Request for Google Music Artist Images - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I would love to have the ability to set my own image for my artists in Google Play Music. The ones that Google supplies are blurry & LQ. I can pay a little ($20) as an incentive for someone who can create an app or find a hack that will allow me to do this. Please respond to this thread.

I use Album Art Downloader from Play Store to find and set album arts. But you have to clear the app 's data anytime you use it so the new changes appear. Give it a shot and see if you like it.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium

Quarmzz said:
I use Album Art Downloader from Play Store to find and set album arts. But you have to clear the app 's data anytime you use it so the new changes appear. Give it a shot and see if you like it.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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Thanks for taking time to respond but I'm looking for ARTIST images. For example the artist Kerli, not the album Love is Dead.

ARTIST image
I too have been searching quite a bit for artist image editing in Google play Music...
Have checked many droid forums, scoured articles and FAQs, queried google's help database. There are quite a few other posts asking this question!
In pretty much every forum or database query, the first response given is advice on setting *album* art.
So far i have not found any sort of in-app way of doing this...
...which is, come on face it, is very important, NOT for the reason some may assume! Its not because I want/need my own choice of artwork necessarily, its because some of the artist images google puts in are INCORRECT or dubious. (and others while technically correct are poor "press" shots of the artist, for instance sitting with a pet cat... SNORE!!)
I would even be satisfied with simply turning off/on artist image so I don't have to keep seeing John Williams face as the label for my star wars collection, or some kind of spanish language tutorial for a french electronic band!
---------- Post added at 04:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:51 AM ----------
I can't believe there isn't a huge internet furor over this huge oversight!
I get that legal copyright licensing issues have to be considered. I would be happy to choose from a menu of legally approved images instead putting my copies of pictures in. (or just turn off the image)
But how is every user with a fair sized collection NOT NOTICING incorrect artist images??? I suppose a great many collectors are single-song and genre-mix types who don't necessarily browse their music by album or by artist, so i get that...
But still a HUGE number of people *do* browse by groups, artists often! And have tagged and cataloged libraries, its a hobby. Like when i collected CDs back in the day. And it is very frustrating to have all that nice organization ruined by a big fat wrong image not of your own choosing!!!
Those reading bear in mind we are talking specifically about GOOGLE PLAY MUSIC (mine is current and updated, august 2013 as of this writing)
by the way, this is whole issue is a first world We're complaining about an awesome free app. Other than this small cosmetic flaw, google music is quite very nice! Very slick looking on phone, fast and uncluttered interface... +1 for sure.


