DNA Screen Too Sensitive? - HTC Droid DNA

Hey, guys. I'm asking this question for my friend's wife who believes she's having trouble with her screen. She claims that apps will open when she means to swipe, and that the screen is overly sensitive.
I won't rule out user error, but if any of you have heard other reports of this, and perhaps have a solution, let me know?
Thanks in advance!

Before root I can vouch that it was sensitive. After root and downloading viper it hasn't been sensitive at all.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using XDA Premium HD app

lucky_strike33 said:
Before root I can vouch that it was sensitive. After root and downloading viper it hasn't been sensitive at all.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using XDA Premium HD app
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Ok, so do I take that to mean you feel the screen is now not sensitive enough? Do you think it was the rooting that caused the change in sensitivity, or the ROM? In the case of my friend's wife, she has no interest in flashing ROMs or any such thing, she just needs the phone to work for her.
Is there some sort of patch that can be applied to fix it so that we don't have to flash another ROM?

Yes I understand. She may be doing it wrong when she is swiping from screeb to screen. She maybe pressing down first enabling the app to start up. Maybe the phone does have problems. She can speak with a tech from Verizon and do trouble shoot.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using XDA Premium HD app

What i meant was stock dna was too sensitive. it was very sensitive when i touch the screen and it would open apps just like you said in the first post. When i rooted the phone and installed viper, it got less sensitive and it was much better.

BillTheCat said:
Ok, so do I take that to mean you feel the screen is now not sensitive enough? Do you think it was the rooting that caused the change in sensitivity, or the ROM? In the case of my friend's wife, she has no interest in flashing ROMs or any such thing, she just needs the phone to work for her.
Is there some sort of patch that can be applied to fix it so that we don't have to flash another ROM?
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Rooting wouldn't change sensitivity, I'd assume, just different ROM configs...
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda app-developers app

Thanks for the feedback, guys. Looks like my friend and his wife will be trading the DNAs back in exchange for two Galaxy S4's.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 2

BillTheCat said:
Thanks for the feedback, guys. Looks like my friend and his wife will be trading the DNAs back in exchange for two Galaxy S4's.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 2
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That's too bad.
Assuming they are with Verizon, they could wait a few days and get a One.

rfarrah said:
That's too bad.
Assuming they are with Verizon, they could wait a few days and get a One.
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I suggested that, but timing is important. I don't know if they can wait. If they can't hold out, the S4 is a nice phone. Seems right now that and the One are the phone's to beat.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 2

i refuse to trade my device in tell them to sell on ebay get way better prices of some cell service as they will have to pay crazy anyways for the new phones

Understanding of the technology is needed.
All smartphones now a days use what's called a "capacitive" screen. Back during the old days it was called "resistive". The difference is big. Resistive touch screens needed to be calibrated routinely. The user also needed to push into the screen for the input to happen. They were unreliable because they would go bad from people pushing to hard and they had to be plastic for it bendable nature allowing scratches.
Capacitive screens use the electricity (not heat) in your body to pickup input. Therefore glass could be used and thus making it more scratch resistant and without a constant bendable nature, became more reliable. When your finger touches the screen there is a build up of ions underneath your finger. Think about how lightning hits the earth. These charges find the most efficient route thru your finger (like lightning). Hence people with giant fat fingers can use a keyboard on a 3"screen. Because as long as the piece of skin making contact is directly over the input out chooses the center because it is the most efficient route thru it otherwise rounded finger tips. However if we gently push into the screen then more surface area becomes available causing the "center" of contact to shift causing the screen to shift along with it because the system thinks it is the user trying to swipe.
This becomes an issue for people who in the past used resistive screens because they want to push into the screen(more so when they get frustrated as they continue to not choose what they intended because they try to force the finger onto the screen even harder). It is a matter of breaking a habit. Let's face it . Everyone hates change and would much rather keep everything the same.
I highly feel that by returning and trying a different phone will not help.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Tapatalk 2


