[Request] Modified AOSP contact app - Verizon Samsung Galaxy Note II

I have been searching for the past week or so, to no avail, for the AOSP contact app, and possibly phone app also, that is modified to read phone only contacts instead of your Google contacts.
Is there one out there already for 4.2 or is there a way to enable this on my current contact app? I'm going to look with SQLite Editor in a bit to see if there is a modification I can make that will allow it, but if you know how to enable it, know how to edit it in somehow (I don't mind doing it myself), or anything that would be of help please please please post it.
I know I can use a third party so to do this but I would rather not if I can avoid it.
P.S. I'm running VRB 6-12 in case that info helps.
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So I'm pretty much an idiot, I tried finding out how to make the contacts app just sync my VCF card...... Anyway my issue was that even though I told Google not to sync ANYTHING it was still syncing contacts, I wiped the, all out and turned everything to do with sync off and imported ,y contacts and everything works!
Sorry for being a schmuck, I'm having a off week.
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Noob BAMF 3.0 RC4 Question

Hey guys im thinking about switching over to this Rom but I need to know if this Rom has any VZM apps like backup manager,ect thanks for the help
Sent from my BAMFBOLT using XDA Premium App
It does have backup assistant. It is debloated though.
sent from my bolt
Just use TitaniumBackup to remove any apps you don't like.
Yea I just like to use it for my contacts tb for some reason don't like to save all my contact info like the phone numbers
Sent from my BamfBolt using XDA Premium App
Your google account will back up contacts for you, numbers emails even pics
I also tried that but for some reason my phone dont sync also tried htc sync and it syncs but options like contacts are locked hence the topic Noon lol
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Sorry for the double post but just tried to use Google sync again and it just skips right past it when I push sync all when I click on contacts it has the sync symbol show up for a quick second then view away without saving anything. I am under accounts and sync BTW unless their is a different way
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make sure your contacts are google contacts thats the only way they will sync
Ok thanks for the help ill Google search on how to make my contacts Google contacts
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bwolf417 said:
Sorry for the double post but just tried to use Google sync again and it just skips right past it when I push sync all when I click on contacts it has the sync symbol show up for a quick second then view away without saving anything. I am under accounts and sync BTW unless their is a different way
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Call me an idiot...but I thought Google sync was obsolete with android, considering most of the devices are powered by Google! ....am I wrong....be nice !!
I will reiterate - Titanium Backup works great for restoring, in my case programs with data like Timeriffic.
studiorat said:
Call me an idiot...but I thought Google sync was obsolete with android, considering most of the devices are powered by Google! ....am I wrong....be nice !!
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You are wrong. Google sync is an android feature. It's one of the benefits to logging in with your gmail account when you setup a new ROM.
Vulcan1600 said:
I will reiterate - Titanium Backup works great for restoring, in my case programs with data like Timeriffic.
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I've never been able to get Titanium Backup to backup and restore contacts...
You could just export your contacts to your SD card then import them back after you flash a new ROM. While in people, hit menu then export.

GS2 not syncing with Google Calendar

I set up 5 months worth of events and it just wont sync to mmy phone. I've tried manually syncing as well. I also tried 3 third party calendar apps which wont sync either.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
More details might help. What rom are you running, have you done anything special to it, what steps you've taken to try and fix it, is this your first android phone?
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Stock rom, just rooted. Ive tried syncing manually, clearing the calendar data, trying to fix it via google calendar website, tried a few calendar applications. Not sure what to do now.
Its my second phone, Inspire was my first
Does everything else sync?
From your response it sounds like you have looked this up already. So with that in mind maybe it's more of a small detail.
Are the calender events you're saving being saved to your Google calender or your local calender?
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gr8hairy1 said:
Does everything else sync?
From your response it sounds like you have looked this up already. So with that in mind maybe it's more of a small detail.
Are the calender events you're saving being saved to your Google calender or your local calender?
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Well I dont really sync anything honestly. This is pretty much the first time I've tried to sync with this phone. The event is being saved onto my Google Calender.
When I go into Settings>Accounts and Sync>My Gmail, it only shows Contacts, Gmail, and Picasa. No calendar here.
Wow. That's a first for me. How did you root your phone?
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CollegeProfesor said:
I set up 5 months worth of events and it just wont sync to mmy phone. I've tried manually syncing as well. I also tried 3 third party calendar apps which wont sync either.
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So when you access your calendar none of the events show up?
And you have tried opening the menu once you access the calendar going to settings->Calendar Sync-> selecting gmail syncing that way?
I know that with my calendar, contacts, etc. it took a long time before the information updated. I would say about 10-15 minutes and I did not create 5 months events more like major holidays and 250 or so facebook related events.
I would suggest giving it more time or rebooting the phone and trying the whole thing all over again.
gr8hairy1 said:
Wow. That's a first for me. How did you root your phone?
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I used Odin and I followed Zedomax's instructions on his YouTube channel, found here
TXFLGO05 said:
So when you access your calendar none of the events show up?
And you have tried opening the menu once you access the calendar going to settings->Calendar Sync-> selecting gmail syncing that way?
I know that with my calendar, contacts, etc. it took a long time before the information updated. I would say about 10-15 minutes and I did not create 5 months events more like major holidays and 250 or so facebook related events.
I would suggest giving it more time or rebooting the phone and trying the whole thing all over again.
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The events show on my desktop but not on my phone.
Yes, settings>Calendar Sync> my gmail is already checked. Ive given it over 12 hours now lol. Thanks
hopefully this helps (read the 2nd reply):
that was for the Nexus 1 but maybe it'll work for you. Add a 2nd gmail account and see if that calendar sync option reappears.
nyydynasty said:
hopefully this helps (read the 2nd reply):
that was for the Nexus 1 but maybe it'll work for you. Add a 2nd gmail account and see if that calendar sync option reappears.
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Ok I added my 2nd gmail account, I get "Sync Contacts, Sync Gmail" only
If it were my phone I'd flash stock to see if that fixes it. Seems like the software is messed up. I can't think of any reason Calender wouldn't show up under sync.
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gr8hairy1 said:
If it were my phone I'd flash stock to see if that fixes it. Seems like the software is messed up. I can't think of any reason Calender wouldn't show up under sync.
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Well I didnt flash any ROM, i just rooted so I can get a few rooted apps. Im new to this, but that means im still on the stock ROM right?
Correct, you're still on stock then. I really like entropy512's method, as it flashes stock (can help fix most system problems if you're running a stock rom) and it's rooted.
I'm not promising you wont lose what apps you've installed, but I've had a few times I've done it now and all my apps stayed installed. Pretty quick process all in all.
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"Unfortunately, Google calendar sync has stopped."

