So a couple days ago we found out that the HTC thunderbolt had a locked bootloader which was surprising since HTC has always been very largely supported by the community, a lot of people said it was Verizons douchbaggery. Now it appears the HTC Incredible S, the unlocked handset from HTC released in Europe also has a locked bootloader. This is extremely dissapointing.( like the droidx and atrix from moto, which still have not been cracked). The chances that this new Evo 3ds bootloader are locked, is high and frankly the only thing keeping me with HTC is the community and their support but this is a slap to the face. There hardware cpu,gpu,displays,cameras etc suck compared to Samsung or Motorola only their build quality is great. But if this new Evo is locked down I'm done with HTC!
I think this was discussed in another thread.
Also word on the street was the G2 was supposed to be unrootable also, that didn't last too long.
This really means nothing, because as it has been in the past, so shall it be in the future. Bootloaders are just a door that many dev's are waiting to just kick in, so saying its locked means jack. They are just waiting to break it so their legend can live on.....If this keeps you from buying it, oh well. I know for a fact there will be thousands of others who will buy it, starting with me.
LoveisPeace2012 said:
So a couple days ago we found out that the HTC thunderbolt had a locked bootloader which was surprising since HTC has always been very largely supported by the community, a lot of people said it was Verizons douchbaggery. Now it appears the HTC Incredible S, the unlocked handset from HTC released in Europe also has a locked bootloader. This is extremely dissapointing.( like the droidx and atrix from moto, which still have not been cracked). The chances that this new Evo 3ds bootloader are locked, is high and frankly the only thing keeping me with HTC is the community and their support but this is a slap to the face. There hardware cpu,gpu,displays,cameras etc suck compared to Samsung or Motorola only their build quality is great. But if this new Evo is locked down I'm done with HTC!
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Did the Evo Shift have a locked bootloader?
nope.....not at all
m4rk0358 said:
Did the Evo Shift have a locked bootloader?
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tbolt aquired full s-off and perma root and can now flash unsigned...yada yada...i dont see the 3d being a problem
m4rk0358 said:
Did the Evo Shift have a locked bootloader?
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Yup, the shift has the same locked bootloader and signed update images that the Evo, Incredible and every other HTC phone has. On top of that the sd card was locked out from the hboot as well.
LoveisPeace2012 said:
So a couple days ago we found out that the HTC thunderbolt had a locked bootloader which was surprising since HTC has always been very largely supported by the community, a lot of people said it was Verizons douchbaggery. Now it appears the HTC Incredible S, the unlocked handset from HTC released in Europe also has a locked bootloader. This is extremely dissapointing.( like the droidx and atrix from moto, which still have not been cracked). The chances that this new Evo 3ds bootloader are locked, is high and frankly the only thing keeping me with HTC is the community and their support but this is a slap to the face. There hardware cpu,gpu,displays,cameras etc suck compared to Samsung or Motorola only their build quality is great. But if this new Evo is locked down I'm done with HTC!
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CPU gpu? Scorpion chip set over clocks easily to 2.0ghz. Screen? Qhd. Camera? HTC just went with new software programing and new optics for much better pictures. The evo 3d will be far from locked down and its a solid phone. Get the one year old nexus s then lol
Powered by Steve Jobs' Tears and Jealousy
Honestly, I don't think it will come as locked down as the TBolt and Inc S...but even if it does, I'm still going to buy it. The TBolt fell to perma root in, what, 4 or 5 days, if that long?
With the devs we have here, even if it does come locked down, it'll be open within a week or so. I hate to see HTC doing the Moto thing, but I'm not concerned about the future of custom ROMs/Kernels on the E3D.
If you are concerned with the current state of bootloaders locked devices, check this out:
Hopefully this gains steam here at XDA.
On one hand I can understand why they might do this. I mean people are still riding with their G1s despite the fact that it is beyond outdated tech. But the dev community keeps it alive and well.
Also these companies do have a responsibility to their shareholders to say well we do lock our devices down as best we can to protect the bottom dollar (basically saying we want to force people who keep up with tech to upgrade as much as possible.
On the flipside of it all, you can clearly see how the dev community has helped HTC since their WinMo days. I know we are but a small subset of their user base, but our dollars count nonetheless. And when we let what the devs are doing influence our phone purchasing power
(which I know I do because I chose an Evo over an Epic because I felt what was going on over here was just more multi faceted (sense, AOSP, blur, and other options) than what was going on with the Epic)
But these companies KNOW what we are doing to their phones just as much as these carriers know. They don't want us to remove their bloatware because that is money. But we strive to remove it anyway and they still might not care because we still pay our monthly fees.
