New link for HTC One X+ RUUs - HTC One X+

I used to go to in order to get the RUUs for my device (or other HTC devices) but the site has deleted almost all of the files. But the good news is that James Taylor (owner of the link) has moved them to another web link, so in case you need to download a RUU, you can do it from here:
Thanks to James Taylor for the compilation!!!

Already posted by him in development
Slithered from my HTC One X+

superchilpil said:
Already posted by him in development
Slithered from my HTC One X+
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Thanks for the info, I just thought that it would be more accessible here for all users that might not get into development. Bu the moderator can feel free to delete this thread if needed.
Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 2


HTC One X+ Ultimate Infomation Thread :D

Hey guys!! I havn't seen a Mega info thread for the One x+ yet so I thought I might try and make one, any new information/video links or just general talk of this beast of a handset is much appreciated
It's called a wiki.. go make one
He want's to do something similar to this.
Good luck with it, i hope you have hamdir's expertise
uqadwe said:
He want's to do something similar to this.
Good luck with it, i hope you have hamdir's expertise
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hamdir is the man:fingers-crossed:
uqadwe said:
He want's to do something similar to this.
Good luck with it, i hope you have hamdir's expertise
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LOL nope I just want to see a largely popular thread of the one x+ :/ I'm no Hamdir lol, Would love to see him make another thread for the one x+ though all the threads here look dead
Any of you guys own a one x+?
Yes, but i think this no way to start a mega thread
Sent from my HTC One X+
Yeah, I realised that was a bit if a long shot To be honest I just want to see a thread half as popular as hamdirs original one x thread, I just did this to see what kind of response I would get, not that good in all honesty LOL..thanks for the heads up though. We need another Hamdir for the one x+!

S-off ??

Is there a way to get s-off in the rooting process? This is crutial for my rooting needs as I minipulate frame work in themes to get it to my liking I am holding out until someone finds s-off I know it's hard to crack but I am just patiently waiting so any update on progress would be most appreciated
Sent from my HTC One X+ using xda app-developers app
You don't need s-off to do the things you want to do, please read about htcdev.
Also please don't post in the development forum
Slithered from my HTC One X+
gothicasshole said:
Is there a way to get s-off in the rooting process? This is crutial for my rooting needs as I minipulate frame work in themes to get it to my liking I am holding out until someone finds s-off I know it's hard to crack but I am just patiently waiting so any update on progress would be most appreciated
Sent from my HTC One X+ using xda app-developers app
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This does NOT belong here. NO YOU CAN NOT GET S-OFF. There is an entire thread dedicated to this developer discussion thread. DO NOT POST IN THERE AS YOU HAVE NO USEFUL INFORMATION TO GIVE.
Sorry if I knew how to delete it I would I was just wondering if it was even possible but yes I understand your nerd rage I do appologyse
Sent from my HTC One X+ using xda app-developers app
@Kraizk why you always flipping out on people. wtf man.
Sent from my HTC One X+
Because if someone takes 3 seconds to read and understand the rules of the forums and looks for an answer before posting the boards wouldn't be cluttered with stupid things. Could I explain things in a more "polite" manner? Absolutely. We've all asked stupid questions before, and it has been my experience that if someone is politely corrected they will ask more stupid questions. Also I would not really call it "nerd rage" or flipping out. I simply made the important parts in caps to highlight important information, as it has been show common sense escapes the individual.
lol "nerd rage" haha.
But yea ok. I think you just make people look stupid, that's all.
Good talk. See ya tommorrow.
Sent from my HTC One X+
Keep your cool ppl. No harm done. I moved the thread. OP will think before posting next time and all is well .
jotha said:
Keep your cool ppl. No harm done. I moved the thread. OP will think before posting next time and all is well .
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To be honest no it's not alright. I have had warnings for being less offensive by other moderators. Just because he can compile a kernel he gets off scott free time and time again. We can all compile kernels it's not that hard. So if i go and compile a TWRP or a CWM. Can i speak to people how i feel with no repercussions like kraizk?
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AndroHero said:
To be honest no it's not alright. I have had warnings for being less offensive by other moderators. Just because he can compile a kernel he gets off scott free time and time again. We can all compile kernels it's not that hard. So if i go and compile a TWRP or a CWM. Can i speak to people how i feel with no repercussions like kraizk?
Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 2
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he can't compile kernels
Keep calm guys. I guess thread can be closed
Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 2
Holy crap didn't mean for all this... Can you please direct me to the s-off forum?
Sent from my HTC One X+ using xda app-developers app
gothicasshole said:
Holy crap didn't mean for all this... Can you please direct me to the s-off forum?
Sent from my HTC One X+ using xda app-developers app
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again, the rules clearly state in the forum, do not post unless your post can help obtain S-OFF

