Camera Quality Improved with non-Samsung ROMs? - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

A long time ago when I still had this phone, camera quality sucked when using non-Samsung based custom ROMs. Has this been changed now? If it has, I'm gonna update my mom's SGS2 to a new ROM in order to take advantage of Android 4.3 and all its features and glory.

geokilla said:
A long time ago when I still had this phone, camera quality sucked when using non-Samsung based custom ROMs. Has this been changed now? If it has, I'm gonna update my mom's SGS2 to a new ROM in order to take advantage of Android 4.3 and all its features and glory.
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Well this you have to check by flashing the roms.

Jeetu said:
Well this you have to check by flashing the roms.
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Ain't nobody got time for that!
But I'm serious... Has it improved? I remember it was pretty bad back then because the source code was never released, so developers were reverse engineering the camera.


There is definetly a difference between sammy / non sammy roms, especially when you take low light pictures or when you use flash.

Samsung Camera Quality is the best! It's the clearest!

I'll have to agree. I actually feel a loss of quality (may be placebo) when using non Samsung roms.
The camera of the S2 is excellent, it still awes me.


[Q] Camera and custom ROMs

Let's face it, the Galaxy S3 has a SWEET camera, only rivaled by the One X and iPhone 5. From what I understand, this has a lot to do with the software Samsung has in place to control the camera. Similarly, this is why many people have complained about the Nexus cameras. Google hasn't exactly invested too much time in the camera software.
I would like to install a custom ROM, but I am concerned that in doing so, the camera will be adversely affected because I would lose Samsung's camera software. Is this the case? Or are there any custom ROMs that utilize Samsung's camera software?
Most of the custom stock based roms are just that Samsung based .
JJEgan said:
Most of the custom stock based roms are just that Samsung based .
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Excellent! So, I've been looking at the Android Revolution HD 16.0 ROM. I'd like to know what people's opinion is regarding this ROM.
Reading the thread might be a better idea I used it like 2 months ago (v11 if I recall correctly) and it was excellent. Might have improved since then, so reading the thread will give you more info, feedback, etc.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
Just purchase Camera Zoom FX in the market you can't go wrong

A few questions for CM10 users.

So I have been tempted to flash CM10 for a long time but stock features like Multiwindow and Camera app by Samsung keep me from it.
So i wanted to ask if the quality if the pictures in CM10 was as good as stock S3 Camera app? And I saw there are bugs in cam such as touch 2 focus issues with enabled flashlight and recording effects broken. TV Out issue is also a con..
So is it worth using CM10? Why do you use it. I know some people love vanila android but other than that anything else?
Oh and which one do you prefer, 4.2 or 4.1, I assume both builds are stable enough for everyday use.
CM camera is worse
Glebun said:
CM camera is worse
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worse in what sense? app is bad or picture quality sucks?
Guess I wont be flashing CM10.. why do people use it?
because they like its features and the AOSP look as well as the lack of bloat
Yeap, the camera in CM10 and 10.1 is worse.
But I still use it because I like the stock Android look. Next time I'll just buy a Nexus..
squeeish said:
Yeap, the camera in CM10 and 10.1 is worse.
But I still use it because I like the stock Android look. Next time I'll just buy a Nexus..
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you can use domination theme for a complete stock look

