[Q] Multi-Touch IR Overlay Only allows one touch with android box - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I purchased the IR overlay from here http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B008QRZ7AM I got it working with my mk808b by using an idc fiile, however, it only allows one touch point which means no zoom. On the computer it is multitouch so does anyone have any ideas? Is there anything i should add to my idc file? Thanks in advance!

I'm sorry I can't help you. Actually I'm replying to ask you to share your idc file. I bought the hp 23tm touch monitor, which also has an optical 5 point multitouch, but I can't get it to move the cursor properly. I tried some .idc tweaks but no luck so far.
So please, can you share the contents of your idc file here?
Thanks in advance!

Wondering if u ever got ur screen working! I apologize for being months late. I've been working on a project the last couple months and just got it finished last week. Its a touch coffee table. I'm planning on posting it once I have time.
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crash831 said:
Wondering if u ever got ur screen working! I apologize for being months late. I've been working on a project the last couple months and just got it finished last week. Its a touch coffee table. I'm planning on posting it once I have time.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk
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thanks for getting back to me. I was not expecting any reply at all.
And no, I was not able to get it to work. :crying: It is now sitting in its box, waiting for me to find some time for it again.
I would really appreciate any help you can give me with it.

Hey no problem! That's a bummer that it wouldn't work. I'll try my best and maybe we can get it going.
1. Did you try creating your own idc file and setting permissions?
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crash831 said:
Hey no problem! That's a bummer that it wouldn't work. I'll try my best and maybe we can get it going.
1. Did you try creating your own idc file and setting permissions?
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Yes, I did create an idc file and experimented a bit with the following lines:
I tried with different values for these parameters, but no luck.
Adding the .idc file has an effect, because the cursor that was visible before, is not showing when the idc is there. I hope its a matter of simply correctly configure and calibrate the device in the .idc file. I went through the android's help about the .idc files but I can't understand the calibration part there. It looks like you need to have some detailed knowledge about how the touch device on hp 23tm works and sends its data to the computer. I couldn't find such information anywhere.

Hi again,
can you share the contents of your idc file, so I can play with it and see if I can find something useful for my situation there?

Hello, I'm sorry for the delay. I've been working.
I'd be happy to share my idc file. I suggest you click the link below and read that thread. That's where I learned everything to get mine going.
Follow that and it should all work smooth. I used ES File Explorer to copy the file then I used command line to set permissions. Best of luck! I can't promise quick replies because work is real busy but I'll be happy to help if You need anymore.
Checkout what I used my touch screen for.



how can i have a keypad like this?
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v459/equis_pinoy/for sale/pc_capture7.jpg
hi ive installed this installation went fine but my keypads just the same do i have to change something.
nemesis1975 said:
hi ive installed this installation went fine but my keypads just the same do i have to change something.
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assumed you are talking 'bout the dialpad...Intellipad is a keyboard substitute...
hi sirs can you pls help me do this? do i just download to my computer then use the stand to put it in the xda2?
what can i use to use the bluetooth to send pics, clips, songs and not use the beam only (infra red)?
what can i use to have a landscape mode in viewing the clips? do i need to upgrade to wm2003se? how can i do that?
what can i use to have a somewhat new scheme on my xda? i really liked the one i saw that it is like a MAC type with icons in the center and all.
pls help im new at this techie stuff, thanks sirs!
btw why doesnt my xda have a zip something pls help sorry for the bother
keyboard sKin
Do you have keyboard sKin for WM2K5??
xda_girl said:
btw why doesnt my xda have a zip something pls help sorry for the bother
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@xda gir
this forum is pretty advanced and your questions are already answered, try searching the threads...
Since you're from the philippines, i suggest you visit
they can probably give you detailed answers to your queries.
xda_girl said:
hi sirs can you pls help me do this? do i just download to my computer then use the stand to put it in the xda2?
what can i use to use the bluetooth to send pics, clips, songs and not use the beam only (infra red)?
what can i use to have a landscape mode in viewing the clips? do i need to upgrade to wm2003se? how can i do that?
what can i use to have a somewhat new scheme on my xda? i really liked the one i saw that it is like a MAC type with icons in the center and all.
pls help im new at this techie stuff, thanks sirs!
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yes you can transfer files from your computer to your xda2 via its "stand"
you can use resco file explorer to send files via bluetooth.
you can use Windows Media 10 to play in landscape mode.
the "MAC type" scheme your refering to can be achieve through Wisbar Advance 2
thanks sir alphatrion for that walkthrough ill be searching to study more about it, thanks.
yes sir salaryman, that is also one of the reasons i came here (because of the advanced members knowledge and its courteousness enough to answer any given querry) im still adjusting to using the net and your forum, im also doing some searching, no need to rub it in. thank you for your time.

