Emailed sprint about 4.0.4 - Sprint HTC EVO 4G LTE

What i sent
I have 3 evo 4g ltes, Is there any plans for 4.0.4 / 4.1. I know that the new release fixes some problems with the phone.
Heres their reply
Thank you for your interest in the 4.0.4 / 4.1 software update. As of now, we do know that 4.0.4 is in the works but we do not have a release date yet. 4.1 we do not have any information regarding this so I am unable to provide the information you requested. Once it is released, it will be automatically delivered to your phone or you will see the details on We value your business and appreciate the opportunity to answer your questions. Please reply to this email or visit if we can be of assistance. Sincerely, Annabella R. Sprint
Sent from my HTC EVO 4G LTE

That's probably generic and even if they were about to release it they wouldn't tell us.

That's a copy and paste template for sure.

lol I am now .0001% more informed than I was 30 seconds ago.
I'm just being a smartass btw but yes that's about as generic as it gets. It's pretty safe to say that if you called Sprint 10 times in a row you might get 2 of those times with people that have ACTUAL information.

But if 4.0.4 wasnt in the works. Why in the world would they say it is. I feared that they would skip 4.0.4 and this says otherwise. We already know worst case for jelly bean is Q1 2013. So this will at least tide me over till then. Even if 4.0.4 comes in oct im fine with that.
Sent from my HTC EVO 4G LTE

84guy said:
But if 4.0.4 wasnt in the works. Why in the world would they say it is. I feared that they would skip 4.0.4 and this says otherwise. We already know worst case for jelly bean is Q1 2013. So this will at least tide me over till then. Even if 4.0.4 comes in oct im fine with that.
Sent from my HTC EVO 4G LTE
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Using any kind of common sense would tell you that its not a matter of if but rather a matter of when. Calling sprint to get any kind of real information is mostly considered to be a total waste of time.

themuffinman said:
Using any kind of common sense would tell you that its not a matter of if but rather a matter of when. Calling sprint to get any kind of real information is mostly considered to be a total waste of time.
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i have yet to see any info on 4.0.4 even coming to the evo 4g lte. because ive been looking for days and could not find any info on it. sprint/htc have bad rep on incremental updates, evo 3d was stuck on 2.3.4 for a year and never saw .5 .6 or .7.
this email was the first i heard of 4.0.4 even coming to the evo 4g lte, but if im wrong please post a link
and your comment isnt 100% correct, i emailed sprint about when 4.0 was coming to the 3d about a month before it came out and the email was spot on

84guy said:
i have yet to see any info on 4.0.4 even coming to the evo 4g lte. because ive been looking for days and could not find any info on it. sprint/htc have bad rep on incremental updates, evo 3d was stuck on 2.3.4 for a year and never saw .5 .6 or .7.
this email was the first i heard of 4.0.4 even coming to the evo 4g lte, but if im wrong please post a link
and your comment isnt 100% correct, i emailed sprint about when 4.0 was coming to the 3d about a month before it came out and the email was spot on, actually it was early
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SMH!!!! Come on dude, everyone knew the evo 3d was going to get ics so it wasn't a matter of if but rather a matter of when. Sprint didn't have to come out and say anything when HTC themselves made it clear from the end of last year/beginning of this year which devices would eventually get updated to ics. So by sprint stating the obvious doesn't add to their credibility one bit. The evo lte is essentially the htc one x, that phone recently got an update so it is more than safe to assume that a similar update will come to the evo lte. Oh and guess what? When HTC officially release jellybean more than likely the international one x will get it first then the us version one x/evo lte will get it after.

I think you guys are missing out on what the OP got here....He got them to say that 4.0.4 is in the works for us which is NEW news!....before it was a debate if we would mess with 4.0.4 or go straight to 4.1, which was a very valid debate given the timeline it could easily of gone either way...
Now we know we will get 4.0.4 before 4.1, which imho is unfortunate as I would rather them not mess with the minor step before 4.1, since 4.1 shouldn't take near as long to get rolled out to us and I would expect it before years getting 4.0.4 before 4.1 kinda hurts that thought...

themuffinman said:
SMH!!!! Come on dude, everyone knew the evo 3d was going to get ics so it wasn't a matter of if but rather a matter of when. Sprint didn't have to come out and say anything when HTC themselves made it clear from the end of last year/beginning of this year which devices would eventually get updated to ics. So by sprint stating the obvious doesn't add to their credibility one bit. The evo lte is essentially the htc one x, that phone recently got an update so it is more than safe to assume that a similar update will come to the evo lte. Oh and guess what? When HTC officially release jellybean more than likely the international one x will get it first then the us version one x/evo lte will get it after.
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there are differences the MAIN difference is sprint which SUCKS with updates and skips many of them
go troll somewhere else
and thanks sgt. slaughter for understanding my post

themuffinman said:
SMH!!!! Come on dude, everyone knew the evo 3d was going to get ics so it wasn't a matter of if but rather a matter of when. Sprint didn't have to come out and say anything when HTC themselves made it clear from the end of last year/beginning of this year which devices would eventually get updated to ics. So by sprint stating the obvious doesn't add to their credibility one bit. The evo lte is essentially the htc one x, that phone recently got an update so it is more than safe to assume that a similar update will come to the evo lte. Oh and guess what? When HTC officially release jellybean more than likely the international one x will get it first then the us version one x/evo lte will get it after.
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This logic is flawed now....ATT OneX get the update BEFORE the International OneX.......

sgt. slaughter said:
I think you guys are missing out on what the OP got here....He got them to say that 4.0.4 is in the works for us which is NEW news!....before it was a debate if we would mess with 4.0.4 or go straight to 4.1, which was a very valid debate given the timeline it could easily of gone either way...
Now we know we will get 4.0.4 before 4.1, which imho is unfortunate as I would rather them not mess with the minor step before 4.1, since 4.1 shouldn't take near as long to get rolled out to us and I would expect it before years getting 4.0.4 before 4.1 kinda hurts that thought...
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I understand what the OP is saying, but even though the email is from some random sprint employee doesn't make it new nor does it confirm or deny anything. Hell, I made a post over on s4gru dated about 3 weeks ago that mentioned me being in a sprint corporate store talking to a htc rep about updates being in testing for the evo lte with no exact eta. I took that information with a grain of salt but decided to post about it because it was an actual face to face encounter with an htc rep which I would say has way more credibility than your average sprint rep. If it was a sprint rep telling me the same information I would have never posted anything about it but in either case I could tell that the guy knew what he was talking about versus a copy and pasted email. Again though, let me stress that I do understand what the OP saying but lets be real here, the evo lte/gs3 are their flagship devices so why on earth would they not be continuously updating their software? That's why I said that the email response to the OP was stating the obvious, which it is.
---------- Post added at 04:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:02 PM ----------
sgt. slaughter said:
This logic is flawed now....ATT OneX get the update BEFORE the International OneX.......
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Ok, bad example but you been around long enough to know that the international non carrier branded version almost always get updates first before any other carrier branded version.
---------- Post added at 04:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:05 PM ----------
84guy said:
there are differences the MAIN difference is sprint which SUCKS with updates and skips many of them
go troll somewhere else
and thanks sgt. slaughter for understanding my post
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How am I trying to troll you? If you want to talk about sucking when it comes to updates, have you been on verizon? I never said you were wrong, I am just saying that its pretty well known to not really take to heart what a sprint rep tells you but in this particular case, their response to you is a pretty obvious one.

themuffinman said:
I understand what the OP is saying, but even though the email is from some random sprint employee doesn't make it new nor does it confirm or deny anything. Hell, I made a post over on s4gru dated about 3 weeks ago that mentioned me being in a sprint corporate store talking to a htc rep about updates being in testing for the evo lte with no exact eta. I took that information with a grain of salt but decided to post about it because it was an actual face to face encounter with an htc rep which I would say has way more credibility than your average sprint rep. If it was a sprint rep telling me the same information I would have never posted anything about it but in either case I could tell that the guy knew what he was talking about versus a copy and pasted email. Again though, let me stress that I do understand what the OP saying but lets be real here, the evo lte/gs3 are their flagship devices so why on earth would they not be continuously updating their software? That's why I said that the email response to the OP was stating the obvious, which it is.
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What you fail to get is that typically they will give you a blanket response saying they are always working on OTA updates and such, or say they can't comment at this time on anything...hardly do they say the specific OS update being worked on through email, unless its been announced elsewhere already they were officially...
Yes Sprint reps typically no little to nothing but there are many times you can read between the lines of things and actually get something useful.
What the OP has done is just that. No way would the rep of said they were working on that less it was actually so...they wouldn't get as specific as that one did at least...
Again yes they usually know little but this is a time where they actually provided some useful informaiton please back off the OP as he was just providing information that was given to him and somewhat we know we are not going straight to 4.1...thats news. period.

