[Q] updating ROM to higher version or new release - Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini, Mini Pro, Xperia Pro, A

has anyone been using the KXP Milestone1 ROM for WT19i (Coconut), or any of the other devices it supports?
they have released a new version, Milestone1-R2 a week ago. i have Milesotne1-R1 installed on my phone. i just wanted to know if i can simply copy the R2 zip to my SD card, and use the "update using zip" option in CWM to update my ROM, or if i'll have to reinstall the ROM (thereby having to backup apps and contacts, the existing ROM and all that, which is a P in the A).
can anyone please help?

lateral_G said:
has anyone been using the KXP Milestone1 ROM for WT19i (Coconut), or any of the other devices it supports?
they have released a new version, Milestone1-R2 a week ago. i have Milesotne1-R1 installed on my phone. i just wanted to know if i can simply copy the R2 zip to my SD card, and use the "update using zip" option in CWM to update my ROM, or if i'll have to reinstall the ROM (thereby having to backup apps and contacts, the existing ROM and all that, which is a P in the A).
can anyone please help?
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"4. IF COMING FROM SOME OTHER ROM, make factory wipe (not needed if updating AOKP)"
It is written in the installation instructions in the link give by you above, so no need to wipe data.
Press thanks if I helped.

abcdjdj said:
"4. IF COMING FROM SOME OTHER ROM, make factory wipe (not needed if updating AOKP)"
It is written in the installation instructions in the link give by you above, so no need to wipe data.
Press thanks if I helped.
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oh, i read that too, but thought factory wipe is for resetting other stuff (like hardware settings and modes), and installing a new ROM automatically wipes the messages, contacts, apps, etc. thanks a lot

abcdjdj said:
"4. IF COMING FROM SOME OTHER ROM, make factory wipe (not needed if updating AOKP)"
It is written in the installation instructions in the link give by you above, so no need to wipe data.
Press thanks if I helped.
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btw, i have one more follow-up doubt. sorry if being a bother
when installing the update thru CWM, do i choose "install from zip" option, or do i "upgrade from zip"?

lateral_G said:
oh, i read that too, but thought factory wipe is for resetting other stuff (like hardware settings and modes), and installing a new ROM automatically wipes the messages, contacts, apps, etc. thanks a lot
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No... Installing a new ROM doesn't wipe apps automatically... You must do a factory reset to wipe apps...
It isn't required if you are upgrading the same ROM
lateral_G said:
btw, i have one more follow-up doubt. sorry if being a bother
when installing the update thru CWM, do i choose "install from zip" option, or do i "upgrade from zip"?
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Choose" install from zip":beer:

thanks a lot guys, for your help. i successfully installed the update as you suggested.

lateral_G said:
thanks a lot guys, for your help. i successfully installed the update as you suggested.
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Just so you know, "update from zip" will look for a zip named "update.zip" on your sdcard and then install it, an update.zip is typically just a patch that only contains changes and it isn't used very much anymore. If the zip is named something else then use "install zip from sdcard"

justmpm said:
Just so you know, "update from zip" will look for a zip named "update.zip" on your sdcard and then install it, an update.zip is typically just a patch that only contains changes and it isn't used very much anymore. If the zip is named something else then use "install zip from sdcard"
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ooooooooh, didn't know that.
i thought of asking what the update from zip option actually does, but didn't wanna, coz i already asked a lot of noob questions and it doesnt matter much anyway.
but still, uncertainty sucks. so thanks for that tip man. :good:


[Q] New to the TB. Confused about ROMs/Skins/Themes.

