I know, I know there is probably a thread about this already but, i really need help please!! I am trying to s-off and am wondering if i need to relock first? I am s-on running viper rez rom. What steps do i take please. couldnt find a straight answer after 4 hours of reading posts everywhere!!!
civydcex said:
I know, I know there is probably a thread about this already but, i really need help please!! I am trying to s-off and am wondering if i need to relock first? I am s-on running viper rez rom. What steps do i take please. couldnt find a straight answer after 4 hours of reading posts everywhere!!!
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Read this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1696394 it is pretty straight forward.
civydcex said:
I know, I know there is probably a thread about this already but, i really need help please!! I am trying to s-off and am wondering if i need to relock first? I am s-on running viper rez rom. What steps do i take please. couldnt find a straight answer after 4 hours of reading posts everywhere!!!
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If you need someone to walk you thru get me on gtalk I'd be more than happy to help. [email protected]
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda app-developers app
Hey I was wondering if there is any way I can S-off if I'm on the 1.5 Hboot. I stupidly accepted a download and now I can't flash a ROM =[
MattHorner said:
Hey I was wondering if there is any way I can S-off if I'm on the 1.5 Hboot. I stupidly accepted a download and now I can't flash a ROM =[
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Post this in the Q/A Forums..
go there and read.
Use the HTC unlock method in htcdev.Com it is the only way for you with 1.5 to root. Why did u take ota?
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
No, you can't. You're screwed until ARX/Revolutionary work something out for you.
Learn where to post, you're not new, you have no excuse.
Lord help me I'm just not that bright. Bwahahahhahahhahahhahahahahahahahhaahhaahahahhaahhahaahahahahhaahahhahahahahhahahahahaahhahaahhahhahhaahahhaahhahaahahhahahhahahhahahhhahhhaahhahaahhhahahahaahahhahhahh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bubbate said:
No its not stupid, **** all these ppl who have smart shyt to say. This Site is meant for you to find out stuff
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This site also has rules and a search feature. Just sayin'
I just answered this same question in detail last night.
bubbate said:
No its not stupid, **** all these ppl who have smart shyt to say. This Site is meant for you to find out stuff
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This site also has something called forum structure. Just FYI. When you tag a question [Q] and there's a section called Q&A, is it really freaking rocket science to know that your question probably goes there? Yeah, I'd say so.
you can install a rom using 1.5 hboot and the latest firmware/radios
after doing the HTCDEV unlock. i spent over 1 hour walking someone thru it on chat this evening.
there is a nice 'kanged' write up on how to in this forum.
Thread has been moved to proper sub-forum.
Lets try and keep in topic now
sent from my maniac EVO 3D. FREE DIRK.
chefdave12118 said:
sent from my maniac EVO 3D. FREE DIRK.
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Feeling bored are we?
MattHorner said:
Hey I was wondering if there is any way I can S-off if I'm on the 1.5 Hboot. I stupidly accepted a download and now I can't flash a ROM =[
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Look, you can try to downgrade your radio's, pri's etc using the RUU below. It will revert you back 2.3.3 Radio 0.97.10. 0530. Then you can root your phone(you can use the revolutionary method). Let me know if this works. Download it and it will guide you through the process...
Ok I know its a slightly stupid question for some but reading through the threads I dont seem to see a definite answer.
Can someone tell me what we can do with unlocked and s-off that we can not do with unlocked and s-on?
brownsfan said:
Ok I know its a slightly stupid question for some but reading through the threads I dont seem to see a definite answer.
Can someone tell me what we can do with unlocked and s-off that we can not do with unlocked and s-on?
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pretty much the only thing you CAN'T do is flash radio firmwares.
No radios and it takes a few more steps to flash things like a kernel
sent from my newly unlocked Rezound
Can someone please give me the link on how to install the RUU back so that I can go completely stock? I want to update my radios and software, then re-root. Please help me locate this file! I'm sorry if it's in the threads some where, it's late and I just want to be able to get a quick answer from you guys!
Thank you!!
I feel your laziness
Dumb question, but how do I run this?
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
HixVAC said:
I feel your laziness
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When op opens 3-4 threads about the same thing its no longer laziness, its a clear lack of effort to take the time to learn something that not only has been posted several times but is a method used by several phone models.
I have been coming to this site for a long time. You all are very helpful. I never have to post threads because usually someone has already asked the questions I have. However, this time I cannot find a solution to my problem.
Can someone please give me the steps necessary to upgrade from a rooted 2.3.4 with Amon Ra recovery to the latest ICS update? I have heard you need to re-lock your phone and stuff. I am not sure how to do that and would like to not brick my phone.
Thank you in advance. I'm sure this will help many other people as well!
Try searching and reading through this thread. If the answer isn't there, don't be afraid to ask. These guys will help you out.
from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
unnormaldude68 said:
I have been coming to this site for a long time. You all are very helpful. I never have to post threads because usually someone has already asked the questions I have. However, this time I cannot find a solution to my problem.
Can someone please give me the steps necessary to upgrade from a rooted 2.3.4 with Amon Ra recovery to the latest ICS update? I have heard you need to re-lock your phone and stuff. I am not sure how to do that and would like to not brick my phone.
Thank you in advance. I'm sure this will help many other people as well!
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If you don't wanna do it on your own pm me I can walk you thru it on gtalk
sent from my s-off reZound rockin' viperRez Rom on global ICS firmware
I have searched a lot but have not yet found this answered, sorry if I missed something. I hope I posted this in the correct forum.
What is S-off vs S-on? I am already rooted with an unlocked bootloader and I am just trying to figure out if I should mess with S-off. So what is it and what are the advantages/disadvantages.
Thank-you very much,
Kienan said:
I have searched a lot but have not yet found this answered, sorry if I missed something. I hope I posted this in the correct forum.
What is S-off vs S-on? I am already rooted with an unlocked bootloader and I am just trying to figure out if I should mess with S-off. So what is it and what are the advantages/disadvantages.
Thank-you very much,
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S on= security on
S off= security off
The only advantage I can find for s off for a regular user is radio flashing and kernel flashing through recovery
Sent from my ADR6410LVW using xda app-developers app
jose51197 said:
S on= security on
S off= security off
The only advantage I can find for s off for a regular user is radio flashing and kernel flashing through recovery
Sent from my ADR6410LVW using xda app-developers app
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Thank-you, this makes a lot of sense now. I do plan on flashing roms and kernels, but I have yet to learn about radio flashing.
Thanks again.
Kienan said:
I have searched a lot but have not yet found this answered, sorry if I missed something. I hope I posted this in the correct forum.
What is S-off vs S-on? I am already rooted with an unlocked bootloader and I am just trying to figure out if I should mess with S-off. So what is it and what are the advantages/disadvantages.
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S-OFF explained - by a Developer
mdmower said:
S-OFF explained - by a Developer
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Thanks, this helps a lot!