Makes me miss the old Inside Sprint Now blog.

Take57 said:
Makes me miss the old Inside Sprint Now blog.
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True to that
Sent from my EVO LTE

The phone works really well as it is. I think that a lot of people, although some have legitimate arguments, just want the latest software just for the sake of having the latest software. But I would prefer that HTC take its time as opposed to rushing the update and have a Samsung debacle where the update was released then recalled then released again and blah blah blah. Correct me if I'm wrong but the s3 has not gotten 4.0.4 either right? And even if it had so what. I understand what some people are feeling. The geek in me is screaming for jelly b. It will come when it comes, as it is this is still if not the best, one of the best phones ever produced.

sgt. slaughter said:
What you fail to get is that typically they will give you a blanket response saying they are always working on OTA updates and such, or say they can't comment at this time on anything...hardly do they say the specific OS update being worked on through email, unless its been announced elsewhere already they were officially...
Yes Sprint reps typically no little to nothing but there are many times you can read between the lines of things and actually get something useful.
What the OP has done is just that. No way would the rep of said they were working on that less it was actually so...they wouldn't get as specific as that one did at least...
Again yes they usually know little but this is a time where they actually provided some useful informaiton please back off the OP as he was just providing information that was given to him and somewhat we know we are not going straight to 4.1...thats news. period.
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I definitely was not disputing what the OP said and I was in no way getting on the OP for anything. He forwarded information that was a response to his inquiry, I am in no way trying to shoot the messenger at all and in no way have I done so. All I am saying is regardless of what the email said since the one x and the evo lte are extremely similar then its safe to assume that if the one x got a recent update to 4.0.4 then the evo lte will more than likely get a similar update as well, I.E. I don't see the evo lte getting jellybean before the one x hence an update to 4.0.4 rather than 4.1, again another safe assumption which is what the rep responded with which is stating the obvious, so therefore nothing really new.

From my chat with sprint cs tonight:
"Frank D.: I'm sorry, as of now we have not received update information for the EVO LTE 4G phone."

themuffinman said:
I definitely was not disputing what the OP said and I was in no way getting on the OP for anything. He forwarded information that was a response to his inquiry, I am in no way trying to shoot the messenger at all and in no way have I done so. All I am saying is regardless of what the email said since the one x and the evo lte are extremely similar then its safe to assume that if the one x got a recent update to 4.0.4 then the evo lte will more than likely get a similar update as well, I.E. I don't see the evo lte getting jellybean before the one x hence an update to 4.0.4 rather than 4.1, again another safe assumption which is what the rep responded with which is stating the obvious, so therefore nothing really new.
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thats a poor assumption b/c Sprint could very well say no need to bother with 4.0.4 and say just work on JB and when 4.1 is ready even if after the OneX then they will take that update...Can't base it solely on another device...

Still don't see why HTC can't push updates like sense 4.1 and things like that and sprint launches the 4.0.4 kind of updates
Sent from my EVO using xda premium


HTC "back tracked" evo 3d and sends documents to FCC

Are they even a credible site for mobile news?
Could that be the reason for the "delay" if there even was a delay..
Don't cry about putting this another thread or whine about another bootloader thread being made I'm not gonna dig up a old thread to post this.
If this is old new let it die with the multiple duplicate threads by not commenting or posting.
HTC also sends phone specs and documents to the FCC
Looks like a sail is on the horizon where saved!
sent from anything but a iPhone
It's.the.first I heard of it actually eludes that HTC had to backtrack..seems to be the reason for the.delay good find
firmbiz94 said:
It's.the.first I heard of it actually eludes that HTC had to backtrack..seems to be the reason for the.delay good find
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Yeah I checked before posting but since this was posted today I figured it would be worth its own thread
And yeah first time I herd the word "backtrack" on the evo 3d
sent from anything but a iPhone
"Back tracking" to remove the lock on the bootloader was my suspicion the whole time. Begs the question, why not provide an OTA update to unlock it? This is going to be the longest 3 weeks ever
fpineda101 said:
"Back tracking" to remove the lock on the bootloader was my suspicion the whole time. Begs the question, why not provide an OTA update to unlock it? This is going to be the longest 3 weeks ever
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I was thinking it would be a OTA updated but I guess they literally unboxed hundreds of thousands of phones to do what we wanted them to do...
We win the bootloader battle but lose to the waiting game ..
sent from anything but a iPhone
Idk, I have a hard time believing they unboxed every phone to update its bootloader, but I guess we will know when our phones arrive if that had been the case, I think they'll be locked when we get them... we're talking millions of phones here.
vinterchaos said:
Idk, I have a hard time believing they unboxed every phone to update its bootloader, but I guess we will know when our phones arrive if that had been the case, I think they'll be locked when we get them... we're talking millions of phones here.
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Not millions they only make so many at first...
Then after there stock runs low they just order more to be made
I had 3 g2x's in a weeks time all with manufactured dates no later than a week old...
sent from anything but a iPhone
nate420 said:
Not millions they only make so many at first...
Then after there stock runs low they just order more to be made
I had 3 g2x's in a weeks time all with manufactured dates no later than a week old...
sent from anything but a iPhone
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hmm, well its a lot of phones... its not like its just a 5,000 phones (which is a lot all in itself)
