help needed. problem in viewing images. - Nokia Lumia 800

Hi all. First of all sorry for posting in wrong thread but i could nt find help from.any where so asking here i know u people r genius and helping I iust bought htc radar and every thing is fine. Camera is excellent but i have one problem that when i take picture and then swipe back to have a look on it and/or when viewing through gallery it looks very dark and noisy but as i pinch to zoom the picture whether a little or more.zoom it immediatly becomes clear. I have tried much times with different settings but same problem i have installed latest software update also. I know very gud but what is the problem?' is that a software problem? What is the possible solution? Pictures should be looked crisp and.clear like all other phone shows in galery. Thanks alot

Any idea plzz?


Camera Zoom is unavailable When Upgraded to WM2003 SE??

Hi guys! I'm new here. I've tried the upgrade posted here for my xdaII to xdaIIs with the WM2003 SE. Unfortunately, the camera zoom capability has been lost. I've searched for solutions in the threads but, can't find one. Or maybe just haven't seen it. Can anyone help me with this please?
Thanks in advance!
Additional info:
The zoom works in VIDEO mode but for PHOTO mode it doesn't...
What picture size do you have set up for the camera? If it's the largest selectable one then you won't be able to zoom...when you try and zoom does it make a noise or does it do nothing?
Thanks for the reply... I just realized checking the size because you asked about it. It was indeed on the "Large" setting. When I tried lowering to medium and small, the zoom worked! Though I'm not sure if it zooms as many times as it did before but, I'm happy I have zoom anyway so it's ok.
Thanks again! Your question did the trick...
digital zoom is a scam you can just do it yourself with most image viewers and editors both on pocketpc's and on pc's or whatever
True, good point.. Thanks...
Helps somewhat though... But, yes, I agree, working on it straight off of a good image viewer does a better job.

[Q] Software to edit photo

Hi,!!! sorry for my english..
i'm italian and i don't speek very well the english..
I find a software for my HTC HD2 for edit or travesty a photo..
anythings alike a facewarp for symbian...but i have a WM...
i hope that someone help me...
thanks to all...
see this thread:
thanks for a fast reply...
but there aren't software that i find...
i find a program for take a picture with frames, or take a cartoon...
Do you understand me??
a program alike facewarp for symbian...
thanks a lot..
don't know face warp or what it does, sorry.
did you look at what i posted?
paint now:
pocket picture:
they seem to be able to do more than add frames, but don't really know! other than that, good luck!
thanks however...
but they aren't that i find...
i hope that someone else help me...
are you looking for an app that will allow you to take a picture with the camera and then edit it so you can for example: make the nose bigger, make the face look fatter/ thinner, massive ears, etc etc?
i dont know of an app like this for the HD2. but will keep an eye out. cant see anyone developoing it though as its just a 'bit of fun' app as apposed to proper photo edit software.
thanks for a reply..yes i find a software "to take a picture with the camera and then edit it so you can for example: make the nose bigger, make the face look fatter/ thinner, massive ears, etc etc?"
If you me...
aaaabbb said:
thanks for a reply..yes i find a software "to take a picture with the camera and then edit it so you can for example: make the nose bigger, make the face look fatter/ thinner, massive ears, etc etc?"
If you me...
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As I know, FaceWarp is a java application, made for the SE devices, but forunatelly it has been ported to other - java-supported - handsets.
As the HD2 supports the java, you can easily download the .jad or .jar file, and after you copied it to your device, you'll be able to use it without any installation process. I'm not sure that the software will work, but a worth a try I think.
I was looking for it, but unluckily I haven't found a version with 800x480 resolution, the biggest one I found is in 400*240, so you may not use it in fullscreen...
Thanks for the interest, but face warl don't work on htc hd2..
i find a program alike it...if exists ....
aaaabbb said:
thanks for a reply..yes i find a software "to take a picture with the camera and then edit it so you can for example: make the nose bigger, make the face look fatter/ thinner, massive ears, etc etc?"
If you me...
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give this a try, ive not used it but looks liek what ure after.
Not Found
The requested URL /downloadi.asp was not found on this server.
the download's link is incorrect...
it's impossible that not exsist....
aaaabbb said:
it's impossible that not exsist....
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There's one in marketplace called Imagewarper - no idea how good it is but it looks like it works on an hd2
Looks like it might be fun. there used to be an amazing program on the pc called powergoo which did this - great fun turning your friends faces in to caricatures.
try Resco Photo Manager Pro? it's worth it

