Anyone know how to get contact pics not so blurry. - Sprint HTC EVO 4G LTE

They are blurry no matter what resolution pic I use.
Sent from my EVO using XDA

Yes, but you aren't going to like the answer... The problem is that google takes your contact pictures and downsamples them for online storage. Then when your phone syncs back, it overwrites your original high resolution picture, with their low resolution version (I think it's only 96x96). So there are 3 work-arounds...
--Don't sync your contacts with your google account. I find this not practical, especially since it's a big part of the functionality of the phone
--Use either Google+ or Facebook to populate the pictures for you by linking the contacts. The downside is that you are limited to just users of those services...
--Manually Create a contact for each person ON THE PHONE (not a google contact). Add the high resolution photo there, and then link that one to your google contact. This is what i use for my most frequently called people, but even that's not practical for the entire address book. Also, ICS uses 256x256 resolution, which still doesn't come out 'crisp' on a phone of this resolution.
This is really a black mark for android. There has actually been an open ticket on this since 2009, with over a thousand people adding to it. It's also recently been a thread on Google + where a lead engineer said they were going to work on it, but even that fizzled out.

Haxsync will download high Res photos from Facebook. Just make sure the contact has that image selected and not the Google one.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

fastmikey1969 said:
Haxsync will download high Res photos from Facebook. Just make sure the contact has that image selected and not the Google one.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
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Those are blurry as well. Then you are also missing pictures for Go SMS Pro and other 3rd party messaging apps.
Never used to be this issue for the OG Evo (running ICS).


