[Q] LTE issue on CleanROM 3.1 VZW - Verizon Samsung Galaxy Note II

so i just flashed cleanrom on to my note 2, works great except that i am not getting lte connectivity? any ideas?
so got an update: i've flashed back to stock unrooted and still have same issue after ota to 4.1.2...i don't know what else to do. anyone got any other ideas?
so another update, my dumb ass didn't check to see if the lte network was enabled, selected it and problem fixed. thanks to all who responded!

jewboy69 said:
so i just flashed cleanrom on to my note 2, works great except that i am not getting lte connectivity? any ideas?
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Have you tried a different radio yet?
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shangrila500 said:
Have you tried a different radio yet?
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yeah...no go...unless of course i did something wrong trying to flash the radio

jewboy69 said:
yeah...no go...unless of course i did something wrong trying to flash the radio
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I doubt it, its pretty straightforward. Flash the radio in recovery. Done.
You might try reflashing the ROM, dirty flash it over itself. Of course make a nandroid first.
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shangrila500 said:
I doubt it, its pretty straightforward. Flash the radio in recovery. Done.
You might try reflashing the ROM, dirty flash it over itself. Of course make a nandroid first.
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have done that with different roms as well, thinking about it and i think this issue might have started when i flashed carbon onto it, that might change something i suppose?

jewboy69 said:
have done that with different roms as well, thinking about it and i think this issue might have started when i flashed carbon onto it, that might change something i suppose?
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I had that happen with the CleanROM ACE 4.9 variant. I wasn't able to get a GPS lock either. Dirty flashing the ROM sorted my data connectivity, but not the GPS. I'm on something different now, but thought I'd share that much.

Wynnded said:
I had that happen with the CleanROM ACE 4.9 variant. I wasn't able to get a GPS lock either. Dirty flashing the ROM sorted my data connectivity, but not the GPS. I'm on something different now, but thought I'd share that much.
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The CleanRom ACE issue can be fixed with simply using Faster GPS to change the conf. My experience with it was it would show it didn't find you but 5 minutes later it would.
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Anyone have a fix for the GPS?

I'm running PAC alpha 3 and GPS is not locking on, any suggestions? (Besides going back to stock)
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SuperDefcon5 said:
I'm running PAC alpha 3 and GPS is not locking on, any suggestions? (Besides going back to stock)
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Make a backup, Restore stock nandroid (i know you have one), get navigation lock, then restore pac
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kintwofan said:
Make a backup, Restore stock nandroid (i know you have one), get navigation lock, then restore pac
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Until gps data becomes stale, and then you gotta do it again.
adrynalyne said:
Until gps data becomes stale, and then you gotta do it again.
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kintwofan said:
Make a backup, Restore stock nandroid (i know you have one), get navigation lock, then restore pac
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Oh god not this [email protected]#$ again.
Had to go through this with the crappy HTC Thunderbolt on AOSP
Why is the grass always greener? When I had the Thunderbolt it felt like all the Samsung devices (S2, S3, Note 1) all were steamrolling the ROM scene flawlessly without error. Was really hoping the Note 2 would feel like that for a change =/
adrynalyne said:
Until gps data becomes stale, and then you gotta do it again.
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Really that sucks! On the s3 and lg spectrum it stayed working after doing this. I guess it would give working navigation for a little bit
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SuperDefcon5 said:
I'm running PAC alpha 3 and GPS is not locking on, any suggestions? (Besides going back to stock)
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Try downloading this and seeing if it can get you a lock. I used to use it on aosp roms on my gs3 so I wouldn't have to go back to stock.
Doin' big thangs from my Note Deuce
DaRkL3AD3R said:
Oh god not this [email protected]#$ again.
Had to go through this with the crappy HTC Thunderbolt on AOSP
Why is the grass always greener? When I had the Thunderbolt it felt like all the Samsung devices (S2, S3, Note 1) all were steamrolling the ROM scene flawlessly without error. Was really hoping the Note 2 would feel like that for a change =/
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For some reason gps is a total ***** to get working on a non-aosp phone, running aosp. I think it is because their drivers are looking for touchwiz specific stuff. Seems like most phones are plagued with this issue at some point.
Wouldn't the gs3 have the same problem? Did they fix it?
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Would flashing the Verizon modem when on an asop ROM help? Just wondering if anyone has done it yet.
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SuperDefcon5 said:
Would flashing the Verizon modem when on an asop ROM help? Just wondering if anyone has done it yet.
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You don't change modem firmware, when you change roms.
Any update? Do the CM nightlies have a fix
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GPS with CM 10.1 nightly 2/21
I'm running the 2/21 CM 10.1 nightly and GPS is still wonky for me. Can't get a lock unless you turn off network and WiFi assist. I'm wondering if others are having the same issue but no one seems to be talking about it in the dev section. Been on CM 10.1 from the start. BT is great now but GPS is still a no-go for me.
Edit: tried fixes 1 & 2 from the Q & A and so far nothing.
SuperDefcon5 said:
Any update? Do the CM nightlies have a fix
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On the latest nightly's (I believe starting from 2/17) GPS has been fixed, the issue before was that if you had WiFi and Mobile network location on it would not lock, but like I said it has been fixed and works exactly like it should. I can now get a lock in under 5 seconds outdoors and within 30 seconds indoors.

