CyanogenMod quality - LG G5 Questions & Answers

Hey. I'm considering buying G5, but I've been wondering about whether CyanogenMod work just as well as stock in terms of performance, stability, photo, video and call quality. I have some pretty bad experiences with custom ROMs on LG G2, so that's why I'm asking.

I had the best experience with custom ROMs on the G2!! What are you talking about? G2 still has amazing ROMs and dev support.

galr said:
I had the best experience with custom ROMs on the G2!! What are you talking about? G2 still has amazing ROMs and dev support.
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Low quality camera pictures, low speaker and mic volume.

TH4N1X said:
Hey. I'm considering buying G5, but I've been wondering about whether custom ROMs work just as well as stock in terms of performance, stability, photo, video and call quality. I have some pretty bad experiences with custom ROMs on LG G2, so that's why I'm asking.
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Check out root section of this phone. LG g5 fairly new still. There's a few stable 1s. Seems to be getting better day by day with others. If your in the States get Tmobile version.

Nick216ohio said:
Check out root section of this phone. LG g5 fairly new still. There's a few stable 1s. Seems to be getting better day by day with others. If your in the States get Tmobile version.
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I know that there's only CM right now, but if it already has problems that are related to closed drivers (camera) then it will never be fixed. And that's what I'm asking about.

TH4N1X said:
Low quality camera pictures, low speaker and mic volume.
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Only CyanogenMod. On stock based ROMs none of these issues. And besides, except for camera i think the sound issues could be resolved on CM (manually).
EDIT: OK i get it, you were asking about CM. Got it.

galr said:
Only CyanogenMod. On stock based ROMs none of these issues. And besides, except for camera i think the sound issues could be resolved on CM (manually).
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Well, yeah, but stock based ROMs are slow. And the issues cannot be resolved, you can only apply a .zip that will increase the speaker volume, but the quality is horrible. Anyway, it's about G5 and whether it suffers from the same problems on CM because I don't want another phone that takes a few secs to display recent apps (stock) or takes potato quality pictures (CM).

TH4N1X said:
Well, yeah, but stock based ROMs are slow. And the issues cannot be resolved, you can only apply a .zip that will increase the speaker volume, but the quality is horrible. Anyway, it's about G5 and whether it suffers from the same problems on CM because I don't want another phone that takes a few secs to display recent apps (stock) or takes potato quality pictures (CM).
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Got it.:good:

galr said:
Got it.:good:
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So, uh, are there issues on CM on G5?

TH4N1X said:
Hey. I'm considering buying G5, but I've been wondering about whether CyanogenMod work just as well as stock in terms of performance, stability, photo, video and call quality. I have some pretty bad experiences with custom ROMs on LG G2, so that's why I'm asking.
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CM works very well IMO. NFC (and probably WIFI tethering) don't work, but everything else does.
The call quality is OK, but the picture quality is not as good as with stock. But since LG does not help the developers by releasing the blobs, I am glad that it works at all.
I can live with the camera on CM, but your mileage may vary - I'm not a foto freak.

TH4N1X said:
Well, yeah, but stock based ROMs are slow. And the issues cannot be resolved, you can only apply a .zip that will increase the speaker volume, but the quality is horrible. Anyway, it's about G5 and whether it suffers from the same problems on CM because I don't want another phone that takes a few secs to display recent apps (stock) or takes potato quality pictures (CM).
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I find the stock Rom to be extremely fast. In fact I've owned every galaxy 1-7. .Note 3 and 4....G2 G3 and x pure.....the v10 and NONE of them are as fast as this phone......That's why I can't justify the shortcomings that CM has on this phone even though on all other phones I prefer CM and really want to use it for the theme engine alone.....but I just can't......stock is way too damn smooth.

carnivalrejectq said:
I find the stock Rom to be extremely fast. In fact I've owned every galaxy 1-7. .Note 3 and 4....G2 G3 and x pure.....the v10 and NONE of them are as fast as this phone......That's why I can't justify the shortcomings that CM has on this phone even though on all other phones I prefer CM and really want to use it for the theme engine alone.....but I just can't......stock is way too damn smooth.
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I have to agree that stock on the g5 is actually pretty smooth, runs really good and gets great battery life especially with a few tweaks (greenify and couple others). But CM runs pretty well now too although still a few things not working and couple things not as good as stock. Camera quality is good with CM although much better on stock, that will probably always be the case with lg. Also miss some things like lg dialer that has video call built in and lg gallery app that to me is better but it all depends on what you want to do. If you're more interested in camera quality and everything working including decent speed and battery life stay on stock and just root and do your custom mods, if you want a lighter OS and ability to customize more and are okay with a couple things not working for now use CM. Also I've always preferred cm based roms on every device especially g2 but with this I'm torn between stock and cm, although currently using cm as daily driver. Maybe if dual boot ever works with t mobile version i can have both.

jeffsga88 said:
I have to agree that stock on the g5 is actually pretty smooth, runs really good and gets great battery life especially with a few tweaks (greenify and couple others). But CM runs pretty well now too although still a few things not working and couple things not as good as stock. Camera quality is good with CM although much better on stock, that will probably always be the case with lg. Also miss some things like lg dialer that has video call built in and lg gallery app that to me is better but it all depends on what you want to do. If you're more interested in camera quality and everything working including decent speed and battery life stay on stock and just root and do your custom mods, if you want a lighter OS and ability to customize more and are okay with a couple things not working for now use CM. Also I've always preferred cm based roms on every device especially g2 but with this I'm torn between stock and cm, although currently using cm as daily driver. Maybe if dual boot ever works with t mobile version i can have both.
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I totally agree with you. This is the first phone id choose stock over CM or any other aosp Rom for that matter....its just so fast and in actuality I had more hiccups on CM with the touch randomly freezing for a few seconds or delaying......and part of the reason i got this phone is for the camera quality to take pictures of my kids......if I could keep that on CM id probably go to CM because I love the themes. No theming on stock sure does get old quick.