[Q] camera quality tw vs aosp

Ok so a couple of things.
I noticed any camera app on a TW rom has what I would describe as graining, I can see pixels constantly changing colour akin to watching a analolue tv signal. If I take photos this affects the photo also. It affects how clear the photo is, I have a photo of an object on my desk eg. that looks brilliant taken whilst was on AOKP. Will try to attach the photos to this post. On the camera on the AOKP rom, this graining is gone, its vanished. (shame the camera app is unstable). Taking a photo of the same object using any camera app on a TW rom has a much less satisfying result. It would seem whatever that driver is thats used on AOSP roms it does offer better quality. Or is it a setting that causes the graining?
Also a few times when usng the camera, it just closes itself, if I am right this is a rom problem? what would cause that behaviour usually? The closing itself only is happening since I switched back to neatrom, so may end up posting this 2nd question in the neatrom thread.
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a update
I took a photo at lower res (as was too big) and then accidently seen all the graining was gone and picture clear again.
so it seems lowering the resolution of the photo does wonders.
so its related to higher pixel count and it appears, obviously one might say the lower resolution hides the problem, possibly. so eg. zooming on on a my 0.8mp 1024x768 picture so its same screen size as the 8mp pic has much higher detail.
I will if time restore my aokp nandroid and test 8pm photos again if I can.
I attached 2 pics, the usb_back is 8mp other is 0.9mp.
I've never seen what you refer to. Generally the tw camera is better quality because samsung didn't release their camera HAL source so its quality can't be reproduced
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4
I put AOKP back on for more testing, showed some freinds and they picked out all AOKP pics as clearly better, extra options in the app (jpeg quality and more focus options as well as special affects) and the quality is simply better full stop.
the TW cam got ported for AOSP anyway.
so just flash the TW cam and u got the same quality. (theme / addons section in this forum)
chrcol said:
the quality is simply better full stop.
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This is on your device. Maybe you have a problem with your camera when on touchwiz.
Notor1ouS- said:
the TW cam got ported for AOSP anyway.
so just flash the TW cam and u got the same quality. (theme / addons section in this forum)
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where is it? and i want aosp on tw not other way round the tw camera gui is aweful so even if quality fixed i wouldnt like using it.
i brought a professional camera app which a few on here reccomended, great improvement over tW interface but imo not as good as AOSP interface and it closes by itself a lot. It also doesnt fix the quality issue and when I run the app on AOSP the quality is fixed so the quality seems related to the samsung camera driver not app.
rootSU said:
This is on your device. Maybe you have a problem with your camera when on touchwiz.
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well I will try a diff TW rom, maybe even restore the rom that shipped with the phone to see if its a rom issue.
chrcol said:
well I will try a diff TW rom, maybe even restore the rom that shipped with the phone to see if its a rom issue.
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Could even be camera firmware/driver issue.
my opinion , both are same
rootSU said:
Could even be camera firmware/driver issue.
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since they part of the rom/kernel thats why I said I would try different rom.
I will also try a different kernel on same TW rom.
chrcol said:
since they part of the rom/kernel thats why I said I would try different rom.
I will also try a different kernel on same TW rom.
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No, im talking about this
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4
I will try it next time I got back to TW, still back on AOKP.
Yep. Im happier with aosp roms too
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4
since I put siyah kernel on the AOKP rom the camera is stable. Might be coincidence but thats the situation at the moment.
well now nothing to fix on the quality.
on the latest 4.1.2 neatrom, the camera quality is good so was an issue with md4 build I guess.

[Q] No AOSP based development for Z2 ?