and as far as dates go, that **** can get silly, the galaxy s vibrant was a bit screwed up for some people, volume rocker wasn't helping us get to recovery like it was supposed too.. and there was a whole big date time of frame where people thought it was the issue, and the dates were really odd.. def more than a week or two old before they were received.
Yeah I'm not saying the manufactured dates are all correct I also remember the vibrant button recovery problem
But if it was suppose to launch the 4th of June and now the 24th its not that unreasonably for them to do it...
When I worked at a plastic factory and a company sent back " bad or faulty" parts we would rework them in days where talking millions of parts...
They have the unlock codes and thousands of employees to do it... honestly in a 12 hour shift a single person could do a few thousand phones alone. Now times that by a thousand employees and a few weeks its done in no time
sent from anything but a iPhone
I would highly doubt that is the reason for the delay and to be honest, no one said the EVO 3d was delayed except for people posting bogus dates on this site.
It is not like Sprint said the EVO 3d is getting released on June 4th. It was all speculation that it was being released the same day as the original EVO and I have yet to see anything from Sprint that says otherwise.
[email protected] said:
I would highly doubt that is the reason for the delay and to be honest, no one said the EVO 3d was delayed except for people posting bogus dates on this site.
It is not like Sprint said the EVO 3d is getting released on June 4th. It was all speculation that it was being released the same day as the original EVO and I have yet to see anything from Sprint that says otherwise.
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That's why I said IF there was ever a delay...
But the phone is coming soon
HTC just released the phone to the FCC
sent from anything but a iPhone
The word "backtracked" meant they back tracked on policy. Before open bootloaders, then locked bootloaders, backtracked to open It will be locked when released, a OTA will fix it OR a "leak". Perhaps it may be unlocked when released, due to the real release date, when ever that is. It was never coming on June 4th like everyone hoped/dreamed. I mean it is just now getting sent to the FCC, you think they delayed sending off to the FCC for a bootloader? lol
Reality Sucks!
Just because they "back tracked" on the e3d DOESN'T MEAN THEY ARE UNBOXING ALL THOSE PHONES. It very well could mean they backtracked their thought process and it'll still be OTA. because it also states the "back tracking effect future phones. So I doubt for fun they are going to lock those bootloaders, package them and then un box them. just to unlock the boot loader. It didn't say that was the cause of the phone not being out or even a delay.
Folks this phone is coming when it's coming. I doubt there has even been so much as a delay. people really need to settle down. Its coming. HTC said so Sprint said so, and the FCC has paper work.
rrsweet said:
Just because they "back tracked" on the e3d DOESN'T MEAN THEY ARE UNBOXING ALL THOSE PHONES. It very well could mean they backtracked their thought process and it'll still be OTA. because it also states the "back tracking effect future phones. So I doubt for fun they are going to lock those bootloaders, package them and then un box them. just to unlock the boot loader. It didn't say that was the cause of the phone not being out or even a delay.
Folks this phone is coming when it's coming. I doubt there has even been so much as a delay. people really need to settle down. Its coming. HTC said so Sprint said so, and the FCC has paper work.
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how do we know these phones were all boxed to begin with? more more speculation. Everywhere here just assumes they were. I doubt they box them up 5 weeks ahead of time just to sit around. HTC Sprint want this out as soon as possible (hopefully while making sure its a finished product) so they can start to pay for the R&D
God,i can't wait for the dev section. So I dont have to read this garbage anymore.
R.I.P hd2 hello Evo 3d
jessejames111981 said:
how do we know these phones were all boxed to begin with? more more speculation. Everywhere here just assumes they were. I doubt they box them up 5 weeks ahead of time just to sit around. HTC Sprint want this out as soon as possible (hopefully while making sure its a finished product) so they can start to pay for the R&D
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thats pretty much my point. WE KNOW NOTHING. but a lot of people around here assumes that they are 4 months delayed boxed and shrink wrapped with their names on it.
mattfmartin said:
God,i can't wait for the dev section. So I dont have to read this garbage anymore.
R.I.P hd2 hello Evo 3d
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Heck yes, with my epic i never go in the general section, now i remember why.
mattfmartin said:
God,i can't wait for the dev section. So I dont have to read this garbage anymore.
R.I.P hd2 hello Evo 3d
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For a mobile blog they sure are behind with the news cycle...
Like others have said, there is NOTHING in this article that hasn't already been previously stated. The cost to HTC to fully backtrack the hardware already in the channel and NOT issue the update via OTA would be a joke.
Everybody just needs to chill out, be cool. We're all gonna be a bunch of Fonzies here.
BTW, the HTC EVO 3D is in the suitcase. Ringo gets greedy like some of us on this board, doesn't know how to be cool. Then we get into these stalemates.
rrsweet said:
thats pretty much my point. WE KNOW NOTHING. but a lot of people around here assumes that they are 4 months delayed boxed and shrink wrapped with their names on it.
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Like I said before I know phones are not boxed 3 months before ... i just picked up a brand new white evo with a manufactured date of 1/17/11
A year old phone and the assumption that is was boxed for 3 months and sat on the shelf for another 3 months makes since.
But i also had 3 g2x's on launch day 4/15-4/25 all with dates close to a week before that.
I know Everything is speculation up until Sprint releases a real date.
A lot of us are sick of pointless triple posted threads with the same info.
This is some what "new ****" so before getting up on that high horse and telling people to stop posted crap you don't wanna read. And you can't wait for the Dev. Section.
why don't you point the finger back at your self and ask, why the **** you keep lurking the general section of a phone that doesn't have a official release date.
Just trying to bring the top new to you without you having to do the latest and greatest Google search...
Consider me Ron burgundy...
/rant and thread if need be
sent from anything but a iPhone

