[Q] Looking at 920...Just a few questions - Nokia Lumia 920

Hello, I am a Contractor out of California and am looking at the Lumia 920. I've been using android for a couple of years, and while its fine; I think that windows phone might be a better choice for me. I am buying a W8 Tablet for using on estimates, job sites, etc. and I think having the same software on my phone will be beneficial.
Anyways....Just a few questions to help seal the deal or make me change my mind.
1. Is the real world battery life good enough that I can use it for an 18 hour day with approximately 2 hours of call time and some texting/emailing? Just as a phone mostly with minimal "computer" usage.
2. Has anyone figured out how to tether on the straight talk network? Just in case I need to email from the tablet while on a jobsite. I can always bluetooth a pdf over (I think) and email from the phone, but it would be easier to tether.
3. What is the real world battery life if I have the music app playing through the speaker? I can go a few hours on my android phone and still be above 60% battery life. It's nice to be able to turn on some music at a lower volume and not disturb the homeowner.
4. How easily does this phone sync with Google Calendar and contacts? I'm currently not using it, and could probably just switch to an outlook calendar instead of google, but it might be easier to use google for employees with android phones.


Battery Drain - hardware or software?

First of all, hello to everyone. I have been reading through a lot of threads here in the last few weeks after getting my HD2, especially the ones about battery life.
I have never owned a smartphone, so I have no comparison but I'm barely getting through 1 day of use when fully charged! And I'm not even using it that much yet, Wifi is off, no data transfers, just some texting and calls. I have installed Bandswitch and Battlog, didn't really help though.
Got the phone brand new (T-Mobile US) and haven't done any major tweaking yet, it's still pretty much stock with a few programs that I installed so far.
Do you guys have a similar experience or is it completely different? I love the phone, but if I dont even get through one day of use (and I want to use the phone in the future, not just for surfing but for music streaming or web browsing), I would have to bring it back.
Any help appreciated!
It's just something you have to live with, buy a spare battery, or the extended battery, flash a lighter ROM, adjust screen brightness turn off push e-mails etc etc.
I can get 2 days battery from very light use. i.e. a few texts and calls a day, no Wi-Fi, bluetooth or internet browsing. That's just how smartphones are.
So how do you do it on a daily basis?
My battery is fully charged in the morning and lets assume I'm using the phone for what I bought it for - some music streaming, gps here and there if I need it, some web browsing, calls and texts etc.
I haven't even started using most of the features of the phone and my battery has died twice on my already while I was out at night.
How can that be normal or acceptable? I can't charge my battery every 6h...
brutzel1 said:
So how do you do it on a daily basis?
My battery is fully charged in the morning and lets assume I'm using the phone for what I bought it for - some music streaming, gps here and there if I need it, some web browsing, calls and texts etc.
I haven't even started using most of the features of the phone and my battery has died twice on my already while I was out at night.
How can that be normal or acceptable? I can't charge my battery every 6h...
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Maybe you shouldn't have a smart phone? Battery technology is ****, it's a shame, but it's true. The only thing I can suggest is a spare battery, I carry one everywhere.
I generally watch an hour and a half of video a day on my phone, text, call, use the internet and I can still make a 9 hour day with 40%+ battery left, and just incase I am out and about in the evening before I have a chance to get the phone on charge I have the spare.
But with that said half hours charge from the mains will give you a good 30% topup I very seldom have to swap the batterys and I use a pretty juicy ROM.
Kalavere said:
It's just something you have to live with
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or maybe not
Given his kind of use, 2 days should be normal. Right now I'm squeezing 3 days out of this battery, and that's only because I swap it out when it's at 10%, otherwise it could be a little longer... and a few calls here and there is not the only thing I did with it... it's still my work pda after all
Since it's pretty much stock, unless it gets better with time (the first recharging cycles are the worst) and even after a hard reset it won't get better, it probably is something wrong not software related.
Install battclock and check the standby battery drain, shouldn't be much higher than 4mA, up to 7mA could be normal, any higher than that, especially if significant, and you've got something wrong, and found the cause to the short battery life.
First off, buy a couple of cheap oem batteries from here...
