Camera Zoom is unavailable When Upgraded to WM2003 SE?? - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

Hi guys! I'm new here. I've tried the upgrade posted here for my xdaII to xdaIIs with the WM2003 SE. Unfortunately, the camera zoom capability has been lost. I've searched for solutions in the threads but, can't find one. Or maybe just haven't seen it. Can anyone help me with this please?
Thanks in advance!

Additional info:
The zoom works in VIDEO mode but for PHOTO mode it doesn't...

What picture size do you have set up for the camera? If it's the largest selectable one then you won't be able to zoom...when you try and zoom does it make a noise or does it do nothing?

Thanks for the reply... I just realized checking the size because you asked about it. It was indeed on the "Large" setting. When I tried lowering to medium and small, the zoom worked! Though I'm not sure if it zooms as many times as it did before but, I'm happy I have zoom anyway so it's ok.
Thanks again! Your question did the trick...

digital zoom is a scam you can just do it yourself with most image viewers and editors both on pocketpc's and on pc's or whatever

True, good point.. Thanks...
Helps somewhat though... But, yes, I agree, working on it straight off of a good image viewer does a better job.


Graphics not as good with the 2.3.2 ROM

Graphics are a bit blurrier with the 2.3.2 ROM vs. the latests Sprint ROM. Is there anyway to fix this?
Turn off ClearType?
How do you turn it off?
Advance config allowed me to change it a bit - which helped. But its still not as clear.
Setting/System/Screen/Cleat type tab
Thats it! It looks great now. Thanks.
Hmmmm...didn't really notice a difference. Are you looking at any particular program and seeing the improvement?
I won't use my PPC without clear type. Many turn it off because they say it makes text blurry. I thought the same thing when I first tried it, but after getting used to it I can't go back. It also makes small text readable, so I can zoom out of web pages in opera and still read the text.

Zoom doesn't work on Hero Browser

Hi All,
I've been searching the whole forums and looks like everyone else got no problem except mine.
I can't use multi-touch or double tap to either zoom in or out on Hero browser. When I use two fingers to squeeze in, the brower was squeezed in. But, it'll back to normal when I released.
The font size is too small. I changed text size in properties but, it doesn't change apparently. Even after refresh the page.... it's still the super small font.
It doesn't have zoom functions in properties either.
Should I send my Hero to service center after 2 days of use.
I live in singapore and just bought it 2 days ago. I've been logging into this forum for so many times to find answer about android.
Really thinking of exchanging with HTC Diamond 2.
I was Omnia user previously and Hero doesn't turn out to be the way I want.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks all.
Are you on a mobile website?
I have found the infos by watching one youtube clip. I used to surf only mobile webs and it can't be zoomed. Thus, I tried to surf destop version of Yahoo! and boom it can zoom by multi-touch.
But, it's really small font to see for mobile websites. Text size in properties doesn't change the view either.
To JBNAquatics: If you don't want to help, just skip my post. Your msg helps no one.
first of all don't be rude cause what you said about JBNAquatics is plain rude! second mobile website are just the mobile versions of the website for example if you go to urbandictionary on your phone and look at the url when viewing it in your hero you'll see << that is the mobile version that has been optimized to be view on mobile phone and you can't multi touch it, to stop viewing websites in there mobile versions youu'll need to do this
open the browser/menu/more/setting/ untick mobile view
To JBNAquatics: So sorry. I misinterpret your msg. Yeah, I was on mobile site. I thought you were trying to insult me as if I was saying sth wrong on my first post. After kalairn posted, then, I realised what you were trying to ask.
Thank you, kalairn.
What I was trying to say is that in Omina, I can still zoom in and out even when I view mobile version sites. But, Hero lacks in it.
But, anyway, I think I have to bear with this small font in Hero as long as I'm using it.
hmmmm text size hmmmm, well to increase the text size you'll need to do this
open the browser/menu/more/setting/ scroll down to text size
Hopefully this will make it more comfortable for you
Just check, in your post you said 'Squeezed in', in the hero this is zooming out (move your fingers closer together). to zoom in move your fingers away from each other.
I know you might flame me for that but just checking.
barryallott said:
Just check, in your post you said 'Squeezed in', in the hero this is zooming out (move your fingers closer together). to zoom in move your fingers away from each other.
I know you might flame me for that but just checking.
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That is actually a good point to make since it does fit the description but I highly doubt Daniel does not know the difference.
barryallott said:
Just check, in your post you said 'Squeezed in', in the hero this is zooming out (move your fingers closer together). to zoom in move your fingers away from each other.
I know you might flame me for that but just checking.
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Yeah... That was what I was trying to say... Just don't know how to put this in words...
Sorry for my poor english...
kalairn said:
hmmmm text size hmmmm, well to increase the text size you'll need to do this
open the browser/menu/more/setting/ scroll down to text size
Hopefully this will make it more comfortable for you
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Okie... I played around and found out another thing.
For mobile site, there isn't anyway to change text size since it's already optimized for mobile.
The test size does make difference only on desktop version sites.
Thanks all... I think I need to play with my Hero for another 1 or 2 weeks to know better how it works.

