Contact profile photo problem - Need help here - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Sry if it's the wrong section of the forum but I got an annoying problem and I cna't solve it...
I synced all my contacts with their facebook profile picture (I had to do some of the manually but that's not the problem...)
The problem is that I DON'T SEE FACES! I mean, My HTC One SV had decided to dedicate just a quarter of the screen to the ID photo so when I get a call or I look at them on the contact list I just see chests and bellies!!! Not a single face!!! And I can't even center to photo manually!!!!
I've tried some programs like: BIG SCREEN CALLER or something like that but: 1- they don't work cos you can't click on the answer button 2- they consume lot of precious battery juice,... Any help here?


Dialer problem

Hi all
Sorry for the potentially newbie question but ....
Loving my Hero howeve I'm having a problem with the dialer where it is actually dialing the zero each time in a contact with a full international format
ie an adddress book entry +44(0)12345678 is dialed as +44012345678. In my blackberry and WinMo phones the dialer knew to ignore anything in brackets ie "(0)" but the Hero doesnt seem to do this.
Is there a setting somewhere I'm missing to fix this - I certainly dont want to go through some 700+ contacts and change all the mobile phone entries
Thanks in advance

2 questions - Messenger picture and camera options

I have 2 things that bothered me today in my trip with the HD2
1. What manual settings should I use for the HD2 (contrast etc) ? The pictures are very grainy even under light.
2. In the Messenger app in the new Energy ROM, I can't see my account picture on the main contacts page, Only when I click "change appearance" I see it. Why is that ?
Thanks !
Silencer23 said:
I have 2 things that bothered me today in my trip with the HD2
1. What manual settings should I use for the HD2 (contrast etc) ? The pictures are very grainy even under light.
2. In the Messenger app in the new Energy ROM, I can't see my account picture on the main contacts page, Only when I click "change appearance" I see it. Why is that ?
Thanks !
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1.) There are camera tweaks all over the forum for the HD2 I do know you can take really good pics with it , I have no links to them at the moment, you will probably find them faster searching ....
Can you see others pics/avatars?
I would assume, to save space, since you should already know what your picture looks like ....(not sure if that really is the answer but it sounds good )
Silencer23 said:
I have 2 things that bothered me today in my trip with the HD2
1. What manual settings should I use for the HD2 (contrast etc) ? The pictures are very grainy even under light.
2. In the Messenger app in the new Energy ROM, I can't see my account picture on the main contacts page, Only when I click "change appearance" I see it. Why is that ?
Thanks !
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As for Q1.
Check this thread out
Especially, 16, 17, 18, 56, 62, 63
And just a suggestion but next time do use the search function on the top right. Most answers will be found much quickly.
For Q2, post it on Energy ROM thread.

[Q] Flickr

I have an HTC Tattoo on Orange. I heard tat the tattoo is supposed to have Flickr built in to the fabric of it, but I will be blowed if I can find it anywhere on the phone! I have looked in the social networks part, in the Albums app and doing a search from Astro from /
I have sent the question to HTC, but they always reply to my questions with "Thanks for your question... I can help with that... we can't help!" so I don't hold out much hope for an explanation from them.
I think it is missing because it is an Orange branded phone with their own photo app - and like the gtalk app, they have probably banned usage of the proper apps!
So I thought I would ask the REAL experts! Can anyone assist me in adding Flickr to my phone please?
Oh... and Happy Halloween!!
It's in Albums...look at atached image...
If it isn't there like in then img, while in Albums press menu then setting and there u have options to check facebook and flickr tabs...
Hi bataya.
Thank you or your reply. It seems that the app had been removed from my Orange branded phone.
In the end I flashed my phone and Flickr now shows and works!
Anyone that reads this and finds the same problem, here is the guide I followed...

[Q] Simple app / idea request .. is it possible ??

Hello ,
to let you know
i am using twitter from outside my home to tweet in action ,
sometimes i take some pictures and i upload it directly from the phone
now ,
i want something to automatically write my name on it
some processor or app or something takes the photo and post the name on it
like a fixed watermark or something
i am using " camera 360 " to capture the photos
is it possible any way to take some seconds to automatically write my name on it before uploading ??
example ,
see this photo :
you see the watermark on above corner ?
i want it to posted on the photo automatically
after the Camera 360 app and before the uploading
i hope i was clear
waiting for you my friends
i can offer anything for any one to make this possible ptw
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Anyway, in the time you took to make this thread, you could have easily searched the Android Market
returns several apps which claim to do what you want.
I guess we need something different
we need something automatically add the name on exact place of the photo
right after Camera 360 app that i used to capture the photo
it means less time ,
because when i am tweeting from action i don't have much time
you know what i mean " based on what happens in my country now "
i hope it's clear now , and i hope it's possible
and sorry for the wrong section
waiting for you my friends
anyone ??
MamomaN said:
I guess we need something different
we need something automatically add the name on exact place of the photo
right after Camera 360 app that i used to capture the photo
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The first (paid) app from that search result includes the ability to automatically add a watermark from the share menu, or by choosing to take a photo from the app itself which will also automatically add a watermark.
If that's too much trouble for you, try politely asking the author of the camera app you use to add watermark support.
what's exactly the name of the app ?
because i can't see any paid apps in my search
i guess there's a problem with the market in my country
MamomaN said:
what's exactly the name of the app ?
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Add Watermark
Thanx a lot , but it didn't work
it will be really great if i could do that with Camera360
because i always using it
anyone knows if this app developer is a member here or not ??
any way , i sent him msg , i hope he see it and help me asap
Here's the two watermark files as attachment
one in black and one in white
" in case of dark photos and light photos "
simply i want to make a modified version of Camera 360 app
to makes the app automatically add my watermark on every photo i take
make it as a optional with a side button ' on / off " or something
hope he see this
i can offer any money he needs of he could make that possible
MamomaN said:
Thanx a lot , but it didn't work
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What do you mean it didn't work? If you bought it and it's not functioning as described, contact the author via the market for support.
Because i need just one processor to make it all " capture and add the watermark "
i sent to the Camera360 developer , hope he see it
ok , here's exactly what i need , see this photo :
the explain in my last posts , hope it's clear now

help needed. problem in viewing images.

Hi all. First of all sorry for posting in wrong thread but i could nt find help from.any where so asking here i know u people r genius and helping I iust bought htc radar and every thing is fine. Camera is excellent but i have one problem that when i take picture and then swipe back to have a look on it and/or when viewing through gallery it looks very dark and noisy but as i pinch to zoom the picture whether a little or more.zoom it immediatly becomes clear. I have tried much times with different settings but same problem i have installed latest software update also. I know very gud but what is the problem?' is that a software problem? What is the possible solution? Pictures should be looked crisp and.clear like all other phone shows in galery. Thanks alot
Any idea plzz?