quality build indeed

I spent about an hour tonight checking out the Amaze at my local tmo store and I was impressed with the feel and build quality. I compared it to the Samsung and while it's display was nice the rest of the phone left me wanting, the default dpi is way off (I'm not legally blind) and the UI was lacking as well. On the other hand Sense was not as bad as I thought it would be, I can feel ok knowing that HTC has stated that ICS will be released for my phone, where on the other hand Samsung has a poor track record on updates comparatively. The kicker is I can pick it up for 99 bucks through our corporate rep with no activation and a 10% discount on the monthly. Bye bye Optimus-T, hello Amaze 4G.
Also hoping for s-off soon which should allow for more ROMs.
zPacKRat said:
I spent about an hour tonight checking out the Amaze at my local tmo store and I was impressed with the feel and build quality. I compared it to the Samsung and while it's display was nice the rest of the phone left me wanting, the default dpi is way off (I'm not legally blind) and the UI was lacking as well. On the other hand Sense was not as bad as I thought it would be, I can feel ok knowing that HTC has stated that ICS will be released for my phone, where on the other hand Samsung has a poor track record on updates comparatively. The kicker is I can pick it up for 99 bucks through our corporate rep with no activation and a 10% discount on the monthly. Bye bye Optimus-T, hello Amaze 4G.
Also hoping for s-off soon which should allow for more ROMs.
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That is a very big trade up, hope you are enjoying your Amaze as much as the rest of us
Good choice.
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using xda premium
zPacKRat said:
I spent about an hour tonight checking out the Amaze at my local tmo store and I was impressed with the feel and build quality. I compared it to the Samsung and while it's display was nice the rest of the phone left me wanting, the default dpi is way off (I'm not legally blind) and the UI was lacking as well. On the other hand Sense was not as bad as I thought it would be, I can feel ok knowing that HTC has stated that ICS will be released for my phone, where on the other hand Samsung has a poor track record on updates comparatively. The kicker is I can pick it up for 99 bucks through our corporate rep with no activation and a 10% discount on the monthly. Bye bye Optimus-T, hello Amaze 4G.
Also hoping for s-off soon which should allow for more ROMs.
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You don't actually need S-Off.
You can flash any rom available for the Amaze 4G.
The only problem is that you may have to manually flash the kernel (boot.img) file.
Has anyone noticed any screen bleed from the capacitive buttons? I bought a slightly used one from the market to use on attand it has horrible screen bleed.
I wish I could send it in to htc for a replacement but I don't think they would allow it. Other than that the phone is basically new. It's a shame but guess I'll either keep it as a backup to my vivid or sell or trade it.
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using xda premium
donharden2002 said:
Has anyone noticed any screen bleed from the capacitive buttons? I bought a slightly used one from the market to use on attand it has horrible screen bleed.
I wish I could send it in to htc for a replacement but I don't think they would allow it. Other than that the phone is basically new. It's a shame but guess I'll either keep it as a backup to my vivid or sell or trade it.
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using xda premium
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Very well known already.
donharden2002 said:
Has anyone noticed any screen bleed from the capacitive buttons? I bought a slightly used one from the market to use on attand it has horrible screen bleed.
I wish I could send it in to htc for a replacement but I don't think they would allow it. Other than that the phone is basically new. It's a shame but guess I'll either keep it as a backup to my vivid or sell or trade it.
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using xda premium
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Use screen filter app.
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using xda premium
TheSneakerWhore said:
Use screen filter app.
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using xda premium
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Interesting.. SO the bleed comes from those buttons. Maybe HTC will release a patch to dim them a little. I have the Evo 3 and there is no screen bleed.
Htc makes really solid devices and ive been really happy with what ive seen but.. dunno how to say this
Htc make amazing devices and probably the best but they always have a flaw. Ive had:
touch pro 2- overall not that gr8
Nexus one - screen multitouch problem
Htc hd 2 - screen broke easily (atleast for me cuz i broke 3)
Htc mytouch 4g - actually that was the best phone as far as build quality ive seen (of all time)
Htc sensation - dust bunnies all over ...well everything to be honest
And now screen bleed from the buttons.
Maybe we should write a letter to htc and tell them to check their phones one more time before selling them.
Dont get me wrong regardless of those issues i still think that Htc makes the best phones.
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using XDA App
getrdy said:
Htc makes really solid devices and ive been really happy with what ive seen but.. dunno how to say this
Htc make amazing devices and probably the best but they always have a flaw. Ive had:
touch pro 2- overall not that gr8
Nexus one - screen multitouch problem
Htc hd 2 - screen broke easily (atleast for me cuz i broke 3)
Htc mytouch 4g - actually that was the best phone as far as build quality ive seen (of all time)
Htc sensation - dust bunnies all over ...well everything to be honest
And now screen bleed from the buttons.
