[Q] What happened to Auralux - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So..... i saw a game in the tegrazone called Auralux and i was like looks pretty cool i will buy that when it comes out.... and it said Q2 2012. Well that has come and gone and then it was just gone from the tegrazone all of a sudden... I see all kinds of articles saying April release etc but no recent news.
Anyone have some information? i spent 20 minutes googleing around without much luck.
here is a youtube video of the game
kinda like a galcon game.
Here is the article saying april
and here is there website saying comeing soon
Auralux for Android is coming soon to the Android Market. You will be able to download more levels or unlock Speed Mode by purchasing these features within the game.


Sony Tablet Owners?

I can't help but notice the lack of user community support for the Sony Tablet. Is it too early to tell, or am i one of the few too purchase?
Vancelot said:
I can't help but notice the lack of user community support for the Sony Tablet. Is it too early to tell, or am i one of the few too purchase?
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Id say too early to tell either way But yeah the device hasnt been out long, Im sure some people will start poking their away around it sooner then later.
Vancelot said:
I can't help but notice the lack of user community support for the Sony Tablet. Is it too early to tell, or am i one of the few too purchase?
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You mean here on xda, or in general? Now that it has been out for more than a week I am seeing more activity. On Friday all the blogs figured out the 3.2 update was out, though I installed it last Saturday. I wonder if a lot of people were hoping to see a fire sale like with the HP.
I think its too early. Sony S is released only in some regions as of now, m waiting for its release in Singapore!!!
Too early to tell. I have one, and it came before the official release date. Put my review up and the number of hits has grown every day since. The other reviews out there are generally positive, so I imagine it'll just take users time to find the forums.
Its just too early to tell. Its only been out in the states since what the 16th or 17th of September. It will pick up, mainly just for the Playstation Certified, thats the main reason I picked it up.
Bought one myself, hoping the community picks up as you said. If only the Playstation Certified meant something, it might increase sales.
I just ordered one and will be joining the gang soon...
Its too pricey IMHO...any tablet that is not ipad needs to be in the $350-400 range if not lower to gain acceptance from the masses.
I got one at Fry's on Sunday, just set it up tonight, and really liking it so far... Thought it was kinda "meh" at first, but after an hour of playing around, I like it better than my Galaxy Tab 10.1. Feels faster & more responsive than any other Honeycomb tab I've tried before.
My favorite feature by far is the built in IR blaster. No one has that (yet)!
Just posted in the apps section that the Video Unlimited app now seems to do something, it will hopefully be a pretty cool addition when it is full of movies and not just 5 lame 99p rentals.
officeman said:
My favorite feature by far is the built in IR blaster. No one has that (yet)!
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The Vizio 8" tablet also comes with an IR blaster and remote control app. Some companies have realized most people don't leave the house with tablets, and the most common place they are used is while on the sofa or lazy-boy while also watching TV. I just wish the remote control apps were macro-capable. So far none are.
the viso has, almost got it but luckily I found the STS
I have an Sony Tablet S (16gb version) brought it in November 2011, loved it since then, only wish there was more games that was compatible with this tablet, and im still waiting for oovoo to do another update so it can support this tablet!!

playstation network??

So has anyone heard how Sony plans to allow tablet users the ability to purchase playstation games? Or is theTablet S going to be like the PSPgo, as soon as it was released Sony pretty much abandoned it? I wish they would have just made a PSN app for us, that would have been cool.
A couple of posts on Sony's forums indicate that however it will be launched, it will be very soon:
Written on 12-Oct-2011 20:13
sony games store
Hi Tommy
You'll see some big news on games for PlayStation Certified devices next which.
Hang tight, we're almost there!
Written on 12-Oct-2011 20:24
Why are there no play station games to download?
Hi Padster
There will an update on this next week. Watch this space!
Yeah but keep in mind they are by no means official Sony posts, they're just some guy with broken English.
The Play Statio Store has been released on 10/19/2011. You should have got a notification for you to install it.