Now, these eBay batteries have performed slightly better than the original battery...
Some of us smartphone users are so used to poor battery life we have power charging cradles at home work and car just to keep the charge up... And have spare batteries every in case of emergency...
I take my phone off the charger at 6am to go to work... My avg day is 6-10 calls, 20 reminders, an hour of UNO, an hour as a wifi router and I return home at 5pm with 50-60% battery life...
they are trying to make batteries smaller and thinner so they can make the phones thinner and smaller so battery life is compromised. But you do need to give it some time to settle in.
Back up batteries and cradles to charge them are cheap and an easy solution. So are extra chargers to keep at work, in the car, etc. Most people can charge their phone at least an hour during the day and that should give you all you need.
The only smartphone that I didn't carry an extra battery for was the moto q9c, because it came with an extended life battery. But on these phones, that probably isn't the best option.
So what did you guys do to improve the battery life of your HD2? Are there any specific programs (I heared about G-Profile) you are not supposed to use or did you guys just deinstall all the T-Mobile Apps?
If I can just get 1 day of actual use out of it I am OK with that. I just dont want to have die every second or third day if I use more often than normal...
Any suggestions or may tests I could do? I feel like I could stream music on Slacker for about 90 Minutes and the battery would be dead...
EDIT: Just did Battlog for about 15 Minutes, my phone uses between 15ma and 31ma when in standby. So where do I start, how do I find the culprit?
I love huge screen HTC devices and Im a power user, so my solutions for power issues are:
Callpod Fueltank Duo
Mugen Extended-size High-capacity 2600mAh Battery for HTC HD2
There is a 15% discount right now, better hurry.
Extra chargers and thats it! Now I browse, calls, emails, music, videos, TV stream (Slingplayer) and maximize all of the other features of my HD2 t9193.
Software and the end-user are the cause behind battery drain. I've got 2.5days out of moderate use so I don't think it's the hardware at all.
Methods for testing battery consumption and proof it is typically software related
At the risk of looking like I'm trying to hijack this thread, I started a discussion on this particular subject a while ago as feedback on my finding after reading almost all the threads I could find regarding battery use on the HD2. Lude219 is 100% correct, the issue is always software related (yea, I know there might be exceptions to the rule) and my phone was a prime example of that.
See the thread below that explains how to measure your battery consumption, has logs and screen shots from users you have high consumption and also people who have systems where battery life is more than 48 hours so that you can compare your results.
I'm also sure it's software related. My phone would use app. 2% overnight with all connections closed. This i tested over months. Then suddenly without me changing anything drastic software wise, it pulled 5% per 3-4 hours. So after going thru all the cleaning routines nothing helped exept a good "ram cleaning" . Somehow or other the phone starts processes over time wich consume alot of power. One would have to look into it with a process manager to find out what exactly it is. WinMo seems to be quite sofisticated looking at all the running processes. So my view is , keeping the system tidy might be the only way to save the extra power.This is where the huge diffrence to other platforms seems to be, it can take quite a while until you have configured your phone the way you need it. I am useing the stock rom 1.66 German
thanks you guys for participating and sharing your thoughts.
But now, here is a thinker:
Last night, I let my battery drain all the way to zero and then recharged it at night. The only other thing I did was installing BSBTweaks and Touch X Taskmanager. I also changed my Bandswitch Settings to turn off data when not used and put it at 60 sec (instead of 500 sec before).
And I couldnt believe what I was seeing, I took my phone off the charger this morning around 8.30am and now at 7pm I am still at 84%!!! I did not use the phone heavily but sent and received a few texts, made 1 call and played around with it for a little bit. Similiarly to what I did in the beginning after I got the phone, but then the battery had almost died at 7pm!
I am super happy and hope it stays like that but cannot explain why all the sudden it is that different...
Hi everyone,
This is a very usefull thread, for me it is, thanks to everybody that answered.
regrding the last post, a noobish quesition is
”Bandswitch Settings to turn off data when not used and put it at 60 sec (instead of 500 sec before): how do i do this?”
I remember stumbling upon this setting the day i got the phone and started viciously going through it.