Maybe we should write a letter to htc and tell them to check their phones one more time before selling them.
Dont get me wrong regardless of those issues i still think that Htc makes the best phones.
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using XDA App
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I'll take screen bleed over lack of long term support software-wise.
TheSneakerWhore said:
I'll take screen bleed over lack of long term support software-wise.
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Really you paid good money for this phone and would take 1 issue over another. It's people like you that encourage these OEM to not gave a damn about quality control . But HTC insist on pushing a multitude of devices every month trust me quality control is the last thing on their mind if it's even there to began with. Didn't mean to come out rude.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
trizzle21 said:
Really you paid good money for this phone and would take 1 issue over another. It's people like you that encourage these OEM to not gave a damn about quality control . But HTC insist on pushing a multitude of devices every month trust me quality control is the last thing on their mind if it's even there to began with. Didn't mean to come out rude.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
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I wouldn't even call this screen bleed. The light comes from those buttons and not the lcd screen itself. I am sure it can be solved if they lower the brightness but either way it doesn't bother me. Disable the button light and you wouldn't see it.
rasstar said:
I wouldn't even call this screen bleed. The light comes from those buttons and not the lcd screen itself. I am sure it can be solved if they lower the brightness but either way it doesn't bother me. Disable the button light and you wouldn't see it.
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Yea I notice that too, plus my friend has actual light leakage around corners of the screen.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
trizzle21 said:
Really you paid good money for this phone and would take 1 issue over another. It's people like you that encourage these OEM to not gave a damn about quality control . But HTC insist on pushing a multitude of devices every month trust me quality control is the last thing on their mind if it's even there to began with. Didn't mean to come out rude.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
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Hate to shatter your tiny rose-colored world, but nothing in life is perfect. No matter how much you spend on something, it inherently has flaws [see:luxury items]. Find me one (1) perfect, tangible, man-made object that will get physical use, and I will buy you a rock to throw through the walls of a glass house.
Just one.
TheSneakerWhore said:
Hate to shatter your tiny rose-colored world, but nothing in life is perfect. No matter how much you spend on something, it inherently has flaws [see:luxury items]. Find me one (1) perfect, tangible, man-made object that will get physical use, and I will buy you a rock to throw through the walls of a glass house.
Just one.
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"That will do" is your moto i asume? Next time you are spending 500 bucks think about it.
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using XDA App
getrdy said:
"That will do" is your moto i asume? Next time you are spending 500 bucks think about it.
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using XDA App
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Again, find me something perfect--you can't. TBBH, it is just a phone--$500 is a lot of money to you? I'd hate to think of the hell you will raise once you can afford to spend $180k for a house, and it doesn't wipe your @ss for you.
And yes, life is about settling for the things that make you happy, as well as get a job done.
TheSneakerWhore said:
Again, find me something perfect--you can't. TBBH, it is just a phone--$500 is a lot of money to you? I'd hate to think of the hell you will raise once you can afford to spend $180k for a house, and it doesn't wipe your @ss for you.
And yes, life is about settling for the things that make you happy, as well as get a job done.
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Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
I think this phone is the best built i have ever had, and thats coming from two moto devices. I love this phone!
TheSneakerWhore said:
Again, find me something perfect--you can't. TBBH, it is just a phone--$500 is a lot of money to you? I'd hate to think of the hell you will raise once you can afford to spend $180k for a house, and it doesn't wipe your @ss for you.
And yes, life is about settling for the things that make you happy, as well as get a job done.
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Really?? Thats your example? No i would not expect my house to whipe my @ss but i would like it to have windows... And regardless of how much money you make 500 bucks means something.
Htc/Samsung/Motorola make really good phones and we pay a good amout of money for them but lately the have been halfassing on the quality control and thats not good. We have to tell them to fix it because we are the final consumer.
Im pretty sure that if there was no screen bleed we wouldve found something else to be unsatisfied about but this is xda. We are here to improve the user experience and in order to do that we cant think like you.
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using XDA App
Back to the reason I started this thread, After 4 days with my Amaze I have to say I love it, my Optimus-T feels like a toy in comparison now. I do however notice the bleed from the capacitive buttons and would like to be able to set a time out regardless of lighting situation, which would take care of any real complaints since you would most likely only notice it while viewing some sort of media.

