Hello everyone,
Today I tried to install a new rom on my Samsung Galaxy SII I9100 but I got some problems.
I had already rooted my phone and installed Philz recovery.
The problem is that I keep getting the same error: status 7. I saw I need to update my Philz recovery but I don't understand how to do that. Can someone help me with that? After I update the recovery I want to install the rom Beanstalk with Google Apps is this compatible?
Thanks in advance for your help!
samzelf said:
Hello everyone,
Today I tried to install a new rom on my Samsung Galaxy SII I9100 but I got some problems.
I had already rooted my phone and installed Philz recovery.
The problem is that I keep getting the same error: status 7. I saw I need to update my Philz recovery but I don't understand how to do that. Can someone help me with that? After I update the recovery I want to install the rom Beanstalk with Google Apps is this compatible?
Thanks in advance for your help!
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If u see the OP (First post) of any KK rom thread u will find the Link for the KK compatible kernel (with latest CWM recovery), dwnld the same and flash it using 'Philz' recovery and then u are ready to flash any KK rom
Sun90 said:
If u see the OP (First post) of any KK rom thread u will find the Link for the KK compatible kernel (with latest CWM recovery), dwnld the same and flash it using 'Philz' recovery and then u are ready to flash any KK rom
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Thank you for you reply. I can't see the kernel download link on the Beanstalk rom tread:
Could you help me with this?
samzelf said:
Thank you for you reply. I can't see the kernel download link on the Beanstalk rom tread:
Could you help me with this?
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Find the same in the link below
Sun90 said:
Find the same in the link below
Thank you very much!
So I need to go to Philz recovery then then install zip from SD card then select the Recovery and after that reboot?
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samzelf said:
Sun90 said:
Find the same in the link below
Thank you very much!
So I need to go to Philz recovery then then install zip from SD card then select the Recovery and after that reboot?
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place both the zip file the cwm one as well as the KK rom (beanstalk in your case) on ur phones internal sdcard.
then reboot to philz recovery and first flash the CWM zip and then again reboot back to recovery.
Do all the wipes using the latest CWM recovery as per the install instruction on the Bean stalk thread and flash the rom.
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Sun90 said:
samzelf said:
place both the zip file the cwm one as well as the KK rom (beanstalk in your case) on ur phones internal sdcard.
then reboot to philz recovery and first flash the CWM zip and then again reboot back to recovery.
Do all the wipes using the latest CWM recovery as per the install instruction on the Bean stalk thread and flash the rom.
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Thank you very much! You are awesome. Beanstalk is now running on my phone. Last question: I installed the rom but not gapps, can install gapps later without the wipes?
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samzelf said:
Sun90 said:
Thank you very much! You are awesome. Beanstalk is now running on my phone. Last question: I installed the rom but not gapps, can install gapps later without the wipes?
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Yes, U can install the same later without any wipes
Enjoy the Rom for now
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Sun90 said:
samzelf said:
Yes, U can install the same later without any wipes
Enjoy the Rom for now
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Thank you, awesome rom.
I got a error message when flashing the Gapps: insufficient storage space available in system partition gapps
And later status 7
Could you help me for the last time?
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samzelf said:
Sun90 said:
Thank you, awesome rom.
I got a error message when flashing the Gapps: insufficient storage space available in system partition gapps
And later status 7
Could you help me for the last time?
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Try installing a slim/micro/mini gapps package. The gapps package you are trying to flash requires more space as there are more apps associated to it. The packages I mentioned has only the essential gapps for your system. You can search for them on xda.
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banjara said:
samzelf said:
Try installing a slim/micro/mini gapps package. The gapps package you are trying to flash requires more space as there are more apps associated to it. The packages I mentioned has only the essential gapps for your system. You can search for them on xda.
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Thanks for helping, I used the micro gapps package.
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Hi guys, this is TWRP for D855 that the great @Dees_Troy builded and the @codefireTeam bumped, slightly modded by me to allow the backup of the modem partition.
The modem backup is important while going from lollipop to kitkat and from kitkat to lollipop since the modem of the two builds are not compatible.
To install just flash the attached zip in recovery or the img file with flashify
Skin1980 said:
Hi guys, this is TWRP for D855 that the great @Dees_Troy builded and the @codefireTeam bumped, slightly modded by me to allow the backup of the modem partition.