[TLC][WiP]AndroidExplorer - Alpha Version

The Team Lambent Corrosion presents:
The AndroidExplorer app is a program, which can help you to explore, copy, move and remove files in your device in the easites way.
-I know that there is QtADB, but I have two main reasons for finishing this project: 1. competition - it always helps to reach a better quality of app and users have more apps to choose from. 2. Improving programming skills.
-It looks similar to QtADB!
-I've never downloaded QtADB, I've seen it only on screenshots. What's more, I'm focusing on functionality, not appearance.
-When it will be done?
-I don't know yet, it depends on functions you want to see.
I'm opened for any ideas about functionality! I won't be available for a couple days in the nearest future, so please leave ideas here.. I'll read it later.
If you want to become a tester, please contact. All you need is Dropbox account.
Preview screenshot:
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
What is working?
-Exploring files in your PC and Android
-Drag and Drop
-Mounting as RW
-Two ways to copy/move file - copy immediately or add it to the task list
-Progress bar
-Shortcuts to the most useful folders
-Coloring the items that are present on task list
-Expanding a directory tree after refreshing
-Executting files via double-click
-Preview of the tasks list
-Executting tasks in separate thread (no freezes while working)
-Log file
-Many more
AndroidExplorer Technical Preview - DOWNLOAD
Caution: the link contains always the newest version of the AndroidExplorer (including nightly, untested and unstable version)
History of progress: Preview...
Reserved as usual
The post may be useful for me
I think it is enough.
Hi, nice work so far! Looking forward for an release!!
Maybe it is a nice feature to make a "Mount System" button.
Any ideas I get later, I will post, or update this post
Stylooo said:
Hi, nice work so far! Looking forward for an release!!
Maybe it is a nice feature to make a "Mount System" button.
Any ideas I get later, I will post, or update this post
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Hmm nice idea, I was thinking about it, the button will appear surely
good work, waiting for more can you put the program to open scripts without having to pass the script to the computer? I am asking this because great way for those who would do tests with different values ​​in the scripts: P eg edit build.prop
Hmm, I was also thinking about it and think that it is good idea
Sent from my GT-I5800 using XDA Premium App
benzyniarz1 said:
Hmm, I was also thinking about it and think that it is good idea
Sent from my GT-I5800 using XDA Premium App
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I am now following this...Really good project
dharamg3 said:
I am now following this...Really good project
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I'm back, so I start working hardly
Hi, nice work.
Hello, I've decided to release alpha version... You can see how it's working. Check post no. 3 for link.
When app is not detecting your device - unplug and plug it again, wait about 1-2 min and then connect to the device.
Ok, testing It...First thing...looks really good....
Suggestions: the middle area doesnt show folders, i think you should show the folders also there...my suggestion...
cant open files from mobile...maybe you also know it..or is it not implemented yet ?
OK...i had waited for 2-3 mins, now it is taking too much time for opening apps folder...
all these are my review..i'll try out properly tomorrow and give a detail feedback
Really great work...
dharamg3 said:
Suggestions: the middle area doesnt show folders, i think you should show the folders also there...my suggestion...
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Yeah, it's a good idea
dharamg3 said:
cant open files from mobile...maybe you also know it..or is it not implemented yet ?
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Yep, not implemented yet. In the future there will be a possiblity of editing files without manual pushing files.
dharamg3 said:
OK...i had waited for 2-3 mins, now it is taking too much time for opening apps folder...
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Mhm, I need to improve function that is parsing adb result of the files list.. It's hard thing - in the first version it took about 10 min . I'll try to figure out other algorythm.
dharamg3 said:
all these are my review..i'll try out properly tomorrow and give a detail feedback
Really great work... .
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It would be very useful. Thank you very much
I've just found some bugs with DragAndDrop (like dropping itmes on specifed folder wasn't working). I've solved it, but I won't update link, I'll do it when some other features will be added.
@Dharam list of folders in the middle panel is implemented so folders are shown in the middle panel
@First link updated, nevermind.
Looks really nice and promising, I'm definitely following this one
But as dharam said, the waiting time is really to long for now, I hope you can fix this!
Hey, I've found bug... I don't know why, but it's not a fault of parsing... I've noticed that that it is a fault of adb.. I've no idea why the returning of the result of "adb shell ls -l /system/app" command takes so long time... Espiecially, that other paths works fine..
I need to figure out why.

