 3 click process to show images (in every mail you view). It also truncates all mails to a maximum of 100kb do anything over this takes a further 3 clicks to display properly. Very poor.
Try Aquamail. I absolutely love it, and it has all these features. Their mobile view is the main reason I use it. Make sure you pick up the latest beta version 4 here:
The mobile view used to be incorporated into the appstore version. The developer took it out temporarily, and it is only in the latest beta.

[Q] Gmail app crops photos from ads etc..

Hi all,
I witnessed an issue regarding all android phones/versions between 2.1-4.2 without any solution, and I couldn't find any thread that talks about it in the proprietary+google search.
The issue: pic's get cropped, and I'm forced to click the "can't view properly? click here" link to the web page.
Here's a screeenshot:
The issue isn't for all mails, and there are some mail that can be viewed properly within the Gmail app itself.
I'm currently running the latest Gmail app as you can see with the top nav buttons.
Anyone else experiencing this issue ?
Go into : Menu -Settings - General settings - Auto -fit messages. Check it, and back out. The message should now be entirely seen in the screen. To Zoom in just tap the screen, or use the two finger spread method.
Tried that already...just forgot to mention.
any other ideas?
It's something a bit more complicated than a just a setting or wrong usage.
Other than that, the only other thing I can suggest is to unistall mail. Then reinstall.
MikROMs Since 3/13/11
Thanks again for your answer !
Well I've uninstalled the gmail several times when tried the leaked Gmail apps(the first one that supports swipe to archive+pinch to zoom, and obviously the last one who supports the new tabs interface).
I'll just mention it's not a specific problem but cross device and cross android+Gmail versions.
I tried every version of android/gmail combo(forwarding lots of mail to friends etc) but each time they all get the same problem.
The only thing I figured out who kinda gave me an alternative is use the stock mail client and not the gmail one, but in that case I'm loosing lots of the Gmail app functionality.
This is really something that just myself noticed? this is not one mail or a specific sender.
In the OP you mentioned that it does not happen on all your Gmail Email. Is it just from certain People / Companies ?
No, it's usually when I get promotion emails from my bank or some online shopping websites that uses big photos that are basically links.
Moreover, it's always from automated mails BUT I think that's only because I'm not receiving large photos in personal emails.
I would recheck settings. I know sometimes when I'm frustrated, I miss stuff.
MikROMs Since 3/13/11
Thanks again for your effort, I'm really certain that I haven't miss an option as every new app version that releases I'm scanning all of the features.
Here's a screen shot of my settings, I've highlighted the only possible option that can affect this, by my understanding:
BTW In case that I'm not clear enough with the issue I can forward(if you want to PM me with your mail) you one of those mails, I got lots of them. Of course if it's ok by you...
I'd love to hear any other ideas

App to auto scroll / stream Twitter?

While I'm working, I keep my device on a charging stand and let it display pictures etc. I'd like to instead stream my Twitter feed. Does anyone know of a app that will continually scroll the feed as new tweets arrive? I don't want to have to touch it to refresh it. I've tried the original twitter app and a 3rd party one called Talon so far and neither can do that.
Thanks in advance,