How come there isn't even basic ROMs for Z2 yet? No PA, No VanirAOSP and all.
I am thinking to buy this device but the dev support got me worried.
From my experience on here dev support usually takes a while on sony devices. If custom roms is your thing you should have a look at htc's phones or wait and see what progress is made with the z2.
Sent from my D6503 using XDA Free mobile app
Official CM development has already begun, (on par with the Z) which is much sooner than happened with the Z1.
Z1 had issues with unlocking the bootloader which was only resolved a few months after launch. Z2 does not have this problem.
Once CM completes the bring up other roms will follow.
pratyush997 said:
How come there isn't even basic ROMs for Z2 yet? No PA, No VanirAOSP and all.
I am thinking to buy this device but the dev support got me worried.
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I must admit, I'd like to see a completely pure AOSP ROM myself. (With one possible exception: the camera. I wouldn't want to lose any hardware features in terms of capture resolution, capture rate, full / half press shutter button, focus speed, or image quality. Couldn't care less about 4K video, but I don't know if there's a third-party app that can provide all of the above.)
I find my Xperia Z2 incredibly bloated, and while I've disabled as much as I can, there's a lot that can't be disabled without root. (And I am uncertain whether I can safely root this and change much without losing my warranty or the ability to install subsequent OTA updates without risking bricking the phone.)
nobby00900 said:
From my experience on here dev support usually takes a while on sony devices. If custom roms is your thing you should have a look at htc's phones or wait and see what progress is made with the z2.
Sent from my D6503 using XDA Free mobile app
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M8 has way more dev support than Z2
pratyush997 said:
M8 has way more dev support than Z2
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Well it's a more popular phone. Not sure about somewhere else, but in Adelaide (Australia), htc is everywhere, but you can barely bump into someone with a Sony phone.
I for one would love a purer android experience, but I don't want to lose the active noise cancelling and answering machine. The thing irritates me the most on Z2 is that 'what's new' button when you long press home. Google now is not in the middle as it should.
Sure ROMs will have support when the phone is widely available, the trees are quite stable now and ready for daily driver.
TheMrcool212 said:
Sure ROMs will have support when the phone is widely available, the trees are quite stable now and ready for daily driver.
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I think I'll just get Z1 because it's almost similar to Z2 and has more support.
In case anyone is intrested: I currently work on a pure AOSP device tree for 4.4.4. i also planned to have some fun with L-preview but I don't know if I am able to do this.
You'll hear from me.
Sent from my Xperia Z2 using Tapatalk
knoxploration said:
I must admit, I'd like to see a completely pure AOSP ROM myself. (With one possible exception: the camera. I wouldn't want to lose any hardware features in terms of capture resolution, capture rate, full / half press shutter button, focus speed, or image quality. Couldn't care less about 4K video, but I don't know if there's a third-party app that can provide all of the above.)
I find my Xperia Z2 incredibly bloated, and while I've disabled as much as I can, there's a lot that can't be disabled without root. (And I am uncertain whether I can safely root this and change much without losing my warranty or the ability to install subsequent OTA updates without risking bricking the phone.)
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That's the holy grail of android. AOSP with some pumped up feature rich camera. It doesn't exist, on any device!
I ran CM11 today just to try it out. I really like the ROM but the camera is just garbage compared to Sony's software. Plus you can't start the camera from the shutter button (a huge benefit for me personally). The smoothness and customization is great, but the camera never will be.
farfromovin said:
That's the holy grail of android. AOSP with some pumped up feature rich camera. It doesn't exist, on any device!
I ran CM11 today just to try it out. I really like the ROM but the camera is just garbage compared to Sony's software. Plus you can't start the camera from the shutter button (a huge benefit for me personally). The smoothness and customization is great, but the camera never will be.
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The camera is on par with Sony's ROM when it comes to photo quality, it doesn't support 4k but apart from that it
s pretty okay?
farfromovin said:
That's the holy grail of android. AOSP with some pumped up feature rich camera. It doesn't exist, on any device!