[Q] "Password to shut down" option

I had my iPhone 4 stolen (right in front of my eyes) before I switched to GNote.
I was wondering if there is an app/mod to enable password entry before a phone could be shut down. I guess you can simply take out the battery, if you really wanted to shut down even with this app/mod.
If it is possible, I might consider superglue-ing the backplate to the phone. So, if my phone is stolen, I will hopefully have more time to track my phone and recover it.
Then how would you access your sim or SD card? I would highly suggest just keeping it in your pocket when you go out from now on.
And if you're held up at gunpoint just give it to him and chalk it up to the cost of staying alive.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
P.s. this is coming from a guy that's had a gun put to his head for $80 and a phone.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
jpoirier587 said:
Then how would you access your sim or SD card? I would highly suggest just keeping it in your pocket when you go out from now on.
And if you're held up at gunpoint just give it to him and chalk it up to the cost of staying alive.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
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I was at McD's with my brother and my girlfriend. My brother was sitting across from me, and the phone was on the table inches away from me.
This teenager came up behind my brother, reached over him across the table to grab my phone and took off. We chased after him outside. He sprayed us with a bear spray (stronger than pepper spray), but I had glasses on, so I still caught him. But while we were struggling, he tossed the phone to another kid and I chased after him. By this time, I was too tired and they both got away.
I lost my phone, ruined a very nice coat and shoes because bear spray won't come out of it, and police lost my driver's license while taking my statement.
It was a very sh***y day, and if you don't have anything constructive to say in response to my question, don't reply. I know I won't be able to access the SIM card and SD card, but I rarely ever need to anyways, unless there is a major issue. I will deal with it then.
Jesus man thats terrible I am really sorry to hear about that. Ill keep my phone much closer to me now.
As for those kids you should have gave the one you caught something to remember. Something he will remember for the rest of his life.
I would have taken his left eye with my thumb.
Get a pistol for next time and he'll stop one way or the other. Preferably the other imo. One less wannabe thug making babies.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
^ yep.
Got my CCW last year havent looked back since.
Well, in any case, is this type of mod possible?
Or, maybe a fake shutdown mod? It looks like the phone is shutting down, but it is not?
ddochi11 said:
Well, in any case, is this type of mod possible?
Or, maybe a fake shutdown mod? It looks like the phone is shutting down, but it is not?
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I'm sure you could write an app to do it.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
There are apps where you can find GPS coordinates. Might help if someone steals your phone.
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djxcee said:
There are apps where you can find GPS coordinates. Might help if someone steals your phone.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
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You are missing my point. If someone powers off the phone or pulls the battery, GPS tracking stops.
I want to make it as hard as possible to power off the phone.
Try Visidon - it's a face unlocking app - i use it to lock my settings, play, email and other apps you want to face lock
ddochi11 said:
You are missing my point. If someone powers off the phone or pulls the battery, GPS tracking stops.
I want to make it as hard as possible to power off the phone.
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Onex+ touch screen issue(we need to report for hotfix)

