[Q] No custom rom is working for me - HTC Titan

I have a huge Problem:
Last weekend i installed HSPL on my European HTC Titan and flashed Dynamics V2.0.
This Rom was extremely buggy and wasn't booting again after I turned it of once.
Then I tried the second Rom, Eburon V2.1, which had the same Problems.
After that I installed the European Stock 7.8, which worked better but also stopped working after I installed the official Facebook App.
The next one I used was EB Edition V2.6, worked for a whole day but stopped working after I installed an App from the market. Now the phone isn't booting any more.
I have always installed the right radio, which was in the download file.
My question is:
Are those custom roms so buggy or am I the only person who cannot install any Rom?
How can I fix these problems?
When there is no solution to that I have to sell my HTC Titan and buy an Android Phone again, where custom roms are really working...

P-Froggy said:
I have a huge Problem:
Last weekend i installed HSPL on my European HTC Titan and flashed Dynamics V2.0.
This Rom was extremely buggy and wasn't booting again after I turned it of once.
Then I tried the second Rom, Eburon V2.1, which had the same Problems.
After that I installed the European Stock 7.8, which worked better but also stopped working after I installed the official Facebook App.
The next one I used was EB Edition V2.6, worked for a whole day but stopped working after I installed an App from the market. Now the phone isn't booting any more.
I have always installed the right radio, which was in the download file.
My question is:
Are those custom roms so buggy or am I the only person who cannot install any Rom?
How can I fix these problems?
When there is no solution to that I have to sell my HTC Titan and buy an Android Phone again, where custom roms are really working...
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The answer to your question is; no! I'm currently running Eburon 2.1 and it's running as good as Eburon 2.0 which I've posted runs as smooth as a baby's butt! I'm not familiar with the European Stock 7.8 and I'm curious as to whether it's a custom ROM and designed to run with HSPL. Microsoft's Facebook app has always been buggy; however, within the People Hub it runs there too and all you have to go is go up under your settings and accounts and put your username and password there and you're good to go. As for your phone not booting, I have no idea.
What you need to do is literally start over; if...if...you do not have HSPL; double check this up under your bootloader. Attempting to install all these different ROMs begs the question if you re-locked your phone. Start from knowing for a fact your device is HSPL and has the words "CottulaH" on the bootloader screen. If it does, proceed to flashing your ROM but make sure you have at least a 50% battery charge and the installation process isn't disrupted for any reason. It's a toss up here as to which ROM is the best but you can't go wrong with either the Dynamic 2.0 or Eburon 2.x series.

P-Froggy said:
I have a huge Problem:
Last weekend i installed HSPL on my European HTC Titan and flashed Dynamics V2.0.
This Rom was extremely buggy and wasn't booting again after I turned it of once.
Then I tried the second Rom, Eburon V2.1, which had the same Problems.
After that I installed the European Stock 7.8, which worked better but also stopped working after I installed the official Facebook App.
The next one I used was EB Edition V2.6, worked for a whole day but stopped working after I installed an App from the market. Now the phone isn't booting any more.
I have always installed the right radio, which was in the download file.
My question is:
Are those custom roms so buggy or am I the only person who cannot install any Rom?
How can I fix these problems?
When there is no solution to that I have to sell my HTC Titan and buy an Android Phone again, where custom roms are really working...
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Sounds to me like you are getting bad flashes? Most WP7 custom roms are very stable and perform well 99% of the time. Been using the Dynamics rom on one of my Titans for 2 months or so with no problems whatsoever. The official FB app is buggy...I don't even both installing it.
Now, I'm not here to bash Android, but I dabbled into cooking some Android roms a few years ago. IMHO custom roms on WP are about 10x's more stable than any Android rom I've come across.

Ok, thanks for your replies, but just don't use the official Facebook app isn't a solution.
Could it be a solution to wait ca. one hour after installing a rom and let the phone configure everthing (maybe the phone needs that time)?
Because I set up all my accounts and install the apps I need directly after the rom has booted. Maybe it works if I wait before doing that.

P-Froggy said:
I set up all my accounts and install the apps I need directly after the rom has booted. Maybe it works if I wait before doing that.
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Definitely - not. This is not a reason of your issue. I would offer to repeat the procedure of HSPL-ing. All customs work at least not worse than the stock roms.
I guess you may have the hardware issue. To be 100% sure - try to flash older stock - like 2.05 (with 16 radio). If it also does not work for you - than - pass your phone to the workshop - it's hardware.

