Hello everyone im somewhat new to this device i had Elegancia 4.3 and tried to upgrade to 5.2. everything worked well but i have one problem.
My WiFi does not work.
i tried flashing radios but that did not do anything. I've also tried other Roms and it does the same thing on them, But when i revert back to 4.3 the wifi works.. Any idea?
Thanks in advanced for the help:cyclops:
Are you flashing the kernels along with the roms?
Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 4 Beta
AndroHero said:
Are you flashing the kernels along with the roms?
Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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I'm just flashing the zip from clock work that I previously installed how do you flash a kernel? Is it something you do before you install the rom?
Yes, you have to extract the boot.img from the rom.zip before flashing and flash it via fastboot
Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Hi..I have created this tool to help people new to Android or HTC for that matter to flash kernels and recoveries without any pain..
You put recovery.img in the Recovery folder and open Recovery-Flash.bat
And it will flash the recovery.
You put boot.img in the Kernel folder and open Kernel-Flash.bat
And it will flash the kernel.
For all flashes you need to have USB Debugging enabled and have to be booted in normal OS.
It will do everything.
MAKE SURE YOU NAME THE RECOVERY recovery.img AND THE KERNEL boot.img otherwise this ToolKit will not work.
My phone is too bad..... I have a month without flashing kernel...why...I don´t know...
I have follow all the tutorials....all!!!!!!!!
this will work with the att htc one x+ correct?
Hoping that some developer can create a tool within the phone to flash kernel. Rather than using a PC
Sent from my GT-N8000 using Tapatalk 2
that is not possible.
you dont unterstand the changes between S-ON and S-OFF
Well you can dream can't you?
Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 2
..help me thats so ....
It Would be good to have fewer know it all smacks
you are probably related to droidrevenge aren't you? twins?
Sent from my GT-N8000 using Tapatalk 2
Curious, is this the same type of tool that is implemented in Hasoons toolkit, and the fastboot flasher that the MaXimus cook (can't remember his name)? Just wondering if it's the same type of thing???
Never Die!
skdubg said:
that is not possible.
you dont unterstand the changes between S-ON and S-OFF
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It was possible on the rezound with s-on. Con247 wrote a script that turned the kernel into a ph98img.zip that was flashable in h boot then all you had to do was delete or rename the ph98img.zip
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JT75 said:
It was possible on the rezound with s-on. Con247 wrote a script that turned the kernel into a ph98img.zip that was flashable in h boot then all you had to do was delete or rename the ph98img.zip
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Good to hear that it maybe possible
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JT75 said:
It was possible on the rezound with s-on. Con247 wrote a script that turned the kernel into a ph98img.zip that was flashable in h boot then all you had to do was delete or rename the ph98img.zip
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You are correct I done it a million times that way but we were S-OFF then
Say I want to reflash any same Rom again to get back to default settings, do I have to fastboot the boot.img again, or I can just go into recovery, delete caches and dirty flash with no need for boot.img? Thanks guys
Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 2
boot.img contains the kernel if you used a diff kernel then you have to flash it again assuming you want t-o revert back to stock kernel
Sent from my GT-N8000 using Tapatalk 2
baste07 said:
boot.img contains the kernel if you used a diff kernel then you have to flash it again assuming you want t-o revert back to stock kernel
Sent from my GT-N8000 using Tapatalk 2
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Correct, thanks.But if flashing same rom/base, kernel stays intact?
Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 2
flashimagegui was an app that could flash recoveries and kernels through the phone itself, it was a great app that didn`t recquire you to boot into recovery and such, not sure it supports the one x though.
ryanjsoo said:
flashimagegui was an app that could flash recoveries and kernels through the phone itself, it was a great app that didn`t recquire you to boot into recovery and such, not sure it supports the one x though.
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Remember that one, maybe have to ask Xs if compatible with X+...
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Dottcent said:
Correct, thanks.But if flashing same rom/base, kernel stays intact?
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flashing custom ROMS doesn't touch kernel
Sent from my GT-N8000 using Tapatalk 2
shubhamchamaria said:
Hi..I have created this tool to help people new to Android or HTC for that matter to flash kernels and recoveries without any pain..