GPS won't work

I am on Jedi Rom. Gps won't work no matter what. Won't work on Google maps, won't work on navigation, won't work in any apps. Its accurate up to 3200 meters... That's over a freakin mile. Anyone have a fix for this? It worked fine before I went to this rom.
I need this fixed soon because I'm taking a trip and need my phone for navigation.
ramthis9501 said:
I am on Jedi Rom. Gps won't work no matter what. Won't work on Google maps, won't work on navigation, won't work in any apps. Its accurate up to 3200 meters... That's over a freakin mile. Anyone have a fix for this? It worked fine before I went to this rom.
I need this fixed soon because I'm taking a trip and need my phone for navigation.
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Try this
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Just download it and that's it or do I need to open it up somewhere and install it? Because it didn't work after I downloaded it.
I tried every fix posted in the last month. Nothing worked.
Flashed all kind of zip's that said it would fix the GPS lock. NADA
Flashed ROM's that Guaranteed to fix the GPS. NADA
Installed apps that said it would get lock. NADA
Nothing worked so as a retired Submarine Missile Technician I went to the nuclear option.:fingers-crossed:
I got a Rom I thought would be close to stock http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2261478 got the Deodex ver.
Reformatted the Micro sd (fat32)
Booted to recovery and "factory reset" 5X
Wiped Cash and delvac 5X
One more reset. (Said I was nuking it)
Flashed the rom and Gapps, went outside and got Lock
Did what I do be overkill?......yep. But I got GPS lock back. (also flashed Faux kernal and kept lock)
Never had luck with my GPS while on AOSP roms then I found the agps fix
Add ro.agps.allow=false to your build.prop and reboot
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I really like this rom and would like to keep it...
I know its a noob question, but how do I add that to the build?
ROB281 said:
Never had luck with my GPS while on AOSP roms then I found the agps fix
Add ro.agps.allow=false to your build.prop and reboot
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That is a fix I did not know about.
Ive never gotten gps to work on Jedi
Im on jedi x v13 right now, I was on beans 19......all you have to do is go back to your old rom with the working gps and get a lock on the gps then flash the new rom and should work right away....sounds weird but it works I have had to do this several times and its worked everytime!!!
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okoboji1 said:
Im on jedi x v13 right now, I was on beans 19......all you have to do is go back to your old rom with the working gps and get a lock on the gps then flash the new rom and should work right away....sounds weird but it works I have had to do this several times and its worked everytime!!!
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That only works for a few people, that doesn't work some unfortunately
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---------- Post added at 03:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:00 PM ----------
krishaun27 said:
Ive never gotten gps to work on Jedi
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If you're willing to try something switch to global mode reboot and try gps again. You may need to use an app like pimp my rom. You'll most likely lose data. This works on moon rom, obviously this makes the rom unusable for anything phone related until you switch back to lte which losses gps. If anyone is willing to try this let me know if it worked for you. I'm trying to figure out why some of us are affected with this weird issue.
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I had the same problem, tried every fix I could find, nothing worked. Finally unrooted back to stock and then got a GPS lock. Then rerooted and haven't had any issues on any rom thus far
Curtis Craig said:
I had the same problem, tried every fix I could find, nothing worked. Finally unrooted back to stock and then got a GPS lock. Then rerooted and haven't had any issues on any rom thus far
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You know what, I've actually thought about doing that... might be worth a shot. Did you odin back to stock?
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xenspidey said:
You know what, I've actually thought about doing that... might be worth a shot. Did you odin back to stock?
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Unrooted with Odin yes.