carnivalrejectq said:
I totally agree with you. This is the first phone id choose stock over CM or any other aosp Rom for that matter....its just so fast and in actuality I had more hiccups on CM with the touch randomly freezing for a few seconds or delaying......and part of the reason i got this phone is for the camera quality to take pictures of my kids......if I could keep that on CM id probably go to CM because I love the themes. No theming on stock sure does get old quick.
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I think the touch freezing issues were with the first build as I've been running cm for a couple weeks now without any touch issues but camera quality just isn't the same as stock. Also there is some modding you can do on stock (g4 tweaks box, gravity box, build.prop edits and probably more, although not the same as cm ... ) Like I said before maybe if dual boot gets support for h830 we could have both then.

Thanks for the opinions, guys. I still gotta see it irl, but this might be a good choice.

jeffsga88 said:
I think the touch freezing issues were with the first build as I've been running cm for a couple weeks now without any touch issues but camera quality just isn't the same as stock. Also there is some modding you can do on stock (g4 tweaks box, gravity box, build.prop edits and probably more, although not the same as cm ... ) Like I said before maybe if dual boot gets support for h830 we could have both then.
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I wonder just how much better the camera actually really is on stock though. I would like to know that. The major difference I seen is that it takes longer to actually snap a pic on CM.

The Cyanogenmod ROM on the G5 is great. There are problems still with the mobile hotspot and NFC, but other than that it's great

i dont need NFC (for what?) and the mistakes in Tethering... can wait
for me i hope the touch issue when Ambient Display enabled and open phone with Fingerprint is the badest Bug we have
But rest works fine and i'm happy to have Custom Rom was CM based.
gesendet von meinem LG G5 H850 AICP11.0

I'm currently on stock and contemplating the switch to CM. Not that there's anything wrong with stock + xposed/tweaksbox/gravity, mind you. I don't suppose anyone has some direct comparison shots between stock and cm?

carnivalrejectq said:
I wonder just how much better the camera actually really is on stock though. I would like to know that. The major difference I seen is that it takes longer to actually snap a pic on CM.
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I think it takes about same amount of time maybe tiny bit longer to take picture in cm but not big deal. I think biggest thing would be if you used the manual mode as i don't think there's a way of doing that on cm, but not sure. Otherwise cameras pretty similar.
RGX521 said:
I'm currently on stock and contemplating the switch to CM. Not that there's anything wrong with stock + xposed/tweaksbox/gravity, mind you. I don't suppose anyone has some direct comparison shots between stock and cm?
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Both stock and cm are great options. Stock is smooth with good battery life and cm is very customizable with not as good battery life. I've been using cm ever since they fixed the camera not working when cm first came out, but have since switched over to RR which is still cm based but way more customization. I'm happy with cm wish battery life was better and miss built in video call feature stock has but everything has tradeoffs. Anyways I recommend doing nandroid and trying cm or RR and see what you like better.


Camera Quality Improved with non-Samsung ROMs?

A long time ago when I still had this phone, camera quality sucked when using non-Samsung based custom ROMs. Has this been changed now? If it has, I'm gonna update my mom's SGS2 to a new ROM in order to take advantage of Android 4.3 and all its features and glory.
geokilla said:
A long time ago when I still had this phone, camera quality sucked when using non-Samsung based custom ROMs. Has this been changed now? If it has, I'm gonna update my mom's SGS2 to a new ROM in order to take advantage of Android 4.3 and all its features and glory.
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Well this you have to check by flashing the roms.
Jeetu said:
Well this you have to check by flashing the roms.
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Ain't nobody got time for that!
But I'm serious... Has it improved? I remember it was pretty bad back then because the source code was never released, so developers were reverse engineering the camera.
There is definetly a difference between sammy / non sammy roms, especially when you take low light pictures or when you use flash.
Samsung Camera Quality is the best! It's the clearest!
I'll have to agree. I actually feel a loss of quality (may be placebo) when using non Samsung roms.
The camera of the S2 is excellent, it still awes me.