Ok, so me and another guy did some tests with the onex+ touch screen and found out why so many of us have issues with scrolling, we need as many people as possible to report the issue to HTC so we can get a hotfix, i dont think HTC realize at the moment, this is what to do, type in on th phone keypad *#*#3424#*#*. choose more, then choose the screen drawing option, dont draw, just touch it with your finger and see if there is a white dot, if there isnt then touch another part of the screen and then see if the previous touch shows up, if so you have the same software issue as many of us, its quite possible that its a major hardware flaw and cant be rectified in which case HTC will have to do mass repairs or recall, we are not going to stand for this at a price of £500, if you have this issue please report on HTC website, either email or chat or phone call, it needs to be done or we will have scrolling issues time and time again on each update.
What touch screen issue are you talking about? I've not heard anything about it from anyone on here. I think mine is fine. Or maybe I haven't noticed it yet.
Sent from my HTC One X+ using xda app-developers app
I Did what u suggested and indeed... Dots appeared in places where I didn't even touch the screen... And yes ive also noticed that when I want to Swype through f.ex. tapatalk forum i verry often just pres thread instead of swype through them...
Wysyłane z mojego HTC One X+ za pomocą Tapatalk 2
Krzysiec said:
I Did what u suggested and indeed... Dots appeared in places where I didn't even touch the screen... And yes ive also noticed that when I want to Swype through f.ex. tapatalk forum i verry often just pres thread instead of swype through them...
Wysyłane z mojego HTC One X+ za pomocą Tapatalk 2
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Soon as you get the chance report issue to HTC, more people the better.
sjred_uk said:
What touch screen issue are you talking about? I've not heard anything about it from anyone on here. I think mine is fine. Or maybe I haven't noticed it yet.
Sent from my HTC One X+ using xda app-developers app
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Me and another guy discovered it, trying to sort out our scrolling problems, as of now theres an issue. 4 people have the exact same issue so far and i bet theres more.Test your screen and you will no for sure. Its causing random clicks and rubberbanding when scrolling, its not all the time and probably wouldnt notice it unless your a heavy user(always on your phone)
you have the same software issue as many of us, its quite possible that its a major hardware flaw
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Yup, I noticed it too. It's gone now, since I switched over to CM10. It makes no sense! (See what I did there? )
I think I'm that other guy OP was talking about. I have this scrolling issue where stuff on screen are being selected or clicked on accidentally instead of scrolling though them - but never had this problem before I updated to the most recent firmware, so I'm pretty sure this is a software thing.
Best we could do right now is report to HTC.
---------- Post added at 11:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:17 PM ----------
KaiUno said:
Yup, I noticed it too. It's gone now, since I switched over to CM10. It makes no sense! (See what I did there? )
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Oh, so switching to a custom rom solves it. Must learn about those stuff then.
Had very similar problem on the sensation. Ended up being a bad ground. It was easy to fix because you could take the cover off. Small piece of aluminum foil or solder fixed it like new. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=17072026#post17072026
Also i assume you guys are talking about the international version..? Anyone with US ATT version experience this issue yet?
Rant: These forums need separating... Nothing is interchangeable between the two phones..
nugzo said:
Had very similar problem on the sensation. Ended up being a bad ground. It was easy to fix because you could take the cover off. Small piece of aluminum foil or solder fixed it like new. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=17072026#post17072026
Also i assume you guys are talking about the international version..? Anyone with US ATT version experience this issue yet?
Rant: These forums need separating... Nothing is interchangeable between the two phones..
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It would be nice to know if the problem shows its ugly head on the lte/4g versions, its def got to be reported, if its hardware they will have to recall or fix them, and they cant turn away people who are rooted or have custom roms if it hardware. Hi sharpshooterr, yes op is you, i couldnt remember your name untill i seen it lol. Same test on the onex with android 4.1.1 with sense 4+ shows the screen is perfect, theres not even any lag when drawing either. Things like this shouldnt be getting through quality control on high end flagship devices, really shows HTC is going down hill fast.
As of now i think your testing might be a little flawed, you are using the wrong test. This is a line draw test, not a touch test. Its liable to act the same for everyone when just touching. How does it draw for you? Draws fine for me. the thing about touching then touching again and both dots show is not any sort of test IMO because again this is a LINE DRAW test. Maybe download some of the touch and multitouch tests from the market and try those.
Dont get me wrong, if there is something wrong then it needs to be addressed. I applaud you for trying to bring it public. You should look into some other tests though. HTC will not pay any attention to this issue if its brought to them like this. Get some more info, more tests, different tests.. The more the merrier
With the information i've read here it does sound software related though.. custom roms can fix it and firmware updates can break it. Doesn't sound hardware to me.
nugzo said:
As of now i think your testing might be a little flawed, you are using the wrong test. This is a line draw test, not a touch test. Its liable to act the same for everyone when just touching. How does it draw for you? Draws fine for me. the thing about touching then touching again and both dots show is not any sort of test IMO because again this is a LINE DRAW test. Maybe download some of the touch and multitouch tests from the market and try those.
Dont get me wrong, if there is something wrong then it needs to be addressed. I applaud you for trying to bring it public. You should look into some other tests though. HTC will not pay any attention to this issue if its brought to them like this. Get some more info, more tests, different tests.. The more the merrier
With the information i've read here it does sound software related though.. custom roms can fix it and firmware updates can break it. Doesn't sound hardware to me.