You put recovery.img in the Recovery folder and open Recovery-Flash.bat
And it will flash the recovery.
You put boot.img in the Kernel folder and open Kernel-Flash.bat
And it will flash the kernel.
For all flashes you need to have USB Debugging enabled and have to be booted in normal OS.
It will do everything.
MAKE SURE YOU NAME THE RECOVERY recovery.img AND THE KERNEL boot.img otherwise this ToolKit will not work.
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i need help flas a kernel 2 times and i lost my signal for what i saw in the boot loader was s-on
This is a sweet little tool I use it to jump back and forth between twrp and cwm because this is the easiest way to do it hassle free, Thx for your work on this little gem
Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 2
Noob to the DNA. I have installed two different Sense 5 Roms on my unlocked and S-offed DNA and both of them I could not get the WiFi to lock on. It appeared they were trying and then I would get a WiFi error. NOS M7 2.0 and Sense 5 M7 Digital Dream ver 1.2. What should I look for first. I tried to reinstall both roms again without success. Always full wipe on both occasions.
john_from_ict said:
Noob to the DNA. I have installed two different Sense 5 Roms on my unlocked and S-offed DNA and both of them I could not get the WiFi to lock on. It appeared they were trying and then I would get a WiFi error. NOS M7 2.0 and Sense 5 M7 Digital Dream ver 1.2. What should I look for first. I tried to reinstall both roms again without success. Always full wipe on both occasions.
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First question are you s-off? If so, then reflash kernel in custom recovery, if you're not then flash boot.img in fastboot and modules in custom recovery. That issue is entirely caused by the lack of proper kernel modules installed in your system.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium
Okay, tried two different kernels flashed from TWRP and still getting the Wi-Fi error...what else should I try?
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium
john_from_ict said:
Okay, tried two different kernels flashed from TWRP and still getting the Wi-Fi error...what else should I try?
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium
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Um, are you sure you are s off. Because what is happening to you sounds like what happens when you are s on and you don't flash the boot.img of a kernel.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda app-developers app
I am a dumba$$. Ran the S-off procedure again and then flashed the kernel with success. Thanks for all the help!
john_from_ict said:
I am a dumba$$. Ran the S-off procedure again and then flashed the kernel with success. Thanks for all the help!
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Your not a dumba$$ you just didn't know, there's a big difference.
Hi -
I unlocked my bootloader last night and would like to flash the HTC stock rom to make it look like the non-carrier version. In other words, the same ROM if you were to buy the phone directly from HTC.
How can I go about doing that? I know how to root so that is not an issue.
Flash a stock rooted rom from tue international section
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Im on the same boat, I have the Rogers HTC One, can I just simply grab the stock rom from the international HTC One version and flash it without problems?
I installed international rooted odex from ARHD thread on my AT&T phone without any issues. I'm back on stock rooted AT&T for now which I modified a little myself. I personally don't like how LTE on international tells you that you have 1 bar.
I'm sure AT&T modified their rom to show more than 1 just like other phones on AT&T. Everything works and you don't see any difference in reception or data speed though.
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
Devices are all the same. Just don't flash a ruu or radio
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tjsooley said:
Devices are all the same. Just don't flash a ruu or radio
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Im sorry why not install a RUU? I was actually thinking to install one of the stock versions of the rom ( I believe they are called RUU?)
It won't work without s-OFF
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 2
I believe CID is different on different phones and you won't be able to update that way. Only way is to use a stock rooted rom and flash through recovery.
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
To flash an official OTA update from AT&T would I need...
1) Stock Recovery
2) Re-locked Bootloader
3) Both
4) Something else.
I'm mostly waiting on a custom Sense 5 ROM...but I would like to know.
Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 4
sixcarnage said:
To flash an official OTA update from AT&T would I need...
1) Stock Recovery
2) Re-locked Bootloader
3) Both
4) Something else.
I'm mostly waiting on a custom Sense 5 ROM...but I would like to know.
