[Q] Changing Android OS Language from English -> Korean - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey guys I just bought a Motorola G for my mother-in-law and the entire OS language is in English. However, her primary and preferred language is Korean, NOT English, how can I change the system language in Android from English to Korean for her? Just to clarify, I do not mean, how can I change her text-input language, I've already set up her phone to be able to type in Korean, I am wondering if anyone knew how I could change her entire system language into Korean so that all notifications, boxes, texts, information, etc. is presented in Korean.
She's on Android 4.3 but there's an OTA to 4.4 that I haven't downloaded yet. Would I just need to get my hands on a Korean Android 4.4 and flash it onto the system?


installing more languages on the Eastern version

Hey folks,
wanted to ask if there is a way to add another display language to my device. the ones i can select are English and Chinese. i wanted to add Spanish, Italian and German.
Any ideas?
has anyone tried to flash the Euro-RU on such a device ?

[Q] Can't change system language

Dear Pals,
My note 2 (Android 4.3) is in English and I want to change the operating language into Turkish but my note 2 wouldn't allow me to do that. It just displays some local languages. Any help will be very much appreciated.
PS: I'm not yet rooted. wouldn't prefer to do that.

[Q] HELP TCL S960+ how to remove chinese letters on the lockscreen, Alarm...

Hi everybody,
I got a problem, i have a TCL S960+ imported from china. All is right but i have a problem with the language. I'm french and the phone got only English/Chinese. Its a LEWA OS 5. So, i want to hold english language on this phone (for the settings). But i want to have all apps in french. For that, i used Morelocal2 to set French. So, sinds i used morelocal2, the date on the lockscreen is in chinese and the "slide to unlock" on the alarm too.
Before i used morelocal2, the lockscreen was in english...
To conclude, i would like to get all settings in english(without chinese letters) and all the apps in french.
I think i have to modify datas in the intern files of android... File like "main.xls", i don't know...
i precise, my phone is rooted.
Thanks very much and sorry for my bad english.

how to change system / menu / everything language to spanish?

I want to change system/menu/everything language to Spanish and spanish is not installed in this phone,
I have tried rooting the phone and then I installed 'system locale' and other apps from app store and then I installed spanish language but still the system language is in english,
What to do? please help
Phone -> Samsung Samsung Galaxy S3 I747 16GB
Thank you

Cm 13 language and fonts

I had a question that might be rare to you guys. I am a Chinese user, setting language as English (UK). in cm 12.1, I used to replace DroidSansFallback.ttf under system/fonts to change Chinese font.
In cm 13, under system/fonts, DroidSansFallback.ttf is no longer there. NotoSansTC-Regular.otf and NotoSansSC-Regular.otf are there instead. (Note: TC and SC stand for traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese)
I changed both of them, and they work only under phone language being set to Chinese. When phone language is set in English, the Chinese font remains unchanged.
My questions are, where does the Chinese font come from when phone language is English?? is there anywhere else in the phone that stored fonts other than system/fonts?
Is this question too particular thus no one knows? If i want to change the English font, which one is the correct one?