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Ok, ive tested the same drawing test screen on the onex, doesnt happen, soon as you touch the screen it registers under your finger, the screen has to register the first touch in that same spot your finger is on no matter what your doing, this is why its clicking in other places and rubber banding when your scrolling, its registering to late, and the line drawing lags like f---k. When your drawing your keeping your finger on it so its going to register eventually in the place you want it, its no good when your scrolling. Ive reproduced the same in gesture search, and again on the onex it doesnt do it in gesture search. Keep in mind there both running android 4.1.1 with 4+ sense, the only screen difference is the glass. If what your saying is true then the onex should be the same way so i know its not down to he test app along with the other tests ive done. Eitherway theres def a problem with scrolling.Your probably right about HTC not doing anything.EDIT: Ive decided to refund or sell it and carry on using the onex, it just seems faster, battery last longer.
boe323 said:
It would be nice to know if the problem shows its ugly head on the lte/4g versions, its def got to be reported, if its hardware they will have to recall or fix them, and they cant turn away people who are rooted or have custom roms if it hardware. Hi sharpshooterr, yes op is you, i couldnt remember your name untill i seen it lol. Same test on the onex with android 4.1.1 with sense 4+ shows the screen is perfect, theres not even any lag when drawing either. Things like this shouldnt be getting through quality control on high end flagship devices, really shows HTC is going down hill fast.
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The problem does indeed show its ugly head on att lte/4g phone also.
Sent from my HTC One X+ using xda app-developers app
dantegl36 said:
The problem does indeed show its ugly head on att lte/4g phone also.
Sent from my HTC One X+ using xda app-developers app
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You received an OTA from AT&T?
Kraizk said:
You received an OTA from AT&T?
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No... But thinking on it I may be a bad test subject since my phone is now rooted, bl unlocked, and running an insertcoin rom. I've had the phone for about a week.
Sent from my HTC One X+ using xda app-developers app
dantegl36 said:
No... But thinking on it I may be a bad test subject since my phone is now rooted, bl unlocked, and running an insertcoin rom. I've had the phone for about a week.
Sent from my HTC One X+ using xda app-developers app
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With the exception of insert coin my phone is the same. I do not have this problem. Something is wrong with the rom, your kernel or your phone if you are having touch screen issues.
I am unlocked, running elegancia, rooted. I do not have TWRP flashed as there are issues charging when the battery dies. Even when i did I never had touch screen issues.
Multi touch is useless also, only 2 fingers register, on a brandnew high end device and it only supports 2 finger multitouch, oh yes, i have a touch screen app that actually registers a soon as you touch the screen, but its only one app, all others i tested do as i described so i really do not know what to think, its def not hardware, its down to the software, we should get 4.2.1 soon and hopefully it will be gone, as the op said, i dont think HTC will do anything, especially now i found an app that makes the touch work as it should. So, basically, dont worry to much, its not the hardware. Ive boxed my onex+ back up and im using the onex untill new OS, i might even flash stock nexus 4 OS on the onex.
boe323 said:
Multi touch is useless also, only 2 fingers register, on a brandnew high end device and it only supports 2 finger multitouch, oh yes, i have a touch screen app that actually registers a soon as you touch the screen, but its only one app, all others i tested do as i described so i really do not know what to think, its def not hardware, its down to the software, we should get 4.2.1 soon and hopefully it will be gone, as the op said, i dont think HTC will do anything, especially now i found an app that makes the touch work as it should. So, basically, dont worry to much, its not the hardware. Ive boxed my onex+ back up and im using the onex untill new OS, i might even flash stock nexus 4 OS on the onex.
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To get the device to register more than 2 fingers go into settings -Display, gestures & buttons - turn off under gestures - HTC gestures (uncheck) this will give you up to 10 multitouch points.
ihavoc said:
To get the device to register more than 2 fingers go into settings -Display, gestures & buttons - turn off under gestures - HTC gestures (uncheck) this will give you up to 10 multitouch points.
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I think what he said is absurd, I didn't disable HTC gestures and enabled "show touches" under developer options and the screen picks up my 10 fingers.
saibz said:
I think what he said is absurd, I didn't disable HTC gestures and enabled "show touches" under developer options and the screen picks up my 10 fingers.
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wow absurd huh? I can confirm that it is NOT absurd and works the way he posted it... even if you hit show touches in development, and leave htc gestures checked, none of the multitouch testing apps pick up more than 2 touches... even though you can see more, they dont register as touches in apps and games.. So... in order to have the full 10 point multitouch, no matter how absurd you think it is, HTC gestures must be unchecked.. Google it
nugzo said:
wow absurd huh? I can confirm that it is NOT absurd and works the way he posted it... even if you hit show touches in development, and leave htc gestures checked, none of the multitouch testing apps pick up more than 2 touches... even though you can see more, they dont register as touches in apps and games.. So... in order to have the full 10 point multitouch, no matter how absurd you think it is, HTC gestures must be unchecked.. Google it
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You misunderstand, I'm saying that it's absurd that boe323's saying the device can only support up to two touches and multi-touch is useless. Since you yourself said it will register up to 10 touches with the correct setting then it IS absurd that he claims it can only pick up two. Even the HTC gesture settings clearly says 3 finger-touches so that in itself made his statement of only two-touch support absurd.
It seems that you think I'm disagreeing with ihavoc, you should improve your reading comprehension.