The modem backup is important while going from lollipop to kitkat and from kitkat to lollipop since the modem of the two builds are not compatible.
To install just flash the attached zip in recovery or the img file with flashify
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twr is compatible with lollipop?
R0MaN0 said:
twr is compatible with lollipop?
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you can install the lollipop roms if this is what you are asking
S3V3N said:
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you are welcome!
Skin1980 said:
you can install the lollipop roms if this is what you are asking
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I understand that but if these two files are to be installed after the rom or not, this is compatible twr do you play here
R0MaN0 said:
I understand that but if these two files are to be installed after the rom or not, this is compatible twr do you play here
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install this... reboot recovery... take a full backup and install the rom you like ( lollipop or kitkat) then you can go back with a simple restore without flashng modem.
Skin1980 said:
install this... reboot recovery... take a full backup and install the rom you like ( lollipop or kitkat) then you can go back with a simple restore without flashng modem.
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thanks for answering
great news!! thanks
Flashify cant install img with v20a.
PAPPL said:
Flashify cant install img with v20a.
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I know, that's why i make also a flashable zip.
Skin1980 said:
I know, that's why i make also a flashable zip.
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will this help solving SD bug?
PAPPL said:
Flashify cant install img with v20a.
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waiting root method (stock room)
Jah13378 said:
will this help solving SD bug?
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nope but soon i will release a rom / kernel that fix that.
Can i install this in Fastboot ?
Skin1980 said:
nope but soon i will release a rom / kernel that fix that.
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Thanks for your efforts ...
Will be eagerly waiting for it.:fingers-crossed:
What is exactly "modem", in About Phone?
Wifi/D ata connection... stuff...
GTMoraes said:
What is exactly "modem", in About Phone?
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Clearly... After flash this i can instal lolipop stock rom ... After a while reboot to recovery (stock or TWRP? ) and install / restore Aosp rom??
Courtesy: @ monalac
Install ROM With ODIN
Flash Custom recovery CWm / TWRP
Boot into Custom Recovery
Flash emotion kernel r22 zip with custom Recovery
Link available here Post #337
Flash Supersu latest version throough CWM.
Rooted working fine on 5.1.1
dineshh said:
Courtesy: @ monalac
Install ROM With ODIN
Flash Custom recovery CWm / TWRP
Boot into Custom Recovery
Flash emotion kernel r22 zip with custom Recovery
Link available here Post #337
Flash Supersu latest version throough CWM.
Rooted working fine on 5.1.1
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Mate, no luck, r22 is not working on my sm-n915g with aussie 5.1.1 rom, I got the seandroid error.
organ said:
Mate, no luck, r22 is not working on my sm-n915g with aussie 5.1.1 rom, I got the seandroid error.
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It will always say seandroid is not enforcing at the top but will work... It's just alerting you to the fact that the kernel has been changed...
This is how I got root on mine and it works but say bye bye to your KNOX....
dineshh said:
Courtesy: @ monalac
Install ROM With ODIN
Flash Custom recovery CWm / TWRP
Boot into Custom Recovery
Flash emotion kernel r22 zip with custom Recovery
Link available here Post #337
Flash Supersu latest version throough CWM.
Rooted working fine on 5.1.1
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flashing Emotion-TW-5.1.1 and it has pre installed su?
before i try to root from here. everything was perfect but i stuck in bootloop. many tries but failed.
No more need using Custom Kernel! Chainfire has developed new method!
Take a look here:
Petteri said:
No more need using Custom Kernel! Chainfire has developed new method!
Take a look here:
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i root using micky kernel and now mobile lag sometime . so i try Chainfire. after flashing its stuck on bootloop what happed here help plz
Chainfire has done a good work, and the new beta of SuperSu permits to gain the root privilages on all newest roms (lollipop and marshmallow included)
1)download the new version of super-SU v2.60
2) flash by recovery
P.S. If twrp ask you to install supersu DO NOT INSTALL AND SKIP IT
Visit my web-site about programmation:
To use this method you must flash before the TWRP recovery
TorukMakto27 said:
To use this method you must flash before the TWRP recovery
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Can i flash it with stock recovery??