[App/widget](25/8/10) Fitness Plus

Hey all, i noticed people were asking for a "exercise/fitness" app like ifitness.
this is html one i was developing so made it into a quick widget for you all to see.
its main design is to be a guide.
this is a beta look and feel, i'll start filling out the exercises soon.
iv given it a nice nike+ look as i love the orange !
is been developed for Wvga 480x800 first.
it will be split into male and female
it will have things like..
Intake, Nutrition and Diet, Weight lifting, Strength Training,
Cardiovascular Exercises, Weight Loss, Aerobic, Motivation,
Preventing Injuries, Avoid cheating, Calculators.
iv put in as much as i can about water intake and Vitamins & Minerals.
im playing around with a BMI Calculator to fit in there too.
im trying a kcal Calculator soon.
im hoping someone brilliant could make a nice flashlite jog meter
also when i can get embed wmp to work or a nice flashlite player maybe we can have music too
im open to ideas and info or people who want to work on it too.. hope you all like !
There should be a way to use the accelerometer as a pedometer. And, a body fat % calculator would be nice.
maybe a cab, instead of a zip? :X
and a food log..
Hey, first of all, THANK YOU! For reals, thanks for taking the time to develop such an app. Now moving on to suggestions
I mostly do weight lifting and some jogging so my suggestions would be these:
- Include a catalogue of available weight lifting exercises ( is an excellent resource)
- Add the ability to create a weight lifting schedule that works as following:
Design a schedule beforehand and fill in sets/reps/weight
This mode would have weight lifting days pre-set by the user (for example I have a chest-lifting day, in which I do bench press, incline bench press and a couple more. I'd like the ability for that to have been designed beforehand by me, and I'd insert the weight/set/reps on the spot during my workout)
Design a schedule on the fly
Start with an empty training day and add exercises/sets/reps/weight on the fly.
It goes without saying that each set should have its own reps and weight
Awesome work so far mate, keep it up!
PS. Haven't tested the app yet, will do so as soon as I can.
Thanks for developing this, love it already =d
Well I have been looking for something like this for a long time.
It would be nice to have the calories intake measured.
One way to do this would be for people for people to use the label of the article to help them input the right data:
If they weigh the food (cereals / chocolates / anything that has a label), and put the weight in grams (example, as I live in Europe), and the calories for 100g, the program could calculate how much calories they consumed.
It would then add them all up, and tell you how much calories you’ve consumed.
It could have some database of some food like fruits that do not come with a label of how much calories per gram they have.
If it could calculate too, how much calories you’ve burned during the training session, it could even tell you if you’ve consumed more calories then you’ve put in the body (witch is what you need to do in order to loose weight).
Regarding the training:
It would be nice to have some specific areas trained, so if you want to train your biceps, you could find 2-3 exercises to do it.
In training some muscles should be trained together (during the same training session), so it would be nice to have it do a training session A for day 1 and B for day 2.
Third request would be if it could have a timer, so that people know how much they are resting (between the series). If they need to rest 30 seconds it should not be 2 minutes.
I know this information is not new to many, but this would be the things I would look for in a program like this.
Good luck and let me know what you think about my suggestions.
i love the idea, if you want me to help out with anything to do with graphics, please ask. i am a photoshop nut, and i could help make the screens look even prettier also if you need, i could help resize things for other resolutions ex: qvga or vga. again great idea =]
edit: as for the player for music i dug this up on another site...
"From Wikipedia "The Advanced Stream Redirector (ASX) format is a type of XML metafile designed to store a list of Windows Media files to play during a multimedia presentation."
Flash doesn't play any windows media native files. It only plays Flash video files (flv) and Mpeg4 (h.264 encoded) either as a .mp4 or .mov file. So to get that to play in Flash you'll need to figure out how to convert it to a file type that flash understands or look into something microsoft native like silverlight." -
as for a m3u playlist it appears possible....
a commercial piece of software, proving the point
maybe useful if you use wmp:
and another link just in case
hope i helped.
Withings wifi scale integration, like iPhone Wiscale...
I'm trying it out. Looks very cool
Some links
If you need some workout / nutrition info here are some good sites. The first link has a list of all the different muscles and exercises that you can do to work them out along with an animated gif of the exercise in question. The second link is just a food database. Maybe these can help give you some ideas to incorporate into your program.
Nice work - I look forward to seeing some content
Thank You!
Some nice work here. A couple of suggestions that might ancrease it's appeal, and a question.
I installed the program and ran it. It then put a bunch of files into the Main Memory of my HD2 without asking permission. Naughty! Naughty! For various reasons I need every Mb of storage I can keep, so this was a problem. It resulted in memory management issues that drained my battery like crazy, so sadly, I had to un-install it
The program was not fully uninstalled via the phone, and there is no uninstaller in the package, so I 'm going to manually delete all the related files I can find. I suggest that you either provide an uninstaller program or a complete set of un-installation instructions.
And please! set the program to be installe din the Storage Card! I would really like to give it a serious workout!
Thanks again - and keep Developing!
One neat idea would be food log integration.
As in built in foods with calories that you can search through, including fast foods and such.
Also camera/barcode integration, so you could just scan the barcode and it looks up the food and it's calories/nutrition info.
I know those are a big big reach, and probably not likely but they would help make your app complete.
Also if possible the calorie burned exercise should be weight specific, i.e a heavier person doing 2 miles would burn more than a light person doing 2 miles at the same pace.
Hi guys,
I would like to try this app but my Windows Mobile version is 6.1 due to the fact that is much quicker than 6.5 on my Smartphone (I have a Blackstone).
Could you please provide this app as a CAB installation file as WGT files aren't supported in this version of WinMo?
Thanks and regards,
youngstats215 said:
There should be a way to use the accelerometer as a pedometer. And, a body fat % calculator would be nice.
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yes i believe so i have seen a nokia widget that uses g-sensor in html so should be possible. the bmi calc tells you % fat when you type in hight+weight.
josh_prayyforplagues said:
maybe a cab, instead of a zip? :X
and a food log..
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i may do it as cab for those who do not have widget engine.. this will be open with native browser. as for food log i cant do html that remembers things yet.
zeusalmighty said:
my suggestions would be these:
- Include a catalogue of available weight lifting exercises
- Add the ability to create a weight lifting schedule that works as following:
Design a schedule beforehand and fill in sets/reps/weight
Design a schedule on the fly
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-yes this is first been designed as a guide book for most exercises.
-i believe this would be bit much for html/java.. if can be made in flashlite id love to add it.
Johev said:
It would be nice to have the calories intake measured.
It would then add them all up, and tell you how much calories you’ve consumed.
It could have some database of some food like fruits that do not come with a label of how much calories per gram they have.
If it could calculate too, how much calories you’ve burned during the training session.
Regarding the training:
It would be nice to have some specific areas trained, so if you want to train your biceps, you could find 2-3 exercises to do it.
Third request would be if it could have a timer.
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-im adding kcal intake calc soon so you type them in and it calcs if you have eaten more or less than 2500kcal.
-database of foods without labels is good idea.
-not sure how i would work out calories burned.
-thats the idea lol
-hmm could put a small configurable timer in each exercise page
alexandera said:
Withings wifi scale integration, like iPhone Wiscale...
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-too complicated.. bmi calc will tell you if you are over weight from ur hight+weight.
MadSci said:
I installed the program and ran it. It then put a bunch of files into the Main Memory.
The program was not fully uninstalled via the phone, and there is no uninstaller in the package.
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- .wgt files always install to main memory, .cab you chose.
- uninstall via settings uninstall programs.. should be in the list like mine.
yes i will try doing as cab file sometime.
well i like working out for the looks more than the weight gain, so if you can add some Calisthenics Exercises with like daily reminders and routines you have to follow. like make an alarm go off when its time to do your exercises..
but anyways add alot of Calisthenics Exercises, thanks........
Hi guys.
I'm still waiting for the CAB version.