AndrewSh said:
Definitely - not. This is not a reason of your issue. I would offer to repeat the procedure of HSPL-ing. All customs work at least not worse than the stock roms.
I guess you may have the hardware issue. To be 100% sure - try to flash older stock - like 2.05 (with 16 radio). If it also does not work for you - than - pass your phone to the workshop - it's hardware.
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I had that idea after flashing Deepshining V3: The readme says that you have to activate "Trust all applications" in Root Manager, I wanted to do that, but I got an error message "No root access. Be sure you have fully unlocked your rom".
This was very weird, because that's the app needed to permit other Apps root access.
Also, none of the 3 soft buttons worked.
I waited a couple of minutes and restarted the phone several times, and suddenly the soft buttons worked and Root manager had root access.

P-Froggy said:
I had that idea after flashing Deepshining V3: The readme says that you have to activate "Trust all applications" in Root Manager, I wanted to do that, but I got an error message "No root access. Be sure you have fully unlocked your rom".
This was very weird, because that's the app needed to permit other Apps root access.
Also, none of the 3 soft buttons worked.
I waited a couple of minutes and restarted the phone several times, and suddenly the soft buttons worked and Root manager had root access.
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Looks like the phone is swapping or caching something for ages. Maybe it's a Storage card malfunctioning. So hopefully the fixing will be just card replacement.

Mhh, ok, so what should I tell HTC? I can't say that I wanted to install custom roms, but none of them is working, so the phone needs a card replacement xD.
I tried installing Dynamics V2.0 again, and it works until I try to install WhatsApp, then it ends up in bootloops.
But the original stock 7.5 Mango worked without any problems. If the storage card is damaged, the original rom would also not work.

P-Froggy said:
But the original stock 7.5 Mango worked without any problems.
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Did you install stock Mango AFTER you had tried all possible customs and it worked w/o issues?

AndrewSh said:
Did you install stock Mango AFTER you had tried all possible customs and it worked w/o issues?
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No, before flashing a custom Rom everything worked, and since I tried to install custom roms I have nothing but Problems...

P-Froggy said:
No, before flashing a custom Rom everything worked, and since I tried to install custom roms I have nothing but Problems...
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So - once again - try to flash stock. If it works - the problem is installing HSPL. If it does not work properly - just send the phone to workshop. Maybe it's just bad coincidence - the card died when you had installed HSPL....

AndrewSh said:
So - once again - try to flash stock. If it works - the problem is installing HSPL. If it does not work properly - just send the phone to workshop. Maybe it's just bad coincidence - the card died when you had installed HSPL....
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Maybe it works now.
I did the whole HSPL Flash Thing again and now I was able to install WhatsApp on Dynamics V2.0.
It's only a small Progress, but it is one.
I will try the Rom tommorrow and if it crashes again, I go back to Stock 7.5.

similar problem
my Problem is, that after installing the Dynamics Rom, the device is just showing the white bootscreen with the htc-logo on it.
I am still able to enter bootloader mode, but I don't see any advantage in it.
The device was Vodafone-branded.
I hope someone can help me.

Did you follow the instructions at this link http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1684912 before flashing the Dynamics Rom?? If you didn't debrand and unlock with HSPL you get stuck or have the wrong radio rom installed.

malvo26 said:
Did you follow the instructions at this link http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1684912 before flashing the Dynamics Rom?? If you didn't debrand and unlock with HSPL you get stuck or have the wrong radio rom installed.
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I did. But I think I know what I was doing wrong. The step between finishing HSPL installation and Dynamics setup...should have I installed the phone first and done a Zune synchro? Cause I didn't -.-

Just install the radio rom that comes with the Dynamics rom. That should do it. You don't need a Zune synchro afterwards unless you want to copy pictures, music, videos back to your HTC.


Can one install a 5print ROM update if they

are running a custom ROM? My friend just called me & said he just got a phone call from 5print & they wanted him to download a file to update his OS. He did not do this yet because he is running a custom ROM & not sure if it will brick his phone or corrupt the OS. Any ideas?
Turns out they just wanted him to downgrade back to the older ROM, they also confirmed the new ROM will be out soon...so nothing new.
well assuming that his phone is hard-spl then he can flash whatever he wants. as long as its for his device he will be fine.
What is a five print ROM?
Also, if they come out with a five print ROM (heh) with rev A and GPS enabled will we be able to custom ROM it onto a five erizon phone?

Issiues with my second hand Hero.

