A few questions for CM10 users. - Galaxy S III Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So I have been tempted to flash CM10 for a long time but stock features like Multiwindow and Camera app by Samsung keep me from it.
So i wanted to ask if the quality if the pictures in CM10 was as good as stock S3 Camera app? And I saw there are bugs in cam such as touch 2 focus issues with enabled flashlight and recording effects broken. TV Out issue is also a con..
So is it worth using CM10? Why do you use it. I know some people love vanila android but other than that anything else?
Oh and which one do you prefer, 4.2 or 4.1, I assume both builds are stable enough for everyday use.

CM camera is worse

Glebun said:
CM camera is worse
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worse in what sense? app is bad or picture quality sucks?


Guess I wont be flashing CM10.. why do people use it?

because they like its features and the AOSP look as well as the lack of bloat

Yeap, the camera in CM10 and 10.1 is worse.
But I still use it because I like the stock Android look. Next time I'll just buy a Nexus..

squeeish said:
Yeap, the camera in CM10 and 10.1 is worse.
But I still use it because I like the stock Android look. Next time I'll just buy a Nexus..
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you can use domination theme for a complete stock look


Camera quality: AOKP vs TW

I was just reading about the various aosp roms out, aswell as tw ones offcourse and i see a lot of comments stating how people miss the "TW camera".
Correct me if I'm wrong here but isn't it just simply software here with tw having more features vs aosp being generic among all kinds of devices?
Does quality really suffer here due to that? Different processing?
Hardware is still the same so pictures should be damn close....
Not sure...
Coderedpl said:
I was just reading about the various aosp roms out, aswell as tw ones offcourse and i see a lot of comments stating how people miss the "TW camera".
Correct me if I'm wrong here but isn't it just simply software here with tw having more features vs aosp being generic among all kinds of devices?
Does quality really suffer here due to that? Different processing?
Hardware is still the same so pictures should be damn close....
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I'm by no means an expert, but I'm currently running the latest CM nightly and it does seem to be a slightly lesser quality, but it could be just me. Pictures still look great, but I'm also missing some of the TW Camera's features. I love showing off the features of that camera, but I prefer running AOSP or AOKP to TW. Hopefully we can get a port of the app for AOSP, but I'm not sure if thats possible.
The latest version of hyperdrive ROM includes both camera's.
aw091486 said:
The latest version of hyperdrive ROM includes both camera's.
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Any rom can. There is flashable zip
I'm going to check for the features of both as I've not used these much but through favorable posts here so why to remain bare handed with such an efficiency
I think the issue with the AOSP camera may be just the way the video is displayed. With the TW camera it looks phenomenally good, AOSP not so much, but the pictures themselves look similar. I only used AOSP a few times, but I felt better about the focusing on the TW camera, maybe because the video was so sharp you could really tell when you had the focus you wanted...which is kind of a big deal for quick snapshots of people.
I have been comparing photos taken using the tw camera and the camera that ships with carbon and I honestly think the carbon pictures look better.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 2
TW was way better than the current AOSP i am using x.x
There's a direct camera comparison of the Google Edition vs TW edition here.
yeah its software but the software helps enhance the image. thing is that the aosp camera lacks simple features that every OEM camera has... for example, iso control. it boggles my damn mind that aosp refuses to add iso control. that's something that I use daily.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Coderedpl said:
Any rom can. There is flashable zip
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Do you have a link to the zip file? I'd like to try it on CM10.1 on my S4.
fireattack7 said:
Do you have a link to the zip file? I'd like to try it on CM10.1 on my S4.
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+1 I can't seem to find the file anywhere. Thanks!
Mitch8892 said:
+1 I can't seem to find the file anywhere. Thanks!
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+1 ^what he said
Sent from my XT875 using xda premium
fireattack7 said:
Do you have a link to the zip file? I'd like to try it on CM10.1 on my S4.
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Mitch8892 said:
+1 I can't seem to find the file anywhere. Thanks!
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codygs83 said:
+1 ^what he said
Sent from my XT875 using xda premium
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Used this on the touchwiz roms and worked fine. Haven't tried any aosp roms on the phone yet so can't comment on that.
Definitely a difference in quality. AOSP camera pictures tend to be slightly more grainy, at least from what I've noticed. I have both on Hyperdrive right now and, even after just playing with the AOSP camera, it's pretty clear that there is, at the very least, a slight difference.
Seems like a very noticeable difference to me. Stock TW with this phone was absolutely mind-blowing. Now I'm running Liquid and I love every single thing about it, but the camera is lacking. I don't mind not having the features, but the lower quality makes me consider switching back to TW.
I wonder if someone could figure out the camera enough to make the pictures be on par with tw
I just installed the google edition rom and haven't noticed any difference...then again I don't normally pay attention to that kind of stuff (unless the difference is glaring).
Is it the sharpness, light, dynamic range that doesn't compare?
Anyone try to flash the touchwiz camera on CM?
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda app-developers app
I'm running PureGv3 and can honestly say I don't notice any stark difference in my photos. Granted, I haven't viewed them on an actual full screen, but I'm not a pixel connoisseur.
One thing I have noticed, however, is that my AOSP camera is just plain faster. I didn't need all the bells and whistles from TW. I just wanna take pictures. I HATED that "Processing..." screen I would occasionally get with my TW camera. I swore sometimes it took more than two full seconds to add a photo. Now it just zips right in there. I couldn't be happier.

