[Q] Lenovo Ideapad 2107a-h storage issues - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Ok, so I just received a new Lenovo Ideapad a2107a-h from ATT. This is supposed to be a 16GB tablet. When you go into storage under settings, it says that I have 503 MB of intenal storage and then 12.99 GB of internal memory. It gives me an option to default install apps to internal memory, but it goes right to the internal storage of 503 MB. Even when I move some apps, there is a few mb's that get left behind. Once I fill up that internal storage of 503 MB, it tells me I am out of space, yet I stilll have 12GB of internal memory. ATT swapped out my tablet, it has the same issue. Lenovo says they have never heard of this befoer and I should just have 12.99 GB (16GB) of storage, period. Anyone know why this would be like this? Also, when you go to apps, it shows the 12.99 GB as SD storage?

lenovo a630 storage
dhshchkh said:
Ok, so I just received a new Lenovo Ideapad a2107a-h from ATT. This is supposed to be a 16GB tablet. When you go into storage under settings, it says that I have 503 MB of intenal storage and then 12.99 GB of internal memory. It gives me an option to default install apps to internal memory, but it goes right to the internal storage of 503 MB. Even when I move some apps, there is a few mb's that get left behind. Once I fill up that internal storage of 503 MB, it tells me I am out of space, yet I still have 12GB of internal memory. ATT swapped out my tablet, it has the same issue. Lenovo says they have never heard of this before and I should just have 12.99 GB (16GB) of storage, period. Anyone know why this would be like this? Also, when you go to apps, it shows the 12.99 GB as SD storage?
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I have a similar problem with my a630, the USSD( sys dump) code I found didn't work as its a Samsung one , is there one for Lenovo?
also how do u become eligible to use this USSD service( i need to un block my phone some how?)


Please explain to a newbie the memory/storage

I understand on a PC memory is for active stuff and storage is for keeping things you need but can pull into memory for actual use.
If I go to task manager on this phone, it says total memory 803MB, used 588 - free 215MB.
Then it shows all applications 26MB
How do I see how much of my storage is in use? Is that 26MB of whatever sized storage card came with this phone?
ROM vs. RAM?
That's showing your RAM, to see how much storage space your phone has left go to Menu -> Settings -> Applications -> Storage use
Thanks - it says 8GB 5.5GB available. Internal storage .93GB.
Ever since these tablets and phones came out "memory" seems to be the generic term for just about everything in the device - RAM, ROM, NAND, EMMC, SD...
This is actually not different from a pc so why is the term memory used so freely? Traditionally RAM was/is considered memory. In the phone NAND is the ROM or flash memory. emmc is the internal storage. Sd is the external storage. But they're all called memory, even in spec sheets. Technically I suppose they are all memory, but why not address them with differing terms?
At one time they'd list it as 512 RAM/512ROM or flash rom. And storage would be called storage or sd card. It would save a lot of confusion and arguments that I've seen where two people are correct in what they've said, just incorrect in answering the question asked.
boe said:
Thanks - it says 8GB 5.5GB available. Internal storage .93GB.
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Yup the SD card has the green hornet in it, and the internal memory is like a 1GB free when you get the phone
If you don't have an Evo3d well you don't have an Evo3d

[Q] Storage - How much is used by the OS

I just bought a Nexus 4 with 16GB internal storage. In Settings, it shows that I have approximately 13GB available. Am I correct in assuming that the OS is using the other 5GB?
The reason why I am curious about this is because I am considering buying the Zopo ZP900, which comes with only 4GB of internal memory for Ice Cream Sandwich. Although I've done quite a bit of research on the ZP900, I'm unable to find any resource that documents the size of the "Device memory" and "USB storage" partitions; looks like I might have to actually buy the phone just to find out! I really disklike the idea of buying a phone only to learn that there's minimal available memory.
I've noticed a few user comments on GizChina where users have complained about phones with only 30MB of available internal memory. Yes, the memory can be expanded with an SD card, but some applications require installation to the internal memory.
I searched the forum for an existing thread on this issue, but couldn't find one; please forgive me if this post is re-hahsing an old issue. Thanks.
Pete9972 said:
I just bought a Nexus 4 with 16GB internal storage. In Settings, it shows that I have approximately 13GB available. Am I correct in assuming that the OS is using the other 5GB?
The reason why I am curious about this is because I am considering buying the Zopo ZP900, which comes with only 4GB of internal memory for Ice Cream Sandwich. Although I've done quite a bit of research on the ZP900, I'm unable to find any resource that documents the size of the "Device memory" and "USB storage" partitions; looks like I might have to actually buy the phone just to find out! I really disklike the idea of buying a phone only to learn that there's minimal available memory.
I've noticed a few user comments on GizChina where users have complained about phones with only 30MB of available internal memory. Yes, the memory can be expanded with an SD card, but some applications require installation to the internal memory.
I searched the forum for an existing thread on this issue, but couldn't find one; please forgive me if this post is re-hahsing an old issue. Thanks.
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16-13 = 3. (not 5) and that part of memory taken up by system includes space for installing apps and stuff. Just get a 16 or 32 gb SD. (not for nexus4, I know) yeah some apps go into internal memory. Keep the unmovable ones on internal and move others to SD. mine has 8 gb internal memory. 4gb taken up by system.
yes the cut off space is used by the os and dedicated internal space for installation of apps n games. I think u cant install apps in your remaining internal memory. apps can installed only in dedicated internal memory or sdcard. if can also use ur remaining internal memory as sdcard by the help of rooting.