Official Sprint ICS Officially Slated and Dated

For those who may not have seen this, a Sprint VP yesterday put a date on when we might expect the *official* Sprint ICS update - and it will include Sense 3.6. In light of the VM woes, I for one will be in the "waiting for the official" camp. I apologize if this has been seen before - but to my knowledge this is the first *official* word on a release date from Sprint brass.
From the mouth of David Owens, a VP for the wireless provider, "the eagerly-awaited Ice Cream Sandwich update for the HTC EVO 3D is set to arrive sometime in June."
mybikegoes200 said:
For those who may not have seen this, a Sprint VP yesterday put a date on when we might expect the *official* Sprint ICS update - and it will include Sense 3.6. In light of the VM woes, I for one will be in the "waiting for the official" camp. I apologize if this has been seen before - but to my knowledge this is the first *official* word on a release date from Sprint brass.
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Thanks for the info. I haven't read it yet. Not sure if it's posted in the correct forum, however, I'm glad you did because I wouldn't have caught it otherwise.
Honestly I only considered the forum-spot after I posted it. I'm such a tinkerer that I rarely pay attention to the other forums. Having said that - and I'm sure they would anyway - but if this post would be more fitting somewhere else - admins - please feel free to move it
Not only is this probably in the wrong place, it has been posted before...
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA
gk1984 said:
Not only is this probably in the wrong place, it has been posted before...
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA
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Not necessary. Guy's just trying to be helpful and no doubt the mods will move this one. Chill out about it.
smw6180 said:
Not necessary. Guy's just trying to be helpful and no doubt the mods will move this one. Chill out about it.
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True story....
Regardless, dude was trying to be helpful, and he was. Helped me. I've interested to hear the news and haven't seen it elsewhere. No one here has the time to read every single post in every single thread on every single forum. So, glad I caught it here as I've been waiting patiently.
Until then, I'm enjoying the Kingdom Boost ICS ROM has it has been fully functional with hardly any glitches. Android 4.0 + HTC Sense 3.6 = Win (in my book).
gk1984 said:
Not only is this probably in the wrong place, it has been posted before...
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA
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Meh... I included a pre-emptory mea culpa both in the OP and after. I would, in complete sincerity, love to know where the *official* date estimate was posted before... I say that only because the interview quoted happened *yesterday*. Any dates before that were, according to the article, pure speculation.
Having said that, I concur that this is probably in the wrong place and again would say feel free to move it...
notice how the release is after the release of the new evo. I wonder if they think the ics update will deter people from buying a new evo.
hockey4life0099 said:
notice how the release is after the release of the new evo. I wonder if they think the ics update will deter people from buying a new evo.
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Believe me I noted the same thing... Dual core 1.2 to dual core 1.5 with a better screen... I'd bet the 3D is fixin to have its price slashed. But the fact that Sprint is, and has been, selling the 3D full-out for the past entire year as a flagship phone alongside the SII, nexus, and soon-to-be-released E4GLTE, I think Sprint knew it *had* to include the 3D in the upgrade - or the sales of the 3D would have petered out long ago... Just a guess.
I'll be in line for the E4GLTE once Sprint's network issues (3 months, and counting) in my area are rectified. GD "network vision." "Sprint - the Hopefully Next Month network"
hockey4life0099 said:
notice how the release is after the release of the new evo. I wonder if they think the ics update will deter people from buying a new evo.
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Probably so. Everything to boost sales! But, peeps like us who try to be savvy with the phone rooting stuff tend to extend the lives of our phones way past what the tech moguls try to tell us they should be. Shoot, even ICS seems to be hitting the old HTC Aria with a processor that's less than 1 GHz.
Yup, posted several days ago.
Also Evo 3d has already been declared end of life on Sprint. Virgin mobile Evo 3D will get ICS before Sprint, that is how we have a leak of ICS over in the Dev forum. A nice FU from Sprint....
may have been posted elsewhere, but I hardly look anywhere other then the /development forum... so I for one am very glad it had the "moved" tag in the development forum or I wouldn't have seen it...
hockey4life0099 said:
notice how the release is after the release of the new evo. I wonder if they think the ics update will deter people from buying a new evo.
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It's marketing, I can see the angle. They don't want to tank potential sales of the new product by encouraging new customers to buy a cheaper phone capable of delivering nearly the same experience. So leave the new one on top long enough to get all the new customers to jump on, then start feeding the existing contract customers.
Now, I'm willing to expect the phone will never get an update, or at least take longer than it will to get me a new phone (Epic), but if they follow through with the ICS upgrade, that will make me a happy camper and tide me over until I'm ready and willing to renew my contract come November.
Figure that will also give enough time for tweaks to be made and bugs to be squished.
I *also* expect the upgrade to be delayed until the end of July
Vdubtx said:
Yup, posted several days ago.
Also Evo 3d has already been declared end of life on Sprint. Virgin mobile Evo 3D will get ICS before Sprint, that is how we have a leak of ICS over in the Dev forum. A nice FU from Sprint....
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Well there ya have it! I didn't find that one in a quick, cursory search and assumed the news so new that it didn't occur to me others would've found it.
As for Sprint - I'm quickly losing faith - between my aforementioned network issues and their track record of slow-to-market updates - I'm rethinking my switch away from AT&T to Sprint - and now considering the unthinkable - Verizon....
hockey4life0099 said:
notice how the release is after the release of the new evo. I wonder if they think the ics update will deter people from buying a new evo.
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I used to think that. Until I actually used Sense 3.6. Then I was deterred to use a custom ROM or contemplate the EVO LTE.
---------- Post added at 12:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:58 AM ----------
mybikegoes200 said:
Well there ya have it! I didn't find that one in a quick, cursory search and assumed the news so new that it didn't occur to me others would've found it.
As for Sprint - I'm quickly losing faith - between my aforementioned network issues and their track record of slow-to-market updates - I'm rethinking my switch away from AT&T to Sprint - and now considering the unthinkable - Verizon....
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I hear ya. AT&T has the best selection as far as phones go (IMO). But I wonder, since VM is getting the 3VO, does this mean HTC will be obligated/choose to continue to release updates for it or will they not care as it's not an actual contract?
Vdubtx said:
Yup, posted several days ago.
Also Evo 3d has already been declared end of life on Sprint. Virgin mobile Evo 3D will get ICS before Sprint, that is how we have a leak of ICS over in the Dev forum. A nice FU from Sprint....
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To be fair that technically wasn't an official update schedule. He said "the other devices" will get them in June, not the 3D specifically. Thread stays.
thefsfempire said:
I used to think that. Until I actually used Sense 3.6. Then I was deterred to use a custom ROM or contemplate the EVO LTE.
---------- Post added at 12:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:58 AM ----------
I hear ya. AT&T has the best selection as far as phones go (IMO). But I wonder, since VM is getting the 3VO, does this mean HTC will be obligated/choose to continue to release updates for it or will they not care as it's not an actual contract?
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I've been using Boost Kingdom ROM. It's by far been very bug free (little stuff, but, still a daily driver). It's not based on any VM leaks. It's a fully functional port. I have 4G, 3D camera, Wifi tether, bluetooth, video recording, camera. I haven't found anything really borked on it. Plus, I reverted back to my 2.3 GB ROM with no issues when I needed to get something from the data.
It has HTC Sense 3.6 as well and it's the best Sense I've used yet. Very smooth.
I've been to AT&T, and they suck. I'm not too crazy about Sprint, however, to be honest, out of the phone companies I have dealt with or have family who has dealt with, Sprint has been the least hassle, even though their network is slow and their updates, too. I use way too much data to be limited to 2 GB per month. Scr3w that.
wardfan220 said:
To be fair that technically wasn't an official update schedule. He said "the other devices" will get them in June, not the 3D specifically. Thread stays.
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If u listen to his tone of voice and the way he said it, it sounded like he was just spitting any answer he could think of to shut the guy from Endgadget up as he was under pressure and now Sprint probably wishes he didn't do that. I too am with the idea of update in July or even ever for that matter. I mean do they really have to even give it to us in the 1st place? Most average users do not even know what ics is.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA
saboxerman said:
I've been using Boost Kingdom ROM. It's by far been very bug free (little stuff, but, still a daily driver). It's not based on any VM leaks. It's a fully functional port. I have 4G, 3D camera, Wifi tether, bluetooth, video recording, camera. I haven't found anything really borked on it. Plus, I reverted back to my 2.3 GB ROM with no issues when I needed to get something from the data.
It has HTC Sense 3.6 as well and it's the best Sense I've used yet. Very smooth.
I've been to AT&T, and they suck. I'm not too crazy about Sprint, however, to be honest, out of the phone companies I have dealt with or have family who has dealt with, Sprint has been the least hassle, even though their network is slow and their updates, too. I use way too much data to be limited to 2 GB per month. Sc3ew that.
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Have to agree. As much as we may not like it, they are one of the best carriers out right now imo.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA
t4d73 said:
Have to agree. As much as we may not like it, they are one of the best carriers out right now imo.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA
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Dude, when I came back to them after leaving AT&T (because they refused to honor my unlimited data plan. LOOOONG story), Sprint seriously effed my bill.
After three months of hassle and few credits, all was straight and good. The 4G network has more holes than Swiss cheese, but, there is a method I'm going to try to increase reception (some sort of setting to change using QPST or actual line codes, can't remember where I saw it yesterday). But, aside from all of that, my phone is pretty boss and does what I need it to do and I don't have to worry about data usage, and boy, can I use some data!!!!!!!
I still want a cleaned up version of their release of the ICS ROM, though. Until then, I am content with what I have.
EDIT: BTW, if you look at AT&T's pricing and Verizon's, they are considerably more expensive than Sprint's. With Sprint, my phone alone was $92 a month including taxes and an insurance plan. The same thing at AT&T with a 2GB plan instead of unlimited was starting at $110 or $115, something like that. This was a few months ago, could have changed by now, seeing how they change their minds more than they do their underwear.

