[Q][FOR DEVS] Merging ICS with JB. - Sony Xperia P, U, Sola, Go

Shouldnt it be possible just merging JB source with ICS and overwrite if source newer? hmmm.. Got me thinking.
There is not alot of changes on JB compared to ICS, and the drivers are the same. now as Sony has released source for ICS on Xpreia S,
then there should be some possibillities for this, right?
Somone eager enough to try? ^^

We'll get JB sooner or later. ICS is still a priority both for FXP and for us ( AOKPXperia)


[Q] There'll be any ICS MiniCM ROM??

Well, as many of you know (and who doesn't, now you know), today at 00:00 google has released the source code of ICS, so now I've got a question: There'll be any ICS based MiniCM version coming soon?
I know this question could seem stupid but I'm really excited about this! [email protected]
i dont know too if theres a release of what is your looking for, but as of now theres a ICS ginger based by Plancton.fr a great ROM based on MiniCM7 pro v21 by Paul-xxx and nicely done...credit to the creators..
check this out..
Well first of all you'd have to wait for an ICS version of Cyanogenmod to come out, and then wait to see whether someone can port it and whether it will run without being terribly laggy on our phones. Short answer - not soon.

[Q] GB Kernel with dm-crypt

Hi.. New here, coming from Fascinate, Rezound is in the mail..
Since I'm waiting, I'm looking for kernels (GB) that were compiled with dm-crypt enabled. I wanna run my LUKS, but I'm holding off on going to ICS until it's official from HTC.. I haven't downloaded the source yet, so I'm just assuming it was not in the stock GB kernel.. I'd love to find out I'm wrong.
In a perfect world I'd just take the stock kernel with CONFIG_DM_CRYPT, so if that doesn't exist and there's some interest, I might just compile one.
Sorry for the newb question, but I'm not up on dev / kernels over here..
sweet.. straight from my fresh HTC source .config..
::does happy dance::
guess that answers that! Coming from Samsung, working with HTC source code is a dream..
Thanks anyway!

[Q] Sony releasing the ICS kernel

I know we are waiting for Sony to release to ICS kernel to development so it can be built into CM9 - and its normally within 30 days of releasing ICS - which if I wasn't mistaken was on the 21st June - I've searched tonnes of pages looking but can't seem to find if Sony have, or when they will, and when we can expect CM9 for the SXS to be out.
Im currently on [FIRMWARE][6.0.1.A.452] CE1 on my unlocked BL xperia s which has the ICS 4.0.4 update, but with all of Sony's bloatware, luckily got rid of Orange UK's rubbish that was on it, but want to get involved in the vanilla action of ICS, then JB when it comes out
thanks in advance for any knowledge you can shed on this for me
It's already out. Team FXP are working on CM9, as always, no ETAs.

Laytveyit v5 Base Rom ICS or GB

select one of them...
Do you mean you are going to make a custom rom and are asking if you should base it on gingerbread or ics?
Rom is already made
i think the title should be "v6"
You better prepare 2 roms, 1 based on the argentina gb and the other one on ICS leak. But let ICS develop for a while it's not stable yet, and there's no source code, so I don't expect any major changes for the leak but minor bugfixes.
i ll make laytveyit v5 final without native bugs and i ll make another rom with ics base

(Q Sola) Comparing/Updating Official Ginger to ICS

Hi guys,
my brother has the Sola and he likes it in Gingerbread because it was much faster than the early ICS builds. He's currently using Ginger 6.0.B.3.184. He now notices some strange bugs in the Gingerb software and I'm pondering updating to ICS again?
I see that there are newer builds of ICS http://www.ptcrb.com/vendor/complete/view_complete_request_guest.cfm?modelid=21035
6.1.1.B.1.75 and 6.1.1.B.1.89
Are these versions available only to certain regions? How is the smoothness? The last time we tried ICS on it, the RAM was too little for handling ICS properly.
Many thanks for any thoughts