Perhaps I really just do have bad luck but thought I would share my experiences... I got the One through pre order and the device was solid except for a small gap at the bottom that I could live with. However, about 3 weeks in I was using my speakers to listen to some music using google play all access my device was burning hot when I picked it up from my bed (hot enough to a point in which I actually felt the burning sensation in my palm) I immediately ended all processes and did a restary just to be safe, when the device restarted I noticed there was no boot animation sound and soon realized that my speakers were inoperable and wouldnt generate a sound for anything. Then when I got my warranty replacement I noticed that my screen had a warm tint and flickered quite often and after about an hour of using it thw device shut off and wouldnt turn back on no matter what key combination I tried, and the led wouldnt turn on either. I visited a local at&t store that happened to be the store that the regional manager was visiting that day (the only piece of goodluck) where he just took the device (without box or anything at all just the phone) reversed my upgrade and let me pick any device of the same value for free.. (which I couldnt believe because even customer retention said I was out of luck and would have to try again with another refurb, btw I grabbed a gs4 which im ok with for now, might be back to the One once these issues are sorted out) sorry for the rant but this experience with at&t has definitely instilled some faith for me that at&t isnt always useless.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda app-developers app
this needed a WHOLE nother thread there is 3 or 4 threads about the "defects" on the phone ...
Ok so the point of this thread isss?
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
shook187 said:
Ok so the point of this thread isss?
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
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He's letting others know and maybe asking if its common. People who don't have the One yet, like me, want to know how detective the phone can be. I'm not gonna use my upgrade until later when all of this is fixed with the future batches. Thanks for the info OP!
Sent from my Epic 4G Touch using XDA Premium