Bad contact photos

Has anyone found a solution to the fact that the contact photos look bad and pixilatted. Cheers
Its a sync issue, there is no fix unfortunately as yet. Hopefully google will sort the issue with their wireless sync, but im not holding my breath. I have put the contacts on my phone then disabled syncing of them. Then I update the photos and its fine.
Hmm...intersting....could you explain how you fixed it in a bit more detail ( I ain't too bright ).
I didn't try to sync them at all...they are all images I've taken with the Hero's phone, at max quality. If anyone calls me and the image comes up - quite frankly it look embarassing
Are we sure its not the Hero doing a really bad job of compressing them before they leave the handset on their merry way across the internet to GoogleMail ?
I hope so, as this means HTC can do a better job on the thumbnails and make them small enough for syncing.
I synced my contact photo's via Exchange, and they are blurry as well.
So its an HTC bug then. Well at least to stands more chance of it being fixed Can't see Google nor Microsoft fixing their end for HTC.
Just out of interest, is there anyone here who is NOT experiencing this problem?
I have emailed HTC tech support - will post back when I hear back from them.
I haven't experienced pixelated contact photos, only the problem with photos not getting displayed off of Facebook.
So when someone calls you Woobit - you see their contact photo sharp and clear?
Interesting - were they photos taken with your phone or ones you uploaded. Anything specific about them or how you assigned them to your contacts?
The pics from Facebook on my hero are fine (a little grainier perhaps) its ones from my photo album from imported DSLR images that look awful post syncing.
joemax said:
The pics from Facebook on my hero are fine (a little grainier perhaps) its ones from my photo album from imported DSLR images that look awful post syncing.
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We are talking about the contact photo which appears when he or she is calling you, or vice versa. How about you?
Well as these images are sourced from either Facebook automatically or hand picked from your photo albums... yes
Images Facebook has provided are of a dramatically better quality than those hand picked from the Albums application when seen in the Phone application (when called or you call).
It appears that once the Hero has synced to Googlemail, the Album sourced 'call' photo will be reduced to looking awful. HTC or Android is munching them up.
The Facebook ones stay pretty clean.
Ok, heres whats happening with me, and this happened on all devices I have used, HTC Touch HD, HTC Touch Pro2, Diamond etc and also the Hero.
Say you have all your contacts initially downloaded from Google and synced with your phone. They all come down, so turn sync off as not needed for contacts anymore.
Link your contacts to Facebook, images all come down, work fine.
1 week later, they are still all fine, good quality, can see the pic when calling.
Now, sync again with Google or Outlook and it sends the pics to the server or to outlook, but then it sends them back to the phone (I presume because the phone thinks they have changed in some way).
When they come back, they are grainy and rubbish, so this is something to do with the sync.
Try it, turn off all syncs and replace some pics with decent pics and they will stay that way, unitil you sync.
Just tried that Nice-Lad.
Turned off all syncing. The re-assigned an image to my contact ( my home phone ). Called myself from my homephone - and the new image popped up looking totally crap as before
BUT... the whole point of syncing as that you can add contacts, calendar events etc on your computer and have them automagically appear on your phone.
Turning it off is a work around 'maybe' but makes contact and event management useless.
HTC need to keep a local cache of images and use these in preference to those it gets back from Google (seemingly messed up by HTC before sending to Google). Facebook ones dynamically change when ever a friend updates their profile picture... these appear not to be affected by the same degree.
J-Zeus said:
Just tried that Nice-Lad.
Turned off all syncing. The re-assigned an image to my contact ( my home phone ). Called myself from my homephone - and the new image popped up looking totally crap as before
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Ok, it may be as its stored in the cache so won't change. Or, try changing to WIFI and re-assign a totally different image. Could be the mobile network downloading the image with network compression...?
joemax said:
BUT... the whole point of syncing as that you can add contacts, calendar events etc on your computer and have them automagically appear on your phone.
Turning it off is a work around 'maybe' but makes contact and event management useless.
HTC need to keep a local cache of images and use these in preference to those it gets back from Google (seemingly messed up by HTC before sending to Google). Facebook ones dynamically change when ever a friend updates their profile picture... these appear not to be affected by the same degree.
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Oh yeah, I never said it was ideal, I was just pointing out that its an issue with the Syncing. My contacts are now fine, but I know what you mean when you change a contact, you want it to update in Google or Outlook.
It is very annoying and always has been, it needs fixing. Google are aware of it, I posted a comment on their forum and someone said they were looking at it, but that doesn't usually mean anything.
Would not be as noticable if we didn't have full screen caller display.
My N85 had a nearly as large an image for callers... never a problem on that... I synced with iSync over Bluetooth and
All HTC need to do to get around this is to keep a local copy of each thumbnail and ignore what Google sends back or is created to send to Google... which ever is the case causing the issue.
As a side note... I've noticed all my Facebook contacts that are also in my Mac Address book and therefore in Google contacts (I use Spanning Sync to mediate between all three) have a line of code in the Note section.
Appears that the Hero 'tags' these contacts and inserts the data into the Note field. Both in Google Contacts as well as passing through to my Mac AddressBook.
Like this...
But only if they have a Facebook profile picture that the Hero has downloaded. Some contacts that must have a privacy setting set in their Facebook profile, have no picture and this no line of code.
Anyone else notice this ?
J-Zeus said:
So when someone calls you Woobit - you see their contact photo sharp and clear?
Interesting - were they photos taken with your phone or ones you uploaded. Anything specific about them or how you assigned them to your contacts?
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Usually I don't really look at the picture when someone calls me, too busy answering I just had my gf call me so I could study the caller pic, and yeah, it could be better. The picture is synced from her Facebook account, and it taken with a not too expensive cell phone so the picture wasn't too sharp from the get go.
Basiclly: quality could be better, but I find the missing contact pictures more of a problem
woobit, try going to the Albums app and hitting the Facebook tab, mine earlier today (not tried before) grabbed a whole load of Facebook profile pictures that were not grabbed by the People app and its Groups tab.
Also, I think those friends with certain privacy settings will not allow their profile picture outside of Facebook.
I have a few missing but far more than I had prior to using Albums.
Worth a go
Well I gave up with HTC email support, as they couldn't get their head around the fact that it is NOT a camera issue.
So I rang them, and the chap I spoke to was less then helpful - basically telling me there was no fix, he didn't know if they were working on a fix, and that it was all Google/Androids fault*
He seemed to think the problem was that when you assign an image to a contact, they phone makes a tiny thumbnail that is assigned to the contacts info page ( what you see when you view their details. Then, when that contact rings the phone tries to enlarge the very small image that you see in the contact page - thereby it is pixilated to look at.
Is this a problem with other Android phones? And surely to Christ someone in quality control s supposed to pick up these ( glaring ) errors?!
* This becomes somewhat of a pattern - each blaming the other so they don't have to take responsibility and actually do something.

