[Q] instagram - Galaxy Ace S5830 General

For instagram users!
Hi guys, do you have this kind of problem lately? (see attached photo)
Pictures have been distorted, specially when adding effects. It has those circles in the middle. It destroys the photos. I'm wondering if it's just me, or other SGA users also experience this. Thanks!


Never till now..Tried re-installing the app?

Love the app
Nop never faced this problem
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium

Xr01d_GT said:
Never till now..Tried re-installing the app?
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jumbobombo said:
Love the app
Nop never faced this problem
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
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Whaaaaaaaaaaat? Really? After the recent update, it messed up the pics. damn. I already did that, reinstalled but nothing....

I moved it to system earlier so that i can uninstall updates.

AashayS said:
I moved it to system earlier so that i can uninstall updates.
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I don't know how to do that because I'm using S2E. Anyway, something weird and unfortunate happened. I cleared data, uninstalled, then reboot. Then phone just had a loooooooooot of force close issues. Then removed battery, reboot again, phone won't f****ng start! Stucked on boot logo. Had to flash a nandroid back up, then installed instagram, updated it, then it's fixed again. Weird. But hey it was solved though!

adriansantos said:
I don't know how to do that because I'm using S2E. Anyway, something weird and unfortunate happened. I cleared data, uninstalled, then reboot. Then phone just had a loooooooooot of force close issues. Then removed battery, reboot again, phone won't f****ng start! Stucked on boot logo. Had to flash a nandroid back up, then installed instagram, updated it, then it's fixed again. Weird. But hey it was solved though!
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help anyone? how come my phone keeps on saying "The process android.process.acore has stopped unexpectedly.Please try again".. why is this happening? its just going to pop out and keeps on repeating..
Reflash the rom! You should be good after that. Happened to me on cm7 but I went back to 2.2 after a while.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
duboi97 said:
Reflash the rom! You should be good after that. Happened to me on cm7 but I went back to 2.2 after a while.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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and i have another problem whenever i press contacts it does the same thing (
What rom are you running....
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fnjamesiii said:
What rom are you running....
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at first i odin'd,then i flashed trigger 1.8.2 ... it all went good but whenever i hit contacts it always keep on saying that error... and then after that i flashed nerov5 just to test if its going to have the same problem and it did..
crunkhead18 said:
at first i odin'd,then i flashed trigger 1.8.2 ... it all went good but whenever i hit contacts it always keep on saying that error... and then after that i flashed nerov5 just to test if its going to have the same problem and it did..
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Are you using an aftermarket launcher like ADW or Launcher Pro?
I'm on trigger and have no problems. Are you sure you cleared cache and wiped data before you flashed the rom?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
CrazyCharlie said:
Are you using an aftermarket launcher like ADW or Launcher Pro?
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when i flashed Trigger there is Launcher pro already.. but this is my first time getting an error like this
duboi97 said:
I'm on trigger and have no problems. Are you sure you cleared cache and wiped data before you flashed the rom?
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yes i did that but i dont know why that error keeps on popping out. and this is my first time having an error like that
I am getting the same pop up, and force closes, whenever I try to place a call. Started maybe a week ago or so, and can't recall what may have caused this. Long story short, I've have gone through my contacts an removed any dash, plus, and #1's I could find no luck. Reflashed BionixV1.3.1 and added OVERSTOCK 2.1 and still having call issues. I'm sure it's unrelated to the rom. Any ideas anyone?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
Not sure when you guys downloaded it. They could have had a server problem. I would redownload the rom and flash it again. Odin back to stock if needed. I have no issues.
Edit: Have you checked the thread to see if anyone else had that problem?
When all else fails, go extreme.
ODIN to stock, root, wipe, re-download the rom (bad download, did you check the MD5?), then flash again.
The rom is perfect... that I know.
Don't be afraid of going back to stock. very easy. check my signature if you need help.
ok my problem was solved now.. the first thing i did was to odin,then upgraded to 2.2 froyo using mini kies and rooted my phone. and flashed Trigger and works perfectly.. i guess it's Titanium Backup causing the errors. That's why i deleted my old Backups and started a new one..and rebooted my phone ,checked contacts if the error still shows but it was gone already ..
ps: sorry for my bad grammar

AOKP (4.0.4) Update 4.18.2012 Rom Control problem

Using [Rom]AOKP (4.0.4) Update 4.18.2012
I keep getting a "Rom Control stopped working" error. I wiped & factory reset, reflashed twice now and still keep getting the message.
It seemed to first occur when I had changed the boot animation option in the settings.
Anyone else seeing this error come up often too?
parkland808 said:
Using [Rom]AOKP (4.0.4) Update 4.18.2012
I keep getting a "Rom Manager stopped working" error. I wiped & factory reset, reflashed twice now and still keep getting the message.
It seemed to first occur when I had changed the boot animation option in the settings.
Anyone else seeing this error come up often too?
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you should not be using rom manager.........
He possibly is referring to rom control.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
Sorry I meant Rom Control.
I shouldn't be using it to change settings? What should i use then?
TOA Duck said:
you should not be using rom manager.........
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Fairly certain rom manager is okay now
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
are you using google services to restore apps? are you restoring apps or system data using Titanium backup? does it happen right after flashing or after you restore apps?
gaijinboricua said:
are you using google services to restore apps? are you restoring apps or system data using Titanium backup? does it happen right after flashing or after you restore apps?
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I restored my contacts from google, and turned off the boot animation in rom control.
That's all I did. Then I saw the error and figured to wipe everything and re-flash, upon re-flashing it just started popping up again after turning off boot animation. Not sure if I had restored my contacts before or after.
parkland808 said:
I restored my contacts from google, and turned off the boot animation in rom control.
That's all I did. Then I saw the error and figured to wipe everything and re-flash, upon re-flashing it just started popping up again after turning off boot animation. Not sure if I had restored my contacts before or after.
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You turned off the boot animation both times? Try it again and DONT turn it off.
Nick281051 said:
Fairly certain rom manager is okay now
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
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Not for aokp
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
Re-download and start over....
Sent from my SGH-I777 using XDA
Artimus009 said:
Re-download and start over....
Sent from my SGH-I777 using XDA
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Likely a bad download

Thinking of taking back my S3 due to force closes??