So I take locked bootloaders with a grain of salt. Android will ALWAYS be open and there is nothing that these companies can do to stop that. Once these companies notice the miss sales and such, then they will take a less noticable stance to it all. But in the meanwhile, I expect the Evo 3D to be cracked possibly hours after it is released.
It never takes long
(sorry for the long windness, I hardly post much)
im pretty sure the evo 3d will get cracked but my friend has a droid2 and it still hasnt been cracked after this long. its his first android phone and because i cant change the kernel for him, his out of box experience with the droid2 and his first android is a horrible experience and now he wants an iphone instead.
being a tech guy, most of my friends come to me for recommendations and never will i recommend a phone to anyone with a locked bootloader. (unless its been cracked) motorola just lost alot of business, with the release of the atrix, i tell people not to get it either.
just a few days ago, my friend from at&t was going to upgrade his phone. he had the option to choose the atrix or the htc inspire. despite the atrix having much better specs, i had to tell him to go with the inspire simply because the bootloader is not locked.
There, now it's unlocked. Are you happy? It ain't that hard.
Just a little more work from the point and click.
kthejoker20 said:
There, now it's unlocked. Are you happy? It ain't that hard.
Just a little more work from the point and click.
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You're assuming that a JTAG footprint would be available. And sure, in most cases it is. However it's easily possible to make the non-factory CPU's just ignore it.
Besides, you're talking about permanently wiring something akin to a console modchip to the phone, which would be very impractical given how small these phones are.
And even then, they can throw down updates that would cause your phone to shut down or go into some limited use mode if the jtag port is being played with.
The xbox 360 and ps3 were suppose to be un-hackable. Everything is hackable as long as it is popular long enough. I am sure 6 months after it is released it will be rooted.
Sent from my rooted HTC EVO using the xda app!
You guys are whack. When is the last time a phone came out without a locked bootloader? Even the Nexus has a locked bootloader for crying out loud.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
sand1303 said:
The xbox 360 and ps3 were suppose to be un-hackable. Everything is hackable as long as it is popular long enough. I am sure 6 months after it is released it will be rooted.
Sent from my rooted HTC EVO using the xda app!
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6 months is a long time for an Android phone. So if something comes along with similar specs that's easy to unlock, you might lose dev support. Also, there's nothing that says it might get unlocked. Look at the Moto phones...
crabjoe said:
6 months is a long time for an Android phone. So if something comes along with similar specs that's easy to unlock, you might lose dev support. Also, there's nothing that says it might get unlocked. Look at the Moto phones...
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Those motor phones were not locked... they were encrypted. That's the problem there.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
The evo 4g bootloader was unlocked? sounds like some bloggers are trying drive up clicks with way over sensational observations
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
unknown1205 said:
im pretty sure the evo 3d will get cracked but my friend has a droid2 and it still hasnt been cracked after this long. its his first android phone and because i cant change the kernel for him, his out of box experience with the droid2 and his first android is a horrible experience and now he wants an iphone instead.
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I was just about to buy an Evo until I read about the Evo 3D, and so I have to suffer with my Touch Slow 2 for a little while longer...
Anyway, I don't own a Droid 2, but I found this:
So, even the Droid 2 has fallen to the root. Hopefully, Sprint and HTC won't make it quite so hard and will continue to turn mostly a blind eye a la the Evo, but either way, the Evo 3D just looks too cool to not get.
Hello all, I'm currently using a Nexus One on T-Mo but am probably going to jump back to Sprint here soon. I had been looking to get the Evo3D, but fear that it's going to be locked down as the Thuderbolt was. I understand you guy were able to gain root on the Thunderbolt recently, but only because you got an engineering something or other, I don't remember exactly. My question here is, what would the chances have been of the phone being rooted the normal brute force way. Would we have been looking at possibly months or more, or was it just a matter of days. I ask cause if the Evo3D is going to be locked down and may take months or more to crack, I may just go with the Nexus S for now.
Well it looks like HTCs phones are going to be locked up tight. Not really sure about the EVO3D but I wouldn't be surprised if it had a locked bootloader etc.
Well it looks like HTCs phones are going to be locked up tight. Not really sure about the EVO3D but I wouldn't be surprised if it had a locked bootloader etc.