Somehow it didnt store in my memory the path i went that day so i can try doing what the man sugested.
So if anyone can lay a hand, much obliged.
i lost 12 pct over night in 9 hours with my radio turned off last night and only gmail and texts were open...
with battlog how do i do the test so it stays in standby? it keeps turning the screen on and off when i run benchmark
You may want to flash a new radio. Try a new one each day and measure battery life. I use radio 2.12.50 and have had a good experience.
yeah but with my radio turned off the radio shouldnt affect it shoudl it?
i use blackberry to stream pandora radio thru aux for about 8 hours a day and it still has 2 bars left after that.
HD2 just sits there and kills the battery lol
what kind of phone is that when you have to disable all its functions every time you dont use it?
seriously this is called unfinished product or poor design, that is beeing sold to customers as a next best thing.
you guys can argue with me all you want. i heard many excuses from users advocating the companies. such as. if you dont like this than pay more for a better product. well HD2 is a better product, its a 500 dollar phone damn it.
but you dont realize that even the "better" products suffer from same underdevelopment syndrome.
companies spend millions on consumer research and consumers spend millions on **** they dont need every year. cows eat grass, consumers eat garbage made by big companies.
where are the better products? they dont exist because it became "normal" to have a faulty OS or for your phone buttons to fall off, or battery to explode.
companies worked long and hard to make consumers get used to the idea that garbage is just a part of life, and worked long and hard to minimize costs of production, and cut corners.
which corners?
the final QA testing that is not beeing done by a company, so they can release the phone 3 months earlier, the consumers pay for the phone and test it.
we work for the company and we pay for it instead of getting paid.
the phone breaks oh how sad ,
company takes note(dont use this cheap glue or the buttons fall off, get a lil more expensive glue next year)
so they use better glue and cut another corner and we buy another "new and improved phone" and this time screen goes dim oh dang not again...and it continues.
do you disconnect your car battery every night so it doesnt die? or when you buy a lexus do you drive with your AC off because it cant pull the car around when ac is on same time as the stereo?

"Tango" and future "Apollo" update

Hello, i'm looking to buy a new phone and the nokia lumia has caught my attention.
I've been reading about it and understand that we'll be seeing 2 major updates this year.
Will the lumia 800 support the new windows mobile 8 platform?
I expect it to support Tango, but what about Apollo?
Or should i just wait for next generation nokia?
No one knows the answer to that question yet. But if any current wp7 device is going to get that update, the Lumia 800 is probably it. It is almost a wp7 equivalent of a nexus device.
But if you don't want this phone as it is now, don't buy it ;-)
I'm just waiting for nokia to start pushing out the current firmware update to my Cyan... Still only got the 7740 firmware with 8107.79 OS.
What are your experiences with the phone?
Do the phones that sell here in Denmark also have issues with batterylife, random reboots etc.?
I'm experiencing pretty bad battery time now. Yesterday I had to charge it twice to get through a full day. That is unacceptable! My old X10 holds battery for a day and half easily doing the same tasks.
I hope Nokia is very very aware of these issues and is working their asses off to get it solved.
I bought mine in Germany back in November. Kept it on 2G here in Denmark until the update that fixed the battery issues (last update).
After that update I have kept it on 3G and gotten about one and a half or two days of battery life from it.
I don't know about the status of the battery fix in Denmark. They may very well be on the phones in store (go check ). I found the demo fw for Denmark on the fw site Nokia has.
BUT if you want the phone look outside Denmark.. They are horribly overpriced here.. Some places twice the price of the same phone in Germany or England.
Regarding update to Apollo.. I see no technical reason for lumia 800 not to receive the update.
Hahah slap af en dansker tråd
Translation: "For danes only"
Roughly the same story as jlor except I bought mine in Denmark. Like arkedk, I had very poor battery life on my first phone so I returned it. The new one has up to around one and a half day of battery life with normal use. Roughly the same as with the old iPhone 3GS. I think there is a very high error rate on this battery type.
And yeah, it must be pretty popular here in Denmark
Although I'm not so sure that I should have bought this phone.