I've been getting too many force closes with my S3... It happens with many apps and sometimes it just gets stuck for like two minutes which I can't do anything until it comes back. Have you guys had any issues? I don't know weather to take it back or do a factory data reset...
305rob305 said:
I've been getting too many force closes with my S3... It happens with many apps and sometimes it just gets stuck for like two minutes which I can't do anything until it comes back. Have you guys had any issues? I don't know weather to take it back or do a factory data reset...
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Sounds like something you installed is causing it. Factory reset it. Force Closes are typically software related.
Its happened to me a couple of times as well on the gallery and tapatalk 2 app. It is few and far between so it doesn't affect me too much.
stevesprivateaccount said:
Sounds like something you installed is causing it. Factory reset it. Force Closes are typically software related.
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OK. I'm going to delete some apps that I don't use and restart. Maybe it's one of those... If not, I'll factory reset it.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2
If you have tried installing backups from a different rom or phone. That may be an issue too
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
Tapatalk 2 closes a lot on me. I especially on xda
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
I currently get on XDA through my app right now...just searching for a thread listing forever...and if I hit the profile option it force closes.
Worked fine for the last week but nothing now!
Happens to me a lot when running touchwiz launcher I am now using apex and have had zero crashes. Although with android its like windows you will get force close just like windows gets blue screens its just one feature of owning an android phone but it rocks.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
I used to have this problem on my OG Incredible, (haven't yet had it on my S3) and I would usually solve it by uninstalling/re-installing or clearing data on the apps that would force close. If every app is FCing though then it may just be easier to Factory Reset.
305rob305 said:
I've been getting too many force closes with my S3... It happens with many apps and sometimes it just gets stuck for like two minutes which I can't do anything until it comes back. Have you guys had any issues? I don't know weather to take it back or do a factory data reset...
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i fixed mine by freezing stock browser with titanium backup and using Google chrome. That fixed the issue immediately
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app

Is My Atrix SLOWLY Bricking??

about a month ago this happend to me:
out of the blue everything on my phone started FC repeatedly (whatsapp, camera, Luancher Pro, phone, etc..) so pulled out the battery and it then it didnt want to boot up so i tried a fresh install from recovery but.. recovery was crashing as well and i had to pull out the battery every time. finally afer playing a speed game with the phone i got to re install (i wiped user chache/data /dalvik ) and the problem was gone ...
these recent days some apps started FC on me but i thought i was somewhat common .. mainly Mi file explorer .. so right now my phone started to do the same thing again.. FC everything! The main one crashing is = the process com.android.phone stopped unexpectedly. i have no signal now and cant open anything.. if i pull out battery I know it wont boot up and may not let me use recovery without a hassle!
i dont know if this has to do with but when i install a rom ( i had topsmarts 1.3) i use root uninstaller to uninstall lots things i dont want like: weather and news, terminal emulater, dev tools, es explorer..
what is can be causing this problem and what can i do to fix it??? it looks like i wont be using it today because its as good as a brick right now.
edit before OP: i selected reboot and as expected its looping at the Unlocked screen
Do the force closes start happening right after uninstalling stuff?
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
zacthespack said:
Do the force closes start happening right after uninstalling stuff?
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
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No.. i uninstalled that stuff a couple of weeks ago
so i just went into recovery and wiped and re-installed like normal... and its up and running again..
but the question is what causes it? i dont want this to happen again in X days
antmiu2 said:
No.. i uninstalled that stuff a couple of weeks ago
so i just went into recovery and wiped and re-installed like normal... and its up and running again..
but the question is what causes it? i dont want this to happen again in X days
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Are you able to boot into recovery at all?
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
Do not post the same thread in multiple forums.
Did you wipe system?? I always wipe system now so nothing gets left behind so your starting on a completely clean slate.
Sent from my MB860 using xda app-developers app
CaelanT said:
Do not post the same thread in multiple forums.
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sorry guys the OP is in general section how can i delete this thread?
Thread closed as its a dup

View cover stops working, need to reattach again and again

Hey guys,
From time to time my view cover won't respond to open an closing anymore. Then I have to reattach it to make it work properly again.
Any ideas how to fix this?
Sent from my SM-N9005 using xda app-developers app
Found a solution:
Just slap that bad boy shut
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Ochs said:
Hey guys,
From time to time my view cover won't respond to open an closing anymore. Then I have to reattach it to make it work properly again.
Any ideas how to fix this?
Sent from my SM-N9005 using xda app-developers app
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Does it happen after you change something on your phone ie through xposed or wanam ?
That kept happening to me (I have a non genuine S view)... I figured you can use Odin Mobile Pro to simply wipe the davlik cache and it'd start working again as soon as it reboots.
Now I don't have any problems with it at all....
o0o.paw said:
Does it happen after you change something on your phone ie through xposed or wanam ?
That kept happening to me (I have a non genuine S view)... I figured you can use Odin Mobile Pro to simply wipe the davlik cache and it'd start working again as soon as it reboots.
Now I don't have any problems with it at all....
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I am running stock touchwiz, non-rooted at all...
Sometimes it doesn't work and i slap in close, it starts working again. Maybe it's a view-cover problem and not a phone problem...
thanks for your reply!