TorukMakto27 said:
To use this method you must flash before the TWRP recovery
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Not work for me. I need TWRP that it's not available for 5.1.1 Russian Rom.
How do I install it?
white rose said:
Not work for me. I need TWRP that it's not available for 5.1.1 Russian Rom.
How do I install it?
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Check this thread
thanks a lot. Works well
white rose said:
Not work for me. I need TWRP that it's not available for 5.1.1 Russian Rom.
How do I install it?
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It's the same of 4.4.2 rom.
Before flashing procedure in odin disable auto restart, and when the flash is full remove battery and restart in recovery. This procedure works with me
hai..can give detail method to root my SM-S750s. this method using odin or not?
hysham said:
hai..can give detail method to root my SM-S750s. this method using odin or not?
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odin is required to flash twrp.
this method use twrp to flash root package
i have flash twrp but nothing happen..someone please help me..
Not working
I have twrp and su 60...but still su binary is not accessible by selinux mode changer..please help...i have the root privilage but not giving access to selinux mode changer viper for android and also to busy box....
TorukMakto27 said:
Chainfire has done a good work, and the new beta of SuperSu permits to gain the root privilages on all newest roms (lollipop and marshmallow included)
1)download the new version of super-SU v2.60
2) flash by recovery
P.S. If twrp ask you to install supersu DO NOT INSTALL AND SKIP IT
Visit my web-site about programmation:
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Hello ,
I'm a big noobie here , Can you please tell me how to do step 2 (flash by recovery)
Edit : the link on step 1 is not working anymore
I have a note 3 neo N7505 android 4.4.2 and I would like someone to guide me how to root my device. Thanks in advance.
araditsas said:
I have a note 3 neo N7505 android 4.4.2 and I would like someone to guide me how to root my device. Thanks in advance.
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Since i'm not allowed to send links yet here , i'll pm you with step by step guide to do that
Make sure to thank this comment if it works
after installing supersu 2.67 beta...kernal seenforced error messege was gone on startup..thnq
Gynus said:
Since i'm not allowed to send links yet here , i'll pm you with step by step guide to do that [emoji14]
Make sure to thank this comment if it works
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Can you sent and to me with PM the instructions to root SM-N7505 KitKat!
Thanks [emoji4]
a few days ago u uploaded a s5 camera flash-able something like that for note 3 neo (n750/n7505)
so i need a tutorial of this with a video if u don't mind can u send me or upload the video ?? its an request
my gmail id is : [email protected](also YouTube channel)
But first boot.img
Can someone send me the link? Thanks!!
Hey guys currently I'm using Cyanogenmod 13 official! Few days back I flashed this ROM with TWRP Recovery! The ROM is quite good but the main problem with this ROM is I can't root it! Whenever I flash the SuperSU zip from the recovery it flashes successfully but when my mobile boots up, my mobile stucks into the boot logo! And it keeps booting forever! How can I get rid of this problem!
Sorry for my Bad English! I hope you guys understood my problem!
Thanks in advance
Shamaji said:
Hey guys currently I'm using Cyanogenmod 13 official! Few days back I flashed this ROM with TWRP Recovery! The ROM is quite good but the main problem with this ROM is I can't root it! Whenever I flash the SuperSU zip from the recovery it flashes successfully but when my mobile boots up, my mobile stucks into the boot logo! And it keeps booting forever! How can I get rid of this problem!
Sorry for my Bad English! I hope you guys understood my problem!
Thanks in advance
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Which version of SuperSU did you flash?
Try flashing v2.71 beta.
Are you using custom kernel?
nasif69 said:
Which version of SuperSU did you flash?
Try flashing v2.71 beta.
Are you using custom kernel?
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Nope I'm not using any custom kernel! I flashed SuperSU 2.46 zip!
Shamaji said:
Nope I'm not using any custom kernel! I flashed SuperSU 2.46 zip!
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Use the rom's inbuild root from developer options.
Or flash SuperSU v2.71 beta
Shamaji said:
Nope I'm not using any custom kernel! I flashed SuperSU 2.46 zip!
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2.46 is pre Marshmallow, so bootloop is not only expected but certain.
Try using something that is actually for the version of your ROM.