Just came back to Android, thoughts

Hey guys how's it going? Just picked up a LG G2 on Verizon this week and its my first time using android since the Galaxy Nexus back on Ice Cream Sandwich. Android has come such a long way since its amazing. Just kind of thinking out loud here but I'm almost considering going back to iOS. By now I thought android would be much smoother than what I have seen running AOSP 4.3 and 4.4 ROMs, not necessarily lag and the phone stuttering but the frame rate of the phone and scrolling just doesn't match iOS which is really a bummer. Does anyone else feel this way? I feel like Android is such a beautiful OS, Google Now is absolutely amazing and android is way better looking and complex than iOS but there's still a couple things that I did like about it. The music app by Google on the phone is pretty laggy and is a little tough to navigate IMO. Does anyone recommend any music players that are better?
Does anyone else feel the frame drop I am experiencing though? Would love to get my hands on a Nexus 5 because I know they have the best optimization possible in most cases.
Also Verizon guys because I know buttons are kind of different, am I gonna get used to thesr buttons or will a case make it any better? They're driving me crazy especially when the phone is laying on a table and I have to pick the phone up to turn it off.
datsyuk said:
Hey guys how's it going? Just picked up a LG G2 on Verizon this week and its my first time using android since the Galaxy Nexus back on Ice Cream Sandwich. Android has come such a long way since its amazing. Just kind of thinking out loud here but I'm almost considering going back to iOS. By now I thought android would be much smoother than what I have seen running AOSP 4.3 and 4.4 ROMs, not necessarily lag and the phone stuttering but the frame rate of the phone and scrolling just doesn't match iOS which is really a bummer. Does anyone else feel this way? I feel like Android is such a beautiful OS, Google Now is absolutely amazing and android is way better looking and complex than iOS but there's still a couple things that I did like about it. The music app by Google on the phone is pretty laggy and is a little tough to navigate IMO. Does anyone recommend any music players that are better?
Does anyone else feel the frame drop I am experiencing though? Would love to get my hands on a Nexus 5 because I know they have the best optimization possible in most cases.
Also Verizon guys because I know buttons are kind of different, am I gonna get used to thesr buttons or will a case make it any better? They're driving me crazy especially when the phone is laying on a table and I have to pick the phone up to turn it off.
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I have tried several AOSP roms on the G2 and I find the LG stock rom to be quicker, stable and better battery life etc... at this present time then AOSP. While the stable version was just released yesterday it still needs time to work out the kinks.
Jimi Mack said:
I have tried several AOSP roms on the G2 and I find the LG stock rom to be quicker, stable and better battery life etc... at this present time then AOSP. While the stable version was just released yesterday it still needs time to work out the kinks.
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Yeah just curious as to what's going on because it still seems pretty choppy to me and I am even trying out the new runtime ART. Maybe I'll flash a stock ROM like Clean ROM. Honestly I played with a friends Moto X week or two ago on Verizon on 4.4 and was very impressed!
datsyuk said:
Yeah just curious as to what's going on because it still seems pretty choppy to me and I am even trying out the new runtime ART. Maybe I'll flash a stock ROM like Clean ROM. Honestly I played with a friends Moto X week or two ago on Verizon on 4.4 and was very impressed!
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I encourage you to try Clean Rom. And download the trial version of PowerAmp. If you go back to iOS after to listening to this phone running poweramp on a stock based rom, it just wasn't meant to be. I came to this phone after an iphone and I'm telling you with a decent pair of headphones, this phone sounds amazing.
Buttons are a getting used to thing.
I keep turning the phone over to make sure I have it on the right one.
datsyuk said:
Also Verizon guys because I know buttons are kind of different, am I gonna get used to thesr buttons or will a case make it any better? They're driving me crazy especially when the phone is laying on a table and I have to pick the phone up to turn it off.
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Stop complaining use knock on and knock off
I came from an iPhone5 went for an S4 then this. Never looking back.
Sent from my LG-D802 using xda premium
jiteshj said:
Stop complaining use knock on and knock off
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No knock off on AOSP
you need to realize that KitKat for LG G2 is in Alpha stage...which means it is not 100% more like 70%...ART isnt even working.
jedthehumanoid said:
I encourage you to try Clean Rom. And download the trial version of PowerAmp. If you go back to iOS after to listening to this phone running poweramp on a stock based rom, it just wasn't meant to be. I came to this phone after an iphone and I'm telling you with a decent pair of headphones, this phone sounds amazing.