I just bought my Thunderbolt the other day and so far I'm loving it more each day. I successfully rooted it and got ROM Manager on it.
I'm confused as to what exactly a ROM is and how to get it working on my phone. I've been reading about a few ROMs that de-bloat the phone and those are the ones that I'm looking to get onto my phone, but I'm rather confused as to how to install them. I've downloaded the Des BAMF one and put it on my phone's SD card and renamed it to "update.zip" and chose the option "Install ROM from SD Card." It then reboots into a different looking theme/skin that appears to be the default. I'm not sure if I did something wrong or not.
Could someone fill me in on how exactly to install a custom ROM on the Thunderbolt?
Any help is appreciated.
I am in the exact same boat as you. Just got my tbolt and unlocked it.. And for the longest time.. 5 hours i had no idea how to install the roms.
So from what I did.
I backed up my user app on Titanium back up.
I downloaded the zip file.. and placed it in my SD CARD. Don't put it in any folder. or you could you just have to find it, without changing the name.
So then with Rom Manager, you should backup current ROM
Then you should reboot into Recovery.
First we will wipe the data/factory reset.
wipe the cache partition.
Apply the new rom. To do this select the install zip from sdcard.
The next option would be to select chose zip from sd card.
Then you will select your rom from the sd card.
Once you have selected the rom you will get to the conformation page.
I have a link that can show you step by step.. but i am not over my 10 post to post link outside the site
there is no need to rename to update.zip. if you are properly rooted with s-off all you need to do is choose choose "install rom from sd card" in rom manager. Find the rim you want to install (name doesn't matter) and click it. It will then prompt you with two checkboxes.
1. Will be to make a back up
2. Will be to wipe data and cache.
MAKE A BACKUP. As for wiping data and cache that erases everything from your phone (not things on the sd card) it is recommended to do that because sometimes the phone gets weird and force closes if you don't, but sometimes it works fine.
After clicking ok, it will boot into recovery, go through back up and installing and reboot. First reboot may take awhile but after thar you have your new rom.
Let me know if that answered your question. If it didn't, clarify for me so I can better assist you.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
greg i have a question. when you wipe data and cache.
your sdcard is safe right?. or does the sdcard get wiped as well
MisterDonut said:
greg i have a question. when you wipe data and cache.
your sdcard is safe right?. or does the sdcard get wiped as well
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sdcard will not get wiped.
another thing, if your just flashing a new kernel, or updating a rom, like from bamf 1.2 to 1.3, usually a full wipe is not necessary.
But if your switching roms like from BAMF to CM7 always wipe.
just make sure you read the threads and backup before you change anything.
The easiest and simple method of putting a rom on you phone is thru clockwork. You can access the xda site thru an app on the market, just search for xda. Download the app, open the app and sign in. Find the t-bolt forum and download the desired rom using your phone. Once the rom is downloaded, boot into recovery, select "wipe data/factory reset" , select "wipe cache partition", then select "advanced", select "wipe dalvik cache". I usually do this process twice just to make sure. The select "install zip from sd card", find the folder where you downloaded the rom select that then select the file/rom. Install it.
Thanks alot appreciate the feed back and the community
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
Thank you for all the replies everybody. Clarified a lot of things for me.
I forgot to ask something in my original post; what exactly is a kernel and how would I come about installing it on my TB?
I've been reading a lot about them and I am still clueless as to what a kernel does.
Tethers said:
Thank you for all the replies everybody. Clarified a lot of things for me.
I forgot to ask something in my original post; what exactly is a kernel and how would I come about installing it on my TB?
I've been reading a lot about them and I am still clueless as to what a kernel does.
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The kernel controls the power and sped of the phone. You can install it the same way I explained prior. The devs tweak the kernel to get better performance and battery life. Adrynalynes 2.0 is good. Dont worry about quadrant scores/ speeds as they are bs. I am also not a fan of overclocking, just my preference.
Tethers said:
Thank you for all the replies everybody. Clarified a lot of things for me.
I forgot to ask something in my original post; what exactly is a kernel and how would I come about installing it on my TB?
I've been reading a lot about them and I am still clueless as to what a kernel does.
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im not sure exactly, but without getting too technical, it controls your processor speed.
it can make your phone faster, smoother, and more efficient.
if you flash a good rom, i see your on das bamf, it already has a decent kernel.
Tethers said:
Thank you for all the replies everybody. Clarified a lot of things for me.
I forgot to ask something in my original post; what exactly is a kernel and how would I come about installing it on my TB?
I've been reading a lot about them and I am still clueless as to what a kernel does.
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Check out the section on kernels on wikipedia, it does a decent job explaining it. The reason you might want to run a custom kernel is to add support for something that is disabled in the stock kernel config, like extra filesystem support or tunneling or to undervolt the processor to save on battery. More slots can be added so you can change clock speeds, etc.