LTE issue

I flashed the google rom a few days ago and noticed that I couldn't pick up LTE. So I flashed the hyperdrive rom thinking it would fix the issue. Hyperdrive works good but I still can't pick up LTE. I think this is probably an easy fix and was hoping someone could point me in the right direction.
I wipe data/system/cache every time I install a new rom.
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shafer5 said:
I flashed the google rom a few days ago and noticed that I couldn't pick up LTE. So I flashed the hyperdrive rom thinking it would fix the issue. Hyperdrive works good but I still can't pick up LTE. I think this is probably an easy fix and was hoping someone could point me in the right direction.
I wipe data/system/cache every time I install a new rom.
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I would probably go back to stock and see if that works and then go from there. In the past when I have had serious issues like this starting over from stock has always worked
The Google roms have a problem that prevents the LtE bars from showing. You still have 4g but the bars just don't show up. If they fixed it recently then I'm probably wrong though.
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brw9100 said:
I would probably go back to stock and see if that works and then go from there. In the past when I have had serious issues like this starting over from stock has always worked
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Reverting back to stock then reflashing hyperdrive again, worked like a charm. Thanks!
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GPS & APN/Data Fixes for CyanogenMod 10.2-based ROMS

Make sure you clear cache/dalvik after flashing .
Thanks to deck for the tip on how to fix it, and thanks to all the devs at https://github.com/TheMuppets for providing the vendor files for all of us!
Excellent. I'll copy and post this in the nightly thread.
Thanks big time, cap'n.
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Thanks Cap'n :thumbup::beer:
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You are a god!
oOflyeyesOo said:
You are a god!
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Not at all. It's not even my work. Putting files in a zip is basic stuff. Anyone could do it.
Captain_Throwback said:
Not at all. It's not even my work. Putting files in a zip is basic stuff. Anyone could do it.
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Except for me
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The captain saves us again. Thank you sir
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Captain_Throwback said:
Not at all. It's not even my work. Putting files in a zip is basic stuff. Anyone could do it.
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We are all way too lazy for that!
Captain_Throwback said:
Make sure you clear cache/dalvik after flashing .
Thanks to deck for the tip on how to fix it, and thanks to all the devs at https://github.com/TheMuppets for providing the vendor files for all of us!
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I just want to make sure I do this right since I'm on build 9/1 and want to update to the current build with the GPS fix. But I am at a loss in finding the zip file or just don't get it.
First time for everything any help would be appreciated.
ricardod1 said:
I just want to make sure I do this right since I'm on build 9/1 and want to update to the current build with the GPS fix. But I am at a loss in finding the zip file or just don't get it.
First time for everything any help would be appreciated.
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I'm not sure what you don't get. Click the link, and the file is attached to the post.
Captain_Throwback said:
I'm not sure what you don't get. Click the link, and the file is attached to the post.
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I swear it was not there before... I don't know what to say but thank you again. I'm going to flash now to latest PAC ROM and this fix
Captain_Throwback said:
Make sure you clear cache/dalvik after flashing .
Thanks to deck for the tip on how to fix it, and thanks to all the devs at https://github.com/TheMuppets for providing the vendor files for all of us!
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The fix doesn't work for me. Does it work for anybody else?
What ROM are you on? Have you tried making a backup, flashing a Sense ROM & getting a good GPS lock and restoring your backup immediately afterwards?
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FinZ28 said:
What ROM are you on? Have you tried making a backup, flashing a Sense ROM & getting a good GPS lock and restoring your backup immediately afterwards?
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I'm running CodefireX. I will try the Sense ROM switcheroo. Been flashing lots of ROMs lately and really enjoying this one so when I saw the quick fix I was happy. Just doesn't appear to work for me. Either that or the app I'm using to grab a location doesn't work. Maps appears to work but I'm guessing its gathering location from WiFi and data.
Sent from my Evo 4g LTE using Tapatalk 2
I always make sure WiFi is off when getting a lock. I also use an app called GPS tools for troubleshooting GPS issues.
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GPS Status and Toolbox is what I'm using.
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KEB64 said:
I'm running CodefireX. I will try the Sense ROM switcheroo. Been flashing lots of ROMs lately and really enjoying this one so when I saw the quick fix I was happy. Just doesn't appear to work for me. Either that or the app I'm using to grab a location doesn't work. Maps appears to work but I'm guessing its gathering location from WiFi and data.
Sent from my Evo 4g LTE using Tapatalk 2
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Do you get the GPS notification in the drop down that says "Location Set by GPS" when you open Maps? If so, GPS is working.
Captain_Throwback said:
Do you get the GPS notification in the drop down that says "Location Set by GPS" when you open Maps? If so, GPS is working.
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I'm gonna try flashing the zip again.
No joy.
This looks interesting... http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1657108
I wonder if mounting "system" in TWRP would help??
Sent from my Evo 4g LTE using Tapatalk 2
KEB64 said:
I'm gonna try flashing the zip again.
No joy.
This looks interesting... http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1657108
I wonder if mounting "system" in TWRP would help??
Sent from my Evo 4g LTE using Tapatalk 2
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I don't think the fix is your issue. Try flashing the full 8/13 GApps rather than just the "core" ones from the codefireX thread and see if that makes a difference.
I'm going to flash this ROM and test it in a few minutes.