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THIS! How would you compare your iPhone and your G2? Which one has the better sound with headphones? I mean, both set at the best settings you did on them. It is very important for me, as I can't decide between a G2, a Z1 and an iPhone 5S. I already own an iPhone 5. Had a lot of iPhones before though. I will even run the portable amp way witht them, I love my C&C BH and I love my ZO. :good:
G1_enthusiast said:
you need to realize that KitKat for LG G2 is in Alpha stage...which means it is not 100% more like 70%...ART isnt even working.
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I'm running CM11 Rom not posted on this site (it was but the thread was closed) theres a newer version floating around on that other site that is really good, and ART works just fine. I've been running it for a week with no problems at all.
I can't from iOS as well and the scrolling took me a little while to get used to. I don't notice it much now. I think it's just a difference in scrolling mechanics I think. That being said iOS bored me and in loving my g2
Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk
xian_online said:
I'm running CM11 Rom not posted on this site (it was but the thread was closed) theres a newer version floating around on that other site that is really good, and ART works just fine. I've been running it for a week with no problems at all.
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what site is that?
G1_enthusiast said:
what site is that?
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Someone tell me if I'm breaking some rule by linking to this.
Anyway, this is a great rom. Really stable for this early on, been running it for over a week. Switched to the kernel posted in the non carrier G2 dev section a few days ago, running spectacularly considering how new it is. The only really bad problem I'm having is the kernel broke the camera. Not all the time, it works sometimes, but it craps out sometimes. It has the same problems as the other ASOP roms are having (low benchmarks, the stock camera app has only 8mp cam (13mp works in other cams,) sound quality suffers compared to stock, etc) but generally its fast, smooth, stable, and I love it. I can't go back from kitkat now. Give it a shot!
xian_online said:
Someone tell me if I'm breaking some rule by linking to this.
Anyway, this is a great rom. Really stable for this early on, been running it for over a week. Switched to the kernel posted in the non carrier G2 dev section a few days ago, running spectacularly considering how new it is. The only really bad problem I'm having is the kernel broke the camera. Not all the time, it works sometimes, but it craps out sometimes. It has the same problems as the other ASOP roms are having (low benchmarks, the stock camera app has only 8mp cam (13mp works in other cams,) sound quality suffers compared to stock, etc) but generally its fast, smooth, stable, and I love it. I can't go back from kitkat now. Give it a shot!
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eh verizon....I'm running tmobile
Just give it a little more time. Cm11 is going to run very very well.
Sent from my LG-VS980 using Tapatalk
cckeeler said:
I can't from iOS as well and the scrolling took me a little while to get used to. I don't notice it much now. I think it's just a difference in scrolling mechanics I think. That being said iOS bored me and in loving my g2
Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk
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Still having a little trouble typing it seems...
But I came from iOS. I just couldn't stand it anymore, and needed a new change of pace. I feel like I've missed so much by not being on Android for so long.
Thanks the input, hopefully Cyanogenmod 11 picks up quickly for the G2. It runs pretty well Android has come such a long way the thing that drives me crazy the most about this is the way the scrolling works in Android, iOS has absolutely wonderful scrolling, elastic, and consistent. Flicks on Android are choppy in apps at times and not consistent on how it scrolls. SMS and iMessages sent a little quicker and more consistent as well but that's not a big deal. Miss iTunes a bit for music management too idk how to get my Recently Added playlist onto my device which I locally store all of the songs on it.
Also blows my mind but Google images when you scroll through is extremely laggy! Probably the most lag I've seen anywhere on the phone. You would think being their own website and me using Chrome that wouldn't happen haha.
That said Android is a beautiful OS, way more entertaining and options than iOS. Let's see if I can get used to it I have until January 15th I can get a full refund if I want to.
Not long ago, I was cleaning out my garage and checking out some old PCs, trying to clean up the harddrives before recycling.
The damn Windows Me was sure running "fast like hell". ... simple OS does run faster .. even on crappy HW.
(one thought crossed my mind ... how crazily-fast it would run on my current kick-ass HW ?)
datsyuk said:
By now I thought android would be much smoother than what I have seen running AOSP 4.3 and 4.4 ROMs, not necessarily lag and the phone stuttering but the frame rate of the phone and scrolling just doesn't match iOS which is really a bummer. Does anyone else feel this way?
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I agree... However, I cannot cope with the limits of iOS, so I keep picking android phones.