[Q] Software to edit photo

Hi,!!! sorry for my english..
i'm italian and i don't speek very well the english..
I find a software for my HTC HD2 for edit or travesty a photo..
anythings alike a facewarp for symbian...but i have a WM...
i hope that someone help me...
thanks to all...
see this thread:
thanks for a fast reply...
but there aren't software that i find...
i find a program for take a picture with frames, or take a cartoon...
Do you understand me??
a program alike facewarp for symbian...
thanks a lot..
don't know face warp or what it does, sorry.
did you look at what i posted?
paint now:
pocket picture:
they seem to be able to do more than add frames, but don't really know! other than that, good luck!
thanks however...
but they aren't that i find...
i hope that someone else help me...
are you looking for an app that will allow you to take a picture with the camera and then edit it so you can for example: make the nose bigger, make the face look fatter/ thinner, massive ears, etc etc?
i dont know of an app like this for the HD2. but will keep an eye out. cant see anyone developoing it though as its just a 'bit of fun' app as apposed to proper photo edit software.
thanks for a reply..yes i find a software "to take a picture with the camera and then edit it so you can for example: make the nose bigger, make the face look fatter/ thinner, massive ears, etc etc?"
If you me...
aaaabbb said:
thanks for a reply..yes i find a software "to take a picture with the camera and then edit it so you can for example: make the nose bigger, make the face look fatter/ thinner, massive ears, etc etc?"
If you me...
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As I know, FaceWarp is a java application, made for the SE devices, but forunatelly it has been ported to other - java-supported - handsets.
As the HD2 supports the java, you can easily download the .jad or .jar file, and after you copied it to your device, you'll be able to use it without any installation process. I'm not sure that the software will work, but a worth a try I think.
I was looking for it, but unluckily I haven't found a version with 800x480 resolution, the biggest one I found is in 400*240, so you may not use it in fullscreen...
Thanks for the interest, but face warl don't work on htc hd2..
i find a program alike it...if exists ....
aaaabbb said:
thanks for a reply..yes i find a software "to take a picture with the camera and then edit it so you can for example: make the nose bigger, make the face look fatter/ thinner, massive ears, etc etc?"
If you me...
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give this a try, ive not used it but looks liek what ure after.
Not Found
The requested URL /downloadi.asp was not found on this server.
the download's link is incorrect...
it's impossible that not exsist....
aaaabbb said:
it's impossible that not exsist....
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There's one in marketplace called Imagewarper - no idea how good it is but it looks like it works on an hd2
Looks like it might be fun. there used to be an amazing program on the pc called powergoo which did this - great fun turning your friends faces in to caricatures.
try Resco Photo Manager Pro? it's worth it

help needed. problem in viewing images.

Hi all. First of all sorry for posting in wrong thread but i could nt find help from.any where so asking here i know u people r genius and helping I iust bought htc radar and every thing is fine. Camera is excellent but i have one problem that when i take picture and then swipe back to have a look on it and/or when viewing through gallery it looks very dark and noisy but as i pinch to zoom the picture whether a little or more.zoom it immediatly becomes clear. I have tried much times with different settings but same problem i have installed latest software update also. I know very gud but what is the problem?' is that a software problem? What is the possible solution? Pictures should be looked crisp and.clear like all other phone shows in galery. Thanks alot
Any idea plzz?

S9+ - no more video recording button after Pie Update ?!