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Yeah... HTC makes me sad all day for locking their bootloaders, samsung is looking more and more attractive. Sammy's phones don't even put up a fight, sometimes getting root before they're even released to general public
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
PaganAng3l said:
Yeah... HTC makes me sad all day for locking their bootloaders, samsung is looking more and more attractive. Sammy's phones don't even put up a fight, sometimes getting root before they're even released to general public
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
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Cause the TB wasn't rooted before it came out right?
Samsung is looking attractive just because they don't lock their bootloaders? What kind of logic is that? Look at the Galaxy series, those phones were crap, full of lag, horrible GPS, etc.
Yes and our GPS works flawlessly
wakestrong said:
Yes and our GPS works flawlessly
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Mine sure does. A thousand times better than my Facinate did.
Sent from my BAMF ADR6400L using XDA Premium App
g00s3y said:
Cause the TB wasn't rooted before it came out right?
Samsung is looking attractive just because they don't lock their bootloaders? What kind of logic is that? Look at the Galaxy series, those phones were crap, full of lag, horrible GPS, etc.
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Ah, where to begin I'm guessing that you misunderstood what I said, or maybe I worded it wrong. In my previous post I was merely making a gross generalization. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love HTC for their build quality and the fact that my G2 (being over a year old) STILL puts up a decent fight against new devices. What I meant was that given a choice I will always support a manufacturer that keeps their devices unlocked (like samsung). Yes, samsung has had some pretty dismal failures in the phone department, but what about the Nexus S 4G? Not to mention the fact that according to a few websites, they seem to be learning from their mistakes and putting out great devices recently (matter of opinion though). I can't really see how my logic is flawed for wanting MY device to have an unlocked bootloader, it's just a standard I'm developing. As far as the thunderbolt getting root before release.... stuff happens unexpectedly and I'm glad the TB got root so soon. Newer HTC devices however are looking at much better lockups on their bootloaders though and I would rather not have to risk a brick to flash my heart out. But these are all my own opinions, you have yours but these are mine.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
PaganAng3l said:
Ah, where to begin I'm guessing that you misunderstood what I said, or maybe I worded it wrong. In my previous post I was merely making a gross generalization. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love HTC for their build quality and the fact that my G2 (being over a year old) STILL puts up a decent fight against new devices. What I meant was that given a choice I will always support a manufacturer that keeps their devices unlocked (like samsung). Yes, samsung has had some pretty dismal failures in the phone department, but what about the Nexus S 4G? Not to mention the fact that according to a few websites, they seem to be learning from their mistakes and putting out great devices recently (matter of opinion though). I can't really see how my logic is flawed for wanting MY device to have an unlocked bootloader, it's just a standard I'm developing. As far as the thunderbolt getting root before release.... stuff happens unexpectedly and I'm glad the TB got root so soon. Newer HTC devices however are looking at much better lockups on their bootloaders though and I would rather not have to risk a brick to flash my heart out. But these are all my own opinions, you have yours but these are mine.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
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I was just referring to the first "Galaxy" set that came out. The S 4G, S II, and their releases this year have been stellar. But neither of those are on VZW . I would snatch up the SII in a second if it was on VZW.
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D using XDA App
PaganAng3l said:
Ah, where to begin I'm guessing that you misunderstood what I said, or maybe I worded it wrong. In my previous post I was merely making a gross generalization. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love HTC for their build quality and the fact that my G2 (being over a year old) STILL puts up a decent fight against new devices. What I meant was that given a choice I will always support a manufacturer that keeps their devices unlocked (like samsung). Yes, samsung has had some pretty dismal failures in the phone department, but what about the Nexus S 4G? Not to mention the fact that according to a few websites, they seem to be learning from their mistakes and putting out great devices recently (matter of opinion though). I can't really see how my logic is flawed for wanting MY device to have an unlocked bootloader, it's just a standard I'm developing. As far as the thunderbolt getting root before release.... stuff happens unexpectedly and I'm glad the TB got root so soon. Newer HTC devices however are looking at much better lockups on their bootloaders though and I would rather not have to risk a brick to flash my heart out. But these are all my own opinions, you have yours but these are mine.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
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I'm in the same boat. I'm not going to buy a phone that's locked up tight. HTC better learn real quick that there are a lot of people like this. I was going to buy a honeycomb tablet if they came out with one because based on their phones I figured it would be pretty open. Now it looks like I'll have to go elsewhere. Maybe since a tablet won't be tied to a carrier they'll be more relaxed. I hope anyway...