I like Sony ROM better than CM? WTF is wrong with me?

I never thought there would come a day when I would say this about a manufacturer skin, but I'm actually enjoying the .290 Sony 4.3 firmware better than CM 10.2 (And I've been a militant CM supporter/user since version 6.1 -- 4 years ago in the Froyo days). Is it just me or do the Sony firmware builds feel noticeably faster? Also the battery life seems to be improved vs CM and the keyboard is sized more appropriately, etc. etc. The small apps are a nifty feature.
Now I never had stability problems with CM 10.2 so it's not about that; CM 10.2 is rock solid, maybe even slightly more stable than the Stock sony firmware but the Sony firmware seems so so much faster! What say you XDA friends? Do you agree? Am I insane?
brashmadcap said:
I never thought there would come a day when I would say this about a manufacturer skin, but I'm actually enjoying the .290 Sony 4.3 firmware better than CM 10.2 (And I've been a militant CM supporter/user since version 6.1 -- 4 years ago in the Froyo days). Is it just me or do the Sony firmware builds feel noticeably faster? Also the battery life seems to be improved vs CM and the keyboard is sized more appropriately, etc. etc. The small apps are a nifty feature.
Now I never had stability problems with CM 10.2 so it's not about that; CM 10.2 is rock solid, maybe even slightly more stable than the Stock sony firmware but the Sony firmware seems so so much faster! What say you XDA friends? Do you agree? Am I insane?
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No, you're, definitely, not insane and you're not alone on this! Exactly, my feelings. I've never thought that one day I'll start liking one manufacturer's skin/UI better than stock Android. But, it happened. And as a result, I've purchased the Xperia Z Ultra. Couldn't be happier more. It's the best phone I've ever owned.
I have to say/admit that I've faced more stability issues on CM more than Sony's firmwares. And for speed : Yes, it's definitely faster! IMHO, Sony's software engineers are done an excellent job for optimizing the software in the best possible way. There is zero lag, zero glitches etc. Just, very buttery smooth experience.
After the Mr. Kazuo Hirai's becoming the presiden and the CEO of Sony, many things have been changed fundamentally and noticeably. They got their innovation back as it was in 90s and 80s and one more time, started to make some unique products (QX10/QX100, first mirrorless Full-Frame camera except Leica : A7/A7r etc.) like walkman back in the day.
Hopefully, they'll keep this momentum and innovation as long as they can and we will benefit/enjoy of these great products.
brashmadcap said:
I never thought there would come a day when I would say this about a manufacturer skin, but I'm actually enjoying the .290 Sony 4.3 firmware better than CM 10.2 (And I've been a militant CM supporter/user since version 6.1 -- 4 years ago in the Froyo days). Is it just me or do the Sony firmware builds feel noticeably faster? Also the battery life seems to be improved vs CM and the keyboard is sized more appropriately, etc. etc. The small apps are a nifty feature.
Now I never had stability problems with CM 10.2 so it's not about that; CM 10.2 is rock solid, maybe even slightly more stable than the Stock sony firmware but the Sony firmware seems so so much faster! What say you XDA friends? Do you agree? Am I insane?
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No you're right, sony have done it right!
They've allowed you to keep the fluidity of stock android and have given you customization that dont slow the phone down
I couldnt be happier with my Z Ultra
It used to be that the smartphone SoC was very limited in terms of capability so a clean ROM is the better choice. But with rapid development and less bloat on Sony's UI (+cool design) and slower Android upgrade it is clearly better now. So yeah, not that much reason should i jump to CM ROM again (unlike previous RAZR MAXX of mine) for now Maybe if the Android 5.0 come out in the future i guess but for now no..
brashmadcap said:
I never thought there would come a day when I would say this about a manufacturer skin, but I'm actually enjoying the .290 Sony 4.3 firmware better than CM 10.2 (And I've been a militant CM supporter/user since version 6.1 -- 4 years ago in the Froyo days). Is it just me or do the Sony firmware builds feel noticeably faster? Also the battery life seems to be improved vs CM and the keyboard is sized more appropriately, etc. etc. The small apps are a nifty feature.
Now I never had stability problems with CM 10.2 so it's not about that; CM 10.2 is rock solid, maybe even slightly more stable than the Stock sony firmware but the Sony firmware seems so so much faster! What say you XDA friends? Do you agree? Am I insane?
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I Concur! I've had this device for about three months, & I really enjoy it also! I purchased it with the Sony UI in mind and sure enough it did not disappoint. I wasn't upset to see the Google edition released so soon after I bought this one. This is really the longest I've ever went without root also, as most prior phones did not make the 30 day mark.
I honestly would be happy with root access on the stock Sony Rom, however with all the confusion of root methods / model numbers / TA partitions / possibility of losing LTE, I'm just really trying to be patient. I kept in mind that buying such a large (under the radar phone) my slow my ability to tinker with it, but it's beginning to a bit of a hassle without root.
I recently accepted the 4.3 update, & the speed and mellow performance was noticed immediately. I was trying to stay on 4.2 as I had read different threads saying it was able to be rooted as oppose to 4.3 .290 but as of recently that seems to have changed now... This whole phone's process seems extremely confusing, and I'm tired of reading different contradicting threads .....and it's never a good idea to start playing with your phone when your frustrated & uninformed so I guess I'll just hang out a bit longer until things seem clearer....
I am with you guys.
Although on Note 2 I did not go with any AOSP except from the usual testing, but always came back to stock because of Spen features.
With the Ultra, this stock rom is so light, smooth and plus I keep the phone features plus it has been designed better to use the larger screen...I am VERY impressed with the Sony Rom so I dont see myself flashing anything but Sony based Roms.
I enjoy my phone now more than just using it to flash new stuff trying to get it to be better
Ah after I try a lot of custom ROM
monxDIFIED is my daily ROM
It is Sony base because I prefer stock app
FM Radio
Stock Camera
If I can install two stock app in CM base ROM like Carbon ROM
I may think using CM base ROM as my daily drive
That's common and you are not alone. I too am using the Stock 4.3 without any intention of flashing other ROMs (I do really love flashing as I had nearly flashed every Android phone I have ever owned)
I'm back on stock after a day on GPe. I love AOSP and the GPe ROM is amazing, but I tend to always end up back on stock again. Not sure what it is, but it's solid as a rock, and I know exactly how it works and what it does. No surprises. I feel safe using it, so I guess that's why? Xposed has also changed the way I use ROMs. No longer do I have to flash ROMs if I want a weird feature, I just install a module. I feel like I don't have to flash anything these days, except for when I want a different environment/UI.