Microsoft have confirmed that all current wp7 handsets will get apollo in a response to Eldar (aka the spaz idiot who sould be shot). Tango int going to be that big really just about adding more languages and cheaper hansets to get a wider market. Apollo on the other hand looks to be even bigger than mango
Thanks for them answers.
Definatly gonna get me a winphone one day. But i'll wait a bit longer until either a new version of Lumia 800 comes out or nokia/ms whichever it is releases a firmware that fixes all these issues. Battery and camera in particular.
I'll stick to my damaged htc hero for now
Gnarfsan said:
Although I'm not so sure that I should have bought this phone.
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Ok, I'm going to elaborate this a bit.
Why I am disappointed:
This phone is supposed to be Microsofts and Nokias big gamble to reclaim the mobile phone market. Nokia economic situation isn't very good to say the least but they are still the largest manufacturer of mobile phones world wide. However Apple is close behind and so is HTC and Samsung and they are gaining market shares.
So I had expected this phone to be Microsofts version of a nexus phone. A showcase phone if you like to benchmark other Windows phones against. In my oppionion they failed to do this by rushing it to the market. There are just too many flaws for me to be completely happy with it.
I read a lot of good reviews of WP7 devices regarding their battery life. It is supposed to lightweight and without the pletora of third party battery draining services running in the background. And it is. Many WP7 devices get great battery life. But this phone does not have good battery life. Hands down, you are not going anywhere over night with this phone without a charger. Even if you dont use it at all, you will still be cutting it very close. Even with my SGS 2 running overclocked at 1600 MHz I could easily go up to 3 days if I was mindful of battery my usage.
The camera is usable. It's not great but good enough if the motive is more important than the quality of the picture. But it's not going to wow anyone. I had expected more from Nokia though. I am used to Nokia cameras beeing the best on the market from previous experience.
Sound quality in the jack stick is an insult. It's horrible even if you have very low standards and it will hurt your ears. If you buy this phone, go to a Telenor store and get the black BH-111 bluetooth headset for 199 kr. It has a decent sound output if you throw away the earbuds that come with it and get some better ones. (The tranciever is detachable and has a mini-jack output and a build in microphone)
But there are some good things about the phone too:
WP7 is an absolute joy to use. I love it. I come from the SGS 2 and I did a lot of modding, exceeding 2 GB of custom firmware downloads each month. But I don't miss that at all with this phone, because everything just runs smoothly. I have had a few app crashes, mainly starting settings and the browser, but I can live with that.
I like the design and the build quality is pretty good although the buttons do feel flimsy on some devices. I am not too fussed about that though. The curves makes the phone nice to hold, but the 4 corners aren't that comfortable when you hold it for longer periods of time like 5 minutes plus. The curved glass is great though and it sits close to flush with the rest of the phone. The plastic feels nice when you hold it and looks pretty good too.
Call quality is pretty good in my oppinion and so is the antenna. I get better signal strength with this phone than I did with the SGS 2.
Bottom line: I expected a better device from Nokia. There is no way in h*** this phone will last for two weeks on stand by which is in fact what they claim on their web site and even if you call Nokia Care.
---------- Post added at 09:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:56 PM ----------
Kuresu said:
I'll stick to my damaged htc hero for now
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Good idea ;-)
The batter is bad compared to other devices yes. My Xperia Play I could easily get two days out of. Even three. Even so I charged every single night because I want full juice at the start of every day. So the worse battery life does not really affect me even though I know it's there. The camera and audio is confirmed by Nokia to be adressed on future seperate updates that hopefully will fix the issues.
But whats the point really if the majority of the userbase are still complaining about bad batterylife.
I'd say camera/audio comes in second until the phone can last more than 24hours on whats supposed to be regular usage. I hope its faulty software and not hardware.
For all 3 parts, battery/audio/camera
I'm not too optimistic about the battery issue being software related.
I agree the battery is very bad. I'm coming from a phone that used 1% battery in 3 hours standby time. With very minimal use I could use that phone for a week without charge but I charged it every night anyway. Coming to this is a world of difference.
I'm just saying that I can live with it.