Problem upgrade OTA Lewa Rom

I have download the file (25/5/12) in sd card.I need to flash CWM but not sure
wipe cache/date,factory reset. Do I install from sd or update from sd card?? Which one is correct. I newbie, please help me...... This is 1st Rom I liked so much.
Thanks guys.
sabah98 said:
I have download the file (25/5/12) in sd card.I need to flash CWM but not sure
wipe cache/date,factory reset. Do I install from sd or update from sd card?? Which one is correct. I newbie, please help me...... This is 1st Rom I liked so much.
Thanks guys.
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Do factory reset and wipe cache...
then select install zip from sd card and select the zip file of the ROM..
Isn't he is trying to install the update of the ROM only? 0.o
I had used LeWa before, just flash it using CWM...
Sent from my WAREZ impulses.
Hello There,
Yeah you right! I want to upgrade the rom so should I need to wipe anything. And what will be the command: install or update from sd card. I hv already installed the old version dated 4/5/12. Thanks to both of you.
sabah98 said:
Hello There,
Yeah you right! I want to upgrade the rom so should I need to wipe anything. And what will be the command: install or update from sd card. I hv already installed the old version dated 4/5/12. Thanks to both of you.
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Just flash it using CWM
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sabah98 said:
Hello There,
Yeah you right! I want to upgrade the rom so should I need to wipe anything. And what will be the command: install or update from sd card. I hv already installed the old version dated 4/5/12. Thanks to both of you.
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Use install, don't use the update option. There's no need to do a wipe if your just updating.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using my hands
I done what you told me. But the installation aborted with this message: apply_patch_check("system/bin/debugged") Error in /sdcard/LeWa_OTA_Cooper_12.05.18_12.05.25...fc532.zip (Status 7) What does this mean? How should I correct it?? I have not change the settings except the language English. Installed Link2Sd and Market + games. Please advise me what are the steps?? Thanks again.
sabah98 said:
I done what you told me. But the installation aborted with this message: apply_patch_check("system/bin/debugged") Error in /sdcard/LeWa_OTA_Cooper_12.05.18_12.05.25...fc532.zip (Status 7) What does this mean? How should I correct it?? I have not change the settings except the language English. Installed Link2Sd and Market + games. Please advise me what are the steps?? Thanks again.
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Which version of CWM are you using?
Respecting others never hurt, let's build a better XDA community.
CWM I hv installed the Lewa Rom(old version) and everything works fine. Another way is I flash the latest rom but I lose Link2Sd partition and all data. What should I do?? Or I stay on the old version?
sabah98 said:
CWM I hv installed the Lewa Rom(old version) and everything works fine. Another way is I flash the latest rom but I lose Link2Sd partition and all data. What should I do?? Or I stay on the old version?
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You need LeWa version of CWM in order to install updates...
Hello there!
I hv searched few hrs on CWM5.0.2.8 Lewa but couldn't find it. Can you port it over here for users having this Lewa Rom who also need this. Your help goes a long way.
Hei There!
I solved the problem. I flashed the latest rom after wiping cache/data. I still cant find the CWM5.0.2.8 even I searched the chinese website:115.com/file/ane69mcp they stated it as cm_zip
Hi.. I am unable to update below update on lewa ROM .. The last updated patch is 12 _05_25
I have latest CWM... get message update aborted
yeowwwai said:
You need LeWa version of CWM in order to install updates...
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It's not true, now you can update with ota also with cwm The problem is link2sd: if you want ota updates you must use native a2sd (moving app to sd in settings) and also you can't modify any system file, like gps.conf and any others
Inviato dal mio GT-S5830 con Tapatalk 2
me too! I have been able to update prior to the last update. But now, I can't. I've read in some post that you should delete the .Zip that contains 0 bytes. Yet again its not the solution. The error is: "E:Error in /sdcard/LEWA/ota/download/LeWa_OTA_Cooper_12.05.25-12.06.01_71a5ab.zip(Status 7)"
P.S. I dont want to flash the whole rom. I just want the update. Please help.
Uninstall Link2sd and do not alter any settings. Download OTA from first page flash it with CWM. No need to wipe. It works for me. Hope this help you.

[Q] How to uninstall Cyanogenmod 9?? (total noob...)