No ICS for evo 3d 7/9/2012

I just spoke to sprint costumer service and they did infact told me that htc evo 3d is not getting ics. I also asked if we would be able to get an erly upgrade becouse of this and they said no. They also told me that if you get a new htc evo 4g lte or samsung galaxy s3 insurance will increase to 11 dollars and 99 cents a month. Deductable also increases to 200 dollars for this phones. By the way i got s-off 1.50 using the wire trick very easy i just thoght you should know.
Arceo85 said:
I just spoke to sprint costumer service and they did infact told me that htc evo 3d is not getting ics. I also asked if we would be able to get an erly upgrade becouse of this and they said no. They also told me that if you get a new htc evo 4g lte or samsung galaxy s3 insurance will increase to 11 dollars and 99 cents a month. Deductable also increases to 200 dollars for this phones. By the way i got s-off 1.50 using the wire trick very easy i just thoght you should know.
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i'll believe it ... when .. I see it?
thanks for the warning. but what sprint customer service knows changes every time u talk to someone at sprint.
Arceo85 said:
I just spoke to sprint costumer service and they did infact told me that htc evo 3d is not getting ics. I also asked if we would be able to get an erly upgrade becouse of this and they said no. They also told me that if you get a new htc evo 4g lte or samsung galaxy s3 insurance will increase to 11 dollars and 99 cents a month. Deductable also increases to 200 dollars for this phones. By the way i got s-off 1.50 using the wire trick very easy i just thoght you should know.
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Hey look another crap post about ics
Every thing you just said is junk. The deductable won't double the phone is the same price.
Also the 3D is definitely getting ics.
Also no Sprint rep really knows much about the updates ever
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
In before the lock. This guy must've talked with a rookie.
What did the soup Nazis used to say on Seinfeld:
Haha. I think if I were a Sprint customer service rep, it would be fun to mess with people calling up all the time asking when they were going to get the upgrade.
xblackvalorx said:
Hey look another crap post about ics
Every thing you just said is junk. The deductable won't double the phone is the same price.
Also the 3D is definitely getting ics.
Also no Sprint rep really knows much about the updates ever
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
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Hey man, a lil hostile there eh?
1) how do you know for certain Sprint will release ICS for the EVO 3D? Do you have a contact in Sprint? If so, pic or your lying out your ass.
2) I like how you shot down his notion that the price will increase. When has prices in this economy ever decreased or stayed the same (especially in the telecom business!). I feel you just want to start beef with OP.
3) Now lets see...this is a forum about phones, and specifically in this section we are talking about general EVO 3D subjects. Since our phone is indeed able to run ICS, what's the problem about talking about the official update in the forum? Its not like this subject is way off topic, its regarding a much anticipated update for our phones. Stop being a Negative Nancy, get off your high horse, and say something positive.
I may have not been around during the Hero days but I was around during the OG EVO incarnation (I still remember toastcfh's God Mode). I feel XDA been getting more hostile by the day and its sad to see such a good community get tainted by negative nancys.
akiradavis said:
Hey man, a lil hostile there eh?
1) how do you know for certain Sprint will release ICS for the EVO 3D? Do you have a contact in Sprint? If so, pic or your lying out your ass.
2) I like how you shot down his notion that the price will increase. When has prices in this economy ever decreased or stayed the same (especially in the telecom business!). I feel you just want to start beef with OP.
3) Now lets see...this is a forum about phones, and specifically in this section we are talking about general EVO 3D subjects. Since our phone is indeed able to run ICS, what's the problem about talking about the official update in the forum? Its not like this subject is way off topic, its regarding a much anticipated update for our phones. Stop being a Negative Nancy, get off your high horse, and say something positive.
I may have not been around during the Hero days but I was around during the OG EVO incarnation (I still remember toastcfh's God Mode). I feel XDA been getting more hostile by the day and its sad to see such a good community get tainted by negative nancys.
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These posts are old and just misguide people.
And no I have no inside source. But wanna bet me ics won't make it to the 3D?
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
Guys if you disagree with a post just ignore it. Flaming back only encourages useless posts like these and I guarantee you the mods have better threads to moderate then another ICS update thread full of crap.
Maybe it feels hostile because of the redundant **** that keeps getting posted. Or how about the continuous negative feedback that people post that the EVO 3D isn't getting this, or it can't do that, or that this new phone is better.
I know I get irritated when I constantly see posts like that.
Not saying yours is, but that's the feeling I've been getting when I sit down and try to catch up on my forum when I'm finally off work.
Personally, I'd rather see threads that talk about what my phone can do, not what it can't. Don't know about others, but I have this phone for another year. Not trying to constantly read about my phone's deficiencies.
akiradavis said:
Hey man, a lil hostile there eh?
1) how do you know for certain Sprint will release ICS for the EVO 3D? Do you have a contact in Sprint? If so, pic or your lying out your ass.
2) I like how you shot down his notion that the price will increase. When has prices in this economy ever decreased or stayed the same (especially in the telecom business!). I feel you just want to start beef with OP.
3) Now lets see...this is a forum about phones, and specifically in this section we are talking about general EVO 3D subjects. Since our phone is indeed able to run ICS, what's the problem about talking about the official update in the forum? Its not like this subject is way off topic, its regarding a much anticipated update for our phones. Stop being a Negative Nancy, get off your high horse, and say something positive.
I may have not been around during the Hero days but I was around during the OG EVO incarnation (I still remember toastcfh's God Mode). I feel XDA been getting more hostile by the day and its sad to see such a good community get tainted by negative nancys.
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First of all, the only definitive answer to this is that a person who is higher up in the food chain (Sprint Executive John Tudhope VP of Product David Owens) did slip out that it would be coming in mid-June. This was on Engadget. Granted, it's still not here, but this could've been misinterpreted by him to mean mid-July. The fact is, Sprint stands to lose A LOT if they don't release this update. Why it's taking so long, no one really knows.
Second, you're right in the fact that the increase is imminent. They even state when you buy the phone, and you must agree to it, that the insurance and deductible do go up for the phone.
Third, while this may be the place to talk about it, creating ANOTHER thread about a date where there still isn't ICS for the EVO 3D isn't exactly the way to go about it. I understand the frustration from many people about cluttered forums. This probably isn't a necessary thread. This should have, instead, been posted HERE.
I mean look at the title and its enough. No ics for evo and a date
Like he's Sprints ceo announcing it? Every one is aware that no one has any real clue when we're getting it. But it's about ninety percent sure we are.
Kthxbye another thread on the subject is never needed again, but we'll have three within the hour.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
eXplicit815 said:
First of all, the only definitive answer to this is that a person who is higher up in the food chain (Sprint Executive John Tudhope) did slip out that it would be coming in mid-June. This was on Engadget. Granted, it's still not here, but this could've been misinterpreted by him to mean mid-July. The fact is, Sprint stands to lose A LOT if they don't release this update. Why it's taking so long, no one really knows.
Second, you're right in the fact that the increase is imminent. They even state when you buy the phone, and you must agree to it, that the insurance and deductible do go up for the phone.
Third, while this may be the place to talk about it, creating ANOTHER thread about a date where there still isn't ICS for the EVO 3D isn't exactly the way to go about it. I understand the frustration from many people about cluttered forums. This probably isn't a necessary thread. This should have, instead, been posted HERE.
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Sprint isn't going to lose anything by not releasing the update.. what do you think they are going to lose?
You can follow me on Twitter - @NotSo1nter3stin
Fact is HTC has already put out ICS. Therefore they have to provide source and will for it. We don't need the official Sprint update. Just source. When that happens you'll see. Doesn't matter what Sprint does now at this point. We need kernel source which they have yet to provide but will and have to.
notsointeresting said:
Sprint isn't going to lose anything by not releasing the update.. what do you think they are going to lose?
You can follow me on Twitter - @NotSo1nter3stin
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Educate yourself.
Both Sprint and HTC are listed there. And to top it off, with an Executive (My apologies, this was actually David Owens, VP of Product that stated this) saying on a very well-known blog (on a video none-the-less), that the update is coming, I think that's a lot to look out for.
Lothaen said:
i'll believe it ... when .. I see it?
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How will you see it, if they don't do it??
Having been very satisfied with using MeanRom Gingerbread on my Evo 3D, I didn't know if I would like moving to ICS, but now I absolutely love it. After all, I could get nearly 2 days out of my battery with the cpu tweaks available for the GB ROMs, which are not available for ICS kernels yet.
That being said, from what I have been reading, it is a safe bet that your Evo3D will never see an OTA update from Sprint, and if you want ICS, you're gonna need to root your phone.
After being so impressed with MeanRom (GB), I decided to tryout the MeanRom ICS version, but the battery life is really not very good, and the phone seemed to lag terribly at times. I was holding out hope this would be improved, but considering the developer has recently purchased a Evo 4G LTE, I think he is moving on, and I have given up hope on this ROM. I considered going back to GB, but decided to try two other ICS ROMs that I really like. They are lightning quick, and have excellent battery life. First is Cool ICS, which has built in Beats Audio, and makes a surprising difference via Bluetooth to a Bose Soundlink (which is awesome, by the way).
The other ROM that I am fond of, but seems to be lacking a few features is the NegaLite BluRom ICS. I wanted to send a request to the developer, but unfortunately, I am unable to do so until I get 10 posts, so I guess this is why you had to see me ramble away on this reply.
Its getting mighty chilly in here.
Me thinks the zero tolerance rules are about to kick in.
I usually optimistic regarding updates, especially with Sprint (HTC is ok, i feel someone in HTC is the source of our VM leak in the first place). However recently I've been feeling this phone is slowly becoming a bastard child for HTC/Sprint. They want to forget how they weren't able to hit their sales mark with this device and they are looking towards the future (One Series).
In a business sense, ICS will not give Sprint their ROI if they were to spend time delivering it as an OTA. They will rather allocate their limited man-power to supplement their latest and greatest devices. Sadly, its just business, and there's nothing we can do about it since we're sadly slaves to the Tele-gods.
Personally, now that I know I love rooting/hacking/modifying my phone, I know my next purchase will be a Nexus device that will bypass Telecoms entirely.
---------- Post added at 10:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:26 AM ----------
I've been doing some searches regarding that 18-month upgrade cycle Google mentioned last year in their I/O conference. Sadly it was a hollow promise:
Again we don't need Sprints update. Just HTC's source which they will provide. This is all useless.
Can we please get this worthless thread closed. On top of everything else that has been said, I do not believe that any of this information came from CS but from the OP's mind. This is nothing but a classic troll thread......