[Q] AOSP vs TW camera app

Hello. Recently I flashed PA ROM,I like it very much.I've been using stock ROMS forever but I got bored and wanted to try something new.My biggest criteria is the camera app,what I've heard that TW has much better quality video and photo compared to AOSP camera.I want to ask your opinions on this,maybe there's a camera app in the Play Store which is better than AOSP one.It's the one thing that keeps me away from AOSP ROMS.Maybe you have some ideas,share.
Since I bought my SGS2, I flashed custom roms specially AOKP.
I didn't feel any difference at all but the last time I was on stock rom, it was gingerbread. So many things changed since then.
You must try it yourself but I'm pretty sure there is no much difference for our phone!:good:
Canderynn said:
Hello. Recently I flashed PA ROM,I like it very much.I've been using stock ROMS forever but I got bored and wanted to try something new.My biggest criteria is the camera app,what I've heard that TW has much better quality video and photo compared to AOSP camera.I want to ask your opinions on this,maybe there's a camera app in the Play Store which is better than AOSP one.It's the one thing that keeps me away from AOSP ROMS.Maybe you have some ideas,share.
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Try Camera Zoom FX app. Its good.
Or you can try Chameleon ROM. :good:

[Q] camera quality tw vs aosp

Ok so a couple of things.
I noticed any camera app on a TW rom has what I would describe as graining, I can see pixels constantly changing colour akin to watching a analolue tv signal. If I take photos this affects the photo also. It affects how clear the photo is, I have a photo of an object on my desk eg. that looks brilliant taken whilst was on AOKP. Will try to attach the photos to this post. On the camera on the AOKP rom, this graining is gone, its vanished. (shame the camera app is unstable). Taking a photo of the same object using any camera app on a TW rom has a much less satisfying result. It would seem whatever that driver is thats used on AOSP roms it does offer better quality. Or is it a setting that causes the graining?
Also a few times when usng the camera, it just closes itself, if I am right this is a rom problem? what would cause that behaviour usually? The closing itself only is happening since I switched back to neatrom, so may end up posting this 2nd question in the neatrom thread.
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a update
I took a photo at lower res (as was too big) and then accidently seen all the graining was gone and picture clear again.
so it seems lowering the resolution of the photo does wonders.
so its related to higher pixel count and it appears, obviously one might say the lower resolution hides the problem, possibly. so eg. zooming on on a my 0.8mp 1024x768 picture so its same screen size as the 8mp pic has much higher detail.
I will if time restore my aokp nandroid and test 8pm photos again if I can.
I attached 2 pics, the usb_back is 8mp other is 0.9mp.
I've never seen what you refer to. Generally the tw camera is better quality because samsung didn't release their camera HAL source so its quality can't be reproduced
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4
I put AOKP back on for more testing, showed some freinds and they picked out all AOKP pics as clearly better, extra options in the app (jpeg quality and more focus options as well as special affects) and the quality is simply better full stop.
the TW cam got ported for AOSP anyway.
so just flash the TW cam and u got the same quality. (theme / addons section in this forum)
chrcol said:
the quality is simply better full stop.
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This is on your device. Maybe you have a problem with your camera when on touchwiz.
Notor1ouS- said:
the TW cam got ported for AOSP anyway.
so just flash the TW cam and u got the same quality. (theme / addons section in this forum)
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where is it? and i want aosp on tw not other way round the tw camera gui is aweful so even if quality fixed i wouldnt like using it.
i brought a professional camera app which a few on here reccomended, great improvement over tW interface but imo not as good as AOSP interface and it closes by itself a lot. It also doesnt fix the quality issue and when I run the app on AOSP the quality is fixed so the quality seems related to the samsung camera driver not app.
rootSU said:
This is on your device. Maybe you have a problem with your camera when on touchwiz.
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well I will try a diff TW rom, maybe even restore the rom that shipped with the phone to see if its a rom issue.
chrcol said:
well I will try a diff TW rom, maybe even restore the rom that shipped with the phone to see if its a rom issue.
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Could even be camera firmware/driver issue.
my opinion , both are same
rootSU said:
Could even be camera firmware/driver issue.
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since they part of the rom/kernel thats why I said I would try different rom.
I will also try a different kernel on same TW rom.
chrcol said:
since they part of the rom/kernel thats why I said I would try different rom.
I will also try a different kernel on same TW rom.
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No, im talking about this
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4
I will try it next time I got back to TW, still back on AOKP.
Yep. Im happier with aosp roms too
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4
since I put siyah kernel on the AOKP rom the camera is stable. Might be coincidence but thats the situation at the moment.
well now nothing to fix on the quality.
on the latest 4.1.2 neatrom, the camera quality is good so was an issue with md4 build I guess.