Shelves - does it work for you?

SHELVES looks like a great app to keep inventory of DVDs, games, books, etc. - similar to Delicious Library for iPhone.
Unfortunately, Shelves doesn't work on my Streak (USA 2.2). When I scan a barcode to add a DVD movie, it says "Couldn't add movie. You might already have it". Needles to say, there are zero movies in my library.
However, the program works great with books - scan the code and it find the correct book and adds it to the shelf.
Am I missing something in the settings? Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you!
ZodiacPhoto said:
SHELVES looks like a great app to keep inventory of DVDs, games, books, etc. - similar to Delicious Library for iPhone.
Unfortunately, Shelves doesn't work on my Streak (USA 2.2). When I scan a barcode to add a DVD movie, it says "Couldn't add movie. You might already have it". Needles to say, there are zero movies in my library.
However, the program works great with books - scan the code and it find the correct book and adds it to the shelf.
Am I missing something in the settings? Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you!
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This sounded like an awesome idea to me when I saw this post.
I have about 500 DVDs in my collection and keeping them straight in my head has been a hassle for me for a couple of years now. This sounded like just the solution.
So, I put it on my Streak to test it. And, had the same exact issue you are seeing with it so far as my DVDs are concerned. Didn't even try the books. Only a hundred or two of them, and no problems remembering yet.
I get the same issues using DJ 1.7. Bummer looked like an interesting app.
Unfortunately, the last update for Shelves killed the app for many handsets - found it on apps feedback om the Market.
I could not find where to get the older version of the app - is it possible at all?
However, I am using a different app now, PackRat, free on the Market.
Not as visually attractive as as Shelves would be, but it works great!
I'm in the same boat with many of you guys. Lots of DVDs and Shelves only returns the BS might already be in your library error for me as well.
On edit- I downloaded Packrat and it does take a long time to get results, but it does get results. However, out of 18 DVDs it couldn't find 3 of them (3:10 to Yuma, Adventureland, and Hot Tub Time Machine). Also, out of 12 books it couldn't find 2 of them. Google goggles was able to find all the ones that Packrat was missing. Between the speed and the fact that I have hundreds of books and DVDs to catalog, I'm not sure this will work for me. The miss percentage is too high. I tried putting one DVD in manually, but I see no way to add a picture and adding potentially 100 DVDs manually would take forever.
Second edit- I've now attempted to use packrat to scan 50 more DVDs. It was able to find 26 of them. Again, these aren't indie titles, but mainstream titles like the ones I mentioned above. And, again, Goggles was able to find them. I'm done with Packrat.and still searching for an alternative to Shelves.
have you spoken to the developer of shelves?
most developers are more than happy to go through issues with you and try and resolve them if you're polite and thorough, and willing to help them with testing