Anyone else thinking of switchin phones becuz of slow updates?

So been honestly thinking if JB takes til next yr which is pretty much when the new HTC will come out to get to the EVO this will be my last HTC device, I really love HTC and have been with them since the touch pro. Howeva the build quality has seemed to go up immensely. And yet the software quality has dropped. I can honestly say that I have had progressively more n more trouble out of the phones from the OG EVO up. Not to mention how we have to wait so long to get a update. Especially when that update was known and out on a few devices b4 our were released, then they can't tell us if or when we will get it. I mean really even phones released after ours have been verified to be getting it and yet we wait. I'm sry but I have bought my phones off contract and if I'm spending $850 plus for a device I don't want it to be obsolete the day I get it. Some people will argue that ics is not obsolete. But look how long its been out. And key lime pie is Otw. So we are almost 2 os's behind. And they get to select who gets upgrades and when? Didn't I pay them? If HTC don't pick it up I'm afraid my next phone will be the galaxy s4 anyone else feel this way or not chime in I wanna hear thoughts on this situation!
Mech8 said:
So been honestly thinking if JB takes til next yr which is pretty much when the new HTC will come out to get to the EVO this will be my last HTC device, I really love HTC and have been with them since the touch pro. Howeva the build quality has seemed to go up immensely. And yet the software quality has dropped. I can honestly say that I have had progressively more n more trouble out of the phones from the OG EVO up. Not to mention how we have to wait so long to get a update. Especially when that update was known and out on a few devices b4 our were released, then they can't tell us if or when we will get it. I mean really even phones released after ours have been verified to be getting it and yet we wait. I'm sry but I have bought my phones off contract and if I'm spending $850 plus for a device I don't want it to be obsolete the day I get it. Some people will argue that ics is not obsolete. But look how long its been out. And key lime pie is Otw. So we are almost 2 os's behind. And they get to select who gets upgrades and when? Didn't I pay them? If HTC don't pick it up I'm afraid my next phone will be the galaxy s4 anyone else feel this way or not chime in I wanna hear thoughts on this situation!
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I'm honestly not sure this has much to do with HTC. They intend on getting other One X variants JB at some time this month, which could be a positive sign for the EVO LTE, but it all lies in Sprint's hands, ultimately. That's who you should be pointing your finger at.
I agree totally. With HTC's recent earnings miss, I don't see why they can't see their current "support model" isn't working. If it weren't for the dev's here, I'd be even more pissed. HTC needs to embrace the developers as opposed to working against them by not actively releasing updates for a product that they sold me on. I've stuck with HTC devices since my old HTC Mogul but I'm starting to feel the same way. HTC needs to get their **** together or they'll lose a community of people that have helped keep them relevant over the past 5-7 years.
Mech8 said:
So been honestly thinking if JB takes til next yr which is pretty much when the new HTC will come out to get to the EVO this will be my last HTC device, I really love HTC and have been with them since the touch pro. Howeva the build quality has seemed to go up immensely. And yet the software quality has dropped. I can honestly say that I have had progressively more n more trouble out of the phones from the OG EVO up. Not to mention how we have to wait so long to get a update. Especially when that update was known and out on a few devices b4 our were released, then they can't tell us if or when we will get it. I mean really even phones released after ours have been verified to be getting it and yet we wait. I'm sry but I have bought my phones off contract and if I'm spending $850 plus for a device I don't want it to be obsolete the day I get it. Some people will argue that ics is not obsolete. But look how long its been out. And key lime pie is Otw. So we are almost 2 os's behind. And they get to select who gets upgrades and when? Didn't I pay them? If HTC don't pick it up I'm afraid my next phone will be the galaxy s4 anyone else feel this way or not chime in I wanna hear thoughts on this situation!
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NYCHitman1 said:
I'm honestly not sure this has much to do with HTC. They intend on getting other One X variants JB at some time this month, which could be a positive sign for the EVO LTE, but it all lies in Sprint's hands, ultimately. That's who you should be pointing your finger at.
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Everyone says sprint sprint sprint but is it not the manufacturer's that say what device they wanna tweak the os for? Besides if it was sprint that was delaying it why would the s3 already be confirmed to be getting the jelly bean update? HTC says they don't know if they will be updating it. And Idt sprint would hurt their own pockets like that. 2 have 2 flagship phones on the latest os faster and far less problems they would/should be jizzin in their pants for that chance.
NYCHitman1 said:
I'm honestly not sure this has much to do with HTC. They intend on getting other One X variants JB at some time this month, which could be a positive sign for the EVO LTE, but it all lies in Sprint's hands, ultimately. That's who you should be pointing your finger at.
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Sprint can't work on getting updates out if HTC hasn't given them anything to work with. I point my finger at both of them. A phone that's behind in updates on a network that's behind can destroy what little patience people have left.
Will7272 said:
I agree totally. With HTC's recent earnings miss, I don't see why they can't see their current "support model" isn't working. If it weren't for the dev's here, I'd be even more pissed. HTC needs to embrace the developers as opposed to working against them by not actively releasing updates for a product that they sold me on. I've stuck with HTC devices since my old HTC Mogul but I'm starting to feel the same way. HTC needs to get their **** together or they'll lose a community of people that have helped keep them relevant over the past 5-7 years.
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U hit the nail on the head! Totally agree 1000%
I payed more for my phone than I did my laptop or tablet. Yet they get updates damn near everyday. And if android is open source I should be ableto get the updates on anyphone that runs Android as long as the specs are up to par for free correct. Just like linux. So y do they get to choose what we get so they can make money. I mean we do it here. So y can't they. Lol sry just rantin clearin my chest.
Me and the wife love HTC but we both agreed that even though we dislike the build quality of Samsung it may be our next phone just because things get updated and fixed a lot more frequently. Besides our phones stay deep inside great looking cases so how much does build quality mean to us anyway.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
Will7272 said:
Sprint can't work on getting updates out if HTC hasn't given them anything to work with. I point my finger at both of them. A phone that's behind in updates on a network that's behind can destroy what little patience people have left.
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The update comes from HTC pending a request from Sprint. If Sprint doesn't request it, it will never come. Once Sprint receives it, they add all of their bloat and send it for testing. After that, you already know what happens.
Either way, I am hoping for an HTC Nexus device based on all these multi-OEM Nexus rumors.
NYCHitman1 said:
The update comes from HTC pending a request from Sprint. If Sprint doesn't request it, it will never come. Once Sprint receives it, they add all of their bloat and send it for testing. After that, you already know what happens.
Either way, I am hoping for an HTC Nexus device based on all these multi-OEM Nexus rumors.
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Point taken. Bottom line is that "we" the customer, gets screwed. I would find it hard to believe that HTC and Sprint both "don't know" what people want. HTC makes great phones and the developers help us love them. Developers maximize the potential of our devices but if they're not getting what they need, it's a moot point and I'll probably leave Sprint and HTC altogether when I'm due for an upgrade. I'm sure I'm not the only one either. Patience only goes so far.
Not to mention still can't have caller id tones since last update n they can't fix that. Bs and I don't wanna switch roms cuz something always never works in roms.
have to admit if it wasn't for custom roms and the hard work of devs here I would have tossed this phone by now.
Sent from my HTC EVO 4G LTE
Having been an android owner for the last three years (and an evo owner for the last 2), I've gotten used to the slower updates. It's always been explained away by saying that first HTC has to produce an update, then Sprint has to tweak the update, before we ever get the OTA. I know it's not a solution to the problem presented in the OP, but has anyone noticed that we have fantastic devs for this phone? The roms, kernels, and tweaks are not only being produced on a daily basis, but are frequently updated and provided with fantastic support. I can live with slow manufacture and provider updates as long we continue to have great devs.
Yes, but in a different way. I will not be purchasing another HTC product ever due to their slow update roll outs as well as their locking of the boot loaders. While they finally relented and let people unlock their bootloaders through their website, their previous and current stance on the issue is unacceptable to me.
You got robbed if you paid $850 for the phone, lol.
Everyone always thinks the grass is greener someplace else. If you're not happy with sprint then go somewhere else.
But just know that the verizon Gnex, a Google phone, didn't get the JB update for 2 months after it was released on GSM phones.
Also I don't think KLP has been released yet.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
KLP isn't out yet. I never said i was leaving sprint just may leave HTC. for me sprint is the best deal besides pre-paid. if pre-paid got the hottest phones as well. I think the big 3 would be outta biz or would have to lower prices to compete. lol
NaterTots said:
Everyone always thinks the grass is greener someplace else. If you're not happy with sprint then go somewhere else.
But just know that the verizon Gnex, a Google phone, didn't get the JB update for 2 months after it was released on GSM phones.
Also I don't think KLP has been released yet.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
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myamex said:
You got robbed if you paid $850 for the phone, lol.
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not really that is what they run off contract. bout $800 plus tax
this phone will probably be the last HTC phone I purchase... unless they change their policy on source and start to release it to dev's faster... it seems like there is a lot more activity for the S3....
If I get another HTC device it will be a nexus. If they dont make a nexus device im not getting it. I love htc build quality, it feels like a real device in my hand, but the lack of updates really turns me off.
Sorry to hear you paid $850 for this mech.. got mine free without upgrading because the 3ds were on backorder when mine broke... and i got that free also...