I ran CM11 today just to try it out. I really like the ROM but the camera is just garbage compared to Sony's software. Plus you can't start the camera from the shutter button (a huge benefit for me personally). The smoothness and customization is great, but the camera never will be.
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Press the button on the 2nd step (the one which is more inside) for like 2 seconds. Starts fine here on Carbon (which uses CM Camera).
Sent from my Xperia Z2 using Tapatalk
pratyush997 said:
I think I'll just get Z1 because it's almost similar to Z2 and has more support.
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Screen is much better on Z2.
Plus, aosp been avail on z1 much longer and to get camera to work properly you have to install a camera fix app.
Z2 has only had fully working aosp for a few weeks. You will find new developers and ROMs appearing each month so don't worry.
And on my previous phones, I rarely run pure CM but on Z2 I'm totally happy with it. Fast, smooth and with an Android L theme it looks great too.
Sent from my Xperia Z2 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
furrypotato said:
Screen is much better on Z2.
Plus, aosp been avail on z1 much longer and to get camera to work properly you have to install a camera fix app.
Z2 has only had fully working aosp for a few weeks. You will find new developers and ROMs appearing each month so don't worry.
And on my previous phones, I rarely run pure CM but on Z2 I'm totally happy with it. Fast, smooth and with an Android L theme it looks great too.
Sent from my Xperia Z2 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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I also have an OnePlus One invite but even that device doesn't have decent dev support
Dragooon123 said:
The camera is on par with Sony's ROM when it comes to photo quality, it doesn't support 4k but apart from that it
s pretty okay?
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For just a point and shoot it may be on part with OEM. One of Sony's best features might be the 120fps 720p mode. Much better than iphone5s or OPPO find7. No such option with AOSP derived third party roms.
pratyush997 said:
How come there isn't even basic ROMs for Z2 yet? No PA, No VanirAOSP and all.
I am thinking to buy this device but the dev support got me worried.
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It has Cyanogenmod and AOKP. Those are arguably the 2 most basic.
Uclydde said:
It has Cyanogenmod and AOKP. Those are arguably the 2 most basic.
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Check M8's forums and compare it to Z2
farfromovin said:
That's the holy grail of android. AOSP with some pumped up feature rich camera. It doesn't exist, on any device!
I ran CM11 today just to try it out. I really like the ROM but the camera is just garbage compared to Sony's software. Plus you can't start the camera from the shutter button (a huge benefit for me personally). The smoothness and customization is great, but the camera never will be.
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if you install the oneplusone camera app, it will start when the phone is unlocked with the camera button. and you get a little bit of customisation.
From the looks of things though android L will bring use closer to the gold of having support for advanced camera features, rather than oems having to build there own.
Dragooon123 said:
The camera is on par with Sony's ROM when it comes to photo quality, it doesn't support 4k but apart from that it
s pretty okay?
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Yeah I switched to Carbon for a few days and found that the general photo quality in the stock camera was pretty close, but I still missed the Sony app enough that I loaded my RomAur backup.
Honestly I could have dealt with the camera, but I had a lot of issues with AndroidWear and my Gear Live not working correctly on it... Not sure how support is on other Z2 supporting AOSP-ish ROMs at the moment but it wasn't particularly reliable there.
I definitely did like the overall experience though minus the minor issues.
farfromovin said:
That's the holy grail of android. AOSP with some pumped up feature rich camera. It doesn't exist, on any device!
I ran CM11 today just to try it out. I really like the ROM but the camera is just garbage compared to Sony's software. Plus you can't start the camera from the shutter button (a huge benefit for me personally). The smoothness and customization is great, but the camera never will be.
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I'm not asking for a pumped-up, feature-rich camera, just one that can do what the hardware is capable of. Full resolution, full burst rate, and a working shutter button. I'd prefer not to have all Sony's extra bunk like ar modes etc, to be honest.