[Q] Custom Boot Animation - Exporting Issues

I have created a new custom boot animation that I plan on sharing out with the crowd, however I am having issues with the animation playing during start up. I know I have the desc.txt correct as well as the naming conventions. I have tried both png and jpg sequences and to no avail.
I am zipping them up with WinRar as bootanimation.zip w/ "Store" and the compression (no compression).
I have tried all kinds of settings on these files and they just won't display and I am tired of beating my head on the keyboard. The only thing I can think of is that it has something to do with the image files themselves. I am exporting them out of After Effects as PNG sequences as well as jpg sequences and have gotten it to start running and then it just stops once it hits a certain frame. Is there any specifics that I am missing as far as settings on jpg or pngs? Is there anything special about exporting them from After Effects?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. It shouldn't be this damn difficult, but it's always the easy crap that gives the most trouble.
Awesome, 68 views and not one response.
Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk
Can you upload the zip file I can try to take a look.
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
It can be downloaded there. Thanks.
Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk
see if this one works for you(ran it through optimizer to make it a little smaller too).
remove it from the photon-bootanimation.zip and rename it if need be and put it where it goes
dased14 said:
see if this one works for you(ran it through optimizer to make it a little smaller too).
remove it from the photon-bootanimation.zip and rename it if need be and put it where it goes
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Holy crap it worked. What app did you use to optimize these files? (link) And were there any specific settings you used?
I swear it had to be something embedded within the file itself. I had exported from AfterEffects and then tried re-saving them using Fireworks and Photoshop with a bunch of different settings and file types, but nothing worked. I even went as far as tinkering with permissions on the files and set them all to 777. Imagine the frustration.
Thanks a ton, I greatly appreciate it. I'm going to share this one (with proper credit to your help) and I also pitched you a donation.
pIxiLatEd said:
Holy crap it worked. What app did you use to optimize these files? (link) And were there any specific settings you used?
I swear it had to be something embedded within the file itself. I had exported from AfterEffects and then tried re-saving them using Fireworks and Photoshop with a bunch of different settings and file types, but nothing worked. I even went as far as tinkering with permissions on the files and set them all to 777. Imagine the frustration.
Thanks a ton, I greatly appreciate it. I'm going to share this one (with proper credit to your help) and I also pitched you a donation.
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Thank you for that.
And I will send you the optimizer files later(away from pc and really easy to use if your going to use pngs) as for why it didnt work is at the last line of your desc you need to hit enter (so your last line is blank after the last line of code)open the one I made in notepad++ to see what i'm talking about. I'll pm you a few tips later if you want? Thanks again for donation(saving for more phones and tabs to learn on)
wow, I knew it had to be something stupid. Any addl info you can toss my way would be appreciated. Thanks again and feel free to PM anytime.
pIxiLatEd said:
wow, I knew it had to be something stupid. Any addl info you can toss my way would be appreciated. Thanks again and feel free to PM anytime.
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Glad someone was able to help and that you were able to get it to work! It looks slick!
Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk
Great job and the help and gesture of future help is what its all about.
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium

[ROM][DISCUSSION] Ubuntu Touch B&N Nook Tablet

Hey all, I've been around for a while and suppose I finally got off my butt and decided to try my hand at building stuff. I just wanted to let you know I posted this in the Ubuntu Touch Dev forum:
All credits go to the efforts of all the devs who have gotten us this far, I know there would be no hope for me without them
Not really usable, but it boots! :highfive:
I'd like to keep the dev questions in that thread if we can. General discussion can be here.
Updated dev post...
Posted a 2nd build and added stuff to the post, sorry about the name change, more for me than anything else. Apps stay open, videos stopped working >.< I haven't checked the logs for anything yet, will do when I get a chance...
Figured I'd put up some new pics... I found out apparently if you swipe right on the status icons you get a Device pull down vs the individual ones... <-- DIdn't know that until a little bit ago Pics show that, multitasking (gallery on left, calc on right) and Home screen with the side bar...
I was just wondering today wether anyone had tried this yet thanks for the effort it's appreciated.
Sent via carrier pigeon...
Any way to run this off an SD card?
I haven't even looked into it yet... I need to look into the Ubuntu side of the code to see what it isn't pulling in like it should be so this thing can function better. I found a script in another forum for auto changing the display stuff, added an Acclaim piece to it and it works, will upload it when I get off work today.
Sent from my SCH-I510 using xda app-developers app
So the wifi doesn't work? Try using another wpa supplicant, like in Demetris's kernel.
How is the dev coming
Sorry, no new news yet, i didn't get too much of a chance this weekend to look into it... Between the family and having had to basically start over and I kept having problems even getting cm10.1 to build... I will work more on it time willing ofc..
Sent from my SCH-I510 using xda app-developers app
What steps are you following to build this? I what to build a Linux other than Ubuntu touch. I think that plasma active would be awesome on NT.
Sent from my SGH-T679 using Tapatalk 2
The Wi-Fi problem comes from the Ubuntu end. Since this is Ubuntu Developer Preview, the wifi does not work.
question about ubuntu touch for nook
hi, i am new to this forum....
i was checking to see if there was an ubuntu touch image for the nook, and i ran across this post.
what i was wondering is if there is a way to install the image to boot off the SD card simular to
the N2A (nook 2 android) image does? i was thinking this way i could test it with out
bricking my nook tablet...
any ideas?
its awesome that someone is taking this on, as it looks like the nook is about to
become history.
Hey all, sorry I haven't posted much, just wanted to work on this a bit more before posting. I managed to get wifi to work with some terminal junk through adb and ubuntu_chroot. Basically it's not loading a module (wl12xx_sdio.ko) it should be. The network gui still doesn't show anything as of yet. So yes, I will still need to look into it more and check the source files as well. I am uploading a new build and will have instructions for it soon in the dev thread. Wondering if I should move it to the dev forum here
Not sure why, but atm apps have started force closing again. I need to reboot and see if it's somehow related. Seems something else just malfunctioned
UPDATE: Apparently getting the Network Manager GUI to work correctly is pretty simple http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=41838135#post41838135
I have updated that post and I suppose I will upload my the build reference. One thing to note, the afterflash file correct the dpi seems to make my screen blank out with the latest Ubuntu builds. Not sure why just yet but it should be simple enough to add a conf file manually until I make some scripts. I have not tried adding security to the network (added wpa2-psk and worked like a charm after restarting the network-manager!) nor messed with hidden ssid's yet.
UPDATE: see Build 5 notes, I hadn't fully updated my ubuntu sources apparently Display seems to work now with newest builds!
Just when I start to get somewhere, they up and change versions on me (saucy now) Testing to see if it works!
UPDATE: Saucy boots!
-Swipe right side of screen to the left to unlock
-Network list shows then apparently goes blank after trying to get on (which I did the second time after a reboot, list stayed second time).
Note that there are two different versions of Saucy out, make sure you currently download from the same links as before (with the word "preview" in the url).
At some point I hope to figure out the missing battery indicator.
hey dejello whats the current news? are you still working on it?
btw saucy does seem to boot, raring seems to be okay
Still waiting for updated porting notes.. I have tried a few things unsuccessfully and will keep going, but this is not dead
Sent from my SCH-I510 using xda app-developers app
dejello said:
Still waiting for updated porting notes.. I have tried a few things unsuccessfully and will keep going, but this is not dead
Sent from my SCH-I510 using xda app-developers app
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thats nice to know keep up the good work :good:
by the way i heard that adamoutler was working on it too, but last thing I heard from him was the ubuntu recovery. wonder if he's still working on it
a little printing mistake there, saucy DOES NOT boot
I support this project and will hop on board if/when this gets closer to completion, or if we can boot off MicroSD :good:
Hey all, haven't forgotten this, am on vacation currently and wilp continue work when I get back
Sent from my SCH-I510 using xda app-developers app

New Touch user comments and questions.