In not that tired of Sony's UI quite yet (but I'm slowly getting there), but I'll probably migrate to the GPe full time down the road. BUT, official 4.4 is on its way, so it'll be really exciting to see how it'll be.
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LordManhattan said:
I'm back on stock after a day on GPe. I love AOSP and the GPe ROM is amazing, but I tend to always end up back on stock again. Not sure what it is, but it's solid as a rock, and I know exactly how it works and what it does. No surprises. I feel safe using it, so I guess that's why? Xposed has also changed the way I use ROMs. No longer do I have to flash ROMs if I want a weird feature, I just install a module. I feel like I don't have to flash anything these days, except for when I want a different environment/UI.
In not that tired of Sony's UI quite yet (but I'm slowly getting there), but I'll probably migrate to the GPe full time down the road. BUT, official 4.4 is on its way, so it'll be really exciting to see how it'll be.
Sent from my C6833 using Tapatalk
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Im back running stock UI as well (own rom with Dogg tweaks), and am more or less happy with it.
Cant wait for 4.4 stock (not here today yet)
I had a Nexus 7 and I ran AOKP, I had an Nexus 4 and I ran AOKP, I had a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and I ran CyanogenMod. Today I switched to Sony Xperia Z Ultra and I don't want to switch to AOSP. It never happened before, but I feel like Stock ROM is good
my galaxy tab is always on another rom, after that i had asus padfone, which had no development at all. and z ultra makes me not want to change to another rom at all. loving the stock, dunno why. I'm still on 4.2 and for me it's pretty smooth and fluid already i dont even need to upgrade.
Recently get an OTA for 4.3, but there's no way to root it in a simple way. tempting to root using jackie's way or flashing monx but im still too lazy to do it, still enjoyin my current 4.2 haha
I think sony did a good job here
I'm with you too dude. For me it's close enough to stock not to piss me off, their skin is simple and black base (better for battery), and I like some of the bloatware too.
I have deleted a lot, but that's another thing I like, I was able to delete or freeze most of what I didn't want without needing root. On touchwizz practically nothing could be deleted without root.
For me, Sony have worked it really well, bugs aside, and 290 is perfect IMHO except bluetooth.
I love cm, don't get me wrong, I just don't need it as much with Sony as I did with Samsung.
Sent from my C6833 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Same here, actually i'm still on 4.2.2. Still amazed with stock rom, looks good and stays smooth and fast. I can endless opening apps, not any hick up. OOM works unnoticed, and don't need to restart device. On my old LG 3d i changed roms and kernels continously. My son his tab2 flashed a hour after purchase. My Acer A700 running CM10.1 unfortunately my daughter jumped on screen i need to order new screen/digitizer.
But i'm surpised with myself that i'm still on stock and don't want to flash. Only reason for me to flash would be working miracast with my LG 55LM750S.
I'm back on the GPe ROM I was bored yesterday, so the only thing to do when i'm bored is to install or flash something. I'm still amazed how everything is running so smooth and i have still to find a bug. I haven't found a single one. I find it funny that we went from AOSP ROMs that had their fair share of problems, to a AOSP ROM that is perfect like THAT.
I guess i'll keep using GPe for now, but i find some small things to be a little annoying. The volume is rather strange. It can be really quiet on one level, and be really loud on the next one, which makes it very annoying since i have to try to find the sweet spot. The stock ROM is much better at this. The quick toggles are also quite bad. Why do i have to press and HOLD to activate/deactivate a feature? Why can't i just tap a toggle like on CM? One tap on AOSP will open the settings for that feature, and someone at Google should be shot in the face. Well, that's about it really
I agree, been on and off Cm9-10 for years with some stints on Samsung's JB, but these ROMs rock. Only complaint is WIFI is a bit flakey. I don't even have a reason to root.
I have both a C6833 and Tablet Z.
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With my ex Galaxy S3 I went from stock to CM in like 4/6 months, and from there I just wanted to change phone like every day.
I guess I just want this to be my phone for a long time, therefore I'll wait to transform it to see if the stock rom satisfies me long enough to get to the official 4.4.2 update.
Which, I bet will be the last "quick" update.
After that I'm sure we will see 4.5, but at a super slow pace.
Anyway, I need time to install and backup everything to begin trying the GPe, and with a 6yo daughter and a 40days son I really don't have much left... XD
Sent from my C6833 using Tapatalk
fastest83 said:
With my ex Galaxy S3 I went from stock to CM in like 4/6 months, and from there I just wanted to change phone like every day.
I guess I just want this to be my phone for a long time, therefore I'll wait to transform it to see if the stock rom satisfies me long enough to get to the official 4.4.2 update.
Which, I bet will be the last "quick" update.
After that I'm sure we will see 4.5, but at a super slow pace.
Anyway, I need time to install and backup everything to begin trying the GPe, and with a 6yo daughter and a 40days son I really don't have much left... XD
Sent from my C6833 using Tapatalk
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Congrats! I guess that's why we haven't really seen you around here that much lately, but you have a brand new boy in your house now so that's expected
Sent from my C6806_GPe using Tapatalk
LordManhattan said:
Congrats! I guess that's why we haven't really seen you around here that much lately, but you have a brand new boy in your house now so that's expected
Sent from my C6806_GPe using Tapatalk
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Thanks! I try to keep up with everything but now even Tapatalk is against me (meaning the new interface is fugly as hell).
Anyway, I'm curious, does the GPe support multiple users like on the Nexus 7? It is a fantastic feature as it keeps my daughter within the fence of her few apps...
That may be a feature I'd be interested in...
Sent from my C6833 using Tapatalk
fastest83 said:
Thanks! I try to keep up with everything but now even Tapatalk is against me (meaning the new interface is fugly as hell).
Anyway, I'm curious, does the GPe support multiple users like on the Nexus 7? It is a fantastic feature as it keeps my daughter within the fence of her few apps...
That may be a feature I'd be interested in...
Sent from my C6833 using Tapatalk
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Hmm, i have no idea. I think it "pops up" when you activate tablet mode. I know that CM supports it though, but since GPe build is strictly made for the ZU, Sony may have removed the feature (i can't prove it though).