Hello,i just my second hand HTC Hero,and i need some help.
First of all,the phone is not rooted.Should i try to root it now,or i should wait for 2.1 to come out first?
In the phone there are contacts from previous owner.How can i mass delete them?Also,is there any easy way to transfer contacts from my old Sony Ericsson W910i to HTC Hero?
Another question,maybe not in the right place,is can i enable my onboard wifi card so it works as a wifi hotspot?This is the only way to have wifi for my Hero in my home.I tried the Cnet video,that shows how to make that,but it does not work on my windows 7 64bit.Maybe need to change the settings on something
Since now i don't have a viable internet for my mobile (not even 3G works atm),is there a way to browse and download apps from android market?
Also,i would like to know if there is any trigger button for 3g,so i disable it when i don't need it,in order to save some battery?What i have in mind is a sortcut similar to wifi,bluetooth and GPS.
Last but not least,the previous owner has his google acount name on the phone,and i am unable to change it to my google account,because i can't find any option that let me change account name.Is it possible to delete the old google account and put mine?
More questions are about to come,but thats all for now.
Thanks in advance.
Best to root it before the official 2.1 release as it might become much harder/impossible after the update. Root it, install a custom recovery, wipe the device & flash a new custom ROM. This will also remove all traces of the last owner including their google account. There's lots of info on how to do all of this on xda-dev.
You can access quite a lot of Android apps on the web, but there's no access to the official on device Android market via the web.
Toggling 3G. Not sure I've seen a widget for this, but you can usually turn it off in settings, depending on the ROM you're running. Failing that there's a dialable code which will do the job. That said, if this is just about saving battery life, you'll find lots of others tweaks to help with that. It's a common subject that comes up time & time agan.
I can't offer informed help with sharing your Windows 7 internet access, but I imagine you need to turn on Internet Connection Sharing, or whatever it's called now, on whichever interface connects your PC to the internet. The PC wifi interface probably doesn't even need to act as an access point, if you only need the Hero to connect to it; ad-hoc networking should be adequate. I'd concentrate on sorting the wifi first. When you can ping the PC from your Hero & vice versa, then move on to the ICS aspect.
Thanks for the answer.If i root the phone,can i put HTC ROM back,or i must pick a custom ROM?
TheoKondak said:
Thanks for the answer.If i root the phone,can i put HTC ROM back,or i must pick a custom ROM?
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No no,... You can use a custom ROM, or flash stock ROMS if you decide to do so.
Take a look at Modaco's Stock ROMs or at the "stickies" at the top of the Hero Android Development section here at XDA.
Peace Out.
I have some extra issues so i thought that its better to post them here instead of making a new thread.
So here we are:
I tried to root my phone according to One Click Root on unlockr.com.Everything seems to be ok but my phone is not rooted.
My hero runs 2.73.405.5 build.Maybe i have to downgrade?
Also i would like to ask if there is a serious reason to install a new radio.I think that it should be fine with the default one isn't it?
TheoKondak said:
I have some extra issues so i thought that its better to post them here instead of making a new thread.
So here we are:
I tried to root my phone according to One Click Root on unlockr.com.Everything seems to be ok but my phone is not rooted.
My hero runs 2.73.405.5 build.Maybe i have to downgrade?
Also i would like to ask if there is a serious reason to install a new radio.I think that it should be fine with the default one isn't it?
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The build you are running isn't rooted by default but you can install a recovery image on it and get a custom rom which is rooted installed. (follow my guide for details)
Radio updates can improve your signal.
Thank you i will try your guide.Actually i tried with Amon RA 1.5.2 to load latest Modaco Rom.Everything seemed to be ok,but then when i rebooted phone the original rom was loaded again and nothing happened with the Modaco rom.
How can i update Amor RA 1.5.2 to latest?Just do the whole process again but with the new version (1.6.2)?
TheoKondak said:
Thank you i will try your guide.Actually i tried with Amon RA 1.5.2 to load latest Modaco Rom.Everything seemed to be ok,but then when i rebooted phone the original rom was loaded again and nothing happened with the Modaco rom.
How can i update Amor RA 1.5.2 to latest?Just do the whole process again but with the new version (1.6.2)?
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To update it just follow the instructions in the Amor RA thread.
Are you sure you wiped everything before flashing modaco rom?
Thank you everything worked fine!Now i have VillainRom v5.3 and i am happy!

