Battery Stats Reset/ Swipe Lock Screen Not Always Locking - Galaxy S III Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Having a weird issue today.
I completely wiped my phone yesterday, did a fresh install of Omega V32, Syiah 1.7rc3. Everything has been working flawlessly.
Today however, I was checking my battery stats and they showed up. However I made a call, and then I notice my phone did not lock when I pressed lock. Went back into my battery stats and all the values had been reset.
I then proceeded to test out the lock screen and it appears it is only locking about 8 out of 10 times. The screen shuts off, however sometimes when I press home it turn the screen on it simply goes into the phone and bypasses the lock screen. I have tried 30 times just to see if it was a fluke and so far I have had 6 times where the screen does not lock.
I have waited upwards of a minute between pressing lock and waiting to check.
Anyone have any idea what might be causing these two issues?


Weird Crash

Ok So my TFP starts out of the blue rebooting on me from time to time. and then i had to reboot it like 3 times or more to get it to where when i slide to unlock that it would actually unlock instead of have the lock circle on the unlock but never go any place then it would reboot by itself. i got stuck in a loop where no matter how many times i rebooted it got stuck on lock screen and rebooted. so i hit the reset button and jumped in and restored from a back up. it booted up but i noticed that i my home key and setting from the right side did not work. and the lock screen does not come up any more when i turn on and off the device. Anyone have this problem? seems no matter what rom ive tried same results. lock screen no longer comes up right side quick setting no longer work. i did wipe everything before flashing. also for a side not tried to restore to stock image from my backup and got error while it was trying to put the data folder back. ive always used the so not sure what the hell is going on. Any help would be appreciated. Almost feels like there is a problem with my primes memory.

[Q] Problem when my phone is recovering from Sleep mode

Hi everyone !
I'm new here (and not a native english speaker, so apologies in advance for any grammar mistakes)
Before making this thread, I looked for info here, but I'm not sure for what to search.
I'll try to explain my problem here.
I bought a Galaxy SIII from my provider 3 weeks ago and everything looked fine, till last week.
Some times to time, with no apparent reason or cause, while my phone is on sleep mode, on my desk, or in my pocket, playing music, I have the following problem: when I push the on/off button to wake up my phone, my screen is turning on, taking me to the lock screen.
But, my screen brightness is very low, like set to the minimum.
And when I draw my unlocking pattern, screen goes black.
Bottom buttons are lit and my phone seems to be OK, I can feel haptic feedbacks.
But the screen is black.
If I push the on/off button again, screen stays black and bottom buttons are not lit anymore, as a usual Sleep Mode.
If I push on/off again (depending on how much I wait between 2 on/off):
- My phone awakes from Sleep and takes me again to the unlock screen, brightness still very low. And after the unlocking pattern traced, black screen again
- If I didn't wait enought after putting it into sleep mode, in this case, I don't have to redraw the unlocking pattern. I'm back to my home screen...
for 1/4 of a second, stilll with brightness at the minimum. And screen goes black.
And after a serie on onoffonoff, boom, my screen is back to full and normal brightness and everything is OK.
At the beginning, my phone did that once in a while. I thought at the time ti was after pushing the on/off button while using a CPU/RAM hungry app, my phone struggling to recover....
But now, it's totally random.
Depending on .... I don't know what, I have to do the onoffonoff thing 2, 5, 10, 50 times in a row so my phone can recover from is half comatose.
Yesterday, I could not use my phone for half an hour ...
and if someone calls me, I hear the ringtone, but screen stays black.
I can answer the call (but not knowing who's calling) by sliding on the part of the screen where the slider normally is.
Funny thing is about removing the battery. It doesn't solve my problem.
When I do so, my phone boots, I see the "Samsung Galaxy SIII" boot screen, on low brightness (whih is not normal ...)
After that, I normally have another boot screen with my provider's logo and tone. But screen goes black again (but I still here the tone)
Then I realized it started to happen when my phone proposed me a Samsung update.
I tried to reset my phone to factory settings but it didn't work, the update was still here.
For a while I thought my problem was solved, because my phone behaved normally for 3 or 4 hours, without problem.
But it came back.
I found on the internet several "almost-same-problems" without proposed solutions.
Like checking if the proximity sensor was blocked by a protective transparent plastic sheet, or a case.
I tried to to remove mine.
Didn't work.
Some people said it was linked to their phone trying to acquire a wifi network.
My wifi on or off, withiin or without the range of a wifi router didn't work ...
I tried to note things down about what I did, when, how, app launched before the problem appears.
I checked battery info (temp, voltage, etc).
No pattern emerged.
Hs anyone of you enountered the same problem ?
Do you have ideas, solutions I can use ?
Or maybe a voodoo prayer ?
I could sent it back to my provider which will bounce it back to Samsung. But it will take ages (3 to 4 weeks ...) :'(
Thanks in advance !
do a factory reset, go completely stock
if that doesn't help, send it in
Glebun said:
do a factory reset, go completely stock
if that doesn't help, send it in
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's what I did.
I tried by going into the Parameters menu, and reseting.
I tried by booting my phone with Vol+ / Home / Power buttons to access a console mode and do a wipe data/reset.
The problem is that my phone got an update like one week ago from a 4.?.? to 4.1.2.
And even with a reset, my phone reboot with the 4.1.2 version, which seems to cause this problem.
Or maybe not, but I can't be sure.
As I said, after a factory reset I did yesterday, everything went well for 3 or 4 hours and the problem reappeared.
send it to the service

phone will not turn

I used my phone this morning and it was fine. A few hours later I went to use it and it would not turn on. It is fully charged. I am running go launcher. I usually don't get asked which launcher I want to open it with when I wake my phone. But that screen flashed very quickly but I could not choose as the screen went blank very quickly. The screen was blank but the back button and the home button were lit up. I hit the power button so many times but nothing happens except the the 2 buttons lighting up. I went into recovery try to boot from there but nothing hapeens. It just goes to the HTC screen and hangs there. Its been on that screen for 10-15 and then I go back into recovery and still nothing. I tried to do a factory reset. It went to a screen with a picture of the phone and 2 green arrows going in a circle and a green down arrow inside the circle.
I have no idea what is going on. I have not done anything new to the phone. It is stock and I got Kit kat on it a few weeks back. Everything has been fine up until this morning. I understand the go launcher could cause a problem opening up the phone. But I don't understand why I cant do a factory reset from recovery. Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks
I also noticed that in the bootloader the very first line says 'LOCKED" is it supposed to say that?

Power manager lock was not held when calling updatePowerStateLocked error.

Recently I am facing issue with my phone (Asus Zenfone 2 ZE551 ML). The screen always stays on and never go back to sleep.
Even when I lock my phone, the lock is automatically opened and the screen stays on forever. The only option to turn it off is switching the phone off. I have tried a factory reset, wipe cache partition but the problem is still on. I have debugged and the problem seems to be with the Wake locks. The error receiving in the log cat says "Power manager lock was not held when calling updatePowerStateLocked".
Any help will be useful. Thanks.

screen timeout issue

I have the al10 version non rooted with the latest non beta updates. The problem I have is that the screen does not timeout. Currently it's set to 30 second and changing it does not fix it. If I restart the device the timeout function starts working again but maybe after a day of use, the issue reoccurs.
Even if it's on the lock screen, it does not timeout. Now I could manually turn the screen off, but if I receive a message and it turns it on (lockscreen) it'll stay on which drains my battery.
I have already booted into recovery and wiped cache. Any other ideas besides having to constantly restart my phone?