Hello S9+ Fans,
yesterday I updated my S9+ to Android Pie. Lots of new, nice things.
But in the new camera app the video recording button is no longer available. You have to FIRST switch to video mode and them press recording button. To have two buttons, one for Photos and one for videos was a brilliant, very much loved thing. As when you are 'in action' you simply can decide with one click what you aim to do, without priorly having to switch the modes !
Does anybody know how to get the second button back ?
I am even extremely thinking about bringing the old camera app back if it is not possible with the new one. Is there any way to do this please ?
Sorry if I might have overseen a thread handling this already.
Kind regards
Any fix for this?
First they took out dual camera mode then these "dual shooting buttons"... and moved the clock to the left whyyy samsung??!! Not happy with the Android 9 pie s9 s9+ plus update.
Moving the clock was a Google decision, not Samsung's.
mrnamster said:
Any fix for this?
First they took out dual camera mode then these "dual shooting buttons"... and moved the clock to the left whyyy samsung??!! Not happy with the Android 9 pie s9 s9+ plus update.
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mrnamster said:
Any fix for this?
First they took out dual camera mode then these "dual shooting buttons"... and moved the clock to the left whyyy samsung??!! Not happy with the Android 9 pie s9 s9+ plus update.
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Are you referring to the floating shutter button? Settings, Shooting Methods, Floating Shutter Button.
mjones73 said:
Are you referring to the floating shutter button? Settings, Shooting Methods, Floating Shutter Button.
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I think he meant camera and video button side by side. I still got them on galaxy camera.
zac_df1 said:
Hello S9+ Fans,
yesterday I updated my S9+ to Android Pie. Lots of new, nice things.
But in the new camera app the video recording button is no longer available. You have to FIRST switch to video mode and them press recording button. To have two buttons, one for Photos and one for videos was a brilliant, very much loved thing. As when you are 'in action' you simply can decide with one click what you aim to do, without priorly having to switch the modes !
Does anybody know how to get the second button back ?
I am even extremely thinking about bringing the old camera app back if it is not possible with the new one. Is there any way to do this please ?
Sorry if I might have overseen a thread handling this already.
Kind regards
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The real fail here is the manual video mode removal :silly:
Very stupid decision
This change is a minor annoyance and I'll adjust but it is an annoyance none the less...
I wonder what the thinking was here? Surely no one can consider this an improvement..
This is a freaking useless change and it's totally impractical. Nobody asked for this stupid change and yet, as usual, Samsung decided to implement it...
With android, you just root and change whatever you want. Or use another application suitable.
sarjarim said:
With android, you just root and change whatever you want. Or use another application suitable.
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Yeah but that's not the point. + with Samsung, if you want to use most of the Knox features, root is a no go.
The point is that a software update removes a feature, which is not only useless but also detrimental to the user.
Hey, at least I can find the video mode now because it says the word "video". I had to spend 10 minutes on google to discover how the hell to record video the first time I wanted to do it on my s9+ because there wasn't anything anywhere that looked like it would make video.
Claghorn said:
Hey, at least I can find the video mode now because it says the word "video". I had to spend 10 minutes on google to discover how the hell to record video the first time I wanted to do it on my s9+ because there wasn't anything anywhere that looked like it would make video.
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.......and therein lies your answer to why things like this happen...
I'm sure a number of people in this boat complained to Samsung the first time around and so they removed this useful feature.
This is why we can't have nice things...LOL!
We live in a planet full of morons. I can't believe that there are people that they need to see the word "video" to understand the place of the function, but can't understand the red dot, the international symbol for video recording. You are so right, we are doomed to never have good things on this planet.
jimlucas said:
We live in a planet full of morons. I can't believe that there are people that they need to see the word "video" to understand the place of the function, but can't understand the red dot, the international symbol for video recording. You are so right, we are doomed to never have good things on this planet.
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I'd rather hear his complaint than the ones that can't get used to companies changing things. What's the term I'm looking for? Adapt other die? No, that's to harsh and don't wish death. Get used to it? I don't think that's clear enough. Maybe people should just stop recording things, I mean, if someone did that to you you'd tell them to stop. No, you won't be YouTube rich any time soon kids, sorry
why do we have to get used to "changes from companies" that downgrade the abilities of our phones? You must be trolling, there s no other excuse of your unreasoning way of thinking.
Is there any way to install the old camera still having the two buttons ?
Does anybody have a link to download the app please?
I do see the positive other changes, but rather would use the old version to get my two buttons back.
your only practical choice may be installing a third party video camera app from the play store.
tobegone said:
your only practical choice may be installing a third party video camera app from the play store.
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This is not an option for me as it would put me in an even worse situation. Samsung's camera uses the camera at its most. Any other app has not that brilliant pics + vids with that device.
So does anybody know how to bring back the Android 8 cam on S9+ having Android 9 installed ?
Thank you in advance.
jimlucas said:
We live in a planet full of morons. I can't believe that there are people that they need to see the word "video" to understand the place of the function, but can't understand the red dot, the international symbol for video recording. You are so right, we are doomed to never have good things on this planet.
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This was no red dot, not until you first found the obscure and utterly meaningless red-dotless icon that switched from camera to video mode. That's what I spent 10 minutes on google looking for the first time I tried to record video.
jimlucas said:
why do we have to get used to "changes from companies" that downgrade the abilities of our phones? You must be trolling, there s no other excuse of your unreasoning way of thinking.
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Nothing got "downgraded."

