[Q] Quality of Samsung Support ? - Galaxy S III Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi Peeps.
Was wondering about how people here have gotten on with having to send their beloved S3 home for warranty support. Are they generally quick with repairs and returning the phones to you ?
I have just found the need to return mine as I am suffering a sudden issue with dead / stuck pixels, and Samsung have asked me to send it in. As this is the only phone I own that has a micro-sim and those adaptor things don't fit my old HTC Desire, I will be without my main phone for God knows how long !!
Has anybody in the UK had to return theirs, and if so, how long did you have to go on without ?


[Q] Which HD2 to buy (UK)?

OK so I'm getting bored of my X10i as there is pretty much nothing you can do with it and I'm probaby going to go back to a winmo based phone.
I've had many x1s and loved that phone however I want something new, I've also have the Touch Pro2 and while it was brilliant I found the camera rubbish and it was just too 'thick'.
I've decided to go for the HD2 (I think after the x10 I wont notice a massive size increase, except screen obviously) however I'm stuck between getting a 2nd hand one which was on T-Mobile or Orange (UK for both).
The 'physical' branding on the T-mobile handsets seam less obtrusive so I think I'll go for that. My question is does anyone see a problem in getting an (UK) T-mobile branded HD2, debranding it and flashing costume ROMS & chaning the radio? I'll be using it on Vodafone (UK).
Thanks for the help, hope to be visiting this part of the forums more over the next few months.
you should have no problems at all with either, the phones are identical. might have to pay fifteen quid to get it unlockedbut that's it.
sam is the expert so no worries on that score. But i would advise caution on buying a second hand hd2. Just make sure the phone has no issues due to heat problems.
I know quite alot of hd2's switch off when they overheat and this results in normally needing a new motherboard etc. so make sure you test the phone before you buy it.
Good luck and i am sure you will luv your new phone.
Brilliant guys, thanks for the advise. Unfortunately I can't text the phone as I'm buying from CEX (I have vouchers to use plus I'm getting aboutn £200 in vouchers for my x10).
If the worst happens I have 12 months warranty or I'll just send it to HTC to get fixed... hopefully...
jojosplace said:
Brilliant guys, thanks for the advise. Unfortunately I can't text the phone as I'm buying from CEX (I have vouchers to use plus I'm getting aboutn £200 in vouchers for my x10).
If the worst happens I have 12 months warranty or I'll just send it to HTC to get fixed... hopefully...
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Ahhh i see. in that case mate i am sure it will be fine. It really is a great phone. Perhaps you should check out an energy rom?
Enjoy the phone!
I actually used the Engery ROMS on my X1 so I think it will be good to get back to it!
Thanks again guys!
I got mine from cex and it was on o2. Get a grade a stock as this is like new. Mine had the seal on everything even the phone hadn't been used on the network.then I went to the link on the o2 websiye and they give you the unlock code for free.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App

[Q] Serious unresponsive issue with Bell galaxy s2

Hi everyone,
I just received a new GS2 from Bell, but i have major issue with the touch screen. ( I read some of the thread regarding to unresponse touchscreen issue but it's not my case therefore i post it up and hopefully someone can help me with the issue)
here it goes... when i select anything..says making a call i cant dial a number, some number i can or when i select an icon i cant able to unless i press the home button and go back then it work BUT not all the time just sometime they work. Its really frustrating so please if anyone know how to fix this issue help me
Oh i did hard reset wipe everything and the issue still there do i have the faulty unit?
Thanks alot
I'd get it exchanged asap.
the problems is this is not my phone originally i bought it off someone it work fine till recently (about a week).
Ibring it to Bell, Bell refused to service it they need the original receipt. but it's clearly a Bell branded phone and it just release not long go??
Then i contacted Samsung Canada, they too told me that the need the receipt! the supervisor even told me if i have it a day and no receipt they will not honor the warranty.
Does this making any sense at all to you guys? anyhow, I canceled Bell service and also did email to Samsung Canada and will email Samsung in Korea as well when my friend free this coming up week, he is korean
anyhow, thanks for your help
im so excited before and now super pissed and sad!!