First of all I am a total noob in rooting Android. I have just bought a used Prime which has not the original software but the Cyanogenmod 9.
I would like to revert to original Asus software so as to have my google apps (play etc). Is this possible and if yes how?
thank you in advance
yannis1976 said:
First of all I am a total noob in rooting Android. I have just bought a used Prime which has not the original software but the Cyanogenmod 9.
I would like to revert to original Asus software so as to have my google apps (play etc). Is this possible and if yes how?
thank you in advance
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Check and see if you have clockworkmod folder on internal if that is there then check the backup folder and see if there is anything in there... Now I wouldn't suggest going back to the backup but you can download Virtuous rom which is close to stock and install it instead
If its just the Google apps you need then just flash a gapps package in clockwork mod, which is probably already installed if you have cm9
My problem is not only I lost all the Asus software (eg Polaris Office), but also he ability to install everything through the google play. My device is not recognized in the play web site and I have to install first the google apps!
Gage_Hero said:
Check and see if you have clockworkmod folder on internal if that is there then check the backup folder and see if there is anything in there... Now I wouldn't suggest going back to the backup but you can download Virtuous rom which is close to stock and install it instead
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thx for the reply first of all!
Is not possible to just download the firmwares from the Asus site and install them?
If yes how can I do this?
Flashing stock rom from asus will result in unrecoverable brick. However you can flash this if you want to get as close to stock as possible you can flash this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1674827
Sent from my sgs2 running cm9
Download this zip file(Almost stock) [dl dropbox com/u/27023946/AlmostStock_9.4.2.21.zip"] to your internal SD-card preferably in the Download folder.
Then go to your ClockWork Mod recovery or TWRP recovery. Wipe Dalvik cache and Factory Reset and then Install zip from SD-card. Choose the zip you placed in the download folder and click yes.
After a while you can Reboot to System. That's it! Good as new.
thank you for all the replies.
I see u have suggested two roms:
1) AlmostStock_9.4.2.21.zip
2) AndroWook Prime Stock Rooted ICS
Any reason to prefer the one over the other?
sammytheman said:
Download this zip file(Almost stock) [dl dropbox com/u/27023946/AlmostStock_9.4.2.21.zip"] to your internal SD-card preferably in the Download folder.
Then go to your ClockWork Mod recovery or TWRP recovery. Wipe Dalvik cache and Factory Reset and then Install zip from SD-card. Choose the zip you placed in the download folder and click yes.
After a while you can Reboot to System. That's it! Good as new.
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I did exactly what u said, but I keep rebooting clockwork mod recovery...
Any ideas?
yannis1976 said:
I did exactly what u said, but I keep rebooting clockwork mod recovery...
Any ideas?
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So you're not stuck in a bootloop, but it boots recovery every time you restart? I can send you a .zip to flash that will get you out of the bootloop - can you push files to the internal sd card?
You bought this used? Whoever sold it to you really should have flashed gApps along with CM9, if you can't get it to work, I would contact him/her and ask to have it fixed if you can't do it yourself. That's a pretty bad way to sell a used product! Sorry, good luck.
Try the link above to hepl get you out of recovery
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk 2
sammytheman said:
Download this zip file(Almost stock) [dl dropbox com/u/27023946/AlmostStock_9.4.2.21.zip"] to your internal SD-card preferably in the Download folder.
Then go to your ClockWork Mod recovery or TWRP recovery. Wipe Dalvik cache and Factory Reset and then Install zip from SD-card. Choose the zip you placed in the download folder and click yes.
After a while you can Reboot to System. That's it! Good as new.
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any idea how to remove it from the t-mobile vivacity?

[Q] Updating Question

Hello everyone, I have a quick question. when I turn on my Nook, it says that there is an updated for my gapps and an update for my Rom...I'd really like to update them just so I have the newest version but it doesn't seem to be working. It downloads them, then when I go to launch them it resets the Nook. It goes to a screen with several options (I'm sure you know what I'm talking about) but when I try to install the latest ROM the folder is empty. Am I doing something wrong? Is there an easier way to get it updated? Thanks in advance, any help would be greatly appreciated.
What are you using to download update? Are you using ROM manager or goo,PC?
Sent from my Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet using xda app-developers app
stillblaze01 said:
What are you using to download update? Are you using ROM manager or goo,PC?
Sent from my Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet using xda app-developers app
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I'm using Goo on my tablet to download the updates, then when it resets to actually install it, I think it's running the ROM manager.
boot in to recovery
StraTTtheRippeR said:
I'm using Goo on my tablet to download the updates, then when it resets to actually install it, I think it's running the ROM manager.
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IF your having a hard time with goo move the rom.zip and the gapps to the root of your sdcard . reboot into recovery and follow the rom instructions wipe whatever it tells you to (read first before wiping) then pick zip from sdcard first rom install then do it again with the gapps zip after that reboot you should be updated. Good luck!
OK, this is what happens. At the top of my screen it says there's an update for my gapps and rom. I download them. When I click on them from the top pull down menu, it starts the GOO manager. It says "select zip(s) to flash and whatever I have there to be updated. There's 2 options on the bottom on the screen that say "add zip from another location" or "order & flash selected". If I choose order and flash selected, at the bottom of the screen it says "wipe options" 1.wipe cache/dalvik chace partition 2.create back up (yes I have a back up program installed) and 3.wipe data (factory reset). then it says "flash". I hit flash and it wants me to confirm it.so I hit yes and my tablet reboots to "team win recovery project". If i go into install it takes me to a /emmc folder but there's nothing in there. That's when I gave up and came here...sorry if this is too much information, I just want to explain this the best way I can so I can get the tablet updated. Thanks again!
StraTTtheRippeR said:
OK, this is what happens. At the top of my screen it says there's an update for my gapps and rom. I download them. When I click on them from the top pull down menu, it starts the GOO manager. It says "select zip(s) to flash and whatever I have there to be updated. There's 2 options on the bottom on the screen that say "add zip from another location" or "order & flash selected". If I choose order and flash selected, at the bottom of the screen it says "wipe options" 1.wipe cache/dalvik chace partition 2.create back up (yes I have a back up program installed) and 3.wipe data (factory reset). then it says "flash". I hit flash and it wants me to confirm it.so I hit yes and my tablet reboots to "team win recovery project". If i go into install it takes me to a /emmc folder but there's nothing in there. That's when I gave up and came here...sorry if this is too much information, I just want to explain this the best way I can so I can get the tablet updated. Thanks again!
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like i said try moving the rom and gapps to the root of your sdcard then boot into recovery and add zip from sdcard
stillblaze01 said:
like i said try moving the rom and gapps to the root of your sdcard then boot into recovery and add zip from sdcard
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Thanks, I'll give that a try and see if it works for me. Am I supposed to wipe the card? That's the part I'm confused about the most is are the wiping options. Thanks again for the help.
When updatining make sure to wipe cache and dalvic cache then flash ROM and gapps
Sent from my Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet using xda app-developers app
stillblaze01 said:
When updatining make sure to wipe cache and dalvic cache then flash ROM and gapps
Sent from my Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet using xda app-developers app
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The way you suggested doing it works (moving them to the root of the SD card), the only problem is, the GAPPs it wants me to use as an update isn't compatible with my version apparently so I had to reinstall the previous version. The ROM it wants me to update to is cm_acclaim_10.2.0-RCO_13OCT2013_HD_SDC.zip and I can't find it on the internet anywhere to download it. Any suggestions? Thanks again!
Edit: OK, I got it all figured out and updated. Thanks for the help!