I'm in the same boat. I'm not going to buy a phone that's locked up tight. HTC better learn real quick that there are a lot of people like this. I was going to buy a honeycomb tablet if they came out with one because based on their phones I figured it would be pretty open. Now it looks like I'll have to go elsewhere. Maybe since a tablet won't be tied to a carrier they'll be more relaxed. I hope anyway...
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I hear you. Some company will eventually embrace modders and devs, I just wanted it to be HTC. Oh well, sad day
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
It seems we've gone a bit off topic. I have been reading all the comments and have learned that Sammy isn't doing what HTC is starting to do with locking their bootloaders, something I didn't know before this thread, good to know. But the question I presented hasn't really been answered yet. How long, rough gestimation, would it take to crack the bootloader of the new phones HTC is coming out with. Are we talking weeks or months or more. I know this a question that can't be easily answered with a specific answer, but I'm looking more for how likely they are to be cracked in a timely manner. I'm not a hacker, cracker or code breaker so I really don't even know where to begin with trying to answer this question, hence why I put it forth here, on the forum of a phone that was locked and got unlocked hoping a dev could give me some info on weather getting the forthcoming Evo3D is a good idea for someone who want's to root the phone. I am however leaning back towards the Nexus s 4G because of this thread, but since money won't allow that at the moment, I'm exploring my options until the time I can afford a new phone.
The thunderbolt was rooted becuase we reverted to an older leaked rom which allowed us to bypass the whole signed bootloader. (I think) You might want to look into the incredible s which was released several months ago and has yet to me cracked. The security measures taken to lock down the G2 are not the same as the ones used on newer HTC devices. I don't think we'll be seeing any permanent root access HTC in a long time. Months at the very least.
Sent from The Republic of Texas
ddgarcia05 said:
The thunderbolt was rooted becuase we reverted to an older leaked rom which allowed us to bypass the whole signed bootloader. (I think) You might want to look into the incredible s which was released several months ago and has yet to me cracked. The security measures taken to lock down the G2 are not the same as the ones used on newer HTC devices. I don't think we'll be seeing any permanent root access HTC in a long time. Months at the very least.
Sent from The Republic of Texas
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Thank you, that was exactly what I was looking for. Sad news indeed. I'm guessing the Nexus S 4G is where I'm headed then, unless a Galaxy S 2 is slated to come out on sprint anytime soon that is. I'd really like to get a root-able, dual core, high resolution, bad ass phone if I'm going to be upgrading from my N1.
garfnodie said:
Thank you, that was exactly what I was looking for. Sad news indeed. I'm guessing the Nexus S 4G is where I'm headed then, unless a Galaxy S 2 is slated to come out on sprint anytime soon that is. I'd really like to get a root-able, dual core, high resolution, bad ass phone if I'm going to be upgrading from my N1.
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I've been reading around about this (disappointing) news of HTC's lockdown using signed bootloaders, etc. and from what I have read, it seems like the crackers have indicated they are going to have a helluva time. A few tweets from jcase's twiiter page (whose opinions I personally value, YMMV):
If you want root, don't buy an yet to be rooted phone
[email protected] signed recovery, signed kernel, signed hboot, and write protection. won't buy [email protected] devices like that
HTC now MORE dev unfriendly than Motorola.
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Looks pretty dreary for new HTC phones.
Droid, which has signed bootloader, is still locked, and it's pretty long on the market. It's a matter of years, if not eternity. It's f***ing hard to crack those keys.
What I don't understand is why HTC is doing this. You might think that it's the carriers pressuring them, but if Sammy, Sony Erricson, and Moto are or are soon going to be releasing phone without locked bootloaders, why does HTC feel the need to start now when they haven't in the past?
garfnodie said:
What I don't understand is why HTC is doing this. You might think that it's the carriers pressuring them, but if Sammy, Sony Erricson, and Moto are or are soon going to be releasing phone without locked bootloaders, why does HTC feel the need to start now when they haven't in the past?
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It's a pretty simple answer. Money.
mbh87 said:
It's a pretty simple answer. Money.
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How does a locked bootloader equal money?
garfnodie said:
How does a locked bootloader equal money?
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Easy, keeps people using htc products, and makes us pay for tethering. Also makes sure that they know what ruu you're using.... Sucks
Edit: or whatever manufacturer made your device
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
Easy, keeps people using htc products
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and makes us pay for tethering.
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The carriers have already shown that they can detect unofficial tethering
Also makes sure that they know what ruu you're using
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Why does it matter?