CyanogenMod quality

Hey. I'm considering buying G5, but I've been wondering about whether CyanogenMod work just as well as stock in terms of performance, stability, photo, video and call quality. I have some pretty bad experiences with custom ROMs on LG G2, so that's why I'm asking.
I had the best experience with custom ROMs on the G2!! What are you talking about? G2 still has amazing ROMs and dev support.
galr said:
I had the best experience with custom ROMs on the G2!! What are you talking about? G2 still has amazing ROMs and dev support.
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Low quality camera pictures, low speaker and mic volume.
TH4N1X said:
Hey. I'm considering buying G5, but I've been wondering about whether custom ROMs work just as well as stock in terms of performance, stability, photo, video and call quality. I have some pretty bad experiences with custom ROMs on LG G2, so that's why I'm asking.
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Check out root section of this phone. LG g5 fairly new still. There's a few stable 1s. Seems to be getting better day by day with others. If your in the States get Tmobile version.
Nick216ohio said:
Check out root section of this phone. LG g5 fairly new still. There's a few stable 1s. Seems to be getting better day by day with others. If your in the States get Tmobile version.
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I know that there's only CM right now, but if it already has problems that are related to closed drivers (camera) then it will never be fixed. And that's what I'm asking about.
TH4N1X said:
Low quality camera pictures, low speaker and mic volume.
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Only CyanogenMod. On stock based ROMs none of these issues. And besides, except for camera i think the sound issues could be resolved on CM (manually).
EDIT: OK i get it, you were asking about CM. Got it.
galr said:
Only CyanogenMod. On stock based ROMs none of these issues. And besides, except for camera i think the sound issues could be resolved on CM (manually).
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Well, yeah, but stock based ROMs are slow. And the issues cannot be resolved, you can only apply a .zip that will increase the speaker volume, but the quality is horrible. Anyway, it's about G5 and whether it suffers from the same problems on CM because I don't want another phone that takes a few secs to display recent apps (stock) or takes potato quality pictures (CM).
TH4N1X said:
Well, yeah, but stock based ROMs are slow. And the issues cannot be resolved, you can only apply a .zip that will increase the speaker volume, but the quality is horrible. Anyway, it's about G5 and whether it suffers from the same problems on CM because I don't want another phone that takes a few secs to display recent apps (stock) or takes potato quality pictures (CM).
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Got it.:good:
galr said:
Got it.:good:
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So, uh, are there issues on CM on G5?
TH4N1X said:
Hey. I'm considering buying G5, but I've been wondering about whether CyanogenMod work just as well as stock in terms of performance, stability, photo, video and call quality. I have some pretty bad experiences with custom ROMs on LG G2, so that's why I'm asking.
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CM works very well IMO. NFC (and probably WIFI tethering) don't work, but everything else does.
The call quality is OK, but the picture quality is not as good as with stock. But since LG does not help the developers by releasing the blobs, I am glad that it works at all.
I can live with the camera on CM, but your mileage may vary - I'm not a foto freak.
TH4N1X said:
Well, yeah, but stock based ROMs are slow. And the issues cannot be resolved, you can only apply a .zip that will increase the speaker volume, but the quality is horrible. Anyway, it's about G5 and whether it suffers from the same problems on CM because I don't want another phone that takes a few secs to display recent apps (stock) or takes potato quality pictures (CM).
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I find the stock Rom to be extremely fast. In fact I've owned every galaxy 1-7. .Note 3 and 4....G2 G3 and x pure.....the v10 and NONE of them are as fast as this phone......That's why I can't justify the shortcomings that CM has on this phone even though on all other phones I prefer CM and really want to use it for the theme engine alone.....but I just can't......stock is way too damn smooth.
carnivalrejectq said:
I find the stock Rom to be extremely fast. In fact I've owned every galaxy 1-7. .Note 3 and 4....G2 G3 and x pure.....the v10 and NONE of them are as fast as this phone......That's why I can't justify the shortcomings that CM has on this phone even though on all other phones I prefer CM and really want to use it for the theme engine alone.....but I just can't......stock is way too damn smooth.
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I have to agree that stock on the g5 is actually pretty smooth, runs really good and gets great battery life especially with a few tweaks (greenify and couple others). But CM runs pretty well now too although still a few things not working and couple things not as good as stock. Camera quality is good with CM although much better on stock, that will probably always be the case with lg. Also miss some things like lg dialer that has video call built in and lg gallery app that to me is better but it all depends on what you want to do. If you're more interested in camera quality and everything working including decent speed and battery life stay on stock and just root and do your custom mods, if you want a lighter OS and ability to customize more and are okay with a couple things not working for now use CM. Also I've always preferred cm based roms on every device especially g2 but with this I'm torn between stock and cm, although currently using cm as daily driver. Maybe if dual boot ever works with t mobile version i can have both.
