[Q] samsung galaxy duos - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I haven't been able to delete any SMS threads (large, small or even empty). When I try to delete a thread, the phone deletes only the messages inside it, but the thread remains. My phone is not rooted
Only one way is to delete the threads is to select all and delete

I haven't been able to delete any SMS threads (large, small or even empty). When I try to delete a thread, the phone deletes only the messages inside it, but the thread remains. My phone is not rooted
Only one way is to delete the threads is to select all and delete
Plz help me
Sent from my GT-I9082 using xda app-developers app


Need Help DialerTabActivity.apk

Hi all im in big trouble i deleted the file DialerTabActivity.apk by accident from my Vibrant trying to erase the short cut for the call logs and i ended up deleting the dial pad.. can any one please post it if you can i tried already different ones and all of them seem corrupted and wont install on my phone i have been searching for a while already but i dont want to reflash my whole phone for just this file everything seems to be working fine. thanks for all your help
fregoso3000 said:
Hi all im in big trouble i deleted the file DialerTabActivity.apk by accident from my Vibrant trying to erase the short cut for the call logs and i ended up deleting the dial pad.. can any one please post it if you can i tried already different ones and all of them seem corrupted and wont install on my phone i have been searching for a while already but i dont want to reflash my whole phone for just this file everything seems to be working fine. thanks for all your help
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I just went through my Titanium backup and I don't see anything label DialerTabActivity.
Where did you delete this from?
Attachment has the .apk and the .odex file, not sure if you needed both
Thank you Daniel for your help and everyone else whos trying to help me out but it didnt work it wont install i deleted the file from System then App
Try to push the apk with adb to the same place you removed it..
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

[Q] How to transfer text messages from LG GM200 to Galaxy S2

Dear Masters,
I am having LG GM200 and now I have bought GS2. I want to transfer my text messages from GM200 to GS2. How to do? I am able to download text msgs into .csv file using LG PC Sync. But now how to upload that .csv file to GS2? Is there any other way possible?
Thanks in advance.
use contact sim cards.. dey hv higer memories..
If the LG is android then maybe try 'SMS backup and restore' from market. Copy/send the saved file to the s2, install the app on it and restore.
I transferred all my SMS/call logs/apns from s1 to s2 using apps from market.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
SMS backup
I second that SMS backup used it for my SG2 works great.
Also the mobile suites like Mobile Master & Mobiledit if you already own these apps, OTHERWISE >>>>> SMS backup!
sxi200 said:
If the LG is android then maybe try 'SMS backup and restore' from market. Copy/send the saved file to the s2, install the app on it and restore.
I transferred all my SMS/call logs/apns from s1 to s2 using apps from market.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
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If the lg phone was android den there wont be any problem. But its basic phone.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
cool_sid007 said:
use contact sim cards.. dey hv higer memories..
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What is contact sim card? I have no idea about it. Can you brief it? One thing I thought of copying msgs from lg phone to sim card den put that sim card to GS2 nd copy again to phone. But I dont know how to copy msgs from phone to sim card.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Please use the Q&A Forum for questions Thanks
Moving to Q&A
Sorry for posting in wrong section. I am noob here.
One solution of my problem i was thinking about is that i can transfer my msgs from s2 to txt file thru application called sms2text(available in market)
And I have already txt file of msgs from my lg gm200 mobile. So i can merge these 2 files manualy and upload final txt file to S2 again. I think this should work. Havent tried it yet. Will try once i go home. What u guys say about this. Will update once i have tried.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
chokhu1585 said:
Sorry for posting in wrong section. I am noob here.
One solution of my problem i was thinking about is that i can transfer my msgs from s2 to txt file thru application called sms2text(available in market)
And I have already txt file of msgs from my lg gm200 mobile. So i can merge these 2 files manualy and upload final txt file to S2 again. I think this should work. Havent tried it yet. Will try once i go home. What u guys say about this. Will update once i have tried.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
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Ok. So I have modified txt file as mentioned in previous post nd when i am going to restore msgs using this text file, i m getting an error that invalid column size or something like that. Can anyone explain me wat the problem is? Nd also i have modified this txt file on pc nd transfered back to mobile. As i m not able to modify this file from mobile itself.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Hey... No one is replying my query. Let me explain nd ask in simple way. Is there any software by which I can back up all my msgs from my GS2 in txt file or any other format nd then edit that file to add or delete some msgs nd then again restore msgs using this modified file? I have tried sms to text application from market nd back up my msgs to txt file. Den i added one msg in that file with the same format nd tried to restore msgs using this modified file but getting error that invalid numbers of column. When I tried to restore without editing text file then it is restored. Can anyone help me regarding my problem? Or any other method for doing the same.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
To do it simple, don't think it's possible. Keep the CSV on your computer for nostalgic reasons and enjoy the GS2. As others have said, if it was a smartphone to smartphone deal then surely but not from custom OS to Smartphone OS. The Data fields in a CSV file can vary so importing them wouldn't work so well for txt. For Contacts it's easier but but not for messages.
I sometimes want to keep mine but I end up just wiping everything when I upgrade and I don't miss them. I always feel like I will but never do. I still have some SMS backed up from my Samsung Blackjack from 2007 or so, never ever have I read them again.