Full Screen Incoming Call Contact Picture/ICS

Hello all, just updated my to ATT/ICS last week and thought this feature was to be included in the 4.0? After searching here for a bit I can't find any info. Wondering is there a way to do this with out rooting the phone or running a different launcher. TIA
SportsFans said:
Hello all, just updated my to ATT/ICS last week and thought this feature was to be included in the 4.0? After searching here for a bit I can't find any info. Wondering is there a way to do this with out rooting the phone or running a different launcher. TIA
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that feature is available on Google's version of ICS, which is AOSP, but also in AOKP/CM9, I have AoCP from The Collective Team and I have full screen caller id, if you're running stock , well that's AT&T/Samsung's fault for not adding it to their dialer, you can try this app out and see if you like it, I don't think you need root for it or anything else. good luck
Hey thanks roloracer, this is kinda a no brainer Att Ics? Coming from a windows phone and boy that feature looks just great. Every day I'm getting closer to the ROOT of the matter. Thanks again.
Related question, but backwards.
How would you disable this feature?
Looked through all the options I can find in CM9 (h0tw1r3, not the official CM9) and can't find anything about it.
I don't have contact pictures for 75% of my contacts, and the ones I do have are seemingly tiny images that look terrible on the Note full screen.
cforceleritas said:
Related question, but backwards.
How would you disable this feature?
Looked through all the options I can find in CM9 (h0tw1r3, not the official CM9) and can't find anything about it.
I don't have contact pictures for 75% of my contacts, and the ones I do have are seemingly tiny images that look terrible on the Note full screen.
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the moment someone woudl sync with google .. there server saves the pics very samll so it woudl look bad for everyoneanyway.. thatfeature has been present on htc devices for a long time and i had a mod on my previous samsung phone rom to allow big pictures full res ,but you woudl have to NOT sync google contacts automaticallly and save them to vcard on your phone so you can reload the full res pictures , this issue has been on going since the first android device go look at google 's error reports youll see tht threads is thousands of pages ppl com:laugh::laugh::laughlaining .
thanks for info ..........yes I was wondering , if there is a way to do this eg > lower the resolution of pic ( thus able to add bigger size for display on Ausoem note screen)
will that maybe solve this issue?
<< this feature was one of Major reasons why I went from ICS stock to another ROM from Xda forum>>
I find stock ICS from att =has several things lacking and a MAJOR DISSPOINTMENT
>> thanks in adnace > love your mods and work !

Xperia P video problem

Hi guys a found a very annoying problem when i upgraded my devices (Xperia P) firmware to Android 4.1.2 Build number: 6.2.A.1.00
The problem is that when i play embbeded videos and go full screen there was no control bar anymore. The pause/play and the seek
bar was also removed. Before the update everything worked perfectly then. I have tried using different browsers like chrome dolphin and even
the stock
How to produce issue
1. Go to a site (any site even Youtube!) with a video
2. hit the fullscreen button
There was this guy who reported it to sony but he also did not get any answers ( Sony said that it was the websites fault). These are the pics from him:
New fullscreen
Old full screen
Thanks for answering in advance
sorry if i posted this wrong since im new here
Hey, have you found any fix for it? I've always thought it was Opera's fault, lol!
Guys, are us the only ones with this kind of problem?
Here is the picture from Sony's thread, I could not manage to take one from my phone
Does anyone have any idea of where I should look into to solve this matter? Frameworks?

Contact profile photo problem - Need help here

Sry if it's the wrong section of the forum but I got an annoying problem and I cna't solve it...
I synced all my contacts with their facebook profile picture (I had to do some of the manually but that's not the problem...)
The problem is that I DON'T SEE FACES! I mean, My HTC One SV had decided to dedicate just a quarter of the screen to the ID photo so when I get a call or I look at them on the contact list I just see chests and bellies!!! Not a single face!!! And I can't even center to photo manually!!!!
I've tried some programs like: BIG SCREEN CALLER or something like that but: 1- they don't work cos you can't click on the answer button 2- they consume lot of precious battery juice,... Any help here?