[Q] No AOSP based development for Z2 ?

How come there isn't even basic ROMs for Z2 yet? No PA, No VanirAOSP and all.
I am thinking to buy this device but the dev support got me worried.
From my experience on here dev support usually takes a while on sony devices. If custom roms is your thing you should have a look at htc's phones or wait and see what progress is made with the z2.
Sent from my D6503 using XDA Free mobile app
Official CM development has already begun, (on par with the Z) which is much sooner than happened with the Z1.
Z1 had issues with unlocking the bootloader which was only resolved a few months after launch. Z2 does not have this problem.
Once CM completes the bring up other roms will follow.
pratyush997 said:
How come there isn't even basic ROMs for Z2 yet? No PA, No VanirAOSP and all.
I am thinking to buy this device but the dev support got me worried.
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I must admit, I'd like to see a completely pure AOSP ROM myself. (With one possible exception: the camera. I wouldn't want to lose any hardware features in terms of capture resolution, capture rate, full / half press shutter button, focus speed, or image quality. Couldn't care less about 4K video, but I don't know if there's a third-party app that can provide all of the above.)
I find my Xperia Z2 incredibly bloated, and while I've disabled as much as I can, there's a lot that can't be disabled without root. (And I am uncertain whether I can safely root this and change much without losing my warranty or the ability to install subsequent OTA updates without risking bricking the phone.)
nobby00900 said:
From my experience on here dev support usually takes a while on sony devices. If custom roms is your thing you should have a look at htc's phones or wait and see what progress is made with the z2.
Sent from my D6503 using XDA Free mobile app
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M8 has way more dev support than Z2
pratyush997 said:
M8 has way more dev support than Z2
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Well it's a more popular phone. Not sure about somewhere else, but in Adelaide (Australia), htc is everywhere, but you can barely bump into someone with a Sony phone.
I for one would love a purer android experience, but I don't want to lose the active noise cancelling and answering machine. The thing irritates me the most on Z2 is that 'what's new' button when you long press home. Google now is not in the middle as it should.
Sure ROMs will have support when the phone is widely available, the trees are quite stable now and ready for daily driver.
TheMrcool212 said:
Sure ROMs will have support when the phone is widely available, the trees are quite stable now and ready for daily driver.
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I think I'll just get Z1 because it's almost similar to Z2 and has more support.
In case anyone is intrested: I currently work on a pure AOSP device tree for 4.4.4. i also planned to have some fun with L-preview but I don't know if I am able to do this.
You'll hear from me.
Sent from my Xperia Z2 using Tapatalk
knoxploration said:
I must admit, I'd like to see a completely pure AOSP ROM myself. (With one possible exception: the camera. I wouldn't want to lose any hardware features in terms of capture resolution, capture rate, full / half press shutter button, focus speed, or image quality. Couldn't care less about 4K video, but I don't know if there's a third-party app that can provide all of the above.)
I find my Xperia Z2 incredibly bloated, and while I've disabled as much as I can, there's a lot that can't be disabled without root. (And I am uncertain whether I can safely root this and change much without losing my warranty or the ability to install subsequent OTA updates without risking bricking the phone.)
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That's the holy grail of android. AOSP with some pumped up feature rich camera. It doesn't exist, on any device!
I ran CM11 today just to try it out. I really like the ROM but the camera is just garbage compared to Sony's software. Plus you can't start the camera from the shutter button (a huge benefit for me personally). The smoothness and customization is great, but the camera never will be.
farfromovin said:
That's the holy grail of android. AOSP with some pumped up feature rich camera. It doesn't exist, on any device!
I ran CM11 today just to try it out. I really like the ROM but the camera is just garbage compared to Sony's software. Plus you can't start the camera from the shutter button (a huge benefit for me personally). The smoothness and customization is great, but the camera never will be.
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The camera is on par with Sony's ROM when it comes to photo quality, it doesn't support 4k but apart from that it
s pretty okay?
farfromovin said:
That's the holy grail of android. AOSP with some pumped up feature rich camera. It doesn't exist, on any device!
I ran CM11 today just to try it out. I really like the ROM but the camera is just garbage compared to Sony's software. Plus you can't start the camera from the shutter button (a huge benefit for me personally). The smoothness and customization is great, but the camera never will be.
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Press the button on the 2nd step (the one which is more inside) for like 2 seconds. Starts fine here on Carbon (which uses CM Camera).
Sent from my Xperia Z2 using Tapatalk
pratyush997 said:
I think I'll just get Z1 because it's almost similar to Z2 and has more support.
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Screen is much better on Z2.
Plus, aosp been avail on z1 much longer and to get camera to work properly you have to install a camera fix app.
Z2 has only had fully working aosp for a few weeks. You will find new developers and ROMs appearing each month so don't worry.
And on my previous phones, I rarely run pure CM but on Z2 I'm totally happy with it. Fast, smooth and with an Android L theme it looks great too.
Sent from my Xperia Z2 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
furrypotato said:
Screen is much better on Z2.
Plus, aosp been avail on z1 much longer and to get camera to work properly you have to install a camera fix app.
Z2 has only had fully working aosp for a few weeks. You will find new developers and ROMs appearing each month so don't worry.
And on my previous phones, I rarely run pure CM but on Z2 I'm totally happy with it. Fast, smooth and with an Android L theme it looks great too.
Sent from my Xperia Z2 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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I also have an OnePlus One invite but even that device doesn't have decent dev support
Dragooon123 said:
The camera is on par with Sony's ROM when it comes to photo quality, it doesn't support 4k but apart from that it
s pretty okay?
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For just a point and shoot it may be on part with OEM. One of Sony's best features might be the 120fps 720p mode. Much better than iphone5s or OPPO find7. No such option with AOSP derived third party roms.
pratyush997 said:
How come there isn't even basic ROMs for Z2 yet? No PA, No VanirAOSP and all.
I am thinking to buy this device but the dev support got me worried.
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It has Cyanogenmod and AOKP. Those are arguably the 2 most basic.
Uclydde said:
It has Cyanogenmod and AOKP. Those are arguably the 2 most basic.
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Check M8's forums and compare it to Z2
farfromovin said:
That's the holy grail of android. AOSP with some pumped up feature rich camera. It doesn't exist, on any device!
I ran CM11 today just to try it out. I really like the ROM but the camera is just garbage compared to Sony's software. Plus you can't start the camera from the shutter button (a huge benefit for me personally). The smoothness and customization is great, but the camera never will be.
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if you install the oneplusone camera app, it will start when the phone is unlocked with the camera button. and you get a little bit of customisation.
From the looks of things though android L will bring use closer to the gold of having support for advanced camera features, rather than oems having to build there own.
Dragooon123 said:
The camera is on par with Sony's ROM when it comes to photo quality, it doesn't support 4k but apart from that it
s pretty okay?
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Yeah I switched to Carbon for a few days and found that the general photo quality in the stock camera was pretty close, but I still missed the Sony app enough that I loaded my RomAur backup.
Honestly I could have dealt with the camera, but I had a lot of issues with AndroidWear and my Gear Live not working correctly on it... Not sure how support is on other Z2 supporting AOSP-ish ROMs at the moment but it wasn't particularly reliable there.
I definitely did like the overall experience though minus the minor issues.
farfromovin said:
That's the holy grail of android. AOSP with some pumped up feature rich camera. It doesn't exist, on any device!
I ran CM11 today just to try it out. I really like the ROM but the camera is just garbage compared to Sony's software. Plus you can't start the camera from the shutter button (a huge benefit for me personally). The smoothness and customization is great, but the camera never will be.
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I'm not asking for a pumped-up, feature-rich camera, just one that can do what the hardware is capable of. Full resolution, full burst rate, and a working shutter button. I'd prefer not to have all Sony's extra bunk like ar modes etc, to be honest.

