Stock email app - how to move messages from sent to Outlook? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I use Outlook to archive email messages. The problem is that on those rare occasions when I send an email from my phone, the outgoing message resides in my phone's Sent folder and not Outlook's.
So, my question is this: Is there some way to transfer the email message from my phone's Sent folder (there are currently around 40 messages) to Outlook? (Once they are anywhere within Outlook, I can easily move them around.)


sync sms folders from xda with active sync

1. can this be done - xda allows manage folders to select folder for syncing but then it does not work through to outlook win CE inbpx transfer in outlook does not seem to be able to allow manual transfer of messages
Q - how do you store received and sent SMS? possible
2. have run the sms fix - seems fine when first receive sms but when you review the sms messages in received folder it nows shows phone numbers rather than contact name - have i installed badly or does it only show linked contact name when first received?
The outlook ce transfer doesn't work with sms unfortunately. I have been trying ways to export sms and its all linked to a hidden databases folder that you can't seem to access.
Outlook and active sync, etc only deal with email related messages. I assume this is fixed at the outlook end rather than the xda end. But doubt much will be done.
Sms fix for me displays the name within my inbox, but only on messages recieved since the update occured, previous messages were unaffected, as expected. If your device doesn't show the name of received texts i'd say try to reinstall.
thanks pete2you - shame but i agree - more things that could make xda good
ie link an appoinment with a contact - ie make xda more integrated like outlook. we live in hope
Automatic MMS, SMS export to Storage
This program is exporting all your Messages to your storage card on every incoming SMS.

K9 Mail Duplicate emails

I have recently started using K9 mail, but have come across an issue of duplicate emails. I will receive them in both the inbox and in the folder I have them filtered to. For example, I have created a filter in gmail to send all emails from family into a folder called "Family". When I receive them in K9 Mail, it says there are 2 emails. The email shows up in the inbox folder and in the "Family" folder. I must view/delete them separately. Is there any way to have the mail just show up in the "Family" folder only or even vice versa (in the inbox)?
bloodbath said:
I have recently started using K9 mail, but have come across an issue of duplicate emails. I will receive them in both the inbox and in the folder I have them filtered to. For example, I have created a filter in gmail to send all emails from family into a folder called "Family". When I receive them in K9 Mail, it says there are 2 emails. The email shows up in the inbox folder and in the "Family" folder. I must view/delete them separately. Is there any way to have the mail just show up in the "Family" folder only or even vice versa (in the inbox)?
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Sounds like something funny on the server end to me, I've never seen this happen.. What provider or server is in use, and is it IMAP or POP?
Does this also happen with the stock app?
I am currently using Gmail via IMAP. To be honest, I have not checked the stock app or the Gmail app to see it happens with those programs also. I should do that I guess. lol.
I actually restored some old settings and don't notice the problem any longer (thank goodness for Titanium Backup - which I didn't think about until after I set up my folders again).
Now I have another problem. I have noticed that sometimes when I send an email, it will send multiple versions of the draft out as well as the final draft. For example, grafts are automatically saved in gmail every so many minutes. Well if it takes me 20 minutes (I know, that's a long time - lol) to send out the email, all the saved versions of the draft are sent out also. This can be quite troublesome if I completely reword or delete sections of the email before I send out the final version. Any clues as to why or how this is happening? Thanks in advance.
Im not happy with K9 downloads email that i have already downloaded on my laptop the previous day there a setting to get it to only download emails for the present day??

[Q] Stock Email Client Deleting Emails

Hi all,
Recently purchased a Samsung Nexus S. The stock email client (not the GMail app), using POP3 will delete mails once they have been downloaded, or when I next sync. Occasionally it will not delete all mails, just some. The option to delete from the server is not ticked and no other clients are pulling from the server, so its not the case that another app is deleting them. To confirm, emails aren't being deleted after say 10 days, they are being deleted within minutes, and I'm only downloading a handful of mails.
Any help much appreciated- all forum posts seem to relate to other clients consuming from the server and deleting mails, which isnt my issue. Cheers.
If I remember correctly, POP email servers are linked between the mobile device and the regular computer. If you delete something on the computer it will be deleted on the phone and vice versa. If this isn't the case, are you sure they're being deleted and not hidden do to being marked as read? Check the trash to see if they've been sent there.
Thanks for the reply.
Messages are not being moved to any visible folders, and no other client (ie Outlook) are accessing this mail server.
OK, I kind of resolved this, if it helps anyone.
Firstly, I tried a different POP3 and also an IMPA provider with the mail client - both work fine, no problems. Then I recalled that my mail provider (Virgin Media UK) have recently advised that it is necessary to put 'recent:' ahead of the POP3 username, making it 'recent:[email protected]'. Now the default mail client won't allow this format of username, presumably some internal validation on the client side does not permit it.
So I tried K9 Mail - this behaves the same way with the standard POP3 username, but with the 'recent:' prefix (which it allows) my mails aren't deleted every time I pull from the server. My thoughts are that without the 'recent:' prefix, Virgin Media only returns the new mails - as the default mail client syncs with the server on a 1:1 relationship, it then deletes all old messages (even if they are only a few seconds old). With 'recent:' I think Virgin Media supplies a whole chunk of recent emails, not just the new ones, and the client app essentially doesn't delete the older mails until the time I happen to sync and they are no longer classed as 'recent'.
So in summary, there is no fix for the built-in client - but a workaround is to use K9, which seems a better client anyway. What's most ironic is that Virgin Media's email service uses Google Mail. Oh dear...

delete contents of inbox

hi all,
lumia 800
can anyone shed any ideas as to why my email inbox empties a day or so after reading, my sent folder is intact just the inbox empties all read mail
I see 45 people have read this query, with no solution so instead I will ask is this normal, does everyones inbox empty by itself after a short period of time.
Try this: go into email settings -> synchronisation settings -> Download email from - then select a longer time.
Do you also download your e-mails to your PC or Laptop? Then it is normal for the inbox to show up empty because those messages are no longer available. The sent messages are stored locally on your phone and not in your normal sent mailbox with your e-mail server.
"Do you also download your e-mails to your PC or Laptop" Yes
"Then it is normal for the inbox to show up empty because those messages are no longer available" Depends on how you setup email account, if you use IMAP instead of POP3 then your inbox would be available across al your devices.
malvo26 said:
Do you also download your e-mails to your PC or Laptop? Then it is normal for the inbox to show up empty because those messages are no longer available. The sent messages are stored locally on your phone and not in your normal sent mailbox with your e-mail server.
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thanks all for your replies,in the synchro I have it downloading from anytime, though it made no difference, regarding the above quote, I was not downloading my mail on another computer as I wanted all mail to go to my phone and stay there as it was a dedicated addys, I lived with the deletions until I desperately needed a recent received email, and found it had already been deleted, so in the end I had to add the account to my home comp to download the mails so that I could save them, since I have started to download them to my main comp, it has not altered the time taken to delete its always a few days.
oh and I am running pop3

[Q] Email app makes new sent & deleted folders for imap

I use imap email accounts on the s3 and have no problems with the accounts except on this phone. When I send email from my s3 using the stock app it creates a new 'Sent Items' folder on the server where it stores email, and the same for items I delete. I've never used an app or email program on any platform that does not allow you to set which server folders are for sent and which are for deleted messages so I'm sure hoping someone can tell me I'm just missing that here!!
Thanks in advance