I just got my Meizu MX4 and find several things which irritate me, was wondering if I can make suggestions for updates somewhere? Here are a few examples:
How do I get temp in C, with Display Language US English?
NearBy took an entire day to finally figure out where I live, although location is turned on and I tried to show it where I am.
Still new, more to follow if this is the place.
OhMan1 said:
How do I get temp in C, with Display Language US English?
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Do want to change this in the wheather app? That one has a settings entry for that.
OhMan1 said:
NearBy took an entire day to finally figure out where I live, although location is turned on and I tried to show it where I am.
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As far as I know there is a bug report for this and the developers are working on it. Let's see if the next update fixes the issue.
Thank you for the response Nikwen,
The weather app is automatically the Weather Channel, the only setting possible is location on or off. I had expected it to be there.
I'll keep my eye open for the fix to my other comment and also for additional things to talk about. I'm essentially very satisfied with the user experience and am certain that once apps and scopes begin showing up in numbers Ubuntu will be a viable alternative to the others on the market.
I assume I can continue to bring up problems I find here.
Thanks again
Found the next thing, although it's probably known. In camera I can't zoom. The zoom - + show, but nothing happens.
So, I found that I can change the weather app to celsius, but it doesn't work in the weather channel and it's what's used in NearBy with F.
I also found that the Amazon app goes automatically to Amazon.co.uk, but I live in Germany, I want .de, but how?
Next, I browsed Google.com, it sent me to Google.de, what else? I didn't want that, but it's impossible to get to complete English. The Google page is English, but when I touch settings, I land in a German page.
Those are my newest grumps, I'll keep looking.
TY for listening!
WiFi hotspot would also be nice, though I understand the OS is new and time will bring new features.
Wifi Hotspot
OhMan1 said:
WiFi hotspot would also be nice, though I understand the OS is new and time will bring new features.
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Wifi hotspot is coming in the next update
It should be out in September or maybe later this month if we're lucky !
TY antole, that's welcome info. This morning I got an update, since then I get no notifications from gmail. Is that normal or do I need to make a setting? Another thing, Near By has disappeared, so I no longer see F not certain if that's good or bad atm.
I'm just enjoying playing with my new toy and thank all devs for the hard work amnd for putting up with my problems.
I haven't even tried the Gmail app sorry
My Gmail account is configured with Dekko
I didn't get any update this morning, was the update for the Gmail app ?
I've been running on OTA-5 for approximately two weeks now and I've had no issue with The Weather Channel displaying temperature in C but I live in France so that seems normal
My NearBy scope hasn't gone anywhere either ;p
anatole78 said:
I didn't get any update this morning, was the update for the Gmail app ?
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The update was for Nexus devices only as the messaging issue they fixed didn't appear on other devices.
Back with more! Sorry to say I was overwelmed by the amount of work needed on OT and didn't want to sound like I was putting it down, so I stopped writing. Most are small, wish I could this or that. I found one today though which I had to ask about.
I tried to upload files to my P today, win7 couldn't do it so I tried Ubuntu desktop, 14.04 which couldn't mount my phone. Uh oh, what now? I can't find a setting anywhere which helps. Any advice would be appreciated.
Oh and the update I assume was somethsomething to get my new phone up to the current version. I must have removed Near By by accident, I have it back now, still in F. Must be the language, custom I live in germany but us us english.
Ty for the help!
If you cannot mount your phone, you can always enable ssh and use sftp to transfer files. Usual mounting should work though.
(If it still doesn't, you could try installing ADB on your computer. It might help.)
Thanks for your help Nik,
I figured it out, I needed to get into Developer Mode in order to get USB to work. Now I'm in, but have the next problem. I can only see the Home directories, but I want to download the files in the .local/share but I have no idea how to get there. On my MX4 I've gotten to the folder I want using File Manager, but how do I get there from my PC? Or more specifically, how do I download the files stored there?
Yeah, hotspot is here! Haven't had time to test it yet, but I love to watch UT develop.
Still hoping for a tip on getting to my files from a PC. I understand it's a kinda noobish question, but until now I've only fixed problems as they arrise in Ubuntu, haven't had time for it. Now I've started and don't know where to search for help.
And the potshot works great. Saw Cantata Nil, looks interesting, but having a problem finding servers, or do I have to set up my own server?
Stupid auto correct, I meant hotspot and Nik.
I've finally found AskUbuntu, so I'm working on finding my own answers.
OhMan1 said:
Thanks for your help Nik,
I figured it out, I needed to get into Developer Mode in order to get USB to work. Now I'm in, but have the next problem. I can only see the Home directories, but I want to download the files in the .local/share but I have no idea how to get there. On my MX4 I've gotten to the folder I want using File Manager, but how do I get there from my PC? Or more specifically, how do I download the files stored there?
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Use phablet-shell or adb shell.
OhMan1 said:
And the potshot works great. Saw Cantata Nil, looks interesting, but having a problem finding servers, or do I have to set up my own server?
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Yes, you need your own one.
OhMan1 said:
Stupid auto correct, I meant hotspot and Nik.
I've finally found AskUbuntu, so I'm working on finding my own answers.
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AskUbuntu is great. :good:

