Is My Atrix SLOWLY Bricking?? - Atrix 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

about a month ago this happend to me:
out of the blue everything on my phone started FC repeatedly (whatsapp, camera, Luancher Pro, phone, etc..) so pulled out the battery and it then it didnt want to boot up so i tried a fresh install from recovery but.. recovery was crashing as well and i had to pull out the battery every time. finally afer playing a speed game with the phone i got to re install (i wiped user chache/data /dalvik ) and the problem was gone ...
these recent days some apps started FC on me but i thought i was somewhat common .. mainly Mi file explorer .. so right now my phone started to do the same thing again.. FC everything! The main one crashing is = the process stopped unexpectedly. i have no signal now and cant open anything.. if i pull out battery I know it wont boot up and may not let me use recovery without a hassle!
i dont know if this has to do with but when i install a rom ( i had topsmarts 1.3) i use root uninstaller to uninstall lots things i dont want like: weather and news, terminal emulater, dev tools, es explorer..
what is can be causing this problem and what can i do to fix it??? it looks like i wont be using it today because its as good as a brick right now.
edit before OP: i selected reboot and as expected its looping at the Unlocked screen

Do the force closes start happening right after uninstalling stuff?
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium

zacthespack said:
Do the force closes start happening right after uninstalling stuff?
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
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No.. i uninstalled that stuff a couple of weeks ago
so i just went into recovery and wiped and re-installed like normal... and its up and running again..
but the question is what causes it? i dont want this to happen again in X days

antmiu2 said:
No.. i uninstalled that stuff a couple of weeks ago
so i just went into recovery and wiped and re-installed like normal... and its up and running again..
but the question is what causes it? i dont want this to happen again in X days
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Are you able to boot into recovery at all?
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium

Do not post the same thread in multiple forums.

Did you wipe system?? I always wipe system now so nothing gets left behind so your starting on a completely clean slate.
Sent from my MB860 using xda app-developers app

CaelanT said:
Do not post the same thread in multiple forums.
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sorry guys the OP is in general section how can i delete this thread?

Thread closed as its a dup


Problem with phone.... help

Ok heres whats happening....
first of all, my phone is rooted and i have the latest super clean and kernal.... this has been happening on a variety of kernals and roms tho..
Randomly, out of nowhere, my phone reboots. (maybe this is normal, the kernal is crashing?)
the problem is that once it comes back, i seem to be missing some system applications like my contacts app (whenever i click on contacts in the phone, it crashes, and i dont have a contacts app to click)
and sometimes, my phone Settings app.... if u try to click menu on the home screen and click settings, nothing happens..... and i cant place widgets..
I have to reodin the phone completely and start from scratch....
This happens like once every couple weeks or so....
any ideas?
Try flashing it again w/ data/cache/dalvik wipe
Sent from my SC2.9.2Voodoo/EC10 kernel/Nitro Ultra Honeycomb v3.1 using XDA Premium
I do that every time it happens
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
i cant enter the phone to download mode
i see on the screen the icon with the mobile and computer
Has this problem happened to others or is my phone defective
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
It sounds like some of the apps may be incompatiable with the verison you're using. I had a somewhat similar problem when first getting into roms. It may be worth going back to stock and then reflashing to the latest SC.
Not sure.. If it was just a compatibility problem I think it would not work right away... The problem I'm having is random after a spontaneous reboot
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Try fixing it by flashing stock rom then re root > rom install > cwm
Here's the guide I made
Rocking Frankenclean 2.9.2 Voodoo/EC10+Sound/Nitro Ultra Honeycomb v3.1/XDA Premium
sounds like my best bet, ill give it a try. thx

Cm7 questions

1. Swype work?
2. I restored apps with titanium backup but I'm getting force closes on some apps?
3. Anyway to check what leakage kernel you are on?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
exzacklyright said:
1. Swype work?
2. I restored apps with titanium backup but I'm getting force closes on some apps?
3. Anyway to check what leakage kernel you are on?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
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1. Yes swype works but you have to delete your current version of swype and install the new swype this from swype's website, sorry don't have the link handy, but it is an improvement from the previous version that comes with our phone can restore apps with TiBu but do not restore system apps, and when you do a batch restore, make sure you select apps only not data...not doing that well get you!
3.I just downloaded all three and start with hl and work my way down to ll...not sure of a way to see the kernel leakage, all I can ever find is the version name, never if its hl,ml,or ll?? So I start with high and work down so its easy for me to remember
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
I restored "missing apps + data" but it still didn't restore everything. I had to go through manually and restore the apps I was missing. I don't even know if I restored them all now.
But anywho I tried installing my transparent themed google search bar but it just FC'd on me. So i tried reflashing gapps but now I can't re-install it. From the market it force closes too.
exzacklyright said:
I restored "missing apps + data" but it still didn't restore everything. I had to go through manually and restore the apps I was missing. I don't even know if I restored them all now.
But anywho I tried installing my transparent themed google search bar but it just FC'd on me. So i tried reflashing gapps but now I can't re-install it. From the market it force closes too.
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From all of your force close issues it sounds like you missed wiping something when you made the switch to cm7...honestly I would take the time now and odin back to stock and reinstall it shouldn't take more then 15 mins or so since you already should have all the files you need.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
i just want to know how i can re-install google search...
exzacklyright said:
i just want to know how i can re-install google search...
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Thats why I think you should re flash...I've never had to install google search it's just there when I flash the rom, I always flash the after the rom and never actually checked to see if it was on my phone prior to flashing the gapps...did you do that?? If you did I'd try flashing the again
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Well I reinstalled it but it looks to have messed up my back ups in titanium. Look. I'm missing apps too!
Why would it say I have no back ups? ? I have no idea what apps I've lost now.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Clear your filter... it is set to "swype"
nunyazz said:
Clear your filter... it is set to "swype"
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Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
nunyazz said:
Clear your filter... it is set to "swype"
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**** lol. Thx
Sent from Megan Fox
I batch restored. Once google apps was done installing everything market started restoring a bunch of apps (not all). After that was done I went to titanium and installed
Missing apps + data.
One key difference is that I ticked the option in settings for support for moving data between incompatible roms.
I was having some issues though. Turns out when I upgraded from the old to recent version of glitch kernel I unknowingly put low leak over high leak and with out the removal script. It was almost perfect except every now and then a program would crash.
I wiped data, dalvik and cache. Reinstalled the rom. Let it boot. Installed glitch. Let it boot. Installed google apps and went from there. haven't under volted but that's more about which version of the kernel I have and the battery and speed are so goods already, I'm not worried about it.
I also went through my app list and manually restored data for previously installed apps that I needed. Also eliminates problems with data you don't even need. Then sms restore to restore sms and call log.
The in call sound is still a little quiet though. Luckily my friends, colleagues and I don't use voice calls.
Only a 4 chan app force closes now but it's crappy so that's not surprising.
I hope that helps someone.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App
I'm getting constant force closes now. Just randomly out of the blue. Sad day . Also reboot locks up my phone and I have to pull the battery
Sent from Megan Fox
I had that. Reboot into recovery. Sounds like you need to do that through adb now. Wipe cache and dalvik. Fix permissions and reboot. Worked for me when that happened. I almost thought I couldn't reboot but I was patient and eventually thw fc tapered off to just google framework and I was able to get the power menu.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App
dividebyzero said:
I had that. Reboot into recovery. Sounds like you need to do that through adb now. Wipe cache and dalvik. Fix permissions and reboot. Worked for me when that happened. I almost thought I couldn't reboot but I was patient and eventually thw fc tapered off to just google framework and I was able to get the power menu.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App
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Yeah I did that. But now it's back again. It seemed to have only momentarily fixed it. I wiped again and more force closes. I'm beginning to think it has something to do with titanium backup!
Sent from Megan Fox
I've been on fence about trying CM7. I run it on my Nook Color and like alot. But I depend on my phone for work and I'm worried about all issues I read people are having, particularly call volume. I can't afford to annoy a client with phone issues in this economy!
What is consensus - is this a dependable daily driver?

Settings app not opening

I've noticed that in the last couple of days, the Settings app doesn't work properly. At times, when I open the app, it just opens for a second and goes back to the home screen. After some time, the problem goes away on its own. Sometimes, taking out the battery and rebooting the device helps. Sometimes, it doesn't work. Anybody help me out here?
gouthamgmv said:
I've noticed that in the last couple of days, the Settings app doesn't work properly. At times, when I open the app, it just opens for a second and goes back to the home screen. After some time, the problem goes away on its own. Sometimes, taking out the battery and rebooting the device helps. Sometimes, it doesn't work. Anybody help me out here?
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I am not really sure but this might be happening due to a virus or malware. Which RoM are you using?
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
Stock Gingerbread. 2.3.4!
Try installing any free antivirus and scan your phone. I recommend Netqin
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
It can also happen if you apply a wrong patch, or flashed something that was not supposed to be flashed on a stock ROM.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
No viruses, never flashed or patched anything! :|
maybe because cache is full, can make phone become crazy sometimes.
moreover u said ur on full stock rom without any modification. pure stock rom stores cache in phone memory and it'll be full and cluttered overtime.

[Q] instagram

For instagram users!
Hi guys, do you have this kind of problem lately? (see attached photo)
Pictures have been distorted, specially when adding effects. It has those circles in the middle. It destroys the photos. I'm wondering if it's just me, or other SGA users also experience this. Thanks!
Never till now..Tried re-installing the app?
Love the app
Nop never faced this problem
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
Xr01d_GT said:
Never till now..Tried re-installing the app?
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jumbobombo said:
Love the app
Nop never faced this problem
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
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Whaaaaaaaaaaat? Really? After the recent update, it messed up the pics. damn. I already did that, reinstalled but nothing....
I moved it to system earlier so that i can uninstall updates.
AashayS said:
I moved it to system earlier so that i can uninstall updates.
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I don't know how to do that because I'm using S2E. Anyway, something weird and unfortunate happened. I cleared data, uninstalled, then reboot. Then phone just had a loooooooooot of force close issues. Then removed battery, reboot again, phone won't f****ng start! Stucked on boot logo. Had to flash a nandroid back up, then installed instagram, updated it, then it's fixed again. Weird. But hey it was solved though!
adriansantos said:
I don't know how to do that because I'm using S2E. Anyway, something weird and unfortunate happened. I cleared data, uninstalled, then reboot. Then phone just had a loooooooooot of force close issues. Then removed battery, reboot again, phone won't f****ng start! Stucked on boot logo. Had to flash a nandroid back up, then installed instagram, updated it, then it's fixed again. Weird. But hey it was solved though!
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Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5

[Q] Galaxy S3 Freez

I don't know what's wrong with my device.
After i use it for 5 minutes sometimes more sometimes less it starts freezing and i have to restart it or get the battery off.
First time when he started to freez i had it in the charger with the WIFI on and he was downloading a torrent.
Is it possible that it overheated and messed something up in my phone ?
I have already flash-it and still the same.
What can i do ?
What's the main problem source ?
Please help
PS. It works more time when i have the internet off
Mihai1555 said:
I don't know what's wrong with my device.
After i use it for 5 minutes sometimes more sometimes less it starts freezing and i have to restart it or get the battery off.
First time when he started to freez i had it in the charger with the WIFI on and he was downloading a torrent.
Is it possible that it overheated and messed something up in my phone ?
I have already flash-it and still the same.
What can i do ?
What's the main problem source ?
Please help
PS. It works more time when i have the internet off
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There might be a problem with your hardware which causes freezing but I don't think so..
Check if you have any misbehaving app installed or you can reflash your firmware and do factory reset and then use your phone like normal.. Check for any freezing but restore no app. If you don't encounter any freezing then there must be a nasty app, doing nasty stuff with your phone.
Sent from my GT-I9070 using xda app-developers app
zubairamd said:
There might be a problem with your hardware which causes freezing but I don't think so..
Check if you have any misbehaving app installed or you can reflash your firmware and do factory reset and then use your phone like normal.. Check for any freezing but restore no app. If you don't encounter any freezing then there must be a nasty app, doing nasty stuff with your phone.
Sent from my GT-I9070 using xda app-developers app
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I have already installed a new firmware and i don't have any app from the store.
Removed my SD card, got nothing from outside on it.
Mihai1555 said:
I have already installed a new firmware and i don't have any app from the store.
Removed my SD card, got nothing from outside on it.
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Then service center is your hospital.. good luck but my last advice.. Try flashing a good kernel
Sent from my GT-I9070 using xda app-developers app
Please read the FREEZING thread first .
Basics read first.
Critical you read the first two posts