With light to medium use I am getting one and a half days use on 3G. My LG 900 struggled to last 10 hours.
got this phone 3 days ago and experiencing absolutely retarded battery life. not getting more than 6-7 hours with MINIMAL usage and all chats logged off. WTF Nokia?
PS: My other phone is the Galaxy Note which has phenomenal battery life.
Im not from Denmark...but I am close enough
I bought the NL800 a few days ago with fw 11501, and have no problems with battery at all, and I am on 3g all the time, I play music, surf, update for email every 1 hour, and my battery last aprox. 1 and a half day..And that is what I would expect from this device with my use.
Only thing bugging me right now, is of course the brightness bug and the poor quality in music playback. But those are scheduled to be fixed, so if that don't take forever, then the NL800 is a keeper for me.
But on another side..the screen is a tad small, but I will get used to it...if not, I will probably get the NL900/910 or w/e they decide to call it in europe
Same as above, i have firmware 11501, and at first battery was bad. But the more i use the phone let it go right down and charge it seems to have been last longer. So far i have been using it for 15 hours. Listening to music, facebook, emails as soon as they come in. 3G, texts, facebook chat. I am a really heavy user just now as its the honeymoon period. But anyway, the only thing that is really annoying me is the camera and the audio. I listen to my audio with headphones on (Dr. Dre Beats) so i get the base im after. But it shouldn't take a £80 pair of headphones to get the audio quality im after. Nokia get an update out now!
my lumia will arrive tomorrow, and then i will test the battery life agains my radar and my titan, my titan's battery last for atleast two days with minimal usage. same goes for the radar.

[Q] Some General Questions

Hi everyone,
I just wanted to ask some general questions on how you like the HTC evo 4G LTE (That is a mouthful..) anyways hope you can help.
1. What is the general battery life? The stats say 7.5 hours of talking, but I don't know how accurate that is...
2. I have read all the positive reviews, but I am more interested in the negative. So where does it get a negative mark in?
Any other info you would like to share about your experience would be helpful!
Shadowwoelf said:
Hi everyone,
I just wanted to ask some general questions on how you like the HTC evo 4G LTE (That is a mouthful..) anyways hope you can help.
1. What is the general battery life? The stats say 7.5 hours of talking, but I don't know how accurate that is...
2. I have read all the positive reviews, but I am more interested in the negative. So where does it get a negative mark in?
Any other info you would like to share about your experience would be helpful!
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Battery lasts 12 hours easy with moderate use.. ymmv depending on how much screen on time you have but the battery is better by far than all previous EVO phones.
The only negative I can really think of personally is that the multitasking behaves funny sometimes. I notice re-accessing an app from the multitasking screen sometimes restarts it which it shouldn't do but I'm sure they can fix that with an update.
Overall I absolutely love this phone. I have owned android phones since the launch day of the T-Mobile G1 and this is by far the best phone experience I have ever had.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
1. With moderate use, you should easily get through an entire day. I've taken my phone off the charger around 7:30 am two days in a row now, and it doesn't get juiced again until midnight. First night I had 20%+ left, last night I had 8% left after 14-15 hours of use. Yesterday, usage included: calls, texts, corporate email sync set to push, internet browsing, a few photos, listening to a few music tracks, a LOT of downloaded album art (the HTC Music app took care of a lot of missing art for me), Google Maps, and some light SNESoid and Draw Something.
2. So far my only complaint is the clock/weather widget places me in a different city about an hour west of me about 1/3 of the time I check it. A bit odd.

Awful battery life?

Hi all,
Got my 920 a few days ago, and while it's a beautiful phone, I'm finding the battery life to be awful.
I've only installed a few apps on it, otherwise it's vanilla. With WiFi and GPS off and only moderate Internet usage (mostly Facebook and IM+) i get a max of 10 hours out of it.
My Galaxy Note easily does twice that with the same usage.
Is there anything I need to check/look for, are there apps that show what's chewing through my battery so much?
I love the phone but that sort of battery life means it can never replace my Note as my main phone.
I should add, it's running the Portico update. No crashes or random reboots that I've seen.