[Q] New Huawei Ascend Y200 has almost no internal memory..!?

Hi. Im a bit confused.
I bought this Huawei phone Ascend Y200 with full consciousness about its unimpressive but good enough internal memory, but what surprised me is the fact that I got low memory message only after few apps installed, and I installed them them on 8GB SD card.
So I went to storage in settings and saw this :
Internal SD card
Total space 17.96MB
Available space 15,97 MB
Internal storage
Available space 4,79 MB
What in the world is that, i dont know.
I had android phones before, but I never saw something like this...
There was always SD card memory and internal memory, and internal was always as it was, 250 or 500 MB, depending of what mobile phone i had at the time.
But this has "SD card", "Internat SD card" and "Internal storage" and these last two are very small as you see.
thank you.
Have you tried Link2SD ?
I'm not sure exactly what model your phone is but I have a Huawei Ascend Y and it too has a memory short problem.
If you are rooted, it allows a partitioned SD to act as a linked storage area and you can move some of your non-system
apps to SD and link them thereby saving the internal memory of the phone.
After using the subject tool the internal memory is now over 44 megabytes on mine. Check it out on Google Pay! er,ah Play.

[Q] Storage space on tablet - confused

I have a Colorfly e708 Q1 tablet
According to the specifications it should have 8GB storage...
According to the tablet's system’s settings/storage menu, it has two internal storages (one being 1.48GB, the other being 3.76GB)
Now, I was wondering whether the two internal storages, the sum of which is 5.24GB, equal 8GB what is written in the specifications?!?
5.24GB = 8GB ?
In the android system's settings/storage my tablet shows this (yes, two internal storages are shown here):
internal storage
total space 1.48GB
available 1.29GB
internal storage
total space 3.76GB
available 3.70GB
I presume this means, that the system and installed apps take up 0.19GB and 0.06GB (sum 0.25GB) space from TOTAL and the available is what is left for me to use.
Now then, DOES this tablet HAVE 8GB or NOT?
Or do I get it wrong? Does the android system take (8GB-5.3GB=) 2.7GB space (?!?), which is absolutely not visible nor manageable for me?!
Then what takes up the 0.25GB space? All the installed APPs seen in the tablet’s settings/applications menu use 188MB, I added them together
In the android system's settings/applications menu the tablet shows:
RAM 262MB used 479MB free (sum = 741MB; this should be 1GB according to the tablet's specifications... but at least this is near to 1GB)
internal storage 188MB used and 1.3GB free (sum = 1.48GB)
SD card storage 58MB used and 3.7GB free (sum = 3.76GB)
I don't have any external microSD inserted into the tablet, so the so called SD card storage is an internal storage as well, as the settings/storage menu showed earlier.
So in my opinion the 188MB and 58 MB (sum = 246MB = 0.25GB) is the space which the system and pre-installed apps used up.
Someone told me, that tablets like this one, have system restore partition, and other partitions I cannot see, without being rooted. OK, but if the whole system takes up 0.25GB, then why would such partitions need 2.7GB?!
Or where is 2.7GB?
I don't think that my other hypothesis, that the android system would use 2.7GB, is correct ... And also that situation would rise the question (for me) mentioned earlier: what is the 0.25GB?
Please help, because I'm thoroughly confused.
If I plug in the tablet to a PC, it sees only 3.7GB capacity.
In my opinion, (what I would call "storage space"), this tablet has only 3.76GB, that is cc 4GB storage . But mybe I'm not right... I don't know
PLEASE HELP!! I bought a tablet, that was declared to have 8GB capacity. Have I been deceived/cheated or not?

[Q] Memory related

I use a 9 inches Qpad, rooted, owl upgrade bootloader. Model number L916-3 internal memory is 16gb partitioned into 2.. 4gb for installation and 12gb as internal sdcard.. 32gb external sdcard.. 2gb Ram
Now, the first problem is aver since the day I started using it, the Ram as been used up even though there are very few applications installed. I usually have less than 350gb free ram space. So the device is slow..
Second problem is I installed the things I needed along the line, but recently I realized applications are missing on my phone, like 11 of them, at first I think this is nothing.. I tried to instal some again then it says insufficient memory.. then I uninstall some applications, some well above 45mb, and yet I can't instal back an application of 850kbytes.. and I still have above 3gb free internal memory, 7gb free internal sdcard and 28gb free external sdcard.. please help me, my device is becoming useless