Best custom ROM

Trying to decide on a good ROM till cm10.1 or the aosp gets completed and stablized by lloir.
Any suggestions?
Sent from my HTC One X+ using xda app-developers app
Lloir ROMs are more than stable.
Really? Are you 15? Why couldnt you just roll your eyes without posting? Do you need attention? I donated towards lloir, i believe in the guy.
Just wanted to ask!
Sent from my HTC One X+ using xda app-developers app
Only you can find the best rom for you device. Test them all and see for yourself. just want to know my favorite/best rom? Well for me its Viper XL+
Sent from my HTC One X+
Trentrr182 said:
Really? Are you 15? Why couldnt you just roll your eyes without posting? Do you need attention? I donated towards lloir, i believe in the guy.
Just wanted to ask!
Sent from my HTC One X+ using xda app-developers app
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these threads are against the rules, please read them and the posting guide posted in the general section that states that threads like these are frowned upon.
And no, I don't need attention
Slithered from my HTC One X+
Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 2
Trentrr182 said:
Really? Are you 15? Why couldnt you just roll your eyes without posting? Do you need attention? I donated towards lloir, i believe in the guy.
Just wanted to ask!
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thats nice...i can post without rolling eyes, but why i should do this?
there is the smiley i can choose, and i like the rolling eyes smiley :laugh:
every week comes (minimum) one forum user and ask these things:
- can i use ATT on INTL?
- Which ROM is the best, fastest, smoothest, bla bla bla
- how can i root, flash, recovery...and so on
we have many threads, many threads they are not needed, if forum user READ the entire threads about
the Toolkit, Recoveries, ROMs and Guides
you can compare everything
AOSP with CM10, CM10.1 or AOKP, many Sense ROMs and a lot other stuff.
download it and use it and find your own best rom
i have test it all
sorry, but i can only rolling my eyes about such threads.
superchilpil has saying it all...
Trentrr182 said:
Really? Are you 15? Why couldnt you just roll your eyes without posting? Do you need attention? I donated towards lloir, i believe in the guy.
Just wanted to ask!
Sent from my HTC One X+ using xda app-developers app
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Are you 15 and unable to follow the rules? You are literate enough to read right? Unless you want your stay here at XDA to be unpleasant. I suggest not only do you educate yourself on the rules. You should also watch your manners when you speak to well respected members like skdbug.
Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 2
Do you know what the best rom is? the one that suits your needs best, by testing them all thats the best rom.
Lloir said:
Do you know what the best rom is? the one that suits your needs best, by testing them all thats the best rom.
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+1, Coming from the DHD forum where members would openly promote other roms in devs threads and regularly got the short end of the stick shoved into a dark place, i can honestly tell you all asking questions like this is tantemount to getting a bad rep on XDA. I am a ATT X+ dev and still randomly test other devs roms it's kind of an addiction. and as Llior said the best is what works best for you only way to know is to test them all and make your choice.
Believe it or not i have read almost every string i asked a question in the Q+A post. I just was looking for some contrast.
Have fun
Sent from my HTC One X+ using xda app-developers app
Thread closed
No "Best rom"-threads. See Guide Sticky in General section.

No Forum for HTC Desire U?

Bought one for myself today!
But felt very bad to see no forum for it in XDA..
Any MOD's of Admin care to make one?
Aren't there any users for it yet? I know since it has been only a month or so has it been released.
But I hope making a forum for it would be great.
Thanks in advance!
iPriDvI said:
Bought one for myself today!
But felt very bad to see no forum for it in XDA..
Any MOD's of Admin care to make one?
Aren't there any users for it yet? I know since it has been only a month or so has it been released.
But I hope making a forum for it would be great.
Thanks in advance!
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Detailed Specs ?
Sent from my HTC Desire X using xda app-developers app
Full specs here from gsm arena!
iPriDvI said:
Full specs here from gsm arena!
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thats ridiculous.. why htc still releases phones with a single core processor. why would you buy that?
Sent from my HTC Desire X using xda app-developers app
Please use the thread here to request for new device specific fora.

Why do I hardly see any development?

I am new to the HTC one threads. But anyways, I see people talking about Roms available for my variant of the device, but I look in both develop.ent sections and can't find them. Are tons universal for the HTC one? Should I be looking in a different device thread completely? Like the international thread?
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
andybfmv96 said:
I am new to the HTC one threads. But anyways, I see people talking about Roms available for my variant of the device, but I look in both develop.ent sections and can't find them. Are tons universal for the HTC one? Should I be looking in a different device thread completely? Like the international thread?
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
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International thread, they're universal.