[Q] Shafted hard by samsung

OK here is my problem questions will follow.
i purchased my gtab 10.1 in usa.moved to philippines.screen started getting fuzzy then blacking out now its totally out. samsung refuses to repair it cause they don't do international warranty.then i went to samsung office here in philippines asked them about repairing my tablet.i was told they wont order or repair my unit cause its not from here and against there laws.so now im sitting here with a tablet that needs 2 parts.(1) lcd screen(2) lcd screen cable (mine is broken).i have looked on ebay none of the lcd screens come with the cable. gotta love samsung and how they do their customers. i dont even have a way to use ebay now cause i no longer have a bank account in usa or a place to send anything to. so does anyone know where or how i might be able to aquire spare parts for this thing?
Why is it Samsung's fault you broke the screen? And why is it their fault you made the choice to buy a tablet in one country when you lived in another? I don't see that they did anything wrong, tbh.
BretonGirl said:
Why is it Samsung's fault you broke the screen? And why is it their fault you made the choice to buy a tablet in one country when you lived in another? I don't see that they did anything wrong, tbh.
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well for one you dont know all the info. you shouldnt be so quick to judge .im american from usa which i purchased my tab from usa. then after purchasing my tab i ended up moving.and what they do wrong is not support their products internationaly. also i did not break my screen. the lcd cable is what broke. the screen went bad before the cable broke so therefore samsung gave me a faulty unit. so yes i have every reason to complain about samsung and there support and product. so please read and understand before judging others. im asking if anyone knows where i might find parts im not asking for others to look for faults or degrading with remarks.
stickjt said:
well for one you dont know all the info. you shouldnt be so quick to judge .im american from usa which i purchased my tab from usa. then after purchasing my tab i ended up moving.and what they do wrong is not support their products internationaly. also i did not break my screen. the lcd cable is what broke. the screen went bad before the cable broke so therefore samsung gave me a faulty unit. so yes i have every reason to complain about samsung and there support and product. so please read and understand before judging others. im asking if anyone knows where i might find parts im not asking for others to look for faults or degrading with remarks.
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Posting this rant here isn't going to make samsung fix your tab.
Do you have a family member back in the states you can send your tab to and get them to send it to samsung to get repaired?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
wasnt posted as a rant only trying to explain my situation.i already said what i wanted and needed to samsung . anyway i do have family there but by the time i send this to them and they send it in my warranty will be over. so i figured i would just try to find the parts i need and get it fixed here out of pocket.

[Q] Samsung S2 GTi9100 Dead- Soultion Need.

Hi Friends,
I am new to this website and I am here to get a possible DIY solution to restart my Galaxy S2.
Its been a week now and its not working at all . I have checked almost all videos and thread however unable to find a steamline solution.
My phone was showing Samsung logo in case of power Up however after that there was no responce. Tried several times but no luck.
Later I gave my phone to Samsung sevice station , guy gave the assurance to get it done in 3 hrs as its a normal thing. Today, I got my phone back in a dead state and he says (Sir, we are unable to reboot as it has some harware issue and will cost over 8k INR to change the mother board).
Guys, I dont find it worth investing on a 2 Yr old phone. Hence I want to take a chance to get it started myself.
Please Guide.
You can't. Do you think they make this stuff up at service centres or something ? Not everything is a Samsung conspiracy against users.
If your phone won't boot at all & shows no signs of life, what do you expect anyone here to say ? One way or another, if you want your phone to work again, you're replacing the motherboard. Whether you pay a service centre to put a new one in, or whether you source a 2nd hand one from a 'donor' phone (one with a broken screen which is otherwise OK, for example) & either replace it yourself or pay a local mobile repair shop (who isn't a Samsung service centre) to do it, is up to you.
As you've already mentioned you have a 2 yr old phone that doesn't work, and it won't be working again without you spending a not insignificant amount money. If it were me, I'd be getting a new phone.

Black Spot on Screen Samsung S6 Edge

I have a samsung S6 edge phone. From past few days i am seeing a black spot under the screen. can someone help me how to fix this. I bought this phone 5 months ago from AT&T store. ATT is mentioning that they will exchange my phone with warranty claim but will exchange it with a refurbished phone.
When i called Samsung they mentioned me that i have to send the phone to them. They will do basic troubleshooting. if they can fix it they will if not they will replace the phone ( samsung mentioned they will replace with brand new phone but I doubt it as its been 5 months since i bought this phone)
I cannot send phone to samsung as i cannot end up having no phone with me for 14 days. I dont want refurbished phone either as its been only 5 months since i took this phone
can anyone help me here and suggest me a good way to fix it or get a new replacement phone
As i am new user i cant post images. please let me know how can i post images
rinku2012 said:
As i am new user i cant post images. please let me know how can i post images
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Upload them to a picture hosting/sharing site and put the link in the post...
As for your problem, I'd rather take the replacement from Samsung into account instead of ending up with a refurbished phone...even if that means you won't have it for 2 weeks. Borrow a phone from someone meanwhile
Sent from nowhere over the air...
Well without the pic we can not help you I do hope some one here can help you.
I sent the phone to samsung support and they have replaced the screen and fixed the issue. thanks everyone for helping me