Camera Quality Improved with non-Samsung ROMs?

A long time ago when I still had this phone, camera quality sucked when using non-Samsung based custom ROMs. Has this been changed now? If it has, I'm gonna update my mom's SGS2 to a new ROM in order to take advantage of Android 4.3 and all its features and glory.
geokilla said:
A long time ago when I still had this phone, camera quality sucked when using non-Samsung based custom ROMs. Has this been changed now? If it has, I'm gonna update my mom's SGS2 to a new ROM in order to take advantage of Android 4.3 and all its features and glory.
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Well this you have to check by flashing the roms.
Jeetu said:
Well this you have to check by flashing the roms.
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Ain't nobody got time for that!
But I'm serious... Has it improved? I remember it was pretty bad back then because the source code was never released, so developers were reverse engineering the camera.
There is definetly a difference between sammy / non sammy roms, especially when you take low light pictures or when you use flash.
Samsung Camera Quality is the best! It's the clearest!
I'll have to agree. I actually feel a loss of quality (may be placebo) when using non Samsung roms.
The camera of the S2 is excellent, it still awes me.

Question about CM

Is it true that if we flash cyanogenmod on our galaxy players than the camera doesn't work anymore? I still have hope that my galaxy player 4.2 gets cm on it someday.
Sent from my LG-LG870
jmindset said:
Is it true that if we flash cyanogenmod on our galaxy players than the camera doesn't work anymore? I still have hope that my galaxy player 4.2 gets cm on it someday.
Sent from my LG-LG870
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It actually depends on what player you're referring to. If you're referring to the 4.2, CM7 does not have a working camera and there are no devs to try and fix that. Obviosly, CM7 is not a daily driver for us. But, the other players like the 4.0 and 5.0 have gradually improved from a non-functioning camera to almost completely stable camera on CM11. Basically, it depends on the developer. If the dev is really keen on making a ROM a daily driver, he/she will definately work on the camera. But if he just wants to make a ROM bootable, only the major problems like wi-fi, bluetooth etc. will be fixed as camera has a low priority in the mind of a dev.
Wow makes sense. I always wondered why it wasn't working with cm7. I hope cm 11 on the 3.6 has a working camera.
Sent from my LG-LG870
jmindset said:
Wow makes sense. I always wondered why it wasn't working with cm7. I hope cm 11 on the 3.6 has a working camera.
Sent from my LG-LG870
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I don't think that will be necessary. I am sure most of the people who have a galaxy player have another android phone, or atleast a good camera that they carry around. No one depends on their player's camera to get their job done. So I think that the dev should focus on fixing other bugs and/or porting Android L when it comes out, or port other ROMs like Carbon and PAC. Personally, I use my player only for music and videos and the occasional browsing, but extremely rarely to take pics, because no one cares about a 2MP pic.
Lol this is very true. I use my phone to take pictures. Rarely used my players. I guess you are right. A usable camera isn't necessary. As long as the WiFi and audio works than I'm satisfied. Question about holofrenzy. Is there an new update? The ota updater says there is but it's version 1.3 as well.
Sent from my LG-LG870