Android 4.3 Update Thread with RUU

RUU Download Link​
I was passing by on my way from the One X+ Forums, and I recently got confirmation from this wonderful man that my phone would be receiving the 4.2.2 update by the end of the year.. While browsing through his Twitter feed, I came across this tweet from him, which at least confirms that a plan is being worked out to release the same update for you guys. That is the same response he gave about the One X+ not too long ago, but now that has been confirmed, so I would expect a full confirmation soon for the EVO. It looks like you guys haven't been forgotten after all. :highfive:
Update 1: I contacted him directly about it, and got a slightly different and more vague response here. He won't confirm anything, but he says he is "working on it", so take it for what you will. I still believe it will receive the update, although @Fifth313ment is willing to bet $100 that it won't.
Update 2: We've got an official comment from the President of HTC USA here. It's still very vague, but it looks like we'll be hearing about a possible update plan soon.
Update 3: It's official folks! And it's a version newer than most were even expecting! I believe @Fifth313ment owes me a healthy chunk of money and an apology to HTC. ;D
Update 4 (11/26/13): It looks like the update is still on track for the end of the year, but a delay is not out of the question. It is in internal lab testing right now though.
WindyCityRockr said:
I was passing by on my way from the One X+ Forums, and I recently got confirmation from this wonderful man that my phone would be receiving the 4.2.2 update by the end of the year.. While browsing through his Twitter feed, I came across this tweet from him, which at least confirms that a plan is being worked out to release the same update for you guys. That is the same response he gave about the One X+ not too long ago, but now that has been confirmed, so I would expect a full confirmation soon for the EVO. It looks like you guys haven't been forgotten after all. :highfive:
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I'm sorry bro the EVO LTE is not getting another update. They simply don't have the stomachs to tell us. They know this will banish users from HTC so they will not give a confirmation for as long as they can, IF EVER, hoping w simply forget about it. Also in that tweet he said he is working with the "Carriers" on a plan, but Sprint is the only carrier carrying the EVO LTE. So it's simply a canned (no pun intended) response.
Why hasn’t HTC and Sprint fixed the MMS picture bug yet? It’s been a year and a half?! WTF? Every time I send a MMS picture I get angry as I have to add another pic, then another to get a full screen pic you can see that isn’t compressed, then delete the first slide, then retype or paste (what I previously copied) and then send, rinse and repeat! FLUCK YOU HTC! I shouldn’t have to use a third party app to send picture messages or do 50+ things to get a decent picture to send! And the pictures that send when I don’t do anything are unreadable! Blurry to the point where huge text gets garbled! This is pissing me off, as I just had to send one, so this is a rant but I’m still pissed!
+1 on why I will never buy another HTC!
+2 I’ll never forgive them for the year I spent having to turn my screen on and off a million times as my proximity sensor wasn’t working (proximity bug)!
WindyCityRockr, you're a dev, will the newest EVO LTE update kill your and S-OFF app? I want to take the update but not if it kills the option to root and S-OFF. Thanks.
On mobile, but I didn't see anything in his time line to indicate the evo LTE is getting 4.2
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 4
I won't believe anything until it is actually released.
That said, it is still too little too late and I will be moving on from HTC.
---------- Post added at 05:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:39 PM ----------
rubber guard said:
On mobile, but I didn't see anything in his time line to indicate the evo LTE is getting 4.2
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 4
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He directly answered a question about the Evo LTE and said they were working on it internally and with Sprint. It's vague, but it's something.
Fifth313ment said:
I'm sorry bro the EVO LTE is not getting another update. They simply don't have the stomachs to tell us. They know this will banish users from HTC so they will not give a confirmation for as long as they can, IF EVER, hoping w simply forget about it. Also in that tweet he said he is working with the "Carriers" on a plan, but Sprint is the only carrier carrying the EVO LTE. So it's simply a canned (no pun intended) response.
Why hasn’t HTC and Sprint fixed the MMS picture bug yet? It’s been a year and a half?! WTF? Every time I send a MMS picture I get angry as I have to add another pic, then another to get a full screen pic you can see that isn’t compressed, then delete the first slide, then retype or paste (what I previously copied) and then send, rinse and repeat! FLUCK YOU HTC! I shouldn’t have to use a third party app to send picture messages or do 50+ things to get a decent picture to send! And the pictures that send when I don’t do anything are unreadable! Blurry to the point where huge text gets garbled! This is pissing me off, as I just had to send one, so this is a rant but I’m still pissed!
+1 on why I will never buy another HTC!
+2 I’ll never forgive them for the year I spent having to turn my screen on and off a million times as my proximity sensor wasn’t working (proximity bug)!
WindyCityRockr, you're a dev, will the newest EVO LTE update kill your and S-OFF app? I want to take the update but not if it kills the option to root and S-OFF. Thanks.
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I don't have this phone, so I can't say for sure if the update breaks root or S-OFF. Someone will have to test it first.
rubber guard said:
On mobile, but I didn't see anything in his time line to indicate the evo LTE is getting 4.2
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 4
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clownfart said:
I won't believe anything until it is actually released.
That said, it is still too little too late and I will be moving on from HTC.
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I understand your guy's frustrations. For the longest time, we over at the HOX+ section didn't believe that we'd get the 4.2.2 update, but we did. And now that 4.2.2 has been confirmed for the HOX and almost confirmed for the EVO, I believe that HTC won't leave you guys behind that quickly. At least not until after the 4.2.2 update.
WindyCityRockr said:
I don't have this phone, so I can't say for sure if the update breaks root or S-OFF. Someone will have to test it first.
I understand your guy's frustrations. For the longest time, we over at the HOX+ section didn't believe that we'd get the 4.2.2 update, but we did. And now that 4.2.2 has been confirmed for the HOX and almost confirmed for the EVO, I believe that HTC won't leave you guys behind that quickly. At least not until after the 4.2.2 update.
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Did you see my post above? I STILL can't send MMS messages without going through a huge task or another app altogether. HTC doesn't care about their customers sadly. They will leave us in the dust, I'm willing to bet $100 and start a pool if anyone is interested?! LTE still sucks on the phone as does signal strength. I used to get a better signal with my OG EVO and I have a list of other issues. But I'm stuck on my contact and there is not much I can do for now. I can tell you that I will never give HTC another dollar of my money as long as I live! WindyCityRockr keep up the good work bro!
Just because the HOX got the update doesn't mean we will. We're not the same breed. It's like assuming that because we share so much DNA with chimps, we will be able to have chimp babies too. Not happening until it happens, which, in all likelyhood, will be never.
Fifth313ment said:
I'm sorry bro the EVO LTE is not getting another update. They simply don't have the stomachs to tell us. They know this will banish users from HTC so they will not give a confirmation for as long as they can, IF EVER, hoping w simply forget about it. Also in that tweet he said he is working with the "Carriers" on a plan, but Sprint is the only carrier carrying the EVO LTE. So it's simply a canned (no pun intended) response.
Why hasn’t HTC and Sprint fixed the MMS picture bug yet? It’s been a year and a half?! WTF? Every time I send a MMS picture I get angry as I have to add another pic, then another to get a full screen pic you can see that isn’t compressed, then delete the first slide, then retype or paste (what I previously copied) and then send, rinse and repeat! FLUCK YOU HTC! I shouldn’t have to use a third party app to send picture messages or do 50+ things to get a decent picture to send! And the pictures that send when I don’t do anything are unreadable! Blurry to the point where huge text gets garbled! This is pissing me off, as I just had to send one, so this is a rant but I’m still pissed!
+1 on why I will never buy another HTC!
+2 I’ll never forgive them for the year I spent having to turn my screen on and off a million times as my proximity sensor wasn’t working (proximity bug)!
WindyCityRockr, you're a dev, will the newest EVO LTE update kill your and S-OFF app? I want to take the update but not if it kills the option to root and S-OFF. Thanks.
