Someone calling, how to go to another app? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

When someone that I don't want to speak with is calling me, soft keys disappear (only Google Now button it's there), so I can't continue with the activity that I am making.
Is there any way to keep the call entering in background and continue working with another app? Without cancelling the call, I mean.



Feature Request - Network Event Notification

Some of you may remember this from Android 4.3, some might not even know it exists, on some devices is included in stock ROM (as I know Samsung devices and Sony devices have it...lucky them)
On short, there was an option in dialer settings labeled "Network event notification" that showed when you were receiving a diverted call (shown as "INCOMING CALL (FORWARDED)" instead of just "INCOMING CALL") or it showed when you call somebody and that person is already engaged in a call (shown as "DIALING (WAITING...)" instead of just "DIALING")
This information was nicely integrated within the AOSP in-call UI and was shown on that blue bar that is showing up until call is answered.
There are some hypothetical scenarios to use that, one being the case in which you have two phones/numbers and one is "personal/private" and the second is a "business" one. Say after working hours you will divert the "business" number to your "private" one just not to miss an eventually important call from office or a client. If you receive a call but this function is not in, you cannot tell if the call you're receiving is from a person that dialed your personal number or is someone calling on your work one. If we have back this option we can easily see that while phone is ringing and decide if we take the call or not.
Also when we call someone it's useful to see that the other party is engaged in a call already so we wont keep ringing and eventually get frustrated when the one we're calling is not answering (being in a call, most people do not reject an incoming second call, they just let it ring). We could easily see from first seconds that our call is "waiting" and we could hang up and try again later.
So if it is possible I would like to kindly ask for adding back this feature that we miss since KitKat is out. In the early KitKat builds there was even the option present in the dialer settings (ported from the previous Android version) but it never worked. Eventually in some ROMs it was event taken out, probably the devs considered it either useless or they didn't want to bother with it. Currently there is no KitKat ROM having this function working as far as I know (except if it was included in a stock ROM by the device manufacturer)
Thank you, hoping for a positive feedback...
Hi does anyone know if there was ever something done for this?
Bump, I also would really like to have this functionality back and it should not be too difficult to implement
Please use the QUOTE feature when replying to me to get my attention. Thanks!

[Q] New Google Search and BT Dialing Problem

Prior to the latest update to Google Search a couple weeks ago, I used to be able to do a long press on my BT headset to bring up Google Now, which let me say, "Call Joe Blow home" and it would make the call to his home number. Now it brings up Google Dial which tells me to say "Call someone" but pops up with a numbered list of the cell, home, and work numbers on the screen that I either have to touch to choose the one I want, or say, "Select Two" to dial his home number. This requires that I either touch or look at the screen to make a call, which totally defeats the purpose of "hands-free" calling.
I have switched back to S-Voice for now, which I hate because she talks too much before I can actually make a call, but at least I don't have to dig my phone out to push or see which phone I want to call. I hope someone can help us get back to BT dialing the way it used to be.
This is on a Sprint Galaxy Note 3 running KitKat, but I imagine this is affecting all phones.
Yes I have a note 3 kitkat and Google search issue is affecting my phone as well. Instead of Google now voice prompt when pressing headset hard button on my LG bluetooth headset....Goople dial is not default which sucks!
Bump! Surely someone must use Bluetooth dialing from a headset and noticed this major change besides the two of us. Please help if you have any ideas to revert Google Search to work the way it used to.
Bump again! Doesn't anyone else use their Bluetooth headset to initiate calls?
I think I have finally found an acceptable workaround using Bluetooth Launch from the Play Store. Install the app and follow the directions as described in this thread:
Step one shouldn't be needed as when you long press, it will detect the new app and let you select Bluetooth Launch as the default.

[Q] Replace google voice search for bluetooth?

It frustrates me quite a great deal that my android is such a great phone (M8), but it turns so dumb when it comes to BT connectivity. The way I have it now, hands free is all but pointless. I like to use it for my phone so I can actually be safe and hands-free, without neglecting my calls and texts during my commute. As it is, when I hit my phone button on my car, I'm presented with 'Say call, followed by a name or a number' and then, 'Would you like to call XX, say okay, or cancel'. It is the most annoying and drawn out method of calling someone in history. Not to mention, if it doesn't hear you right away, it says 'Sorry, didn't catch that', and then just closes down. I cringe every time I have to voice dial. To top it off, there's nothing I can do with texting. How much smarter would it be to have a 'Read unread messages' prompt? Or a prompt to send a text?
So my question is, is there a way to replace this 1990's error voice control app with something actually usable, or am I stuck with this?

[Q] [REQ] Best Voice Call Accept/Reject App for LG G Stylo LP 5.1.1

I'm just looking for a simple app that will enable this feature, I was trying Smart Call Accept it worked but it annoyingly stopped the phone from ringing 3 seconds into the call...
I just want a simple app like that that will allow me to accept calls by saying "Hello" or whatever, tried Utter it had the option but didn't work and was toooo feature rich, I rarely and barely ever used S Voice so why would I need another like that that I'd hardly fully use.
Anybody got any suggestions, I'm doing this to get rid of the swipe to accept incoming calls on this phone, if it had the tap accept/reject button feature I wouldn't even be looking for a app to do what I'm asking now.

Question Cant answer calls on Google phone app

I have both the Google and Samsung phone app installed. Either one works fine to make outgoing calls but if I set the Google one as default, I cannot answer incoming calls. When I swipe up on the green dot it just drops back down again and the call cannot be answered. Any suggestions on fixing this?
Post a screen recording, please.
Try to give the app right to use as many items as possible. Hold the icon and then in the menu tap the exclamation mark in the ring and set as many rights as you think is needed. I set them all when I tried.
Works on my A52s.