jeffsga88 said:
I have to agree that stock on the g5 is actually pretty smooth, runs really good and gets great battery life especially with a few tweaks (greenify and couple others). But CM runs pretty well now too although still a few things not working and couple things not as good as stock. Camera quality is good with CM although much better on stock, that will probably always be the case with lg. Also miss some things like lg dialer that has video call built in and lg gallery app that to me is better but it all depends on what you want to do. If you're more interested in camera quality and everything working including decent speed and battery life stay on stock and just root and do your custom mods, if you want a lighter OS and ability to customize more and are okay with a couple things not working for now use CM. Also I've always preferred cm based roms on every device especially g2 but with this I'm torn between stock and cm, although currently using cm as daily driver. Maybe if dual boot ever works with t mobile version i can have both.
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I totally agree with you. This is the first phone id choose stock over CM or any other aosp Rom for that matter....its just so fast and in actuality I had more hiccups on CM with the touch randomly freezing for a few seconds or delaying......and part of the reason i got this phone is for the camera quality to take pictures of my kids......if I could keep that on CM id probably go to CM because I love the themes. No theming on stock sure does get old quick.
carnivalrejectq said:
I totally agree with you. This is the first phone id choose stock over CM or any other aosp Rom for that matter....its just so fast and in actuality I had more hiccups on CM with the touch randomly freezing for a few seconds or delaying......and part of the reason i got this phone is for the camera quality to take pictures of my kids......if I could keep that on CM id probably go to CM because I love the themes. No theming on stock sure does get old quick.
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I think the touch freezing issues were with the first build as I've been running cm for a couple weeks now without any touch issues but camera quality just isn't the same as stock. Also there is some modding you can do on stock (g4 tweaks box, gravity box, build.prop edits and probably more, although not the same as cm ... ) Like I said before maybe if dual boot gets support for h830 we could have both then.
Thanks for the opinions, guys. I still gotta see it irl, but this might be a good choice.
jeffsga88 said:
I think the touch freezing issues were with the first build as I've been running cm for a couple weeks now without any touch issues but camera quality just isn't the same as stock. Also there is some modding you can do on stock (g4 tweaks box, gravity box, build.prop edits and probably more, although not the same as cm ... ) Like I said before maybe if dual boot gets support for h830 we could have both then.
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I wonder just how much better the camera actually really is on stock though. I would like to know that. The major difference I seen is that it takes longer to actually snap a pic on CM.
The Cyanogenmod ROM on the G5 is great. There are problems still with the mobile hotspot and NFC, but other than that it's great
i dont need NFC (for what?) and the mistakes in Tethering... can wait
for me i hope the touch issue when Ambient Display enabled and open phone with Fingerprint is the badest Bug we have
But rest works fine and i'm happy to have Custom Rom was CM based.
gesendet von meinem LG G5 H850 AICP11.0
I'm currently on stock and contemplating the switch to CM. Not that there's anything wrong with stock + xposed/tweaksbox/gravity, mind you. I don't suppose anyone has some direct comparison shots between stock and cm?
carnivalrejectq said:
I wonder just how much better the camera actually really is on stock though. I would like to know that. The major difference I seen is that it takes longer to actually snap a pic on CM.
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I think it takes about same amount of time maybe tiny bit longer to take picture in cm but not big deal. I think biggest thing would be if you used the manual mode as i don't think there's a way of doing that on cm, but not sure. Otherwise cameras pretty similar.
RGX521 said:
I'm currently on stock and contemplating the switch to CM. Not that there's anything wrong with stock + xposed/tweaksbox/gravity, mind you. I don't suppose anyone has some direct comparison shots between stock and cm?
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Both stock and cm are great options. Stock is smooth with good battery life and cm is very customizable with not as good battery life. I've been using cm ever since they fixed the camera not working when cm first came out, but have since switched over to RR which is still cm based but way more customization. I'm happy with cm wish battery life was better and miss built in video call feature stock has but everything has tradeoffs. Anyways I recommend doing nandroid and trying cm or RR and see what you like better.