Surprised by Samsung app!

So I use nook to read magazines but they don't have Fortune yet. So I saw that Next Issue did have it.
Boy, I wish all my other mags were formatted the way Next Issue does it. Live links and video are embedded into articles to provide additional info as well as behind the scenes interview of the subject.
Plus, even though the magazine is specifically designed to be viewed in portrait mode, everything is readable without having to zoom because the text in each page is scrolling.
I'm not trying to advertise, I just hope if the word gets out the app will expand its titles and other magazines start to format their titles this way.
I'm in no way shape or form employed or paid by the Next Issue. I'm just surprised to find a great app in Samsung apps lol.
saltychino said:
So I use nook to read magazines but they don't have Fortune yet. So I saw that Next Issue did have it.
Boy, I wish all my other mags were formatted the way Next Issue does it. Live links and video are embedded into articles to provide additional info as well as behind the scenes interview of the subject.
Plus, even though the magazine is specifically designed to be viewed in portrait mode, everything is readable without having to zoom because the text in each page is scrolling.
I'm not trying to advertise, I just hope if the word gets out the app will expand its titles and other magazines start to format their titles this way.
I'm in no way shape or form employed or paid by the Next Issue. I'm just surprised to find a great app in Samsung apps lol.
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Agree. Next is a great way to read your favorite magazine.
Is this a download or was it pre-installed?
I wasn't familiar with Next Issue but after seeing the preview on their website it looks interesting... Can I get my hands on this?
EDIT: found it on Samsung Apps!
saltychino said:
So I use nook to read magazines but they don't have Fortune yet. So I saw that Next Issue did have it.
Boy, I wish all my other mags were formatted the way Next Issue does it. Live links and video are embedded into articles to provide additional info as well as behind the scenes interview of the subject.
Plus, even though the magazine is specifically designed to be viewed in portrait mode, everything is readable without having to zoom because the text in each page is scrolling.
I'm not trying to advertise, I just hope if the word gets out the app will expand its titles and other magazines start to format their titles this way.
I'm in no way shape or form employed or paid by the Next Issue. I'm just surprised to find a great app in Samsung apps lol.
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Thanks for this......just what i was looking for
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium App
How much are the issues on this app?
I notice that ebooks and magazines tend to be more money than buying a copy in the store. I'm using no paper, no ink, etc. Seems like they are taking advantage of digital users. For that, i cannot patron those publishers just by ethics. Thank allah for the invention of bit torrent.
to me it's worth the subscription price because its more convenient than print AND it has the added embedded media with it. I can also now use the touchwiz screenshot function to share an infographic to people i think might find that info useful.
And it helps me make up for the trees i kill when having to print other things for work.