Hey I was wondering if its possible to run ubuntu or any operating system other than android on the DROID x2
Sent from my DROID X2 using XDA App
Until the bootloader gets unlocked nope... But if and when the bootloader gets unlocked then development will hit it off real hard with Ports and so on
Sent from my HTC Rezound 4G using XDA App
Tachi91 said:
Until the bootloader gets unlocked nope... But if and when the bootloader gets unlocked then development will hit it off real hard with Ports and so on
Sent from my HTC Rezound 4G using XDA App
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I'm beginning to think this will never happen. I've emailed Motorola about this, pretty much calling them out on the so-called announcement months ago about them unlocking the bootloader. I've asked them why it's 2012 and why nothing has happened and no announcements have been made, and all I get back is that they care about ensuring the customers are protected from ruining their phones.
I replied back asking why haven't they sent out an updated statement as to why no bootloaders have been unlocked when they stated they would unlock them, and I haven't heard back from them yet on that one.
So, I think they pretty much reneged on that statement, so don't expect this to happen. The only way it can now (no one will be able to crack the key needed to decrypt the bootloader and kernel) is for some Moto developer to release an unlocked ROM image. That's how it happened on the Motorola Atrix, but it was an accident that the image was leaked and a developer found it by accident. The Cheesecake project has been watching all the updates that have been placed on an internal Motorola server, but lately, nothing new has come up, so it definitely appears that X2 internal development within Motorola has possibly come to a stop.
So, we are at the mercy of Motorola. I don't buy their explanation that it's Verizon because HTC was able to unlock their phones that are on Verizon, so the ball is back in Motorola's court.
Also, if you DO email Motorola about this, do NOT be nasty about it. You need to be civil but to the point. In my first email, I stated that the Droid X2 was my final Motorola device. In my response to their response, I thanked them for responding, but asked why they still haven't come out with a reason as to why they won't unlock the bootloaders after they announced they would. I also reiterated the fact that the X2 was my final Motorola device.
I'm hoping they change their minds, but my gut is telling me otherwise. Therefore, it's time to move on to a different device that has an unlocked bootloader. I also feel that the X2 has been orphaned by Motorola and a lot of developers because of Motorola's lack of support for this device. This makes me feel even more that ICS will not see the light of day on the X2. And the only way the developer community can put ICS on the X2 is if the bootloader and kernel are unlocked. If that doesn't happen, then ICS won't ever come to the X2.
+1.. I feel the same way. Im really hoping for the best & am really grateful for the devs we've had to help make this phone better, but it just seems that its hit its peak of potential without an unlocked bootloader. And with no unlocks in the foreseeable future from Moto, im thinking of moving on myself & making this my last Moto, plus Verizon isn't helping either with their little B.S. charges they keep trying to come up with... I know Sprints not the greatest, but they still have unlimited & the Galaxy S is getting ICS love, plus they'll be getting the Galaxy Nexus as well next month so decisions decisions lol But im grateful for all the great people in this forum & just wish Moto could get on the ball....sorry for the jabberjawwin...
I think I'd try to run winmo on this device if I could, I always wanted an HD2.
Android is just so fragmented, I still haven't found a way to get calendar notifcations to work properly.
You can run Ubuntu and BackTrack as an app. They are purchasable from the marketplace. It requires a few other installs, but it should do what you want.
Sent from my DROID X2 using XDA App
I'm really pissed at Moto for locking this bootloader while other manufs go ahead and unlock theirs. Seems we're screwed! I've got a couple days yet before I lose the ability to return this thing and am stuck with a very developer UNfriendly device for the next couple years. What to do? I'm not a huge ROM'er but I definately like to tweak and I don't like to envision everyone getting toys/tweaks/tricks on their HTC's,LG's,Sammys,etc etc while us poor souls on the Moto side get screwed over. I'm on the ledge....pull me off or push me over! Need help deciding...does this thing have a future or in two years will I be BEGGING for a chance to upgrade?
I have a Droid Charge with unlocked bootloader and it still gets no development. I still thoroughly enjoy the phone though. Of the phones on the market, the razr is the one I like best. Moto knows how to make a smooth fast phone with great reception.
If you're a rom junkie, go for the nexus. However if you're patient enough, keep waiting with us till the bootloader gets unlocked and enjoy the full potencial of the Razr.