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It locks your bootloader but you still have s off
Sent from my EVO using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
3.17.651.4 rolling out now. Not much in it.
Sent from my EVO using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
I'm not seeing anything in your link to suggest we'll be getting 4.2.2 or sense 5. Do you have a more direct link you could share to that information?
All I see is a reply from him regarding the Evo LTE saying, "No worries, nothing confirmed yet..."
With the keyword being "nothing".
He didn't mention 4.2.2 or Sense 5, or that we would even be getting anything at all.
xHausx said:
I'm not seeing anything in your link to suggest we'll be getting 4.2.2 or sense 5. Do you have a more direct link you could share to that information?
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The HTC Developer who tweeted the information specifically responded to a question about Sense 5 and 4.2.2 here, stating that they are working with the carrier on a plan for the update. There's some obvious speculation here, but it confirms that there is plan being made to release the update. Whether they go through with that plan is another thing. Many people thought HTC had completely left behind the EVO, but this is proving that work is still being done towards it, however large or small it may be.
Edit: Yes, he did make that clarifying statement afterwards, but he did confirm work at one point in time. Most likely he is waiting on a specific timeline, as his response is similar to many other phones before the update was official.
WindyCityRockr said:
The HTC Developer who tweeted the information specifically responded to a question about Sense 5 and 4.2.2 here, stating that they are working with the carrier on a plan for the update. There's some obvious speculation here, but it confirms that there is plan being made to release the update. Whether they go through with that plan is another thing. Many people thought HTC had completely left behind the EVO, but this is proving that work is still being done towards it, however large or small it may be.
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To be honest, it just sounds like normal PR spin. This latest update doesn't exactly inspire confidence in htc's resolve to support the device if their own maintenance upgrades are using a version of android that's over a year old.
We have a handful of people here who, in their free time and without any proprietary information, can get the device working very well on the latest version of android, yet htc is unable to devote enough resource towards it to push out a proper upgrade?
If this was just a stop-gap until a larger one could be pushed out it would be one thing, but, in my opinion, the comments so far do not suggest that's the case. It sounds like he's leaving it open for interpretation in the hope that people will look upon it favorably and spread rumors that are inaccurate.
xHausx said:
To be honest, it just sounds like normal PR spin. This latest update doesn't exactly inspire confidence in htc's resolve to support the device if their own maintenance upgrades are using a version of android that's over a year old.
We have a handful of people here who, in their free time and without any proprietary information, can get the device working very well on the latest version of android, yet htc is unable to devote enough resource towards it to push out a proper upgrade?
If this was just a stop-gap until a larger one could be pushed out it would be one thing, but, in my opinion, the comments so far do not suggest that's the case. It sounds like he's leaving it open for interpretation in the hope that people will look upon it favorably and spread rumors that are inaccurate.
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I completely understand. I'm probably being too optimistic here with my hopes for HTC. They, and most manufacturers, have bad track records when it comes to these kinds of updates, though HTC has improved recently. Improvement unfortunately means already 1 year old software released as a new update, but it is progress towards the ultimate goal of quick Android updates. There is most likely a lot of PR going on here, but he did confirm they are working with the carriers, one of which, I'm again assuming, is Sprint, as they're working with AT&T for updates on similarly older phones, such as the One X and One X+. Yes, they are very different phones, but the One X+ was a mid-cycle phone and has a considerably smaller user base, and they are still releasing 4.2.2, so that gives me some hope for the EVO.
WindyCityRockr said:
The HTC Developer who tweeted the information specifically responded to a question about Sense 5 and 4.2.2 here, stating that they are working with the carrier on a plan for the update. There's some obvious speculation here, but it confirms that there is plan being made to release the update. Whether they go through with that plan is another thing. Many people thought HTC had completely left behind the EVO, but this is proving that work is still being done towards it, however large or small it may be.
Edit: Yes, he did make that clarifying statement afterwards, but he did confirm work at one point in time. Most likely he is waiting on a specific timeline, as his response is similar to many other phones before the update was official.
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xHausx said:
To be honest, it just sounds like normal PR spin. This latest update doesn't exactly inspire confidence in htc's resolve to support the device if their own maintenance upgrades are using a version of android that's over a year old.
We have a handful of people here who, in their free time and without any proprietary information, can get the device working very well on the latest version of android, yet htc is unable to devote enough resource towards it to push out a proper upgrade?
If this was just a stop-gap until a larger one could be pushed out it would be one thing, but, in my opinion, the comments so far do not suggest that's the case. It sounds like he's leaving it open for interpretation in the hope that people will look upon it favorably and spread rumors that are inaccurate.
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xHausx I tweeted to HTC as well and you are correct, that is the normal PR spin, I got the SAME response. WindyCityRockr, do not forget all of our talented DEVs that will bring us 4.2.2 & 4.3 to our phones. They are keeping it alive!
Active_Matrix said:
xHausx I tweeted to HTC as well and you are correct, that is the normal PR spin, I got the SAME response. WindyCityRockr, do not forget all of our talented DEVs that will bring us 4.2.2 & 4.3 to our phones. They are keeping it alive!
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I am by no means, at all, trying to diminish the work that the Devs have done. They are some of the most important people for maintaining a device and keeping it up to date. I'm just trying to be optimistic about HTC's prospects for the phone. There isn't very much evidence at this point, but they haven't outright denied it, which makes it more of a possibility than most people around here have made it seem.
Sent from my HTC One X+ using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
I was actually kinda expecting this from them. I got shat on with the Hero and was really not expecting much in the way of constant support from HTC. Especially when all you hear in the news stories is how badly they are doing as a company. I guess it's a good thing I've grown tired of Sense anyways.
Update from President of HTC USA in the OP. Again, nothing confirmed, but he did corroborate the developer's original tweet in that they are working on finalizing a plan for the update.
WindyCityRockr said:
Update from President of HTC USA in the OP. Again, nothing confirmed, but he did corroborate the developer's original tweet in that they are working on finalizing a plan for the update.
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Would require no plan if they were to drop support entirely. Optimistic since the one x shares the same hardware.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
gameaddict8 said:
Would require no plan if they were to drop support entirely. Optimistic since the one x shares the same hardware.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
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IMHO, they are working on it. things could change, but the president of the company doesn't tweet that unless it is getting worked on.
who knows whose hands the update is in right now (htc or sprints) but it is likely that this device moves up in priority now that the One has 4.3.
I can't think of many devices more popular on sprint that are more popular than this other than iphone (os updates go much quicker), HTC one (already up to date), the GS3/4 (not sure where they are)>
Fingers crossed for maybe middle november.
rubber guard said:
IMHO, they are working on it. things could change, but the president of the company doesn't tweet that unless it is getting worked on.
who knows whose hands the update is in right now (htc or sprints) but it is likely that this device moves up in priority now that the One has 4.3.
I can't think of many devices more popular on sprint that are more popular than this other than iphone (os updates go much quicker), HTC one (already up to date), the GS3/4 (not sure where they are)>
Fingers crossed for maybe middle november.
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Would be a win to beat out the gs3
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app