This is the message I get every time I try to sync my phones calendar with my Google account calendar. No appointments are showing up on my phone. Everything else such as e-mail and contacts sync just fine. What am I missing here?
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morrowa2 said:
This is the message I get every time I try to sync my phones calendar with my Google account calendar. No appointments are showing up on my phone. Everything else such as e-mail and contacts sync just fine. What am I missing here?
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Try SystemSettings->Apps->Calendar->clear data
If doesn't help - flash to rooted stock and do factory reset.
And you failed to say if u r running Stock ROM or AOKP or CM9/10.
Sorry. Running a stock deodexed rooted Rom on VZW GSIII. I recall I got the same message before I rooted too.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
Factory reset on rooted stock ROM did not fix the problem. Any other ideas?
I had a similar issue on my Xoom (and found this thread when I was posting a solution on the Xoom forum).
I wound up deleting my gmail account and setting it up as an enterprise account (called "Corporate" in settings). It now works flawlessly, so I hope it will work on your GSIII.
Here's the link:
Doesn't look llike that's an option on my gsiii.
Hard reset didn't work. I even flashed stock unrooted ROM via Odin. Now pretty much back to the phones original condition.
Still not syncing and getting the same message. So it's either the hardware (didnt think this could be a hardware problem) or a problem with my Google account (then why would email and contacts sync no problem?)
I'm stumped. Should I take the phone to the store?
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[Q] Contact Sync and Google Now

I have two different gmail accounts. One of them (not my main one) syncs contacts fine by the main account doesn't sync them at all. I keep getting an error, and have had the error since I bought the phone. Anyone know whats up?
Also, I can add any team I want to google now except the Lakers. Everytime I add them, they show up in the list of teams, then I close the page, come back to it, and the team is gone. Anyone know why?
Couldn't say I've experienced this. As far as the Google account that won't sync, have you changed the password and forget to update it on ur phone?
As far as Google now, try clearing cache and date. Start from scratch and see if that helps. Sorry I don't have any solution that would just solve ur problems. Best thing till someone comes out with a sure solution is trouble shoot. Let us know what happens!
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda app-developers app
th3_g00b said:
Couldn't say I've experienced this. As far as the Google account that won't sync, have you changed the password and forget to update it on ur phone?
As far as Google now, try clearing cache and date. Start from scratch and see if that helps. Sorry I don't have any solution that would just solve ur problems. Best thing till someone comes out with a sure solution is trouble shoot. Let us know what happens!
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The problem isn't a changed password. Everything else syncs. Its just thecontacts. As for google now, thats a great idea. Let me ty that now! Thanks.
curryinaninstant said:
The problem isn't a changed password. Everything else syncs. Its just thecontacts. As for google now, thats a great idea. Let me ty that now! Thanks.
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Also, do u use facebook and sync ur contacts? I've heard that can be causing issues. I recommend first removing facebook, the export ur contacts to external storage, going into it apps and clearing data under contact storage then importing all ur contacts. I highly recommend removing facebook before anything else. If its not facebook but u have other applications that sync contacts, uncheck contact sync and proceed with clearing contact storage, then import contacts and resync. Try that out and let us know
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda app-developers app
I'm not using facebook or any other apps that sync contacts.
The google now thing worked perfectly! Thanks.
curryinaninstant said:
I'm not using facebook or any other apps that sync contacts.
The google now thing worked perfectly! Thanks.
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Ok. Then skip those steps about other apps that sync and try the export and clearing data.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda app-developers app
I'm afraid of doing this because I have contacts in my phone that are new that aren't synced yet. Will this get rid of them?
That's why u export ur contacts first
Go into ur contact list and tap menu. Then export, when it asks u where, send it to sd card/external memory. Unsync ur Google accounts from contacts so it doesn't effect it and then clear it. You'll have a back up on ur other Google account and have a vcf file in ur device storage
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda app-developers app
i just did that and its still not syncing the contacts. Similarly, its not syncing the internet.
curryinaninstant said:
i just did that and its still not syncing the contacts. Similarly, its not syncing the internet.
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That's weird. The internet does work on ur phone. Correct?
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Contacts Facebook on JB 10.1

Hello children. Uhhhmmm I recently flashed epinters 10.1. Actually this is the first time flash a custom rom. I just wanna ask about my facebook contacts. I added my acct Facebook but it didn't snyc like blur does. I used sync me but wasn't satisfied. I want all my contacts in Facebook sync in my phone even though they dont have phone/contact numbers. How'd i do that?! Thank you.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Thats because this isn't a blur rom.
I recall seeing contact sync on android apps section.
EDIT: I cant fimd it, but you could also try in the playstore, there seems to be several apps that do what you need
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