You should do a side by side comparison of the RAZR next to any other phone... that's what I did before buying my RAZR... I like having a removable SD card and HDMI out... the battery could sway you but I think with the maxx coming out someone will produce an after market cover, after all the battery isn't soldered in like the iphone is... I personally love the quality of Motorola phones... as far as development goes, I wouldn't let the locked bootloader get to you, I had my DroidX for 2 years with a locked bootloader and I still had quite a few roms to flash, doesn't anyone remember 2nd init? I'm sure the RAZR devs will find a way around the stupid bootloader... in the meantime everyone get into operation mosh, and let big red and Motorola know we mean business... I love my RAZR, I personally have a lot of faith in this product, I'm actually looking into learning how to develop for android just because I want to help anyone who takes up the torch to develop for this awesome device
Sent from my RAZR running RAZRX 1.1
Nitro is working on Eclipse. Once that gets released, you will be glad you kept the razr.
pieman13 said:
Nitro is working on Eclipse. Once that gets released, you will be glad you kept the razr.
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Can I ask what eclipse is? I'm kind of having the same feelings as the OP. I'm looking for a reason to keep my razr, but some of the other devices are calling for me.
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
Semseddin said:
If you're a rom junkie, go for the nexus. However if you're patient enough, keep waiting with us till the bootloader gets unlocked and enjoy the full potencial of the Razr.
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The only thing the locked bootloader prevents different kennels from being used. There are two or three roms out now plus a deodexed or two that you install with the bootstrap.
Sent from my DROID RAZR using xda premium
I can tell you this. I tried out the Nexus for about a week, and took it back. While I LOVE ICS, the phone itself SUCKS. Esp next to the Razr. Slower, horrible battery life, cheap feel, lackluster camera...I could go on and on. I am pissed off too but it is still the best option out there so far.
Sorry for this extremely newb question. This is my first dabble in the Android world, I've always been an iPhone user since moving from dumb to smart phone.
I've been using the Arctic ROM for last couple of weeks and the latest version makes me never want to go back to the stock Rogers ROM. Now here's the question - given that even without an unlocked bootloader, one can still relatively easily flash a new ROM using CWM, what's this big deal about unlocked bootloader. Also what's special about this ever so elusive custom kernel that has been mentioned?
One of the biggest problems I'm seeing with the locked BL bs is that it appears to be scaring away developers who would rather go the easier route and develop on a unlocked machine. Yea you might get it to work on the Razr but it takes steps A-B-C-D-E and who knows how much more for the devs to get it working as opposed to A and B with a ULBL. Look around...we've got very very little in the way of development or ROMS....
If ROM'ing is really important to you, you really ought to get a GNex. Even if the bootloader does get unlocked (which is up in the air, since Moto's broken that promise in the past), there will be far more development for the GNex.
I got the RAZR for the killer hardware and the smooth user experience. I don't know that I'll ROM this even if they do unlock the bootloader, and I was a ROM junkie on my OG Droid.
ICS is rolling out to the Motorola Xoom tablet this weekend. The RAZR may be only a week or two away from getting ICS with a hardware accelerated GUI. That aside, it's a great phone - terrific reception, loud speakerphone, excellent voice quality. You really want to give up all that?
Oh, and a new thread just broke: The poster says he was contacted by the FCC and they are charging VZW with violations for having a locked bootloader. Hmmm...
larrygeary said:
ICS is rolling out to the Motorola Xoom tablet this weekend. The RAZR may be only a week or two away from getting ICS with a hardware accelerated GUI. That aside, it's a great phone - terrific reception, loud speakerphone, excellent voice quality. You really want to give up all that?
Oh, and a new thread just broke: The poster says he was contacted by the FCC and they are charging VZW with violations for having a locked bootloader. Hmmm...
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I pray that you are right. Though I love this phone more than any other phone I've had before (HD2, HD7, Sensation, G2X, Bionic), it's killing me that I can't mess around with it. I paid top dollar for this prostitute. And I want to do whatever I feel like to her, regardless of what her pimp says.
Any word if the ICS update to the Xoom this weekend may have unlocked their bootloader? I know this was the thought and hopes of some for the ICS upgrade coming to the RAZR.
emiliobadillio said:
Any word if the ICS update to the Xoom this weekend may have unlocked their bootloader? I know this was the thought and hopes of some for the ICS upgrade coming to the RAZR.
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Sorry, I have no info on that.
the xoom already had an unlocked bootloader from the last update from what I can tell as on the motodev website, there is a file to relock it if needed
larrygeary said:
ICS is rolling out to the Motorola Xoom tablet this weekend. The RAZR may be only a week or two away from getting ICS with a hardware accelerated GUI. That aside, it's a great phone - terrific reception, loud speakerphone, excellent voice quality. You really want to give up all that?
