[Q] android 4.1.2 offline speach recognition - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I read that with android 4.1.2 they introduced the possibility of having the speach recognition offline... I upgraded to this firmware but have not found this feature...
Can someone help me?

...I found in "settings-speach-speach research" the possibility of having offline the speach recognition, but it seams that it doesn't work!

...I found the solution at the end and I hope to be helpful for someone else:
After having installed the languages needed as I wrote above, to use the offline speach recognition you have to select the command not pushing on the microphone on the keyboard, but from the settings that you find above into the notification.
Sorry for my English, if you try is easier to understand.
Unfortunately this is not practical at all...

So select it as you would a keyboard...?


[Q] voice recognition issue

i just updated to 024 rooted, and everything it's ok.
now, I installed voice recognition and on google's search works like a charm (im from chile, and recognized very tricky phrases in spanish), and everything it's ok.
now, i tried several keyboards with voice recognition, like htc_ime, slideit, vlingo and talktome and any of those recognized any spanish word neither phrases.
so i'm wondering, why is that? is that they dont use google's api for translation, how come search by voice is amazing but keyboard voice input sucks?
i googled it and found no answers whatsoever.
EDIT: i tried gingerbread KB but voice input is not able for 2.1 :/
best regards,

[Q] Google Voice Search vs. System language.

I have faced one problem with Google Voice Search. I need it to recognise polish language (and that's not problem - works perfectly), buy I have also noticed, that Voice Search recognises that language, which is set as system language.
That's very annoying, beacause a lot of great ROM's here do not have polish support, which means that I will not be able to use Voice Search (talking in English isn't any problem for me, but using it for looking for polish websites etc. is almost impossible).
So, my main question: is there any option to set the language recognised by Google Voice Search manually ? Or it always recognises the language, which is set as system language ?
Thank you for your help and replies

[Q] General Voice Search Punctuation Issues with Non-English Languages ?

It seems there is a general voice search / voice recognition issue with non-english languages. The problem is basically that punctuation is written in plain and not recognized. It seems to affect a number of devices (if not all?) running ICS / JB.
So period will write "period" and not "." .
Same for comma that will end in writing "comma" and not ",".
(this of course in earch different Language)
This basically makes the voice recognition totally unusable and useless for anything but English.
So far, this issue has been reported with the following languages:
I'm not allowed to post links yet but if you go to Android official project page, in the Issues and search for punctuation, you'll basically see all those.
Are there other people experiencing this issue ?
Is there anyone aware of any workaround/solution ?
Was it actually working for someone before ?
Half a year and it's still not working.
I wonder if it's working for anyone.. another OS version, another device maybe... while I doubt it.
Come on google, stop jackin' it in san diego and fix that damn bug already =)
If someone has an alternative, since I don't expect them to fix it before 2015, that would be nice.

[Q] Offline Voice Recognition missing

Im missing the option for "Offline Voice Recognition" under "Voice" of Google Now's settings on my phone.
I did some research and found out that some people are experiencing this problem too. I gathered that a manual fix can be done by manually downloading the launguage pack (in my case, US English), creating a "en-US" folder under /data/data/com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/app_g3_models and extracting the language pack there. Tried that. Didnt work. :-/
Anybody know of a solution to this?

Google voice language files - can you edit them?

Hi everyone, I'm a total noob with this kind of thing, my issue is that I want to use Google voice typing for my business, but it's only going to be any use if I can remove certain unwanted words from the dictionary (e.g. so it won't type "pain" instead of "pane", etc etc).
I've downloaded the English UK language file for offline speech recognition - I'm wondering if it's possible to locate the file on my tablet and somehow remove words I don't want? Could I remove them from the code maybe?
My tablet is a Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1, if that helps. Thank you!