[Q] Problem !

Hi I have a weird problem...I messed up my rom I was on JJ's hybrid rom and then I decided to reflash it...I deleted all the folders except my install folder where my programs are and my music folder...then I removed the usb and when I reopened it my 2 folders that I didn't delete where not shown and windows reported that my sdcard was completely empty though it wasn't android was already created the default folders on it and I transferred the rom zip to flash on it...ok I was thinking maybe the problem resolves when I reflash the rom and maybe andy would show it after the reflash even the android doesn't show my music and install folder. Any ideas ?
Which folders from where you deleted? Can you be clearer as to what you want?
I deleted all of the folders from the sd card...except my music,wallpaper and programs install folder and they dissappeared after deleting these other folders .android_secure,Android etc. but luckily I have a backup on my laptop so I'm transferring them back now
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Internal sdcard reading after JB

Hi I don't know if anyone else has had this problem and can't find it so here goes.
I went from a ICS custom rom to JB
After all the bugs I went back to ICS. But now the ICS roms won't read my internal sdcard. Example my gallery only reads my external sd card so Loadsa pics not there. I can see them in file manager but not apps, and if I download and save to internal it shows but not existing files. Please help. I've tried full wipe re flash roms, wipe app data nothing working. First real problem in years of flashing custom roms.
Please help me head hurts
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Robbo106 said:
Hi I don't know if anyone else has had this problem and can't find it so here goes.
I went from a ICS custom rom to JB
After all the bugs I went back to ICS. But now the ICS roms won't read my internal sdcard. Example my gallery only reads my external sd card so Loadsa pics not there. I can see them in file manager but not apps, and if I download and save to internal it shows but not existing files. Please help. I've tried full wipe re flash roms, wipe app data nothing working. First real problem in years of flashing custom roms.
Please help me head hurts
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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Sorry about that.
Try this solution and let me know if it works:
- use a file manager/explorer to browse through your files on your internal SD.
- open your picture folders e.g. DCIM
- delete any .nomedia file present in those folders.
Swyped from my Samsung Galaxy SII
Nope no such files. Checked was showing hidden and root files too
Cheers Robbo
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Robbo106 said:
Nope no such files. Checked was showing hidden and root files too
Cheers Robbo
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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Follow this instruction below.
If you don't have access to pc, you can still use your file manager.
This is the final solution I can offer.
You will need your Pc.
Please don't miss any step.
- connect your device to your Pc
- move/cut your media files and folders to a location on your Pc (double check these folders on your Pc to ensure .nomedia files are not present in the folder)
- reboot your device
- If you have ROM manager installed, please uninstall it with titanium and reboot your device.
- Create new folders for your media files using any file manager on your internal SD card. Don't copy anything to them yet.
- Take a picture with your phone, check if it's showing in your gallery.
- reboot your device
- Check again if the pic you took the other time is still showing in your gallery
- Download QUICKPIC from market as a reference gallery app.
- open quickpic and see if the pic you took the other time is also showing there.
If the pic you took is showing in the gallery app, then you can proceed to step 2.
-connect your phone to your Pc
-copy back your media files (don't copy the folders) to the new folders you created on your internal SD card in step 1.
-reboot your device.
-open both gallery app and quickpic to confirm if all of them are showing now.
Good luck and goodnight
Swyped from my Samsung Galaxy SII