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my experience on international X+ is that you only need stock recovery.
Don't flash an OTA with a custom rom. Even with stock recovery! your just asking for trouble. I'm also pretty sure you need a locked bootloader, to prevent the same security error you'd get trying to flash an RUU on an unlocked bootloader. But tbh i'm just speculating.
Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 4
sixcarnage said:
To flash an official OTA update from AT&T would I need...
1) Stock Recovery
2) Re-locked Bootloader
3) Both
4) Something else.
I'm mostly waiting on a custom Sense 5 ROM...but I would like to know.
Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 4
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IMHO 3 + stock ROM...
Has anyone been able to get the new xposed beta to work properly with the att 5.1 fw and stock rom?
I have tried the newly updated 68 framework but gets stuck at the HTC screen everytime.
Weird thing is the international guys using 5.1 ROMS and fw are able to flash and use it ..
Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk
Stupid me , Xposed only works with deodexed rims not stock odexed
Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk
Johnny424 said:
Stupid me , Xposed only works with deodexed rims not stock odexed
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I have used it on m8 stock plenty of times, just not m9
Well then I'm even more confused. Maybe something framework related won't let it boot
Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk
I think there's a difference between the intl rom and stock att. Xposed works fine on intl rims like viper I thought because they are deodxed .. but I have yet to flash to stock rom without boot loop .. the more I read the more I seen ppl posting that Xposed only works with deodexed roms .. all the times I have ever used it in the past on several devices have always been running a deodexed roms.. problem is I don't wanna leave stock lol. I like the stock rom but just wanted a few extras
PS- viper has every MOD under the sun lol, why you using Xposed on viper if you don't mind me asking?!
Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk
have you read this? Just found it Idk if it helps or not but I am s-off I think I might try this to see if it works
Tried it no go zero
Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk
If you are S-ON, it will work on stock odex. No workaround at the moment.
I'm soff on stock tried the zip zero posted about but it boots to HTC screen and hangs after flashing framework
Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk
Johnny424 said:
I'm soff on stock tried the zip zero posted about but it boots to HTC screen and hangs after flashing framework
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Doesn't work with S-Off.
So the zip that wipes the hrdump from doing soff worked on 5.0, so I wonder why it's not on 5.1
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Also @Ph33zy I haven't seen any mention of international custom rom users with Xposed mention that Xposed doesn't work, alot of them are soff users running Android HD or whatever it's called .. could you link me to say threads or other areas where this issue has been talked about? Not many people here on the att m9 or most do not care about or use Xposed
Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk
Johnny424 said:
So the zip that wipes the hrdump from doing soff worked on 5.0, so I wonder why it's not on 5.1
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The zip didn't work on 5.0 for stock odex/s-off (i've tried before). AHRD is deodex custom.
Xposed does not work with the combination of S-OFF and Odex. Even HTC factory S-Off and xposed does not work. There was a few comments mentioned in the M9 Xposed S-Off thread of this,
Ah I see. So we're screwed if we're soff running stock.
So if we had a deodexed stock att rom then we may be in business?
Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk
Johnny424 said:
Ah I see. So we're screwed if we're soff running stock.
So if we had a deodexed stock att rom then we may be in business?
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Yes or flash any deodex rom in the international m9 forum.
anyone have any expierience making a rom from an RUU? We should just make a stock odex and deodexed it would be good to have here anyway
*edit* ok I have the rom.zip but I forgot they are encrypted from htc so does anyone know how to decrypt it so I can make a twrp flashable zip from it
ZeRo2o9 said:
anyone have any expierience making a rom from an RUU? We should just make a stock odex and deodexed it would be good to have here anyway
*edit* ok I have the rom.zip but I forgot they are encrypted from htc so does anyone know how to decrypt it so I can make a twrp flashable zip from it
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I wish I did. But I can test whatever you end up with to help out
Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk
Johnny424 said:
I wish I did. But I can test whatever you end up with to help out
Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk
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I tried looking but can't find anything, going to ask a friend I believe he might know
ZeRo2o9 said:
I have used it on m8 stock plenty of times, just not m9
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