[Q] Flashing international KitKat ROM on E970

I'm looking to install LG's official Korean KitKat ROM on my Optimus G. I noticed that it's been unofficially ported to the international variants (E975, E971...) here. I was wondering that since the AT&T variant is a bit different (lower-res camera, SD card slot), would it be safe to install or would I encounter any issues? I have flashed Epsilon Project before and I did not have access to the camera or LTE. I went back to CyanogenMod shortly after that. If I were to install this KDZ, would I encounter the same sorts of problems?
Thanks in advance.
Sent from my LG Optimus G using Tapatalk
dandrumheller said:
Sent from my LG Optimus G using Tapatalk
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Wow. How did I miss that. Thanks, I'll be looking forward to it then!
CyborgTurtle said:
Wow. How did I miss that. Thanks, I'll be looking forward to it then!
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I am total newbie. Can you guys tell me how to install this ROM. I downloaded the zip file. I have TWRP installed. How can I install it?
nizarp said:
I am total newbie. Can you guys tell me how to install this ROM. I downloaded the zip file. I have TWRP installed. How can I install it?
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There are plenty of tutorials online, but here are the instructions:
1. Reboot into recovery (in your case TWRP)
2. Tap "install"
3. Browse the filesystem for the zip you want to install and select it
4. If you want to add additional zips, tap "add more zips" and repeat step 3 until you have all the zips
5. Swipe to flash the zips
A side note, it's generally a good idea to wipe /system and the dalvik cache when switching ROMs. Also, TWRP has issues on my device with flashing CM11, so if you're planning on installing that I recommend ClockworkMod instead.
CyborgTurtle said:
There are plenty of tutorials online, but here are the instructions:
1. Reboot into recovery (in your case TWRP)
2. Tap "install"
3. Browse the filesystem for the zip you want to install and select it
4. If you want to add additional zips, tap "add more zips" and repeat step 3 until you have all the zips
5. Swipe to flash the zips
A side note, it's generally a good idea to wipe /system and the dalvik cache when switching ROMs. Also, TWRP has issues on my device with flashing CM11, so if you're planning on installing that I recommend ClockworkMod instead.
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Thanks a lot. Like you said, I installed CWM and successfully flashed the firmware. Phone runs smooth now.
Only thing I would like to change is the default ringtones. There are many Korean ones in the default list. Can I somehow change them to English ones?
nizarp said:
Thanks a lot. Like you said, I installed CWM and successfully flashed the firmware. Phone runs smooth now.
Only thing I would like to change is the default ringtones. There are many Korean ones in the default list. Can I somehow change them to English ones?
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Other than finding where they are located and renaming them, no.