Problem w inline images on HTC EVO 3D stock Mail app w Google Apps as Exchange

So here's my problem....
With my old EVO 4G, this worked fine.
I get the EVO 3D, and set up my Google Apps account as an Exchange Mail Account and go about my day. I eventually start to realize that inline images (like a screenshot pasted into the sender's message body) will not show. I get a grey box outlining where the image should be. Clicking the option to "Download Images" goes through the process like it's downloading something, but when that completes, I don't see any images. Leaving the message / mail app and coming back also changes nothing.
I call up HTC and ask. Turns out the first guy I talked to could not find that topic in his help topics lists, and had to go ask people. He came back with the suggestion for me to use a 3rd party mail app like K-9 or TouchDown in order to get my mail. ...HTC saying to use another program because theirs doesn't work... weird.
That is not acceptable to me. (plus the fact that I couldn't get K-9 to connect to a Google Apps Exchange account.)
Other apps like TouchDown just seem silly and impractical, and I don't like the idea of adding some 3rd party app to do something that my phone is supposed to be able to do to begin with. (excessive)
I talk to HTC again after I figured out that it's just with using Google Apps accounts as an Exchange account on the phone, because if I set up the same email address as a POP account in the stock HTC Mail app, I see those images. If I have it set to prompt me to download images, then I'll see a blue ? in place where the image is recognized to be, and it shows when the images are downloaded. (No blue ? was shown when set up as Exchange, and no image was shown after 'download' finished.)
This guy seemed to actually understand what I was talking about, even tested it himself with his own setup, but ended with feeding me the phrase that he was going to be escalate my 'ticket.' (No, I haven't heard back on the topic)
Long story short. I recently had an issue where a client sent an email with a screenshot and a description in the body that referred to the image. I received this on my phone, and since this client hasn't had the best reputation of providing details when explaining things, I replied asking for details that were already in the image.... ...the image that I had no idea was there.
SO. Does anyone know how to get inline images to work with the HTC EVO 3D using Google Apps as an Exchange account?
I've resorted to using the Gmail app but that is also undesireable, because that is now mixed with my personal account and I have to manually switch accounts within the app each time I check mail. Also, you can't create an Android shortcut to a Gmail account inbox like you can with the HTC Mail accounts.
Also, with the latest update to the EVO 3D (I'm using the de-odexed stock ROM update of 2.08.651.2), I've noticed has removed a few things from some key settings menus:
1. Camera options no longer has Shutter Sound = off option
2. HTC Mail app settings for POP account no longer has option to choose HTML vs. Plain Text even though 'format' is listed in the decription for the "Send & Receive" menu)
Again, my EVO 4G didn't have this issue. I understand the versions of the Mail apps are different, but shouldn't things get better with time?
Thanks for your time, hopefully someone can help figure out the images problem, By not being able to see/know about content, it's starting to affect work, and that is a problem.

[REQ] FixContactPhotos

Dear Android developers,
Most of you should be aware of this on going issue with Android:
Basically, when you synced with GMail Contacts, the contact photos will be replaced with the low resolution 96x96 pixel resolutions that are stored in the GMail Contacts.
So, is anyone up to an application to workaround this?
I have a very good idea, an application that does this:
- Start the application
- Click the "Replace" button
- Then the application will search all image files in folder /sdcard/ContactPhotos
- For each matching image file name with "<lastname>,<firstname>.png", the application will replace the contact photo with that image file
- Process until finished with all stored image files
- Done
The idea of this application, user could easily replace all contact photos using locally stored high resolution image files, in one go.
Whenever, our contact photos are replaced with low resolution from GMail Contacts or after flashing a new ROM, or other means, we can easily restore them back with high resolution easily!
So, please, if you are capable of making this kind of app, you could be the one who solve this years of Android problem.
just sign in to FriendsStream widget with facebook or twitter, and sync with all contacts!
this will fix this issue and images will be clear and hq
Very nice
Should be said that it's a ICS speficic problem
This is not about Facebook/Twitter contact sync.
This is about GMail Contacts sync.
Those two are different, if you dont know.
And not all people (contacts) are on Facebook/Twitter!
I also heard that even with FriendsStream/SyncMyPix, to sync with Facebook, you will not get high resolution image.
infazz said:
just sign in to FriendsStream widget with facebook or twitter, and sync with all contacts!
this will fix this issue and images will be clear and hq
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No, this is not ICS specific problem.
This problem is known issue since as long as 2008:
Wonder why we don't have workaround like this suggested app ...
jvvpc said:
Very nice
Should be said that it's a ICS speficic problem
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Well would say it is The actual size when people call is decided in the phone and people app. Android other than ICS will still be limited to the small sizes. Only ICS supports 256x256 pictures and will therefore only benifit for a server upgrade / this app
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In GB, I can replace contact photo with high resolution, no problem with that.
But once you sync with GMAIL Contacts, it will be replaced with low resolution.
Have you read the original Google bug tracking started on 2008?
You should, then you would understand.
jvvpc said:
Well would say it is The actual size when people call is decided in the phone and people app. Android other than ICS will still be limited to the small sizes. Only ICS supports 256x256 pictures and will therefore only benifit for a server upgrade / this app
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lufc said:
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If you read carefully, I was not asking to solve a problem as by tweaking or changing configuration.
I was asking someone who could write an application that does specific task, replacing contact photos using high resolution images stored locally.
Got that?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Did anyone actually do something like this? Or found an existing app that does something like it?
The closest thing I have found is this app:
But while it is possible to search your local storage, it doesn't perform a search & match for "Contact Name" and "Contact Name.jpg"...
gogol said:
Dear Android developers,
Most of you should be aware of this on going issue with Android:
Basically, when you synced with GMail Contacts, the contact photos will be replaced with the low resolution 96x96 pixel resolutions that are stored in the GMail Contacts.
So, is anyone up to an application to workaround this?
I have a very good idea, an application that does this:
- Start the application
- Click the "Replace" button
- Then the application will search all image files in folder /sdcard/ContactPhotos
- For each matching image file name with "<lastname>,<firstname>.png", the application will replace the contact photo with that image file
- Process until finished with all stored image files
- Done
The idea of this application, user could easily replace all contact photos using locally stored high resolution image files, in one go.
Whenever, our contact photos are replaced with low resolution from GMail Contacts or after flashing a new ROM, or other means, we can easily restore them back with high resolution easily!
So, please, if you are capable of making this kind of app, you could be the one who solve this years of Android problem.
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This seems to fit the requirements:

(Request) Feature in Note2 just like Facebook for HTC Sense

My wife is using HTC Desire HD. It has a wonderful feature called Facebook for HTC Sense.. In case of any birthday, one can just open contact in phone book, scroll through tabs at the bottom to go to events, tap on wish birthday... Box to write on wall opens.. Just write your wishes there and post. It gets posted on the contact's FB wall. There isn't any need to specially open FB or any other separate wishing app. Also, this is so much faster.
Wish there was a similar feature or work around for Sammy N7100 as well.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium
Also, to further add on, to ease this task of birthday wishing in Sammy, I had also used two apps earlier (BWished and Birthday Wish) on Google Play which were even better than Facebook for HTC Sense. They used to sync your FB birthdays and one could just enter a universal message in settings and schedule a fixed time to wish. Let’s say 00:00 hours. So even if one is sleeping, these apps used to automatically post your wishes daily by default on your friend's walls as and when their birthdays approached. Only condition : Internet connectivity has to be there at the scheduled time.
But, ever since FB changed their APIs since February, both these Apps fail to work.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium
is this something for you?
I have HaxSync on my cell. But it doesn't support automatically facebook wishing at predefined hours with a prescheduled message.
choco376 said:
I have HaxSync on my cell. But it doesn't support automatically facebook wishing at predefined hours with a prescheduled message.
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oh ok

[Q] Gmail app crops photos from ads etc..

Hi all,
I witnessed an issue regarding all android phones/versions between 2.1-4.2 without any solution, and I couldn't find any thread that talks about it in the proprietary+google search.
The issue: pic's get cropped, and I'm forced to click the "can't view properly? click here" link to the web page.
Here's a screeenshot:
The issue isn't for all mails, and there are some mail that can be viewed properly within the Gmail app itself.
I'm currently running the latest Gmail app as you can see with the top nav buttons.
Anyone else experiencing this issue ?
Go into : Menu -Settings - General settings - Auto -fit messages. Check it, and back out. The message should now be entirely seen in the screen. To Zoom in just tap the screen, or use the two finger spread method.
Tried that already...just forgot to mention.
any other ideas?
It's something a bit more complicated than a just a setting or wrong usage.
Other than that, the only other thing I can suggest is to unistall mail. Then reinstall.
MikROMs Since 3/13/11
Thanks again for your answer !
Well I've uninstalled the gmail several times when tried the leaked Gmail apps(the first one that supports swipe to archive+pinch to zoom, and obviously the last one who supports the new tabs interface).
I'll just mention it's not a specific problem but cross device and cross android+Gmail versions.
I tried every version of android/gmail combo(forwarding lots of mail to friends etc) but each time they all get the same problem.
The only thing I figured out who kinda gave me an alternative is use the stock mail client and not the gmail one, but in that case I'm loosing lots of the Gmail app functionality.
This is really something that just myself noticed? this is not one mail or a specific sender.
In the OP you mentioned that it does not happen on all your Gmail Email. Is it just from certain People / Companies ?
No, it's usually when I get promotion emails from my bank or some online shopping websites that uses big photos that are basically links.
Moreover, it's always from automated mails BUT I think that's only because I'm not receiving large photos in personal emails.
I would recheck settings. I know sometimes when I'm frustrated, I miss stuff.
MikROMs Since 3/13/11
Thanks again for your effort, I'm really certain that I haven't miss an option as every new app version that releases I'm scanning all of the features.
Here's a screen shot of my settings, I've highlighted the only possible option that can affect this, by my understanding:
BTW In case that I'm not clear enough with the issue I can forward(if you want to PM me with your mail) you one of those mails, I got lots of them. Of course if it's ok by you...
I'd love to hear any other ideas