I have only had mine for a few days, but I have found with all WP8 devices (and I have tried most) a hard reset made a difference to battery life. Annoying, but true it seems, well, true for me. I have no idea if it is a placebo but might be worth trying if you can be bothered.
For your info, I am getting good battery life on my 920.
You need to discharge and recharge the battery a few times before the battery life gets better. In about a week you should find the battery life improves.
It was the same for WP7 too..... The software will calibrate the battery over time.
The Jones said:
I have only had mine for a few days, but I have found with all WP8 devices (and I have tried most) a hard reset made a difference to battery life. Annoying, but true it seems, well, true for me. I have no idea if it is a placebo but might be worth trying if you can be bothered.
For your info, I am getting good battery life on my 920.
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I actually did a hard reset when I first got the phone home, out of habit really. I don't mind doing it again, but maybe I'll give the battery a few more days and see what happens.
Also check your background apps.
it'll get better
when I first got my lumia 920 the battery life was shorter than my old NL 900.. but after a week or so and after I did a deep cycle now the battery will easily last for 48 hours... in battery settings it usually shows 4-5 days :good:
battery life is hit or miss, some days you'll get wonderful battery life and others its horrible, I know that its hard to measure battery life because you just cant replicate the exact same usage everyday. I find it hard to believe that the galaxy s3 (basically the same hardware) has better battery life, battery is only 100 maH more.
I honestly believe its a operating system/ application issue, I believe that there are some applications that are cycling and wasting precious juice from the battery. better coded apps/ better OS control will really be a big deal in the next os upgrade.
emenny81 said:
battery life is hit or miss, some days you'll get wonderful battery life and others its horrible, I know that its hard to measure battery life because you just cant replicate the exact same usage everyday. I find it hard to believe that the galaxy s3 (basically the same hardware) has better battery life, battery is only 100 maH more.
I honestly believe its a operating system/ application issue, I believe that there are some applications that are cycling and wasting precious juice from the battery. better coded apps/ better OS control will really be a big deal in the next os upgrade.
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I've found turning off background tasks which are not required makes a big difference on the battery. Each time I install a new app, I look at the background tasks and see that it doesn't get added. Only tasks I have running are weather and a news reader app.
Also, I will not allow location on apps that don't need to. Searching for location when an app opens also drains a battery somewhat.
That being said, with my use, I easily get 2+ days (48+ hrs) of battery life.
May be it have to be synced
In my opinion, one reason why this phone need the run in for the battery life is in the first few days it need to be synced with many clouds, facebook, facebook photo, nokia drive....etc. As this will make poor the battery life in the first run in. But after one week everything done, the battery life becomes better. Just guess.
I've also noticed that with bluetooth turned off I get substantial more life out of the battery(but I tend to forget to turn it on when getting in my car, then I dont get calls on my cars bluetooth). I agree with disabling push and do a manual poll on your email servers, I dont have facebook or any of that stuff on the phone. Im mainly on twitter and on my email.
from time to time I see the Location services running when I unlock the phone, I've disabled the location service on bing search but that still comes up from time to time. Like I mentioned before I think the OS has tons of pros and like any other OS in its "early stages"(I say this because windows mobile has been out for some time pre iOS and Android, but it will get better over time as the company realizes main stream OS are getting replaced as the go to home PC.
My experience with Nokia Phones is they need 1 or 2 weeks to get the full battery life....
The first 4-5 days they really have a horrible battery live.. But as I said it's getting better after 1-2 weeks...
BTW I'm really impressed with the battery life of my HTC 8S, I'm getting 2-3 days out of it with heavy usage...
My Lumia 920 achieves a little bit more than 1 day..
I've had the phone since it was released(when it really bad battery problems), I was going to go with the 8x but I really love the camera on the lumia 920.....
Ok for the past two days I've been using my phone with bluetooth off and i've been getting really good battery life, a friend of mine has a surface rt and he was having an issue with the battery depleting even when he left the device on sleep for hrs, he noticed that after disabling bluetooth the issue with the battery went away, this clearly points out an issue with the os and the handling of Bluetooth.
Surface RT and Lumia 920 have a totally different OS i don't think you can compare them that easy...