Oh, and a new thread just broke: The poster says he was contacted by the FCC and they are charging VZW with violations for having a locked bootloader. Hmmm...
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That is correct, no BS on my end because I have no reason to make something like that up. I was contacted and it doesnt mean its going to gappen right away.
Sporttster said:
I'm really pissed at Moto for locking this bootloader while other manufs go ahead and unlock theirs. Seems we're screwed! I've got a couple days yet before I lose the ability to return this thing and am stuck with a very developer UNfriendly device for the next couple years. What to do? I'm not a huge ROM'er but I definately like to tweak and I don't like to envision everyone getting toys/tweaks/tricks on their HTC's,LG's,Sammys,etc etc while us poor souls on the Moto side get screwed over. I'm on the ledge....pull me off or push me over! Need help deciding...does this thing have a future or in two years will I be BEGGING for a chance to upgrade?
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Best price including shipment to Malaysia?
Just out of interest, are any devs working on hacking bootloader? We had similar thing with HTC Sensation, where HTC promised unlock tool ( and fulfilled their promise) but AlphaRevX beat them to it with Revolutionary. Advantage of Revolutionary is that HTC don't know about you unlocking bootloader and its easy to return to complete stock for warranty purposes.
I'd rather do it this way than official way. So, is anyone working on it? I think I've seen IEF lurking around here.
Sent throught the wormhole from my CoinInserted Sensation OG.
This is for the prime right? Cos the voodoo root tool also has an unroot option, I've returned 2 primes so far, both rooted, and unrooted. Using voodoo, had no problems returning them. Chances are they will be returned to asus by who ever you buy from, not sure places like comet or pcworld would have any idea how to check if you have altered anything and by the time they make it back to asus you will have your replacement. I even forgot to unroot a htc desire once returned it to virgin and never heard anything more about it.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using XDA Premium App
doddsie said:
This is for the prime right? Cos the voodoo root tool also has an unroot option, I've returned 2 primes so far, both rooted, and unrooted. Using voodoo, had no problems returning them. Chances are they will be returned to asus by who ever you buy from, not sure places like comet or pcworld would have any idea how to check if you have altered anything and by the time they make it back to asus you will have your replacement. I even forgot to unroot a htc desire once returned it to virgin and never heard anything more about it.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using XDA Premium App
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I'm not talking about root. I'm talking about security off flag here, which would allow flashing custom roms.
Sent throught the wormhole from my CoinInserted Sensation OG.
Tinky, I too am wondering about this. I know that early on in the forums people were talking about the encryption and the difficulty in unlocking the bootloader of the prime. I also don't know if the announcement of the unlock tool so quickly might have discouraged devs from trying. I hope they are out there working on it but I haven't seen anything about it here.
johnnyutah22 said:
Tinky, I too am wondering about this. I know that early on in the forums people were talking about the encryption and the difficulty in unlocking the bootloader of the prime. I also don't know if the announcement of the unlock tool so quickly might have discouraged devs from trying. I hope they are out there working on it but I haven't seen anything about it here.
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HTC announcement didn't discourage AlphaRev team. So there is hope, I hope.
Sent throught the wormhole from my CoinInserted Sensation OG.
I looked to buy the Nook Tablet for a while before I realized I had more money than I thought. My Prime is on its way.
The thing is they have found 2 ways past the locked bootloader. One is an exploit in the code and another was said to be universal. The coding talk was way over my head, however someone should definitely check them.
Sent from my LG-P500 using my dog.
Well, not many people are daring enough to risk bricking a $500 tablet. I would though if something like RUU for HTC were present. Sadly though, I heard NVFLash don't work.
jdeoxys said:
Well, not many people are daring enough to risk bricking a $500 tablet. I would though if something like RUU for HTC were present. Sadly though, I heard NVFLash don't work.
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Once bootloader is unlocked you can use to flash RUU back. It doesn't have to be RUU.exe
Sent throught the wormhole from my CoinInserted Sensation OG.
tinky1 said:
I'm not talking about root. I'm talking about security off flag here, which would allow flashing custom roms.
Sent throught the wormhole from my CoinInserted Sensation OG.
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Sorry my mistake then. Personally i very much doubt they will unlock the bootloader until they aren't spending all their time with fixing other things. Last thing they will want to do is have to deal with peoples bricked primes. Even if its the users fault it will still take time to work out what they have done, cos the shops will be the ones returning them. Not the user.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using XDA Premium App
Mangala_Dharma said:
I looked to buy the Nook Tablet for a while before I realized I had more money than I thought. My Prime is on its way.