[Q] what am i doing wrong? installing custom rom

I have currently installed RUU_Le2_UK_1.72.206.3_Radio_15.32.50.07U_2.07.51.22_2_Signed_LEO_Ship
everything works fine.
i have tried Dutty CDLC version 14 which worked fine but due to the messaging client being not compatible with smartwatchM i had to go back to stockrom
i previously HSPL so i could install custom radio (to make android work)
after going back to the stock rom i have since tried various other roms and i have the same problem each time
it installs and boots fine, after a restart it just seems to hang at first screen (does not display radio rom etc in bottom corner like normal just screen)
only way to get anything to work again is to once again install the stock rom via bootloader screen.
is the HSPL damaged? or have i missed something
thank you for you help
you are flashing 576 ram enabled roms, but your radio is still a 51 version so they won't boot.
enter bootloader, flash something like 2.08.50.x radio and your phone will boot. don't forget every time you flash back to that o2 rom it will reset the radio to a 51 version.
that makes so much sense, im just an idiot.
i shall attempt this now. thanks alot
easy to overlook.
it worked ... altho i have to go back due to me not being able to find a new rom that works with my mbw150 lol , 2 days just to revert back
anyways im very happy for the quick reply and help and not mocking me for being dumb. thanx again

[Q] Unroot problem!

I have a huge problem. Sometimes the touchscreen is dont work, but its doesnt matter now. So i want to bring back i heard they fix it in warrantly.
But I rooted, run gingerbread rom, with changed kernel, and radio... so i dont want to break the warrantly (but i heard sometimes they dont care with this but its risky)
Today i started to reset the phone, i want to downgrade it but when i started to install the RUU it says: customer id error...
Whats the problem? please help i want to over the way as soon as possible
Extract ROM.zip and try manual flashing using hboot.
tenke said:
I have a huge problem. Sometimes the touchscreen is dont work, but its doesnt matter now. So i want to bring back i heard they fix it in warrantly.
But I rooted, run gingerbread rom, with changed kernel, and radio... so i dont want to break the warrantly (but i heard sometimes they dont care with this but its risky)
Today i started to reset the phone, i want to downgrade it but when i started to install the RUU it says: customer id error...
Whats the problem? please help i want to over the way as soon as possible
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Had the same problem when I installed cronos gingerbread with jumping screens and keyboard buttons not working , same thing happened when flashed other roms
It just unrooted by unstall the new official rom from the htc website.. updated it with the 2.1 ota and was good to go no more screen problems.
also try pressing down the screen a bit on the edges that helped as well
I have ADB installed so unrooting was a breeze
Have install Elelinux's gingerbread and is super smooth now
tfn said:
Had the same problem when I installed cronos gingerbread with jumping screens and keyboard buttons not working , same thing happened when flashed other roms
It just unrooted by unstall the new official rom from the htc website.. updated it with the 2.1 ota and was good to go no more screen problems.
also try pressing down the screen a bit on the edges that helped as well
I have ADB installed so unrooting was a breeze
Have install Elelinux's gingerbread and is super smooth now
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"also try pressing down the screen a bit on the edges that helped as well" if it works, that means its a hardwer fault. i downloaded an untouched rom, with radio, flashed it, and i play with radiant, and another games, ,and facebook for two hour and no problem...
otherwise... Super one click works with hero? i have offical rom, and offical radio. i only have to unroot the device, and they dont realise it at the service.
edit: another interesting thing: after the touchscreen problem the touchscreen is stoped working, i restart the phone, and after when it starts the phone was felt my fingers from 3-4 centimeters! iam stunned! now the touchscreen is working correct with the original rom/radio
tenke said:
I have a huge problem. Sometimes the touchscreen is dont work, but its doesnt matter now. So i want to bring back i heard they fix it in warrantly.
But I rooted, run gingerbread rom, with changed kernel, and radio... so i dont want to break the warrantly (but i heard sometimes they dont care with this but its risky)
Today i started to reset the phone, i want to downgrade it but when i started to install the RUU it says: customer id error...
Whats the problem? please help i want to over the way as soon as possible
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so i format my sd card with my computer (no quick format) and the problem is solved! thx all

[Q] Please help a (Rezound) noob. Probably super simple fix.