And it well known the Bluetooth deceases the battery life of every smartphone... It's the same with NFC (Tap&Send) and super sensitive touch or Wifi...
Just turn off the things you don't need...
My Samsung Note 10.1 tablet has no noticeable difference with Bluetooth on or off (that is, not actually using it, just having it enabled). It's using BT 4.0 which has very good power efficiency.
Any idea what revision of BT our Lumias have?
It also makes a difference if you switch your bluetooth on to be visible or not...
Ii is the same with Wifi you can activate to be notified when open networks are around... If you do so.. your wifi will use more power because it is constantly searching for new hotspots...
Well, it's been a few days & recharges, and it seems the battery is getting better.
Thanks for all the suggestions from everyone. I was severely disappointed with the initial battery life, and while it's getting better, I hope it keeps improving. Switching background data services such as push mail and chat makes sense when it comes to preserving battery of course, but so far from all the smartphones I've owned, this is the worst performing of all in terms of battery. I don't want to have to manually check mail or log in/out of chat, since that defeats the purpose of having a smartphone imho.
It's the only thing I have against the Lumia so far... even though WP8 is not as customisable as my Android phone, I certainly appreciate the design and how it works. I'll just keep crossing fingers for more battery conditioning
I think there is something like a help app from nokia on the phone...
You can disable the live tiles you don't use and the automatic xbox live sync service...
I wouldn't totally disable email sync... I just reduce the syncing interval...
If you have a lot of email accounts (maybe more) it even makes sense forwarding them all to a new email account and syncing all your emails
with this 1 account...
There are a lot of dirty little tricks to improve your battery life... Maybe every
single one don't make much difference... But all of them do...
With a lot of frustration, I have been experiencing high battery drain also, with the phone staying warm even while idle.
Following various comments, fixes, could be' on various forums, I hard reset my new, less than one week old, phone.
I was kind of annoyed, surprised it took a very long time to recover, with a picture of gears churning on the screen.
Finally it booted up with a message, reset or restore. Wasn't expecting the choice. I chose restore to see what's up.
There was an amazing amount of stuff to restore.
After restore completed, my phone was still having battery drain issues. I decided to check out what this back up and restore thing was.
Pardon me I never read the manual. No need to go into discussion of the process.
I then chose to disable back up and restore, soft reset, and boom. Battery usage is now at -2%/hr. instead of -12-20% idle.
Have any of you tried this?
First posted at: wpcentral

Lumia 920 post-Windows Phone 8.1 battery life sucks!!!

Hi there.
Currently have a Lumia 920 with the developer version of 8.1. During most of this weekend the phone has been at home idle with the occasional checking of Twitter, Instagram, news, weather, uploading of music, Google searches and 1 or Youtube videos so not much. It was fully charged at 6am and by 9pm its down to less than 10% all the while connected to wifi with mobile data roaming turned off.
I have pretty much studied and made my research on what to turn off on the settings as regards WP8.1 but i feel i'm still missing something. My theories are:
1. Windows Phone 8.1. isn't fully optimised and might have introduced a bug on particular models that drains battery quicker
2. Settings of 8.1 compared to the Lumia Black/8.0 has slightly been altered so some settings made have juggled around or have been embedded elswhere
3. Can't seem to find settings of Xbox Music which i heard when turned off can help with the battery life.
4. The battery of the used 920 i bought on Ebay might have been overused and the charge cycle is way past its life; the seller claims he bought it a few months ago.
Battery life is worse compared to my Galaxy S3 LTE on an "older" Android 4.3.
Any help please?
block unwanted application to run in background (in settings - battery saver)
also reduce things in new action center...
for me helped hard reset and set complete settings manually (not using backup from 8.0)
also try few times battery discharge to almost empty and charge it full... dont charge it in between...
close all tabs in Internet Explorer, on my 920 it drains battery quickly on 8.1dp
I have disabled/stopped all apps & tasks that are running in the background. I have stopped and closed all tabs on IE11 and all other browsers. Anything else?
I use Here Maps to navigate my way thru London streets because of my patients. It looks like either Nokia's navigation app is a battery drain. Or the 8.1 is.