The thing is they have found 2 ways past the locked bootloader. One is an exploit in the code and another was said to be universal. The coding talk was way over my head, however someone should definitely check them.
Sent from my LG-P500 using my dog.
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What is your source for these statements?
Mangala_Dharma said:
I looked to buy the Nook Tablet for a while before I realized I had more money than I thought. My Prime is on its way.
The thing is they have found 2 ways past the locked bootloader. One is an exploit in the code and another was said to be universal. The coding talk was way over my head, however someone should definitely check them.
Sent from my LG-P500 using my dog.
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Can you link us the two sources you read. Id be interested myself as a programmer.
I don't think that the quality Devs are working on this. Or they're being drowned out by all the crap on these forums. Coming from the Captivate, galaxy s, and nook communities on XDA, this forum is a mess, and its not the fault of any mod. I would hate to be a mod on this forum.
As for attacking the bootloader, I think that many are waiting to see what method Asus uses to see if they can duplicate it for ourselves. With no UART access known yet or secure recovery option, no ones wants to risk it, as was mentioned earlier. We need an AdamOutler or the like to unify the work being done and take the lead on this tablet.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
Its gonna be difficult for any Devs to unlock the bootloader because if i recall the Primes BL is not only locked but encrypted as well...Without the keys..finding a way is extremely unless someone from Asus decides to give use the keys..we're stuck waiting for the unlock solution from Asus..Devs don't wanna brick their devices as stated since its so difficult finding a prime..Another device I have the Atrix also had a locked and ecrypted was only unlocked when Moto unofficially leaked a build that had a fastboot unlock command present.
djkinetic said:
Its gonna be difficult for any Devs to unlock the bootloader because if i recall the Primes BL is not only locked but encrypted as well...Without the keys..finding a way is extremely unless someone from Asus decides to give use the keys..we're stuck waiting for the unlock solution from Asus..Devs don't wanna brick their devices as stated since its so difficult finding a prime..Another device I have the Atrix also had a locked and ecrypted was only unlocked when Moto unofficially leaked a build that had a fastboot unlock command present.
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I remember that as well. However, I don't know if you remember kholk over in the Atrix forums. He was said to be extremely close to cracking the bootloader. Also, we had a custom recovery long before a bootloader unlock. I wonder when we will see one for the Prime.
You just have to go over Nook Tablet forum on XDA, its exactly AdamOutler and others, Nemith etc who unlocked the thing. I followed them in real-time from november to january. The threads in android development are all there, ex : " Unlocking the bootloader and next steps "
Sent from my LG-P500 using My Dog
Developers are smart. They're also patient. I believe that instead of unlocking something that will be officially unlocked in a month, they choose to bide their time or attempt other projects.
djkinetic said:
Its gonna be difficult for any Devs to unlock the bootloader because if i recall the Primes BL is not only locked but encrypted as well...Without the keys..finding a way is extremely unless someone from Asus decides to give use the keys..we're stuck waiting for the unlock solution from Asus..Devs don't wanna brick their devices as stated since its so difficult finding a prime..Another device I have the Atrix also had a locked and ecrypted was only unlocked when Moto unofficially leaked a build that had a fastboot unlock command present.
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That didn't stop AlphaRev from unlocking HTC Sensation and multiple other HTC phones (encrypted bootloader I mean). There is always a workaround, its just a matter of finding it if anyone is looking at it.
Sent throught the wormhole from my CoinInserted Sensation OG.
So I helped adam and those guys root and unlock the nook tablet, and let me tell you we spent countless nights working on it. It was only in the source code that we found the loop hole. I'll go snooping around the source code to see if there's anything I can use. There's always a fail safe designed into the system the question is why would we need need it. They said they were going to release it in February so let's give them their time and see what they can do.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Loglud said:
So I helped adam and those guys root and unlock the nook tablet, and let me tell you we spent countless nights working on it. It was only in the source code that we found the loop hole. I'll go snooping around the source code to see if there's anything I can use. There's always a fail safe designed into the system the question is why would we need need it. They said they were going to release it in February so let's give them their time and see what they can do.
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Well I suppose technically they have a week left to do it, but come on, do we really think they'll release it next week? How long did it take for the original transformer? did they promise an unlocked BL for that?
Asus download site now has Unlock Device v6 for ICS in the support section