[Q] Hierarchical structure in Stock MP3 Player - unfunctional? (PowerAmp comparison)

Hey XDA crew!
I´m impressed by the sound of our new SGSIII (bla, bla, worshipping the S3 etc. ).
BUT what I really dislike (and what I´m hating on many audiosoftware products like e.g. the M$ Media Center as well) is the following:
When you are using e.g. PowerAmp, you can see that there is a well organized hierarchical structure when scrolling through your mp3-tagged audio library. For example, when I´m sorting my music by genre, the following screen (after tapping on genre) gives me a list of all artists IN that genre...tapping on an artist there gives me a list of all his/their albums. Easy, neatly arranged, clear.
And this is what it's like in the SGSIII stock player:
Tapping on genre --> the following screen gives my a CHAOTIC messed up list with all the single songs of all albums of all artists in that genre!
Well, perhaps I´m just kind of a geek here, but this is not how to listen to music. Good example: I´m somewhere, wanting to listen to an audiobook. Okay, so lets choose "Audio Books" in the genre. And now everybody should know what I mean: For example, "the hobbit" consists of ~200 single mp3 files...and I have to search them within all the other 1000 mp3 files on my own.
So, the question is: Is there ANY chance of enhancing the stock player with a normal, intuitive hierachical structure?
Nvm thread changed already
I´ve got the same issue here and i find it very unhelpful, that all tracks are in chaotic order when you choose music by the category "Artist".
But its funny, that the tracks are in correct order when you select music by the category "Album".
Problem is that i have nearly 300 Albums and it is very stressing to scroll through all albums to find the correct one. I´d like to have it sorted by "Artist" and select then an Album.
The Stock Player of SGS and SGS2 doesn´t show this issue.
Didn´t find any solution to this. maybe i stick to a different player until samsung fixes this.
Mate...I can´t believe my eyes...finally someone who finds this system confusing as well
Yeah, for now I´m on PowerAmp again. Considering the lack of interest on this topic (as can be seen here in the thread), I think this will not change in near future^^
Posted this issue on different forums but no one seemed to notice the lack of sorting. For a moment i thought i was allone with this. Even posted this on the Samsung Forum directly, baut they blamed it on the filenames, which i allready checked. Even tried stuff with the tags.
Wrote an Email to Samsung Support. But no answer today.
I think its a simple issue that can be corrected within the next firmwareupdates, because no other model has this problem.
Splatter665 said:
Posted this issue on different forums but no one seemed to notice the lack of sorting. For a moment i thought i was allone with this.
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Ha, you are not!
Splatter665 said:
Even posted this on the Samsung Forum directly, baut they blamed it on the filenames, which i allready checked. Even tried stuff with the tags.
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Reminds me of service agents in general. Always knowing what they are talking about
Splatter665 said:
I think its a simple issue that can be corrected within the next firmwareupdates, because no other model has this problem.
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Hmm I don´t think that this will be changed unless there are more people like is the very same situation on all samsung devices (including the S2 and the note). But let´s be optimistic, hope never dies!
Now i figured out, that the player sorts the Titels by filename, but only when your use "Artist" category.
Tried different things and compared some other albums. When you put a Tracknumber before the Title, the player sorts it like this.
But this leads to a problem regarding Albums with more than 10 tracks, because the order is "1-10-11-12-2-3-4".
You can compensate this with an unorthodox method, something like "101 - Title"
Which leads to another problem, the complete rewrite of the filenames of my entire collection.
But still im wondering why the player sorts in "Artist" by Filename and in "Album" by Track ID. This is very unproductive

where is google play music artist info?

Where is the artist info(bio etc) in the google play music I can't find it. I tried selecting to go to artist but it just shows top songs, albums and related artist no bio. I remember it being there somewhere and the info being the same as spotify but now it's gone , I tried several big artists to make sure
Not a single user of Google music on this forum?
3 bumbs and 2 days later and not a single reply to such a simple question...
Why is no ons answering thuis simpele question?
I've noticed that they are missing as well.
Most likely its one of two things here;
1) Google may have decided to remove the artist info pages feature temporarily or permanently. If this is the case what we could do is get people asking for the feature again on feedback and reviews.
2) the artist info pages may be missing due to a problem in a recent update. If this is the case all we can do is report it to Google, and wait to see if it's back in the next couple updates they roll out
I hope this helps you with this