Thanks for your help. This method does seem to be working. Although it does seem to be an issues with the gallery app. I could only copy the media that I know of its location as I'm sure your aware it can end up all over with different apps. But after the install of Quickpic it had no problem finding all the media files. Lots more and the same ones as the gallery app. All the files gallery app use to find. Thanks for your help.
Would really like to solve the gallery app problem. I'm going to get another room and start fresh. Full factory wipe and cache partition. Is there any way of making sure there's no gallery data or anything in my titanium backup.
Cheers Robbo
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium HD app
Robbo106 said:
Thanks for your help. This method does seem to be working. Although it does seem to be an issues with the gallery app. I could only copy the media that I know of its location as I'm sure your aware it can end up all over with different apps. But after the install of Quickpic it had no problem finding all the media files. Lots more and the same ones as the gallery app. All the files gallery app use to find. Thanks for your help.
Would really like to solve the gallery app problem. I'm going to get another room and start fresh. Full factory wipe and cache partition. Is there any way of making sure there's no gallery data or anything in my titanium backup.
Cheers Robbo
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium HD app
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Did you miss any steps?
This solution should solve the problem with your gallery app.
Try to locate your picture folders manually and follow the instructions again.
Why am I stressing this?
-the instructions in my previous post have solved other people's problems after installing jellybean or CM9.
-even if you do factory reset and move to another ROM, the problem may still persist (at least that's what others are saying)
-i know quick pic is working now but I'll still say, follow the instructions above and let me know what happens.
****Please answer this question***
After trying some of the steps above,
Is your gallery app now showing some of your pictures?
Swyped from my Samsung Galaxy SII
I have followed the steps you gave me and it worked. All the folders I did it to now show up. But like I said there are pictures elsewhere also and they show up in Quickpic because it's scanning my sdcards properly. Gallery app isn't.
Thanks for your help ur method worked for the folders I moved and copied back. So the gallery app is clearly working for new files or folders but not for existing files or folders.
Thanks again Robbo
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Robbo106 said:
I have followed the steps you gave me and it worked. All the folders I did it to now show up. But like I said there are pictures elsewhere also and they show up in Quickpic because it's scanning my sdcards properly. Gallery app isn't.
Thanks for your help ur method worked for the folders I moved and copied back. So the gallery app is clearly working for new files or folders but not for existing files or folders.
Thanks again Robbo
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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Oh! That looks pretty simple.
To solve the new problem:
-Open quickpic
-open the album/folder that you need to know the location.
-long click on any of the pictures in the folder/album, and check for the picture details. From the details you should be able to get the folder location if you have basic compute knowledge. Repeat the same thing for all the folders you are interested in.
-now that you have discovered the location of, it's time to apply my fix one more
All should be working perfectly now
Swyped from my Samsung Galaxy SII

[Q] Please Help. Accidentally deleted storage/emulated/0

Hello everyone. I am very new to rooting/flashing so bear with me.
I've been searching this site for answers all day and can't seem to find one.
I accidentally deleted the folder storage/emulated/0 on my rooted Verizon Galaxy S4.
What exactly was in the folder? Was it just media such as photos and music etc. or was there data that was necessary for the phone to operate correctly?
So far, the only thing I have noticed that has been deleted are pictures and music. My settings are still the same and my apps all work.
I just want to make sure I didn't delete anything that was needed.
If I did delete things that are needed, would I have to flash the original rom, and then re-root?
Or, could I just flash a new rom and forget about my deleted files?
That folder leads to the internal SD card of the device. No system files were harmed in the process.
Sent from my Nexus 4