Best Camera For S4 Mini

Hi i have on my S4 mini 9195 the CyanogenMod 12.1.
I am looking for the best camera that allows you to take pictures in high resolution and full screen.
Thanks in advance :good:
I assume you mean best camera application, try camera 360 ultimate
Im been using Camera ZOOM Fx for years and still find it a great camera app on my S4 mini.
Bjarne73 said:
Im been using Camera ZOOM Fx for years and still find it a great camera app on my S4 mini.
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Using it as well and I am happy with it
Try: Focus or Cyanogenmod camera app, they're pretty similar but I prefer CMcamera.
Open camera is the best by far.
i really like the stock camera. And bec of it i am coming back to stock rom from cm12.1, i really like cm12.1 Rom. i am sometime go for it but come back to stock rom because of camera. Tried alots of cameras some are mentioned here. Which are good but i kinda of not satisfied with them . i wish sometime in future Stock camera come to cm.
syednawaz said:
i really like the stock camera. And bec of it i am coming back to stock rom from cm12.1, i really like cm12.1 Rom. i am sometime go for it but come back to stock rom because of camera. Tried alots of cameras some are mentioned here. Which are good but i kinda of not satisfied with them . i wish sometime in future Stock camera come to cm.
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Will never happen. As source for this has never been released by Samsung. Has been this way for ALL custom ROMs since ever. The camera is the main reason I keep going back to stock. Focus is horrible on pretty much all custom ROMs. But because of major security flaws in stock OS I'll be switching back to CM.
Maybe auto focus is terrible but manual is damn good for macros. I used to make macros of smartphone motherboards, mostly after water damage to show clients that they phones wasn't stop working just by themselves. I can tell You on stock pictures from my phone was a lot worse than my coworker iPhone 5 and now they are a lot sharper and brighter than on his iPhone. I never tested outside photos on CM but I think it's only matter to feel manual focus.
Snap on CM11
Also using 12.1 on s4 mini, I've tried all cameras but have settled on Snap Camera HDR. Focuses fast and accurately, and doesn't lag. Also works well in lower light.
I just came back from CM 12.1 to CM11 in my S4 Mini Duos and switched to snap Camera HDR. Far better than built in CM11 camera app. The only thing I miss is the capturing with on/off button...
I use A Better Camera
Google Camera is pretty fast.
I've settled on A Better Camera (running on CM12.1) as I like layout etc., admittedly auto focus is not as good as CM app in some lighting conditions but a quick tap on the screen and it will focus perfectly.
Try the Ucamera application.
It is very good and it has many effects. It s available on play store
Google Camera is a pretty good choice.
It is not so simple. You can not have the same quality stock cam because any cam app is working with generic drivers in CMs or any other ROM CM based . For the same reason , the audio (mostly capture) also will never have the same quality.
It is a price to pay: Camera and audio quality worse.
Some apps can even do a good job, but difficult to achieve equal quality.
Until the other day I used CM13 and even liked, but needed quality to scan a document on an emergency. I had to restore Stock Backup. I lost the desire to again change the ROM and stayed in Stock. Unfortunately it is a reality.
Some apps can even do a good job, but difficult to achieve equal quality.
One consolation is to use some Xposed Modules and other tools that make Stock ROM ... Less outdated, I would say.
ADR USR said:
It is not so simple. You can not have the same quality stock cam because any cam app is working with generic drivers in CMs or any other ROM CM based . For the same reason , the audio (mostly capture) also will never have the same quality.
It is a price to pay: Camera and audio quality worse.
Some apps can even do a good job, but difficult to achieve equal quality.
Until the other day I used CM13 and even liked, but needed quality to scan a document on an emergency. I had to restore Stock Backup. I lost the desire to again change the ROM and stayed in Stock. Unfortunately it is a reality.
Some apps can even do a good job, but difficult to achieve equal quality.
One consolation is to use some Xposed Modules and other tools that make Stock ROM ... Less outdated, I would say.
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very true. most of the time i go back to stock jelly bean. No kitkat update for i9190
I have Camera Next, CM12.1. My favorite camera app. But it works fine in CM13?