No Service on phone

Just about 20 min ago my phone has disconnected from mobile Internet and calling. I was on skynote rom and lost service and tried backing up to an aosp rom a d still have no service any suggestions?
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My Note 2 has been acting up all day, I have 4g internet but no calling. No clue why didn't change anything system wise.
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i ended up just restoring an old 4.1.2 rom and this has fixed it for now. may upgrade back tomorrow
HerroMoto said:
i ended up just restoring an old 4.1.2 rom and this has fixed it for now. may upgrade back tomorrow
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Yea skynote is a att port so there might be some bugs that will cause that.. great guys over there though..always make sure you backup your efs and modem.. If you don't get back service you can flash MJ9 firmware (Here) with the tz, param, and modem will solve the issue..
Make sure you thank the OP too:good:
lacoursiere18 said:
Yea skynote is a att port so there might be some bugs that will cause that.. great guys over there though..always make sure you backup your efs and modem.. If you don't get back service you can flash MJ9 firmware (Here) with the tz, param, and modem will solve the issue..
Make sure you thank the OP too:good:
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Yeah they're a great team as well. Everything was good after restoring. I actually jumped back on 4.3 today and installed N3BULA build 2 lol. Was waiting for the final build that came out earlier today. Thank you for your work. Everything besides s health is working great from a clean wipe.
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HerroMoto said:
Yeah they're a great team as well. Everything was good after restoring. I actually jumped back on 4.3 today and installed N3BULA build 2 lol. Was waiting for the final build that came out earlier today. Thank you for your work. Everything besides s health is working great from a clean wipe.
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Did you have s health installed before? If so try wiping it's data in applications manager.. see if that helps.. If not let me know..and I'll figure it out
HerroMoto said:
Just about 20 min ago my phone has disconnected from mobile Internet and calling. I was on skynote rom and lost service and tried backing up to an aosp rom a d still have no service any suggestions?
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Did you get the circle with the line through it? Same thing happened to me the other day. Went to a different 4.3 ROM to fix it and flashed Sky note again with zero issues now.
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mikelikesbikes said:
Did you get the circle with the line through it? Same thing happened to me the other day. Went to a different 4.3 ROM to fix it and flashed Sky note again with zero issues now.
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Yeah that's what happened. I'm on N3BULA now and all is well.
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lacoursiere18 said:
Did you have s health installed before? If so try wiping it's data in applications manager.. see if that helps.. If not let me know..and I'll figure it out
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I've never had it installed before. I did that and it let's me set up an account after I do that and put in my information it crashes. Its not terribly important to me but would be awesome if you could fix I want to try to play with it more. Thank you and the group you guys are seriously awesome, you guys always try to help everyone and their issues and try to respond to everyone.
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