I bought a Rezound on ebay, pre-rooted/unlocked with the leaked ICS / Sense 3.6 ROM (besides that, pretty much bone-stock)
I decided I wanted to try out a different ROM and make sure I am familiar with the process before I try to do the S-OFF process....
Well, I found that the first thing I needed to do to upgrade to (insert ICS/Sense 4 Rom here) was to upgrade to the newest Firmware (3.11.605.22), and I am currently on 3.11.605.01 ... I followed their instructions closely to update the firmware ( re-lock , load new FW as PH98IMG.zip , flash it , unlock, etc)
Well, that didn't work for me, when I got to loading up hboot and it automatically updating the FW, it didn't do what the instructions said it would, it showed a dark blue bar near the top/right, waited for that to complete, then same thing but yellow, that completed and asked to reboot, but would only reboot to fastboot...
eventually I unlocked it again and it allowed me to return to my ROM (normal ICS/sense 3.6)
Sorry about this short story... lol ^
Basically I cannot for the life of me install any rom with success... I can't even restore the nandroid I made last night (before any of this) with success..
the CLOSEST thing to success I got was installing newts One XxX sense 4 rom, it booted, and will sit on the lock screen just fine, but when I try to unlock and go to settings to turn off animations (like instructed) it will freeze and reboot....
DO I need to install the newest FW???
OR what do I need to dooo?
Pls help! I am fairly familiar with android, as I had a D Inc before this, evervolv ICS etc etc....
Thanks alot anyone !
x70xchallengerx said:
I bought a Rezound on ebay, pre-rooted/unlocked with the leaked ICS / Sense 3.6 ROM (besides that, pretty much bone-stock)
I decided I wanted to try out a different ROM and make sure I am familiar with the process before I try to do the S-OFF process....
Well, I found that the first thing I needed to do to upgrade to (insert ICS/Sense 4 Rom here) was to upgrade to the newest Firmware (3.11.605.22), and I am currently on 3.11.605.01 ... I followed their instructions closely to update the firmware ( re-lock , load new FW as PH98IMG.zip , flash it , unlock, etc)
Well, that didn't work for me, when I got to loading up hboot and it automatically updating the FW, it didn't do what the instructions said it would, it showed a dark blue bar near the top/right, waited for that to complete, then same thing but yellow, that completed and asked to reboot, but would only reboot to fastboot...
eventually I unlocked it again and it allowed me to return to my ROM (normal ICS/sense 3.6)
Sorry about this short story... lol ^
Basically I cannot for the life of me install any rom with success... I can't even restore the nandroid I made last night (before any of this) with success..
the CLOSEST thing to success I got was installing newts One XxX sense 4 rom, it booted, and will sit on the lock screen just fine, but when I try to unlock and go to settings to turn off animations (like instructed) it will freeze and reboot....
DO I need to install the newest FW???
OR what do I need to dooo?
Pls help! I am fairly familiar with android, as I had a D Inc before this, evervolv ICS etc etc....
Thanks alot anyone !
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If you want to go back to a GB rom you need to reflash the boot image that came with it. If you want a sense 4.0 to work you need to flash the old firmware patch. For the patch I have attached it. Flash it via recovery and your rebooting on a sense 4.0 rom/ new firmware rom should be gone. (don't forget to follow the OP for Newts rom about disabling animations btw) for the boot images look to the op of the rom you are running.
cstrife999 said:
If you want to go back to a GB rom you need to reflash the boot image that came with it. If you want a sense 4.0 to work you need to flash the old firmware patch. For the patch I have attached it. Flash it via recovery and your rebooting on a sense 4.0 rom/ new firmware rom should be gone. (don't forget to follow the OP for Newts rom about disabling animations btw) for the boot images look to the op of the rom you are running.
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Ok thanks for the reply, I did install the "old firmware patch" included with Newts XxX Sense 4 ROM, and I can successfully get the ROM to boot, it doesn't operate very well, and only for a few minutes because it will freeze and reboot. It doesn't allow me to get to the settings, no matter how fast I try to get there, it ALWAYS freezes before I can access the setting :/ ...
x70xchallengerx said:
Ok thanks for the reply, I did install the "old firmware patch" included with Newts XxX Sense 4 ROM, and I can successfully get the ROM to boot, it doesn't operate very well, and only for a few minutes because it will freeze and reboot. It doesn't allow me to get to the settings, no matter how fast I try to get there, it ALWAYS freezes before I can access the setting :/ ...
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Hmm.. wow I'm lost. I had the same issues before I installed the patch, but after I didn't and it went fine. I'm going to have to think about this one for awhile.
cstrife999 said:
Hmm.. wow I'm lost. I had the same issues before I installed the patch, but after I didn't and it went fine. I'm going to have to think about this one for awhile.
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Okay after flashing the ^above^ patch, the rom seems to work now, it didn't freeze so I was able to turn off animations and now it works might fine
Do you know by chance any good kernels for an ICS/Sense 4 ROM?
the stock one was draining faster than it was charging (while plugged in lol)
So I tried out the 1.836 OC kernel and it seems to be working fine, but I am interested more in battery life than performance right now, coming from the DInc, this phone is buttery smooth and doesn't REALLY need OC just yet (for me anyway)
Thanks for the help by the way!