Camera WONT focus..

Just wondering if anyone else is having the same issues? My phone is brand new and has never been dropped. It's like the camera will NEVER focus for taking pictures. It makes the sound like it's focusing but still stays blurry no matter zoomed or not.
Any ideas or suggestions?
A few members suggested trying this as a possible fix:
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2306462 Camera not auto-focussing - Possible fix
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
girlygirl00 said:
A few members suggested trying this as a possible fix:
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2306462 Camera not auto-focussing - Possible fix
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
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That didn't fix anything for me. I finally e-mailed HTC and this was their response which also did not fix anything.
Safe Mode
1. Please turn off the phone.
2. Then briefly press the Power button to turn on the phone.
3. While the phone powers on, press and hold the Volume down button until phone loads the OS and "Safe Mode" should appear on the lower left part of the screen.
After you put it in safe mode, try using your phone, if it works perfectly, then the problem may be caused by an application your phone. Which you will need to remove the applications one by one to see which one is causing the issue. If the issue persists, please reply to this email so we can further troubleshoot and have this issue solved.
All I know is I'm about ready to sell/return this HTC One and go get the Galaxy S4. My S3 treated me fine and the camera was far superior.
Was told it's a software issue and the update isn't expected for at least a month. So until then I have a $600 phone with a useless camera. Returning this and going to the S4. Not sure why I doubted it when I loved my S3. Figured I would give HTC a try again from my Sensation 4G days but what a waste of time. I can say the build quality of the phone along with the screen were definitely the things that attracted me.
What about an exchange, since you just got it? Did you get it in store? If so .. you could test out the one they exchange it for while at the store. Mine works awesome, and many others are very happy with theirs. So it sounds like you got a lemon camera. And we all know there are some bad ones in all the phone models.
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
girlygirl00 said:
What about an exchange, since you just got it? Did you get it in store? If so .. you could test out the one they exchange it for while at the store. Mine works awesome, and many others are very happy with theirs. So it sounds like you got a lemon camera. And we all know there are some bad ones in all the phone models.
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
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True. I actually returned it and went with the S4. I'll give HTC another shot once their next big phone comes out. I did find myself missing a bigger screen also. It may be lacking a few PPI compared to the One but it's just as nice. Thanks for the kind words guys.
Chicago281 said:
Was told it's a software issue and the update isn't expected for at least a month. So until then I have a $600 phone with a useless camera. Returning this and going to the S4. Not sure why I doubted it when I loved my S3. Figured I would give HTC a try again from my Sensation 4G days but what a waste of time. I can say the build quality of the phone along with the screen were definitely the things that attracted me.
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I see that you already returned the One. But I do not see how it could have been a software issue. If you were stock, you should have had build 1.27.531!8. I have that build and my focus works fine. Sounds like you should have exchanged it because it was clearly defective. Too late now, though.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Thanks for repeating our conclusion from three days ago. lol
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
girlygirl00 said:
Thanks for repeating our conclusion from three days ago. lol
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
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Sometimes repetition aids in understanding.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Chicago281 said:
Just wondering if anyone else is having the same issues? My phone is brand new and has never been dropped. It's like the camera will NEVER focus for taking pictures. It makes the sound like it's focusing but still stays blurry no matter zoomed or not.
Any ideas or suggestions?
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In my phone this strongly correlates with heat. Once the phone gets hot from being at high brightness or doing something graphically intensive it will not focus. Sometimes you can get it to work by giving it a sharp slap or pressing gently on the glass in front of the camera. If you let it cool down for a few minutes then it works. But it is definitely a physical problem.
I'm having the same issues. My first HTC One was fine but had a power issue so it was replaced with this one that will now not focus. I contacted HTC and T-Mobile and was told that there would be a software update in the future to fix the issue but there are no specified dates. I asked T-Mobile if they could exchange it since it's only 2 months old and was told I would have to wait on an upgrade or purchase at full price. I'm really not pleased about any of this.