A few quick questions

Hey there, just got lucky and got a TP in time for xmas.
Now I do have a few questions;
Is there a way to hide folders in the Asus Myzine gallery? I've created .nomedia files with no success. I still get the cover of Alice in Wonderland in the gallery...
Does anyone know if there are differences between a game on the Market and in the Tegra Zone? I got shine runner last week at the 10c sale, but Tegra Zone doesn't see it's installed. So I'm wondering whether to just shell out 10c more to check for differences...
I have to say I'm a bit shocked that there's almost no Android Market games marked compatible. That is a big bummer.
So far I have to say my Galaxy S2 is waaay snappier than this thing. Still, nice and after all it's"only" honeycomb...
the few games i clicked on in tegrazone just linked me to the market, so i'm going to guess that most of them are the same, it's just another portal to find them...
there's a bunch of games that work with it, i have about 15 on my prime right now...it's probably just a matter of the devs marking them as compatible, which they will (hopefully) get to after the holidays.
Theres a bunch of games thats compatible with the prime. check out my thread in this section called Prime/tegra3 Gamers Thread. Theres an ongoing list of games that are working on this device. Tegrazone games are optimized ones. as far as shine runner goes, if it has the water effects where water splashes on the screen then you have the right one. Alloy of tones the optimized apps will say Thd behind them or say Tegra2/tegra3 optimized in the description.

New user looking for hope

Just got a Sony S Tab yesterday and was wondering, is there any hope for rooting this superb device?
I have looked around and it seems like know one has managed this yet. My main reason would be to change build prop so that i would be able to play games like 9mm, modern combat 3 and tintin.
So, have i bought a great tab just to play games like angry birds and the like.
Any advise would be great.
Root will come eventually.You've just got to be patient
I'm also really hoping the tablet s gets rooted. There's a bounty going in the developer thread for almost $1000 for anyone who can figure out how to do it, so hopefully that'll entice someone to do it.
As for running those incompatible games we're pretty stuck for now. I honestly think everyone should be emailing gameloft asking for them to just fix it so we can buy their stuff. Surely they'd do something if they thought the demand was high enough... but then again who knows lol
Either way, we're going to have to be patient and wait for root. Hopefully someone else may know a method to make the games work now so that's worth researching tho
Patients is my middle name....NOT. I WANT IT NOW.Sorry, i got carried away. Gameloft could make alot more money if they expanded their coverage on different devices. With all that loveliness of a big screen, 1gb ram, Tegra2 and super resolution you would think they would have the knowledge to integrate their games.
Anyways, enough of my ranting, i wish i was technically minded, i would take the money and make this a incredible experience for all.
My guess is if you could force it to load, they'd work just fine.. being tegra2 and all. I emailed them requesting their support of the tablet, listing in-compatible games.
Also questioned as to why you can get N.O.V.A. 2 off their website as a demo with ingame purchase of the full game, that works just fine, yet it is "incompatible" on the android market. To this they said "we have no information specific to the title you are inquiring about".
Got the general, allthough there are no set plans, yadayada, developers working hard, blah, your suggestions are forwarded to our dev team.
So yeah I agree, shout loud enough and we'll be heard.
Download N64oid and play Mario 64 ;]
I think Tin Tin works. I think i played it on my tablet.
If TinTin works then I am really confused. On the Marketplace it does not show up.
Check this out! Sony Tablet S has been successfully rooted
I know, if this baby gets rooted then it will make my day
Root's finally arrived guys! Just check over at the development forums.
Now that i have root would anyone have a suitable build prop to "trick" marketplace so that i may install my gameloft games?
Cheers, happy days, eh.
Quick heads up. Changed build prop and games now show up in marketplace and install and run perfect
Ps. Thats it,all my internal memory is run dry, I have a 32gb sd card just sitting their but games dont see the sd card because Sony set this up all wrong.

[Q] battleheart

According to the reviews this game hasnt been updated for a long time unlike its ios version (with 2 new char) and some sources say that the dev of this game abandoned android therefor theres a posibility for no updates to come. Question is, is this game still worth buying even without the update?
Havent played this game before and it looks good with great reviews so cant really decide.
Any suggestions? Thank you in advance.
Broken on ICS, apparently.
It's a really fun game, though.
oh... So when the ics update comes i might not be able to play with it until the dev update it...

